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Visa refuse for wrong reason...what to do ?

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I went for my visa retirement extension...

with the combi of my pension (certifie by Ambassy and money in the bank...the officer went mad and say no way he give me this time my extension ???

Last time he ask me about to bring him a picture of me and my Thai family ????

so this time I take a picture of a friend and me...and I was thinking he will be happy like this this !

Oh my God...no ...he wanted me to have the money in the bank for 3 months beore the date !!!!!

But I try to explain to him that was only for the 800000 Bahts !

He say to me no ...go away...poor people are not welcome here in Thailand...

I tell him I am here since 6 years...and he say don't care, he put away more longer expats than that

I was so in pain lost....so I try to phone to an officer in Phuket..I spoke with her and ask her to please speak with him...he refuse and tell me again to go away !!

I tell him then that I have built a house here and spent more that 6 m. in 4 years...same go away

then I ask to speak with his big boss..at what he give a paper and tel. in hat yai in the south !

well I was crying at this time after almost 4 hours...but I took my courage and phone...

The man on the phone tell me that i am ok and he want to speak with the other officer...BUT ...no way the other was keeping say...need the money in teh bank 3 months before

after calling then (hat ai 3 times....he has give me the visa and tell me that its the last time

some more ! at the time they speak together..they ask my age (56) and say next year I need to show 500000 bahts 3 months before + my pension ...lollll ...and naturally a picture of Thai family in front my house !

so Retirment visa mixt with the law of 1998 ( I think) + mixt with mariage visa...+ confusion about the combi = make me very sick...i went to hospital.. and I am now with antidepres and quiet tablette :(

I don't sleep well...I live in fear....how can I change that ..where to go here to have some help...

last year i make a post about also... I am very tired...very sad...

he has treat me like something to wash the ground....I still cannot beleive it

I have built my house in this province and i don't want to move...

I really need some help

I wrote a mail in Bangkok ..no answer

I wrote a mail to tila legaé and they say the combi is now refuse...you need 800000 or 65000 !!!!!!

I am lost

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I'm certainly no visa expert,but you don't need a Thai family to live here on a retirement visa do you not ?

Are you certain you know what your talking about ?

Yes I am sure he ask me pictures of my Thai family since 2 years now and show me examplar of which kind of pictures he want...i have tell him don't need for retirement but he say no photo no visa...you understand why I am sick...cause you cannot make him understand nothing he is the law

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I am not sure what to think about this, but if this is true (???) I should in your place try to

find a way to change my address or something to another location, just to get away from this

pure idiot to Immigrant-official....

Dont you have a friend or some thai-family that lives in another city NOT belonging to this specific immigrant-office....

And just get your name into that house-book....

I dont know maybe this is a bad ide but could think of something else actually


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Now, I'm really confused. Nothing in that post adds up. 800,000 must be in bank 2 months for retirement (I think). For marriage 400,000 for 2 months for sure ( and a Thai wifewink.png a friend won't do). If married, photos are required for marriage extension but not for retirement extension. I am wondering how you got an extension the first time.

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Now, I'm really confused. Nothing in that post adds up. 800,000 must be in bank 2 months for retirement (I think). For marriage 400,000 for 2 months for sure ( and a Thai wifewink.png a friend won't do). If married, photos are required for marriage extension but not for retirement extension. I am wondering how you got an extension the first time.

Its my 6 extensions base on an OA visa obtain in my country !!! I was living before in Phuket...and no problémes with Immigration there but here in Nakhon si Thammarat its .my third one....i must have 800,000 bahts between my pension and money in bank

I precise that i ma NOT married to a Thai and have NO Thai family....

I am a woman alone here.

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I would don't mine to have the money in the bank 3 months before BUT...I CANNOT accept he change the law when he want....How can sleep like this ! never know if i can stay here or go ! ouach too hard...I move all my stuff from Switzerland and dogs and lovely cats....invest a littel fortune ine the moving and build the house here...and now ...someone say to me i am not welcome !

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The requirement for retirement extension if using bank deposit is 3 months in account or 2 months first time only (for poster thinking it was two months). The request for 500k next year is based on your having income of 25k per month I suspect (nothing to do with old laws). So it appears officer believes with the limited income you may have borrowed the money for show rather than having yourself so demanding you have in account for the normal 3 months that an extension based on bank deposit would require. Believe you will be quite safe next year if you do this. It is not required by regulations (but that may have been an oversight) but the retirement extension is now a local decision and there have been other exceptions noted since this change.

