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Why can't Thai people look you in the eye?


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I belive Thai people think you want talk with them , but the don't want before loosing the face canot speak English look down or run away!

Cambodia totally different !

Can't speak English = Loosing face? Are you confused?

Dear OP,

Don't look straight in the eyes, it's intrusive for Thais. Instead, try to focus on their face. My teacher taught me to look at nose bridge between 2 eyes or lower forehead.

Edited by Nuna
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Why can't Thai people look you in the eye?

That would mean looking up from the iPad, iPhone, etc. sad.png

And I thought it's something to do with nurture and socialisation into culture... whistling.gif


Surprised to see she isn't on facebook or playing candy crush.
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Why can't Thai people look you in the eye?

That would mean looking up from the iPad, iPhone, etc. sad.png

And I thought it's something to do with nurture and socialisation into culture... whistling.gif


Surprised to see she isn't on facebook or playing candy crush.

I presume you don't use bookface on cowPad . coffee1.gif ...facepalm.gif

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Regards CM specifically--as someone else noted--it's probably the big city thing but I've found people there generally are as friendly, if not more so, than others in this fair kingdom. Try to avoid looking random people in the eye by default, particularly so if you are 10-foot tall, move at speed and look like you've slept in a hedge. It is not natural here, particularly regards Thai males and especially if you are out on the razz... the latter often intimating you have a problem with them and wish to do battle. Thai females, on the other hand, think all farang males are only here for one thing and probably don't wish to 'do battle' with you either. tongue.png

Also be aware that the locals are a lot more receptive to body language and gait, so if you're charging around with your chest out you're likely giving off dodgy vibes.

Try this: go steady and stop grinning at every Tom, Dick and Somchai.

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Well, it's been an interesting array of comments/responses up to this point. Everything from meaningful and insightful to funny to the snide and uninformative. No need for me to identify which comments are which...the commenter and others who responded know which are which. I appreciate all of them.

First, I want to clarify that I don't go around staring at or looking directly in the eyes of others. But I do consider myself friendly and I'm not hesitant/reluctant to give a glance or make eye contact with someone I don't know and give a nod of the head to say hello or outright say "hi". If that's strange or weird, so be it. Like I said in my original post (and some commenters also noted here), when I travel in other Southeast Asia countries people seem to have no problems with making "eye contact". And in actually, they often initiate similar behavior. So I still see something unique or different in Thais IMO.

Second, for those curious about if I am American, yes I am American...I admit it...and I am well-aware of the opinions (mostly negative) of many non-Americans about Americans. And on many points, I would probably agree with you but I also do not consider myself a "typical American". I've traveled extensively around the world and seen many cultures and religions so I'm not some hick from Mississippi who has never been past the county line. Even my European, South American, Asian friends will tell you I'm not your typical American cat. So I really don't think I'm carrying some American cultural baggage or biases.

I could say more but no need for me to be snide on my part so I'll leave it at that for now. Thanks again for the responses.

Edited by morpho
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I had a friend who was living here before we arrived in the early 2001.

He referred to this as the "no look".

Enforced by the quick examination of the mobile Phone or the blank wall in the opposite direction.

Indoors and outdoors.

However, the opposite also frequently happens: Thais looking straight at you, even staring.

When passing by, getting out of MRT/BTS etc.

So to say that Thais, culture-wise or otherwise, don't look people, i.e. strangers, directly in the eyes,

is not correct either.

It keeps amazing me how Thais can do that with a semi angry looking expression and get away with it.

Also among Thais.

When that's the case, it doesn't matter how you respond, same look or smile, it Always seems like it is taken

the wrong way.

In fact, I think in most other big cities around the world, if you would do what they do, people would

say something about it, but not here.

By the way, I see this with farangs too sometimes.

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morpho, don't pay much attention to some rude and aggressive posters here. Luckily they are a minority.

This eye-to-eye contact you mention is a much more complicated thing than one can see on the surface. Here is what I think about it.

- the meaning can be different depending on WHO makes the contact: man/woman, man/man, woman/woman.

- the meaning can be different depending on circumstances under which contact is made.

- the reaction to an eye-to-eye contact is also depending on duration of the contact which is estimated subjectively and can be judged as staring.

- the reaction to an eye-to-eye contact can also depend on facial expression of one or both persons.

Thais are no different from other nationalities in this respect. They do look you in the eyes. All people tend to avoid eye-to-eye contact when being not sincere. Most Thais are non-confrontational types, which may lead to less eye-to-eye contact compared to other people. But I have met some exceptional non-Thai people who look you in the eyes and lie through their throat and teeth.

Finishing on a personal note. I tend to look people in the eyes a touch too often and maybe a touch too long. The reason - pure curiosity. I like to observe. Quite often it got me into fights against my intentions. But such staring often is taken as a challenge. Perhaps I never learned the 'good manners'...

Any volunteers are welcome to add, change or expand the above thoughts.

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Never understand why a guy writes a thread gets a ton of answers then never comes bacl. 17 posts troll thread maybe? Either was it's safe to say with the Avi that says Marine Corps Build Men pict he is from the States.

"Never come back" in 24hours happened to 99% of postersbiggrin.png

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