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Fried chicken takeaway called 'Hitler' opens in Thailand


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it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

No need for Asians to learn about European wars. Europe doesn't teach children about Asian conflicts. In fact, I was never taught anything at all about Hitler or WW2 in the UK, Our history lessons were about stone age, Romans and other boring things. No modern history whatsoever. If I wasn't taught it in the UK, I can't see why Thailand should teach it.

Most Westerners take these Hitler things too seriously. Just a few images. Just a name. It's funny.

You really didn't study modern history at school in the UK?

He was the one in the back row, sleeping

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Just so the luck of the shop owner that Hitler is long dead and will not sue him

for copy rights infringements,, where are the fake copy rights police

when you need them?? Oh yeah, in Pattaya....

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it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

I think the point is they don't care what he did. (In reality neither do I, and neither did Prince Harry of the UK, and the uniforms look pretty snappy)
I'm sorry, but are you really saying you don't care what hitler did?
Don't care at all, nor do I care what Genghis Khan, Slobodan Milosevic, Stalin, the Japanese, the IRA, Pol Pot, et al did.

It's in the past, forgive and forget.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

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Bluespunk, Chiang Mai

Guy's it's Friday night, it's just a thread about some frakking cartoon picture of Col Saunders with Hitlers head on it selling fried chicken. It's not a thread about Global history lessons and the slaughter of millions. Thai kids probably know as much about Hitler as Vicky Pollard knows about the history of Siam, and the only thing most middle age Brits know about the History of Siam is it had something to do with Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr. rolleyes.gif Don't they have a happy hour near where you live?

If you don't want to read this thread, don't let anyone make you, it's your right to not participate, if that's what you choose.

Gim, being a Gentleman you must understand that this issue is very close to the hearts of many people involved on many different levels with history.

When these people will be dead - there will be their children and children of their children.

But even in a thousand years from now 'forgive and forget' like some idiots here suggest is not even a Christian concept. More likely it's 'burn in Hell' for Eternity.

Not being a religious person I am afraid that the chicken and fries offered by Hitler very soon may be overdone... if you know what I mean.

BTW many first meetings of Nazi movement took place in Munchen bars amid heavy beer drinking. Have a long Happy Hour!

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This Nazi/Hitler thing in Thailand is a national disgrace. people all over the world should complain to their embassies and local governments. The Thais habitually use this Nazi/Hitler imagery to sell products and manage high school bands. Not only is it a shame and disgrace for Thailand in and of itself, but they are pirating the imaging of Colonel Sanders superimposed with Hitler's face to sell their imitation Thai fried chicken. The store should be closed down and fined heavily.

Agree 99%. But the 'swastika' sign is thousands of years old. Nazis stole it from the East.

Actually the 'swastika' is a mirrored image of the original

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This Nazi/Hitler thing in Thailand is a national disgrace. people all over the world should complain to their embassies and local governments. The Thais habitually use this Nazi/Hitler imagery to sell products and manage high school bands. Not only is it a shame and disgrace for Thailand in and of itself, but they are pirating the imaging of Colonel Sanders superimposed with Hitler's face to sell their imitation Thai fried chicken. The store should be closed down and fined heavily.

Agree 99%. But the 'swastika' sign is thousands of years old. Nazis stole it from the East.

And this could have something to do with the whole Thailand/ Nazi obsession thing....

We all agree that Thai schools do not teach any western histroy in schools...therefore most likely 99% of the population dont even know who Hitler was or what he did...however what they do see is a "swastika", and before all TV buddists are up in arms, yes I know it symbol was "manipulated/changed under Hitler, however there is still a symbol which would be recognised by the large majority of Thai's

therefore they see a farang with a buddist symbol on his arm..maybe in their minds this was an "alright chap"

for example...someone walking around with a pillow case on their heads and setting fire to crosses is highly offensive to a lot of people, but its highly offense because those people know what it represents...to someone who didnt know..its just a silly man with a pillow case on their heads and a box of match seeting fire to crosses...

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I'm sorry, but are you really saying you don't care what hitler did?
Don't care at all, nor do I care what Genghis Khan, Slobodan Milosevic, Stalin, the Japanese, the IRA, Pol Pot, et al did.

It's in the past, forgive and forget.

Those are pretty strange values, forgiving and forgetting about anything that's ever happened in the past is a license for everyone to do what they please on the basis their action will be forgiven and fogotten moments after it happened. We trust you are unique in this world in havving those values!

I have the same values. What impact does his indifference have on the world? Answer: probably none. Why spend life caring deeply about things you had no part in and cannot change? Isn't that a total waste and completely illogical?

Granted, his indifference does not mean that he agrees (or disagrees) with what those people did and nor does it mean that he is teaching or encouraging others to take his view. I'm really not sure what the problem is.

Edited by PaullyW
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it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

No need for Asians to learn about European wars. Europe doesn't teach children about Asian conflicts. In fact, I was never taught anything at all about Hitler or WW2 in the UK, Our history lessons were about stone age, Romans and other boring things. No modern history whatsoever. If I wasn't taught it in the UK, I can't see why Thailand should teach it.

Most Westerners take these Hitler things too seriously. Just a few images. Just a name. It's funny.

Considering the Japanese and the Germans were on the same side, and Thailand only saved it's ass by capitulating, I think it is quite relevant.

What the Japanese got up to was horrendous also, and if the Japanese and Germans had prevailed, what sort if country do you think we would be living in today? Oh yes, the Japanese would have just let Thailand be Thailand right?

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Disgusting. And yes, clearly a lack of education. Funny thought that I once explained to a biker shop that displayed a huge swastika flag: if this man had his way YOU d be dead! He did not only dislike jews, gypsies, coloured people and handicapped. He also hated Asians. Anything different then the Aryan race. He only made a pact with Japan for convenience.

