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Thai monk had 10 bank accounts with daily transactions of Bt2m


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20 million per day geez where can I sign up? There is good money in begging alms.

You do not understand this money is for the poor. This Misses tell me this Monk helps everyone who is poor even Farangs I say Europe and America need more great Monks like him

That same Misses probably also tells you that Thaksin is helping the poor farmers.

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I would have thought that the ***Thai language removed***/attendant would handle money?

To do otherwise raises a question about his practice and motive.

Edited by metisdead
English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.
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This is funny.

They want to get off the international banks money laundering list, and the first people they catch are a couple odd car importers and a monk.

Yes! And of course, no bankers will be charged, even investigated.

Yes, and where's AMLO and the banking authorities been for the (presumably) years that this guy has been operating like this... not to mention all the various Buddhist organizations that NOW have decided to investigate this guy and his excesses.... whistling.gif

Glad to see this guy wasn't being burdened by his worldly possessions... bah.gif

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What a shame this is to the monks who takes their vows seriously and devote their lives to helping other people.

I bet he doesn`t have that smile on his face today. coffee1.gif

Edited by Espen
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He seems to have spent a fair amount of that 20 million on lipstick.

Do you need to understand and be kind...He is a poor monk with double personality syndrome...In his other life... he is just a rich lady boy...

whistling.gif This explains it....I apologize for my sceptical posts....how spiritual he must be to able to live two lives at once....I do have a friend that professes to possess five different female personalities but I suspect they are all just the same old slut who changes dresses often....I've also wondered, if one of them gets the clap; do they all drip and burn? Well, I think that's enough serious thought for the evening....time to watch a nice relaxing soap opera. w00t.gif

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What a shame this is to the monks who takes their wows seriously and devote their lives to helping other people.

I bet he doesn`t have that smile on his face today. coffee1.gif

I imagine most of the monks take their wows seriously! cheesy.gif

Lol, *vows clap2.gif

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No wonder he has ten bank accounts. It's hard to stuff 2m baht in your begging bowl.

Sorry, but is stuff like this and the jet setting monks that are going to destroy whatever credibility the Thai Theravada Sangha has left.

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Try telling a Thai the monks are ripping them off, they will not acept what you say and keep collecting money for them in those white envelopes.

I remember many years ago, as a young bloke in Manila, with Filippina girlfriend. She eventually got around to asking me one day what my religion was. I told her I was born CofE, the equivalent of Inglesia Ni Christo (spelling) in the PI.

She was horrified! She said that the Inglesia Ni Christo were a mob of thieves and all they did was take the people's money.

She was of course, Catholic.

When I laughed and asked, what about the Catholics taking the people's money. It is, after all, the richest organisation in the world. She replied. They don't take our money. We give it to them.

How do you compete with that logic. LOL.

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It's a sad day when a monk who has taken all sorts of vows can't accept generous gifts from devotees who are assured of a better life in the hereafter.

Must be expensive in the hereaftersmile.png are they only accepting quality immigrants?

No they are not accepting any immigrants just quality tourists.

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This is funny.

They want to get off the international banks money laundering list, and the first people they catch are a couple odd car importers and a monk.

Yes! And of course, no bankers will be charged, even investigated.

And as yet, no proof, he has done anything illegal except accepting peoples money.

just questionable. "highly"

plus will he remain a monk.

I think not

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'records of transactions totalling up to Bt20 million per day'

That's over $600k a day! And the AMLO chief says that his bank accounts are being 'monitored'. How long will they be monitored for? It seems that these amount of transactions for a monk, abbot or whatever, are ludicrous figures at best. Why, oh why does a man of 'faith' have such access to so much cash? The truth behind this will no doubt be quite amazing, not for the lies but for how he got away with it for so long.

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It's a sad day when a monk who has taken all sorts of vows can't accept generous gifts from devotees who are assured of a better life in the hereafter.

I think that you are a troll and just taking the pi$$ with the above comment.

Not all, but many of these saffron garbed individuals are drop outs too lazy to get a real job.

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It's a sad day when a monk who has taken all sorts of vows can't accept generous gifts from devotees who are assured of a better life in the hereafter.



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It's a sad day when a monk who has taken all sorts of vows can't accept generous gifts from devotees who are assured of a better life in the hereafter.

Must be expensive in the hereaftersmile.png are they only accepting quality immigrants?

I know where I'll end up so I'm getting mearured for my heat resistant suit

I won't ask you what you've been getting up to.

This monk isn't a mate of yours by chance, is he?rolleyes.gif.

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Thailand, just smoke and mirrors! greed and corruption!

Don't miss a trick to Thai bash

AMLO officials will visit the monastery next week to gather witnesses and the agency will also seek approval for full asset investigation against the monk and his network from the Transaction Committee on July 17, she added

Interesting... giving a fair warning time for covering up his tracks and moving the assets some place else before the "full asset investigation" will start...

I don't think he can do any thing now it would take a pretty stupid banker to allow him to move that much money.

How much does he have if he has ten bank accounts and moves 2moillion baht a day. Is that from each one or a combination.

I would think they had put a freeze on his accounts.

Now there is always the possibility that he has off shore bank accounts.

Are those ivory tusks in the background?

Looks like it to me. Given his life style I can't imagine him with false ones.

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It's a sad day when a monk who has taken all sorts of vows can't accept generous gifts from devotees who are assured of a better life in the hereafter.



RollingOnTheFloorLaughingMyAssOff cheesy.gif

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'records of transactions totalling up to Bt20 million per day'

That's over $600k a day! And the AMLO chief says that his bank accounts are being 'monitored'. How long will they be monitored for? It seems that these amount of transactions for a monk, abbot or whatever, are ludicrous figures at best. Why, oh why does a man of 'faith' have such access to so much cash? The truth behind this will no doubt be quite amazing, not for the lies but for how he got away with it for so long.

And the chances of the real story ever being made public .............. Zero.

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