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Zimmerman not guilty in Trayvon Martin death: Florida jury

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George Zimmerman Prosecutor 'Prayed' for Him to Testify

Florida prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda had "prayed that [George Zimmerman] would have the courage to take the stand," he told ABC News in an exclusive interview Sunday, adding that Zimmerman's "inconsistent statements" would have made him the prosecution's star witness.

In the interview with the four Florida prosecutors who fought to convict Zimmerman, lead prosecutor de la Rionda said, "I prayed that he would have the courage to take the stand but, as we all well know, he's got the right not to."

"Anytime you put in a defendant's statements and a lot of those are self-serving, then usually a defendant will make the decision not to testify because you've got his story out. We felt it was important to get his story out because there were so many lies."

De la Rionda, who would have cross-examined Zimmerman had he taken the stand, said he would have been interested to see how the former neighborhood watch captain answered several of his questions:

"Why did you assume because [Trayvon] Martin was wearing a hoodie, he was committing a crime? Why did you assume that because he was walking he was doing something improper? Why didn't you identify yourself? Why did you assume he didn't belong in the neighborhood?"


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It doesn't matter what the prosecutors "thought." They are just sore losers. They look bad when they lose so any excuse will do.

What matters is what they could prove to a jury.

That story also doesn't explain Zimmerman's broken nose or the wounds on the back of his head.

If Martin was therefore beating Zimmerman before they went down, Zimmerman still had a right to shoot.

In the American system, Zimmerman was to be considered innocent until "proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." That's ANY reasonable doubt.

Obviously the jury had doubts. The prosecution failed to prove their case to the jury.

Get over it. The prosecution needs to get over it. They lost.

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Just hoping that some black kid, maybe a friend of Martin decides to dish out his own justice because as sure as hell there is'nt any American justice.

I sincerely hope that Zimmerman gets a thrashing every time he ventures on to the street. He is nothing but a wanna be grub!


What they THINK. In other words, nothing but conjecture. No evidence. No eyewitness. They lost, the jury found Zimmerman innocent. End of story. Telling us after the fact of what they THOUGHT happen means nothing. Anyone can make up stuff they THOUGHT happened. You have done that. Doesn't mean it happened that way. Especially when there's no evidence whatsoever.

The prosecutor is just trying to save some face by doing this. His career is ruined already because he withheld evidence.

George Zimmerman is a cold blooded calculating and cruel murderer in the first degree.

George Zimmerman Prosecutors Reveal What They Think REALLY Happened The Night Trayvon Died

George Zimmerman's prosecutors revealed for the first time to ABC News on Sunday that they believe he reached for his gun shortly after he and Trayvon Martin confronted each other.

While Zimmerman says he reached for his gun after the 17-year-old started beating him up, prosecutors believe Zimmerman pointed his gun sooner and that Martin was shouting for help because he saw it.

However, they never presented this theory in court because they lacked evidence.

"I think [Zimmerman] had the gun out earlier … but we didn't have the eyewitnesses," prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda told ABC News.

After Zimmerman pointed his gun at Martin, the prosecutors' theory goes, the teenager began screaming for help. When a neighbor called 911, screams were heard in the background. Martin's mother and brother testified that it was him screaming for help, while his killer's friends and family seemed certain it was Zimmerman.

To bolster their theory that it was Martin screaming for help, prosecutors pointed out that the screams stopped once the shots were fired.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/george-zimmerman-prosecutors-theory-on-trayvon-martin-death-2013-7#ixzz2ZJ7B3ud4

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There was a lot of contradictions in Zimmerman's account of what happened, in written and oral explanation of what happened, once he said Trayvon had attacked him without warning, then he said Trayvon "some thing wrong homie" and that he took out his telephone and Trayvon attacked him. Zimmerman had two flashlights one in each hand when the fight started the small one was found on the ground at the (T), the big police one was 40 feet away, during the time of the claimed attack he had a big flashlight in his hand for at least 40 feet from the point he said the first blow was landed.

He only stated what Trayvon allegedly did to him he did not state what he did to defend himself and he does not explain away the fact why if "he feared for his life" had a police flashlight in his hand and did not attempt to defend himself from the 17 year old vicious attack using only his bare fist, He chose instead to shoot Trayvon.

Also he failed to explain away how he took out his cell phone to make that phone call prior to the attack, he does not explain how he could take out the cell phone when he had two flash lights already in his hand, and he did not explain away How the cellphone he was holding when the first blow was landed, ended up safely in his pocket at the police station.

He did not explain how he had just completed a year of strenuous MMA combat training during the year lost 90 lbs was completely capable to defend himself and the experience working as a bar bouncer, dealing with the same kind of aggression, why he fear for his life while being armed with a flashlight and a gun, while Trayvon was not armed.

