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I'm going to apply for a triple entry visa in Boston .I know for sure I can obtain it.. I booked a one way flight. In the past I always had a round trip ticket.But I'm wondering if this is ok? I was waiting for my daughter to set her wedding date and then book my flight back to the USA while I was in Thailand. Before I send it in do you think I'll still be able to do this with a one way ? I would appreciate your comments ?


One way tickets are okay with immigration but sometimes the airlines don't like it. If you get refused entry into the country you travel too, its the airline who have to returned you. If you have a oneway ticket they will be out of pocket. There are a lot of replies to these type of posts through thai visa stating the same.

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if you get the visa, a one way ticket shouldn't be a problem. You could get some grief from the airlina, but if you do ask to speak to a supervisor. Since the Boston Consulate has no info on their webpage other than address, telephone number and e-mail, I would call them, explain your intent, and see if they have a problen issuing the visa with a one way tcket. If they do you could get one via courier service from the Consulate in Portland. They have been very friendly in the past. Here's their info:

Visa application porcedures, Portland Oregon.doc

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If you get the visa, a one way ticket should'nt be a problem. The airline might give you some grief, if they do ask to speak to a supervisor. Since the website for Boston has no info other thanaddress, telephone number and email, I would call them, explain your intent, and see if they have a problem issuing a visa with a one way ticket. If they do you could always apply via courier at the Consulate in Portland. They have been friendly in the past. Here's their info:Visa application porcedures, Portland Oregon.doc


The information given by wayned is spot-on. Use the interactive website http://www.staralliance.com/en/services/visa-and-health/ to get information from the IATA website that your airline consults when you check in for your flight, if they bother to do so. It says clearly that you need evidence of an onward flight out of Thailand only if you don't have a visa.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



If you get the visa, a one way ticket should'nt be a problem. The airline might give you some grief, if they do ask to speak to a supervisor. Since the website for Boston has no info other thanaddress, telephone number and email, I would call them, explain your intent, and see if they have a problem issuing a visa with a one way ticket. If they do you could always apply via courier at the Consulate in Portland. They have been friendly in the past. Here's their info:attachicon.gifVisa application porcedures, Portland Oregon.doc

Hi your not understanding the question "Is the consul going to issue a triple because thats what I want and Iv'e got in the past with a round trip ticket.The only difference now is the one way????? Also every time I fill in the IATA questions it always comes out negative. I'm interested in if the "consul" will issue my triple entry visa on a one way flight when I apply??


Have you had to show a ticket out when you applied for a visa before at Boston?

I suspect no. The honorary consulates normally do not ask for them.

If they did ask for a ticket out it does not have to be a return ticket it can be an onward ticket to anywhere.

You can buy a one way ticket to some nearby countries that are so cheap you could through it away and not loose a lot of money.

As far a traveling on a one way ticket it will not be a problem because you will have a visa.

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Like I said, pick up the telephone or send them an email and ask them direct. If they say no, apply via courier in Portland.


if you get the visa, a one way ticket shouldn't be a problem. You could get some grief from the airlina, but if you do ask to speak to a supervisor. Since the Boston Consulate has no info on their webpage other than address, telephone number and e-mail, I would call them, explain your intent, and see if they have a problen issuing the visa with a one way tcket. If they do you could get one via courier service from the Consulate in Portland. They have been very friendly in the past. Here's their info:

attachicon.gifVisa application porcedures, Portland Oregon.doc

Boston Consulate..., Talk to Jean Arthur.


One way tickets are okay with immigration but sometimes the airlines don't like it. If you get refused entry into the country you travel too, its the airline who have to returned you. If you have a oneway ticket they will be out of pocket. There are a lot of replies to these type of posts through thai visa stating the same.

This is not necessarily correct. The airline can be asked to return you, but does not have to. What can happen in this instance is that you are left in the airport and have to buy your way out or sleep on a bench. I love things Thai but their furniture is not comfortable. Unless you're a monk, and you're not.

It is unlikely to happen in Thailand and one reason their tourism is so abundant.

Myself and others I know have travelled in and out of Thailand for years on one way tickets, and get visas on arrival with an explanation you buy your tickets there, that's if you're asked for an explanaton. It is true that immigration can refuse you if you don't have a ticket out or a paid visa, however to my knowledge it is rarely enforced, unless an individual officer takes a dislike to you. Many entries in your records probably also helps with this.


One way tickets are okay with immigration but sometimes the airlines don't like it. If you get refused entry into the country you travel too, its the airline who have to returned you. If you have a oneway ticket they will be out of pocket. There are a lot of replies to these type of posts through thai visa stating the same.

This is not necessarily correct. The airline can be asked to return you, but does not have to. What can happen in this instance is that you are left in the airport and have to buy your way out or sleep on a bench. I love things Thai but their furniture is not comfortable. Unless you're a monk, and you're not.