I have 420000 bahts pensiion..money in bank come from my country....the 500000 bahts was asking after asking for my age.....please beleive me when I say they mixte many things diffrenets together

and that you know people entrint thailand before 1998 need only 500000 B

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You built a 6m baht mansion in Nakhorn somewhere and living alone, take care lady.Thailand is not the same as Switzerland. Wonder whose name is your house in?

ok first is not a 6 mi house...lease the land house at my name with my yellow tabien baan

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whistling.gif Actually the financial requirements for a retirement extension are:

1. 800,000 Baht on deposit in a Thai bank account in your name.

----- for a period of at least 2 months before the first (initial) application

----- and for a period of at least 3 months before each annual renewal


2, A monthly income (may need to be verified by your embassy) of 65,000 Baht monthly from outside of Thailand


3. A combination of monthly income from outside Thailand and bank deposits in a Thai bank that totals the equivalent of 800,000 Baht yearly.

I've never heard of them requiring a picture of any Thai friend or relative for a RETIREMENT visa/extension but they do require that for a marriage visa/extension.

For a retirement they often will ask for an address and telephone number of your residence in Thailand.

For retirement you also need a bank letter verifying the amount on deposit in that Thai bank which you get from your bank, It's best to get that bank letter no more than 24 hours before you apply or renew your retirement visa.

Some immigration offices also want to see your Thai bank passbook to verify the funds on deposit ... and if a branch of that Thai bank is nearby.... they may request you go and make a token deposit or withdrawal (100 Baht is enough) as proof you can withdraw or deposit money on demand with your passbook.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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I know the requirement for almost type of visa.....! i have made 4 years researh beore coming here in Thailand...and read Thai visa for years....

it is not me you need to convince about the right...but the othe*** officer there !

What do you think to go to Bangkok ans ask to speak with a senior officer ?

Go to Phuket and then tell them the true ( I don't like to lie....)?

Go to Hat yai and see what going on !

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I would don't mine to have the money in the bank 3 months before BUT...I CANNOT accept he change the law when he want....How can sleep like this ! never know if i can stay here or go ! ouach too hard...I move all my stuff from Switzerland and dogs and lovely cats....invest a littel fortune ine the moving and build the house here...and now ...someone say to me i am not welcome !

I do feel for you. The elites of this world are making it harder and harder for the poor to live happy. I'm not saying you are poor but the elites class you as poor . As to the rules I have decided that I don't want to jump through the loops that they make so I use tourist visa's . When I need a new one I just go have a holiday wherever apply for another double . Really the rules that Thailand have introduced means that the money that I spend on holiday is money I could of spent here so their loss.

The rules are crazy ,they dont take account of maybe you dont pay rent or that your not a beer monster.

Him calling you poor is rich coming from somebody that is maybe on at most 12k bt a month at most

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Since your first language is clearly not English and the same would be true for the Immigrations officer, you may have a failure to communicate clearly with one another. As someone else suggested, find a Thai speaking immigrations/visa agent, get everything in order first and then let him/her do all the talking when you get to the Immigrations office. Two people struggling to understand each other can cause some frustration and annoyance that may have contributed to his reaction and (possibly) to your misunderstanding.

this day I was with a thai girl friend ! who speak English...no i have understand clearly the non sens requirement they want there....maybe because they don't see so much retirement visa (without any Thai wife ! )

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Since your first language is clearly not English and the same would be true for the Immigrations officer, you may have a failure to communicate clearly with one another. As someone else suggested, find a Thai speaking immigrations/visa agent, get everything in order first and then let him/her do all the talking when you get to the Immigrations office. Two people struggling to understand each other can cause some frustration and annoyance that may have contributed to his reaction and (possibly) to your misunderstanding.

this day I was with a thai girl friend ! who speak English...no i have understand clearly the non sens requirement they want there....maybe because they don't see so much retirement visa (without any Thai wife ! )

That's nice, but unless your Thai friend is well-versed in immigrations issues, you're just adding one more voice to the chain of poor communications and all she would be doing is attempting to translate something she may or may not understand.

If I were having a problem with Immigrations, the last person I would take along to sort things out would be my good Thai friend. He's a great friend and all, but if he and I and an Immigrations officer spent much time together I'm fairly certain at least one of us would consider throttling the other two.

A local visa agent would know and be known by Immigrations personnel and would probably be better able to smooth things out without ruffling any feathers.

Edited by Suradit69
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I have removed an off-topic post. This topic is not about a foreign man married to a Thai woman applying for a marriage extension. It is about a foreigner who is over 50 years old applying for a retirement extension using the combination of income and money in the bank.

