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The value of a farang in Thailand


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I watched a video last night that totally disgusted me. 3 days ago, somebody ran the red light and had an accident with a motorbike. The impact was huge but nobody got injured. The most disgusting part is after the impact when the black car just flee the scene. You can click on the link to see the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TvjnuWCk_8

After watching this video, after remembering everything I have seen in this country, I taught myself: what is our value in this country? On the dangerous Esarn roads, driving at night, I always have to avoid dead bodies that has been left alone in the middle of the road. These poor persons have probably been hit by somebody and left dead behind while they were running away. The other day, Someone got hit and left for dead in the middle of the road near my house. Again, no suspect, he probably went home to taste a good sum tum with his family. This morning, again, somebody ran the red light in a *Mai pen arai* mood. He almost caused a car accident but we know there is nothing there right?!?! Probably another famous Thai driving with a *Che Guevarra* sticker on his vehicule promoting communism and killing people for nothing.

I've been talking with Thais about their way of driving and 3 of them told me very interesting things about their driving habbits. The first was telling me that he drive his vehicule all around Thailand with a *die for free* mentality. If he kill people, he just left them behind and continue to his destination. The second one, I was telling him that his rear red lights were burned and that we couldn't see him on the road. He proudly told me that he doesn't need to see behind, he only need to see in front of his truck. The third one literally showed me his charged gun in his venicule and told me that anybody who would cut him would get shot. Well, this is quite selfish, but these Thais DOES HAVE more rights than us, good and honnest farangs.

Since last night, I am wondering how can these people be so selfish and have more rights than us? The guy in the video still drive his car today even if he could have killed another Thai. What if I was the one in the video burning the red light and running away? I am totally sure that the day after, I am sitting on a chair at the police station with 4 policemen smilling behind me for the newspaper with a big title saying: CANADIAN ARRESTED FOR BAD DRIVING. I am only the farang here, the guy who doesn't deserve to live peacefully in this country. I am the outsider that everybody point at when another farang do something wrong but also, I am the one everybody smiles at when I buy something from his store.

This country asked us to come here. During the last economic collapse, they decided to develop tourism and it worked as everyday, there are more and more foreigners coming over. We answered positively, we are a large community of expats living here. As some foreigners are the trash of our society, I met many good foreigners living here, respectful, careful and helpful. Most of us respect Thais because we love this country and we understand that loving this country starts by loving the people living in it. We are here, we love this country, we love the people, we have no rights. They are here, they like their country, they hate the people living in it and they have rights. Is there any logic in that? I think this country should start taking care of their problems, taking care of all these serial killers who smiles and talk with you and once they jump in their vehicules, they want to kill you, taking care of all these corrupted cops, school directors, government officers who takes advantage of other Thai nationals.

I send you the question: What s the farang value here?

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I can't see how you make the link from Thai driving habbits to the value of a foreigner here? People who drive away from accidents will drive away no matter whether they drove over a fellow citizen or a foreigner...

And your value here? That value is completely depending on the environment you hooked up with... some people chose to be with people who "value" you based on your bank account... others (me included) have people around me who value my personality...

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A lot of farangs here drive just as bad as the Thai's. I saw it in Phuket all the time. The lack of enforcement of road rules is what brings this on, not thai culture. I now live in Bangkok and the drivers there are much much better than Phuket, but that is because I see the police pulling people over and fining them all the time unlike Phuket. Are they perfect in BKK? No, there is still a lot of work to be done. But they are much better.

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The link is that there are 2 justice systems in Thailand. The one for the farang and the one for the Thai. The Thai can kill somebody on the road not being scared of being caught by the police. If the driver in the video would have been a farang, he would be on the front page of a national newspaper with 4 policemen smiling behind him. Still, this attitude of "die for free" that many Thais told me they have disgust me and we clearly see an exemple on this video.

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The Value of Farang in Thailand?

Ground: 25 THB /Kilo

Steak 45 THB / Kilo

The more free meat left in the road, the lower the farang price goes!

"They asked us to come here" ??? Interesting perspective.

Sounds like it is time they asked you to go home!

Bye Bye now

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The link is that there are 2 justice systems in Thailand. The one for the farang and the one for the Thai. The Thai can kill somebody on the road not being scared of being caught by the police. If the driver in the video would have been a farang, he would be on the front page of a national newspaper with 4 policemen smiling behind him. Still, this attitude of "die for free" that many Thais told me they have disgust me and we clearly see an exemple on this video.

there are not 2 justice systems...you are completely wrong, although I will agreed that double standards may be applied in terms of certain goverment departments, but this is not the justice system per se...

anyone who has lived here long enough that there is nationalist thing going on..which says "Thai's good....not Thai bad"

In example you cite...if Mr Farang kills somebody on the road..Mr BiB will try to make an example...but once it gets into a court of law...if Mr Farang was driving on a legitimate DL and in invesitgation it wasnt his fault, interms of the Justice system he will not be treated an different to a Thai national

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The OP is about how some Thais value no one's life.

To that extent at least we are treated equally.

In all seriousness though there have been quite a few deaths caused by being side swiped in the way shown in the video clip, a friend of mine was telling me about two guys he knows of that have been killed this year in exactly that way, both side swiped by trucks.