It is unlikely to happen in Thailand and one reason their tourism is so abundant.

Myself and others I know have travelled in and out of Thailand for years on one way tickets, and get visas on arrival with an explanation you buy your tickets there, that's if you're asked for an explanaton. It is true that immigration can refuse you if you don't have a ticket out or a paid visa, however to my knowledge it is rarely enforced, unless an individual officer takes a dislike to you. Many entries in your records probably also helps with this.

A passenger must comply with the documents entry requirement for the country he is traveling too. If he does not meet those requirements, such as not having a valid passport, valid visa or proof of onward travel the airline can be fined and is required to transport the person back to the point of origin. There is nothing volunteering about that.

However, if a person holds all valid required documents and is still denied entry, than the airline is not at fault and cannot be fined or made to return to passenger on their expense.


I've done it a dozen or more times and NEVER ever had even a hint of a problem. I normally fly on United mileage plus tickets and only get one way as not sure of return dates. Neither the consulate or the airline or anyone ever said a word.


I've done it a dozen or more times and NEVER ever had even a hint of a problem. I normally fly on United mileage plus tickets and only get one way as not sure of return dates. Neither the consulate or the airline or anyone ever said a word.

Hi,What country are you from? What visa did you apply for? I already purchased my one way leaving out of Los Angeles on Malaysian Airliine. I will be applying for a triple entry tourist visa.with the Boston consul within 10 days of my departure date. My concern was with the consulate, Will she want in the documents I send along with my Application,passport,pictures and check a return or onward ticket.I'm really not concerned with the Airlines.


There's a very simple way to solve the problem, buy a refundable ticket out of Thailand and cancel it when you're there. I've been originating my roundtrips in Thailand for the last few years and have only once been asked about it and that was at a United counter in SFO. I explained how I work it and the supervisor was okay with it. She could have screwed me though if she had a mind to.


I've done it a dozen or more times and NEVER ever had even a hint of a problem. I normally fly on United mileage plus tickets and only get one way as not sure of return dates. Neither the consulate or the airline or anyone ever said a word.

Hi,What country are you from? What visa did you apply for? I already purchased my one way leaving out of Los Angeles on Malaysian Airliine. I will be applying for a triple entry tourist visa.with the Boston consul within 10 days of my departure date. My concern was with the consulate, Will she want in the documents I send along with my Application,passport,pictures and check a return or onward ticket.I'm really not concerned with the Airlines.

American...never had anyone at the consulate or airline or immigration ever say a word about me having a one way "ticket"....never. I used to get triple entry tourist just as you are talking about....but I dealt with Honolulu thai consulate so maybe boston is different ...just ask them if you're worried?


My original post was

"I'm going to apply for a triple entry visa in Boston .I know for sure I can obtain it.. I booked a one way flight. In the past I always had a round trip ticket.But I'm wondering if this is ok? I was waiting for my daughter to set her wedding date and then book my flight back to the USA while I was in Thailand. Before I send it in do you think I'll still be able to do this with a one way ? I would appreciate your comments ?"

I took the suggestions of a few members to call the Thai Consul in Boston and talk to Jean.I explained to her that I'm applying for a triple entry visa and that my daughter is getting married in the USA but hasn't set a date yet,and more then likely it would be while I was in Thailand .I said I booked a one way ticket ,Jean said I can't do that.I must have some sort of return ticket back and she said the airlines won't let me fly .The plot thickens she suggested I obtain a "open ended ticket". I googled this and basically not every airline does this and the one's that do are 50-100% more then a regular economy ticket .I'm not about to do that.Comments please.

Oh! there's more, I started off by calling the LA Thai Embassy,about if I could apply for a triple entry visa.They said they were only issuing double entries.I called the Boston consul and asked Jean she said she grants triple entries,but why don't you just get your visa from LA since your going to be there.I said they only issue up to a double,She said "that's strange" Why! I said they wouldn't tell me. Also the Boston Consul has a web site but just gives a email address.I called her back with questions about if I need to go back to the states do I have to use one of entries she said of course. The other was where to get a application she directed me to the Washington D.C. site .One of the requirements for the Tourist Visa is a copy of the round trip ticket or Itinerary . OMG!!


With a valid visa no return ticket is necessary. One cannot be refused to board. If that was the case than nobody could be sure of anything while traveling. A visa allows you to travel towards the country you applied the visa for.


With a valid visa no return ticket is necessary. One cannot be refused to board. If that was the case than nobody could be sure of anything while traveling. A visa allows you to travel towards the country you applied the visa for.

I just want to adhere to the requirements.each airlines says the documents and requirements are suppose to be followed before someone can board. and that they can refuse someone for not following them. Its the passengers responsibility provide the necessary visa,passport and tickets etc....

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