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Since your first language is clearly not English and the same would be true for the Immigrations officer, you may have a failure to communicate clearly with one another. As someone else suggested, find a Thai speaking immigrations/visa agent, get everything in order first and then let him/her do all the talking when you get to the Immigrations office. Two people struggling to understand each other can cause some frustration and annoyance that may have contributed to his reaction and (possibly) to your misunderstanding.

this day I was with a thai girl friend ! who speak English...no i have understand clearly the non sens requirement they want there....maybe because they don't see so much retirement visa (without any Thai wife ! )

That's nice, but unless your Thai friend is well-versed in immigrations issues, you're just adding one more voice to the chain of poor communications and all she would be doing is attempting to translate something she may or may not understand.

If I were having a problem with Immigrations, the last person I would take along to sort things out would be my good Thai friend. He's a great friend and all, but if he and I and an Immigrations officer spent much time together I'm fairly certain at least one of us would consider throttling the other two.

A local visa agent would know and be known by Immigrations personnel and would probably be better able to smooth things out without ruffling any feathers.

I am not aware of any local agent in Nakhon si Thammarat....by any way the Immigration officer has already tell me ..that is himself a laywer (was in school in Surat Thani ) fand that i will losing my time to take one with me ...!

in my 1 post I telll about Tila legal who them also tell me that they refuse the combinaison of money in Bank and pension ....this the mail I get :

Thank you for your email inquiry for our retirement visa service.
According to your inquiry, I can assist you to apply for the retirement visa renewal in Bangkok. However, the combination of financial proof is not acceptable. You have to show either 800,000 THB in Thai bank account for 2 months before visa application date or affidavit proof of pension from Swiss Embassy in Bangkok confirming you have at least 65,000 THB pension monthly.
.....................................at what I answer with this : but is the law !
and this is the second email they sent me :
Yes it is the written law. However, practically, they do not accept it.
I suggest you submit the application where you live.
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I am not sure what to think about this, but if this is true (???) I should in your place try to

find a way to change my address or something to another location, just to get away from this

pure idiot to Immigrant-official....

Dont you have a friend or some thai-family that lives in another city NOT belonging to this specific immigrant-office....

And just get your name into that house-book....

I dont know maybe this is a bad ide but could think of something else actually


This is not a bad idea and am thinking of doing the same so I do not have to deal with Sakhon Nakhon immigration and their demands for money everytime I enter their office. An address in Nong Khai would be more convenient and the Officers there do not demand money when I do business with them.

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Well,it seems that they suspect something. If I am understanding this correctly. You did get the extension with a warning or instructions on what you have to do next year. How ever you do it, I would suggest having the 800000 in the bank 3 months before the next years extension

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I'm certainly no visa expert,but you don't need a Thai family to live here on a retirement visa do you not ?

Are you certain you know what your talking about ?

where was this? what provence? it is a fact that if you make these fools mad or they lose face they go ape! deal with the boss, go see him soon and calmly ask him what to do next time.

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The OP used to reside in Phuket and had no issues with a retirement extension with deposit + proof of income. The OP now resides in NST and has issues. Anyone else familiar with the NST office and if they are one of the less user-friendly offices?

The seasoning of the 800,000 baht seems to be the issue here? Regardless if using only the 800,000 baht on deposit OR the combination external income + money on deposit in Thailand, that deposit money needs to be seasoned for 3 months on first application and 2 months on subsequent renewals.

As mentioned earlier by lopburi3, if the OP has no problem with the 3 month seasoning for next year, then do so since this particular Immigration officer seems to be obsessing on this matter.

However, the demands for 'family photo' is totally bizarre as the OP is a single retiree with no Thai family or live-in partners as far as I can see. Why does the OP need to prove that she has friends to this Immigration officer <deleted>?

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The requirement for retirement extension if using bank deposit is 3 months in account or 2 months first time only (for poster thinking it was two months). The request for 500k next year is based on your having income of 25k per month I suspect (nothing to do with old laws). So it appears officer believes with the limited income you may have borrowed the money for show rather than having yourself so demanding you have in account for the normal 3 months that an extension based on bank deposit would require. Believe you will be quite safe next year if you do this. It is not required by regulations (but that may have been an oversight) but the retirement extension is now a local decision and there have been other exceptions noted since this change.

I have 420000 bahts pensiion..money in bank come from my country....the 500000 bahts was asking after asking for my age.....please beleive me when I say they mixte many things diffrenets together

and that you know people entrint thailand before 1998 need only 500000 B

In that case it is obviously a misunderstanding and should be reported to Hat Yai for clarification if having 800k for 3 months will not be possible next year. That 500k is not the current requirement and would never apply to you as you have not been over age 55 long enough to have been here in 1998 on retirement and expect they will know that by next time you apply. I suspect they have few if any retirement extensions at that office and likely do not know the rules.

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