It can be beyond dangerous out there, but that applies to all regardless of creed or colour.

Edited by theblether
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I have to ask in all of your examples of seeing bodies in the road, did you ever stop to help? Check and make sure people okay or did you drive on with mai pen rai attitude.

I live in North Isaan and have never seen a body in the road, many dogs most of which I have moved out of the road and into the side for safety (and yes all were dead).

Just curious.

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The link is that there are 2 justice systems in Thailand. The one for the farang and the one for the Thai. The Thai can kill somebody on the road not being scared of being caught by the police. If the driver in the video would have been a farang, he would be on the front page of a national newspaper with 4 policemen smiling behind him. Still, this attitude of "die for free" that many Thais told me they have disgust me and we clearly see an exemple on this video.

there are not 2 justice systems...you are completely wrong, although I will agreed that double standards may be applied in terms of certain goverment departments, but this is not the justice system per se...

anyone who has lived here long enough that there is nationalist thing going on..which says "Thai's good....not Thai bad"

In example you cite...if Mr Farang kills somebody on the road..Mr BiB will try to make an example...but once it gets into a court of law...if Mr Farang was driving on a legitimate DL and in invesitgation it wasnt his fault, interms of the Justice system he will not be treated an different to a Thai national

Not forgetting that foreigners have equal access and use the compensation process, so they don't have to face Court. Hypocrisy applies to foreigners who express outrage on this forum but follow Thai practices when faced with the reality of options open to them.

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I can't see how you make the link from Thai driving habbits to the value of a foreigner here? People who drive away from accidents will drive away no matter whether they drove over a fellow citizen or a foreigner...

I am struggling to make a connection on this one as well, but the one thing that strikes me about this post and similar ones on TV is that someone moves to Thailand as farang and then they gets all paranoid and convinced the Thai population is out to get them...one suspects for 80% of the Thai population farangs dont even appear on their radar, but some farangs seem to think there is national Thai conspiracy against farangs.

If the only Thais you see on a daily basis are those working in the bar areas - it's easy to see how they make that conclusion. Also - their lack of Thai language skill makes them doubly paranoid

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I can't see how you make the link from Thai driving habbits to the value of a foreigner here? People who drive away from accidents will drive away no matter whether they drove over a fellow citizen or a foreigner...

I am struggling to make a connection on this one as well, but the one thing that strikes me about this post and similar ones on TV is that someone moves to Thailand as farang and then they gets all paranoid and convinced the Thai population is out to get them...one suspects for 80% of the Thai population farangs dont even appear on their radar, but some farangs seem to think there is national Thai conspiracy against farangs.

If the only Thais you see on a daily basis are those working in the bar areas - it's easy to see how they make that conclusion. Also - their lack of Thai language skill makes them doubly paranoid

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I can't see how you make the link from Thai driving habbits to the value of a foreigner here? People who drive away from accidents will drive away no matter whether they drove over a fellow citizen or a foreigner...

I am struggling to make a connection on this one as well, but the one thing that strikes me about this post and similar ones on TV is that someone moves to Thailand as farang and then they gets all paranoid and convinced the Thai population is out to get them...one suspects for 80% of the Thai population farangs dont even appear on their radar, but some farangs seem to think there is national Thai conspiracy against farangs.

If the only Thais you see on a daily basis are those working in the bar areas - it's easy to see how they make that conclusion. Also - their lack of Thai language skill makes them doubly paranoid

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"The country asked us to come here". Yes as tourists, stay a few weeks, spend a little money and leave again with impression, that Thailand is indeed the Land of Smiles.

Thailand doesn't value the expat population, because in general we are considered poor sexpats, with no interest in the country as such. And to a certain extent, they are right. Where else can you meet expats, who after being in a country for 10-15 years, don't speak a word of the native language?sad.png

Many expats contribution to the local economy is the money they spend at farangowned bar, their 5000/monthly rent and the "allowance" to their socalled GF. And despite that, in their own selfinflated image, they believe, they are superior to the locals.

I am fully aware, there are many expats, who doesn't fit that stereotype, but are sadly judged by the Thais the same way. Farang are all the same!

As to the OP, maybe time to move on? If not leaving Thailand, just to another province!thumbsup.gif

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I have to ask in all of your examples of seeing bodies in the road, did you ever stop to help? Check and make sure people okay or did you drive on with mai pen rai attitude.

I live in North Isaan and have never seen a body in the road, many dogs most of which I have moved out of the road and into the side for safety (and yes all were dead).

Just curious.

I always stops at any accident I've seen. That is my good deed I do to this country as I was doing in my respective country. A fact is that everytime it happens, I have more cameras on me than people helping me treating the victims. I'm just okay with that and you can see on the video that somebody stops to help the victim. That is great. Something wrong when I see the car driver fleeing the scene and leaving the victims behind. That is common around here in Esarn. During songkran, a foreigner got killed the same way in Khon Kaen. It made the news one day and then, never heard of the faulty driver. On the other hand, you read news here on Thai visa and there is always a "farang" being arrested after doing something wrong. Deportation for an overstayer, nothing for a Thai who hit another Thai. Justice hum...