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"Seems as though KFC is taking them seriously.".......................

Perhaps someone should tell them, don't take something like this too seriously, not in Thailand anyway. Would not be surprised if the restaurant was funded by the PTP to distract peoples' attention from the government self destructing, give them more time to fill their pockets before they all move to Dubai.

I made the mistake of buying some chicken from a chicken joint in Saigon about 7 years ago. It was the Vietnamese version of KFC. Still trying to get the taste out of my mouth.

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I have lived in Ubon Ratchathani for 3 years and we have had two in that time. About a year ago someone must have told them the history and they put a see through piece of pvc over the "it" and called it H-ler. We also have a Pub in Ubon with a almost life size statue of Hitler complete with moving arm in the Hitler fashion and the best is, he has a Ronald McDonald hair style. Amazing!


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You don't care what he did? He killed 6 million Jews.

Don't like Jewish people?

I have lots of words for you, but I can't say them here.

it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

I think the point is they don't care what he did. (In reality neither do I, and neither did Prince Harry of the UK, and the uniforms look pretty snappy)
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" Why spend life caring deeply about things you had no part in and cannot change? Isn't that a total waste and completely illogical?"...................

You have got to be joking ! I tried to imagine a world populated by people who all thought like that, too scary to think about.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

This quote by Edmund Burke is a lot more logical than the crap you came out with.

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I do hope that all those people from the National Office of Buddhism or whatever they call themselves, are preparing to go and complain to this restaurant, with as much anger as they vented about the reclining Buddha statues in Germany.

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I'm sorry, but are you really saying you don't care what hitler did?
Don't care at all, nor do I care what Genghis Khan, Slobodan Milosevic, Stalin, the Japanese, the IRA, Pol Pot, et al did.

It's in the past, forgive and forget.

Those are pretty strange values, forgiving and forgetting about anything that's ever happened in the past is a license for everyone to do what they please on the basis their action will be forgiven and fogotten moments after it happened. We trust you are unique in this world in havving those values!

I have the same values. What impact does his indifference have on the world? Answer: probably none. Why spend life caring deeply about things you had no part in and cannot change? Isn't that a total waste and completely illogical?

Granted, his indifference does not mean that he agrees (or disagrees) with what those people did and nor does it mean that he is teaching or encouraging others to take his view. I'm really not sure what the problem is.

Why do you imagine that the international war crimes court was set up in the Hague and why, so many years after the facts are people being tried there? And why is Isreal still being allowed to identify, deport and try old men of 90 years of age, people who committed crimes in the second world war? It's because society has agreed that people must not be allowed to forget those things nor to escape punishment by virtue of old age or distance. "His indifference" seeks to undermine those principles and that must not be allowed, just because he was poorly or incorrectly educated is no excuse and his not knowing doesn't change history..

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Thailand can do what it wants, If i dont like it, i can leave. end of story for me.

But i can only imagine how this would play to the Thai Tourism industry

if 'fad' caught on in Thailand.whistling.gif

I think you could expect a drop in the EU tourist visiting Thailand.tongue.png

but then again, what do I know?

For me there is a certain ironic aspect to this:

According to the law of the Nazi regime it was not allowed to show Nazi German insignia or even host the swastika flag for any foreigner. And btw under the Arian race policy of Nazi Germany Thais would have been categorized as an inferior race like Africans, Jews, Roma and Sinti etc.

If this would be taught in schools here, maybe the Thais would think different about their admiration for Hitler.

On the other hand- a poll showed more than 40% of Indian students wish to have a person like Hitler to run the subcontinent. That’s what you get when politics get messed up in a society with more than 400 parties.

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"I think the point is they don't care what he did. (In reality neither do I, and neither did Prince Harry of the UK, and the uniforms look pretty snappy)" I saw some history channel or somewhere that Hugo Boss designed their uniforms. I agree, very snappy.

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Disgusting. And yes, clearly a lack of education. Funny thought that I once explained to a biker shop that displayed a huge swastika flag: if this man had his way YOU d be dead! He did not only dislike jews, gypsies, coloured people and handicapped. He also hated Asians. Anything different then the Aryan race. He only made a pact with Japan for convenience.

Its disgusting to you because you know what it represented, nothing to do with a lack of education per se...to the bike shop owner who didnt know what it represented, to him it may have represented a "cool" new buddist symbol...did you ask if he knew before you went off stating he would have been killed...?

you have interpreted things the way you see them...not the way he may see's it...

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I'm sorry, but are you really saying you don't care what hitler did?
Don't care at all, nor do I care what Genghis Khan, Slobodan Milosevic, Stalin, the Japanese, the IRA, Pol Pot, et al did.

It's in the past, forgive and forget.

Those are pretty strange values, forgiving and forgetting about anything that's ever happened in the past is a license for everyone to do what they please on the basis their action will be forgiven and fogotten moments after it happened. We trust you are unique in this world in havving those values!

I have the same values. What impact does his indifference have on the world? Answer: probably none. Why spend life caring deeply about things you had no part in and cannot change? Isn't that a total waste and completely illogical?

Granted, his indifference does not mean that he agrees (or disagrees) with what those people did and nor does it mean that he is teaching or encouraging others to take his view. I'm really not sure what the problem is.


Do not fear the Enemies - the most they can do is kill you. Usually they are not many...

Do not fear the Friends - the worst they can do is betray you. Usually they are not many...

Fear the Indifferent ones - they are a Legion and it is with their silent consent that things like betrayal and killing is possible in this world...

I genuinely regret to waste such wisdom on undeserving half-cast, half-breed half-humans. coffee1.gif

I hope people do not take this as an overblown argument about Chips and Fried Chicken...facepalm.gif

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