The medical examiner autopsy failed to find any of Zimmerman's DNA on Trayvon if he smothered him with his body and was both hands banging his head on the cement., yet Trayvons DNA was all over Zimmerman even inside of the hoodie.

Zimmerman does not explain away why when he shot Trayvon whom he said was standing over him banging his head on the cement, when he shot him. Trayvon's body was laying no were near any cement and the police found the shell casing next to his head indicating that was where the fatal shot was fired.

Zimmerman as the only witness contradicted his explanation of the events that lead to Trayvon being killed!!


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You can try to figure out why George Zimmerman didn't do this or why he didn't use that to defend himself instead of his firearm all you want. It makes no difference.

All one has to do is look at the evidence.

Treyvon Martin had no injuries whatsoever, except for the hole in his chest while George Zimmerman had extensive injuries.

Anyway, he's been found innocent. Trying to play armchair detective/CSI after the fact doesn't make any difference. Trayvon Martin is dead and George Zimmerman is free as he should be.

There was a lot of contradictions in Zimmerman's account of what happened, in written and oral explanation of what happened, once he said Trayvon had attacked him without warning, then he said Trayvon "some thing wrong homie" and that he took out his telephone and Trayvon attacked him. Zimmerman had two flashlights one in each hand when the fight started the small one was found on the ground at the (T), the big police one was 40 feet away, during the time of the claimed attack he had a big flashlight in his hand for at least 40 feet from the point he said the first blow was landed.

He only stated what Trayvon allegedly did to him he did not state what he did to defend himself and he does not explain away the fact why if "he feared for his life" had a police flashlight in his hand and did not attempt to defend himself from the 17 year old vicious attack using only his bare fist, He chose instead to shoot Trayvon.

Also he failed to explain away how he took out his cell phone to make that phone call prior to the attack, he does not explain how he could take out the cell phone when he had two flash lights already in his hand, and he did not explain away How the cellphone he was holding when the first blow was landed, ended up safely in his pocket at the police station.

He did not explain how he had just completed a year of strenuous MMA combat training during the year lost 90 lbs was completely capable to defend himself and the experience working as a bar bouncer, dealing with the same kind of aggression, why he fear for his life while being armed with a flashlight and a gun.

The medical examiner autopsy failed to find any of Zimmerman's DNA on Trayvon if he smothered him with his body and was both hands banging his head on the cement., yet Trayvons DNA was all over Zimmerman even inside of the hoodie.

Zimmerman does not explain away why when he shot Trayvon whom he said was standing over him banging his head on the cement, when he shot him. Trayvon's body was laying no were near any cement and the police found the shell casing next to his head indicating that was where the fatal shot was fired.

Zimmerman as the only witness contradicted his explanation of the events that lead to Trayvon being killed!!


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You and only you seem to be the only one who have heard it. No one else heard it as 'coon'.

There are many Farangs in Thailand who hear (ko kai) as a g sound so it is little wonder that some misheard the pronunciation.


Does anyone apart from me find it strange that a jury member has a 'literary agent' or is this yet another instance of the peculiarities of the US justice system?

It has nothing to do with the justice system. She is no longer a part of the judicial process and any private citizen can hire an agent if they want. Surprising that Publicus can't work that out. Or anyone for that matter.

Strange? Not really - she's not wasting any time in preparing to cash in.

Distasteful? Certainly.

If she were to divulge what happened in the jury room after a trial in the UK she'd back back in court as a defendant so it does seem strange to me.

Newsflash! It didn't happen in the UK. coffee1.gif

NewsfIash!!! I was simply pointing out the differences between the two legal systems.


What the Daily Show says about the verdict.

It reflects the voice of the more civilized segment of Americans:


Start at 2:35

Exactly which juror was this clown? Or is it a fact that he was not in the courtroom for the trial and actually did not hear the testimony and evidence presented? The jury did hear the testimony and evidence. Then they ruled Mr. Zimmerman not guilty. I'll rely on the judgement of the informed jury over the silly rantings of some clown on a comedy show.

Another good example of the way the media deliberately twists their reports to suit their preferences is in the "report" of the Marissa Alexander case. Notice how this "news-person" says she "fired a gun into the air." Every other account that I have read has her inside a house and firing the gun into a wall and endangering her children in the process.

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Sooner or later, Zimmerman's use of two drugs, Temazepam with the side effects of aggression and hallucinations and Adderall whch can worsen behaviour disorders and exacerbate mood swings, combined with his self admitted ongoing treatment by a psychologist is going to rear its head.

Pretty much all drugs have possible, serious side effects that virtually never happen. You are really reaching here. rolleyes.gif

No, I think it is a legitimate question to ask. How did a mentally ill man obtain a firearm?