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I have to ask in all of your examples of seeing bodies in the road, did you ever stop to help? Check and make sure people okay or did you drive on with mai pen rai attitude.

I live in North Isaan and have never seen a body in the road, many dogs most of which I have moved out of the road and into the side for safety (and yes all were dead).

Just curious.

I always stops at any accident I've seen. That is my good deed I do to this country as I was doing in my respective country. A fact is that everytime it happens, I have more cameras on me than people helping me treating the victims. I'm just okay with that and you can see on the video that somebody stops to help the victim. That is great. Something wrong when I see the car driver fleeing the scene and leaving the victims behind. That is common around here in Esarn. During songkran, a foreigner got killed the same way in Khon Kaen. It made the news one day and then, never heard of the faulty driver. On the other hand, you read news here on Thai visa and there is always a "farang" being arrested after doing something wrong. Deportation for an overstayer, nothing for a Thai who hit another Thai. Justice hum...

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There seems to be a pretty good number of falangs that think that their respective embassies will go on red alert if they get into any sort of trouble. These are clearly important folks.


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And your value here? That value is completely depending on the environment you hooked up with... some people chose to be with people who "value" you based on your bank account... others (me included) have people around me who value my personality...

Tell em you ran out of money, and see how much value your 'personality' gets you!

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I have to ask in all of your examples of seeing bodies in the road, did you ever stop to help? Check and make sure people okay or did you drive on with mai pen rai attitude.

I live in North Isaan and have never seen a body in the road, many dogs most of which I have moved out of the road and into the side for safety (and yes all were dead).

Just curious.

I always stops at any accident I've seen. That is my good deed I do to this country as I was doing in my respective country. A fact is that everytime it happens, I have more cameras on me than people helping me treating the victims. I'm just okay with that and you can see on the video that somebody stops to help the victim. That is great. Something wrong when I see the car driver fleeing the scene and leaving the victims behind. That is common around here in Esarn. During songkran, a foreigner got killed the same way in Khon Kaen. It made the news one day and then, never heard of the faulty driver. On the other hand, you read news here on Thai visa and there is always a "farang" being arrested after doing something wrong. Deportation for an overstayer, nothing for a Thai who hit another Thai. Justice hum...

I think you are wrong, because of your perception of the news you read. Think about the sources you consult for your information: English written newpapers who are clearly farang oriented, ThaiVisa which is farang oriented... and think about those sources having to sell information so that people buy and consume their newpapers... why would those sources be interested in "finger-pointing-pictures" of the BiB who just arrested a Thai for killing a Thai in a road accident?

What makes it to then news is what can be sold. And in English written sources, Thai vs. Thai issues have no value. In that respect, one could even say that for thouse sources, the value of a farang is higher than the value of a Thai - and the value increases with the brutality of events

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Well said Swiss1960........it's the Farang Bubble writ large. I wonder how many Thais are gunned down, raped, extorted, murdered etc every single day in life here and we don't hear about it.

Maybe it's better we don't know because it would end up with some guys peeing their pants every time they walked out the door. coffee1.gif


Edited by theblether
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I have to ask in all of your examples of seeing bodies in the road, did you ever stop to help? Check and make sure people okay or did you drive on with mai pen rai attitude.

I live in North Isaan and have never seen a body in the road, many dogs most of which I have moved out of the road and into the side for safety (and yes all were dead).

Just curious.

I always stops at any accident I've seen. That is my good deed I do to this country as I was doing in my respective country. A fact is that everytime it happens, I have more cameras on me than people helping me treating the victims. I'm just okay with that and you can see on the video that somebody stops to help the victim. That is great. Something wrong when I see the car driver fleeing the scene and leaving the victims behind. That is common around here in Esarn. During songkran, a foreigner got killed the same way in Khon Kaen. It made the news one day and then, never heard of the faulty driver. On the other hand, you read news here on Thai visa and there is always a "farang" being arrested after doing something wrong. Deportation for an overstayer, nothing for a Thai who hit another Thai. Justice hum...

Because it's a farang orientated site with news aimed at farangs. Do you read the national newspapers and how many farangs do you see ?

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I have to ask in all of your examples of seeing bodies in the road, did you ever stop to help? Check and make sure people okay or did you drive on with mai pen rai attitude.

I live in North Isaan and have never seen a body in the road, many dogs most of which I have moved out of the road and into the side for safety (and yes all were dead).

Just curious.

I too have never seen an unnatended body in the road except for the odd drunk at the wayside. Once or twice I've seen bodies covered with sheets - m/c riders - but they have had people there attending to them.

It does seem odd that one person can see so many bodies simply laid in the road.

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The link is that there are 2 justice systems in Thailand. The one for the farang and the one for the Thai. The Thai can kill somebody on the road not being scared of being caught by the police. If the driver in the video would have been a farang, he would be on the front page of a national newspaper

Which national newspapers are you talking about? Khaosod? Thairath? Matichon? The newspapers that the vast majority of Thais read every day? Or are you assuming that because something doesn't appear in the BKK Post or the Nation that it doesn't exist?

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