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Is there an ATM debitcard that's not linked to one person ?

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I need something like an 'anonimous' ATM card that can be used at all ATM's but not linked to my personal data, does something like this exist.

Someone who knows ?

I know there are prepaid VISA creditcards for people who have no creditcard but who like to be able do online orders that requiere a creditcard, but far as I know you buy it in the supermarket with a fixed amound and no way to add money yourself.

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I googled some and this web Link makes such a card sound fairly easy to get and use of it as honest as the day is long, whistling.gif especially in the "Privacy Yes, Crime No!" paragraph which is quoted below. Above link will provide more details. ph34r.png

Privacy Yes. Crime No!
Important note: this bank account account may not be used for laundering money or to further any activity defined as criminal at the site of the bank account. If in doubt, ask us! Under new international "know your client" regulations, your lawyer (not us) who forms the corporation and provides nominee directors will need for his files a copy of your passport and a brief biography of yourself. This information will stay in his confidential, privileged files. You may use a "pen name in dealing with us. The bank holding the funds to back the Anonymous ATM Card does NOT see nor will they ever have a copy of your passport, photo or signature. It would be a bad idea, but, you can if you wish, make deposits to your account direct and in person at any of the branches of any international bank. You could even arrange to make check or wire transfer withdrawals in person but this would compromise your anonymity. Thus deposits or transfers should only be made through your lawyer. A reasonable amount of activity is included with the setup costs at no extra charge. Details will be supplied upon establishing an account. Having a reputable lawyer as your go-between to handle all transactions via a trust account insures anonymity.

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If used in Thailand the solution is simple:

1. as it is a debit card it has, by definition, to be linked to a bank account

2. the card can be used by anyone because NO checks are performed! i. e. the money is deducted after the seller confirms the amount on his little 'machine', before signing the payment slip.

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Sounds dodgy.

Why would you not want your personal info linked to a card?

Only for doing illicit things in my opinion.

There's a reason your info is linked and its called FRAUD

Why illicit??nothing illegal about it at all-he wants a DEBIT card-It's his money. Many people use it this way. Taxation, Ex Wife, Bankruptcy the list is endless.

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Sounds dodgy.

Why would you not want your personal info linked to a card?

Only for doing illicit things in my opinion.

There's a reason your info is linked and its called FRAUD

Why illicit??nothing illegal about it at all-he wants a DEBIT card-It's his money. Many people use it this way. Taxation, Ex Wife, Bankruptcy the list is endless.

The three reasons you list most likely would be exactly that, illegal. Hiding funds/income from the taxman, not wanting to pay legally owed alimony or child support, and having pulled funds out of a bankruptcy?

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Sounds dodgy.

Why would you not want your personal info linked to a card?

Only for doing illicit things in my opinion.

There's a reason your info is linked and its called FRAUD

Why illicit??nothing illegal about it at all-he wants a DEBIT card-It's his money. Many people use it this way. Taxation, Ex Wife, Bankruptcy the list is endless.

Can you list a website or two where the OP can get an anonymous debit/ATM card?

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Even if the debit card was called "anonymous", the users would not necessarily be anonymous.

The debit card would have to be refilled. That refill would be accomplished by way of an electronic transaction with the money being transferred from another account. That account would not be anonymous. Do enough of those transfers or have a transfer that exceeds the money laundering limit and a red flag goes up. The banks have software to detect such patterns and to flag them for review. Nowadays, with the threat of fines and sanctions in the USA and EU, the banks are proactive.

The more convoluted the compliance avoidance scheme, the more likely it is to eventually cause grief.

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