He had to have a mental illness diagnosed to receive his prescription didn't he? Are the laws in Florida such that mentally ill people can carry concealed firearms?

Perhaps before throwing stones regarding drugs it's best to step out of the glass house first.


His liver showed signs of DXM abuse, a poor man's PCP or Ketamine, and you bring up Zimmerman's prescription medications. coffee1.gif


Whatever tag they put on Martin, he was an unarmed kid who was stalked by an older bigger man who was armed, so how in the hell can the stalker be not guilty of killing Martin. He kept stalking Martin even after being told to back off ! As i have said before, if this is American justice, then it stinks and thank god i never never have to visit that country. sad.png

That he killed him is not in dispute. He's admitted as much. What is under dispute is whether or not he needed to.

On the weight of evidence, I don't think so, but then again the jury didn't see all the evidence, and I wasn't on the jury, so it really doesn't matter.

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Zimmerman MAY not spend another day in jail or prison, but he sure as hell did not get away free. He will have to hide and stop being himself, maybe if he has enough money he can hire a security firm to guard him, get a new identity, move to another state or another country and hope someone never finds out who he really is, that fat racist that killed a 17 year old boy.

He will forever look over his shoulder in fear, that someone will take the law into their own hands, as he did.

Enjoy your own private prison!


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Wow if you had manufactured this evidence before the trial and handed it to the prosecutor, Zimmerman would be in jail right now!

Look at Zimmerman's story he was looking for an address, he was not following Trayvon, That story is complete BS and an outright lie because Zimmerman knew beyond a shadow of a doubt the name of the street, the name is Retreat View Circle, which happens to be the street he lives on! He knew all the streets well enough to refer to addresses by the block number in prior 911 calls and there is not a street sign where he said he walked and saw a street sign.

Did this poor excuse for a human being not know the name of the street he live on, or is he simply a habitual liar.


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My sentiments exactly, they seem mentally unable to be involved in an intelligent, discussion of why they feel the way they do!

I state the reasons I question Zimmerman's story, which is my God given right to do. I will forever question that verdict.


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He may have to be extra careful and carry his firearm wherever he goes now but he's alive while Treyvon Martin is dead. He also doesn't have to spend a day in jail. I chalk that up as a win for him.

But you know what? If people crying and whining about the verdict will feel better hoping his life will now be a living hell, please do so.

Zimmerman MAY not spend another day in jail or prison, but he sure as hell did not get away free. He will have to hide and stop being himself, maybe if he has enough money he can hire a security firm to guard him, get a new identity, move to another state or another country and hope someone never finds out who he really is, that fat racist that killed a 17 year old boy.

He will forever look over his shoulder in fear, that someone will take the law into their own hands, as he did.

Enjoy your own private prison!


Yes, Trayvon is dead, Zimmerman is free and doesn't have to spend a day in jail, and you "chalk that up as a win". How crudely stated and how cruelly your statement can be received.

Which is why, because this case has brought new focus to the issue, I favor one clearly defined modification of the Fifth Amendment by the Supreme Court, one which I have stated previously at this thread.

The jury could see George Zimmerman. The jury could hear Zimmerman breathe, could see him smile and wave to a witness on his behalf etc. The jury could not see Trayvon Martin. The murdered person cannot speak, smile, wave to a witness. Indeed, the murdered person cannot be seen staring down the barrel of a firearm. The murdered person cannot be heard breathing.

Consequently, In murder or manslaughter trials, the prosecution should be able to call the defendant to testify as a witness before the court.

The state must have the right to call the accused in a murder trial as a witness. It should be that the defendant can decline or refuse to testify. However, in such instances, the law would no longer remain neutral toward a defendant who chooses silence in a murder trial. The presumption of neutrality would be ended in the interests of pursuing justice in the only possible way, i.e., by the prosecution examining the defendant.

As they say, if you're innocent, you'd have nothing to worry about - would you?!


And now you're a constitutional lawyer too, wanting to change the Fifth Amendment! You should add arguing in the Supreme Court to your impressive list of achievements in your own mind. You should take it a step further and do away with trials. You should argue for lynching!

Yes, Trayvon is dead, Zimmerman is free and doesn't have to spend a day in jail, and you chalk that up as a win. How crudely stated and how cruelly your statement can be received.

Which is why, because this case has brought new focus on the issue, I favor one clearly defined modification of the Fifth Amendment by the Supreme Court, one which I have stated previously at this thread.

The jury could see George Zimmerman. The jury could hear Zimmerman breath, see him smile etc. The jury could not see Trayvon Martin. The murdered person cannot speak. The murdered person cannot be seen staring down the barrel of a firearm. The murdered person cannot be heard breathing.

Consequently, In murder or manslaughter trials, the prosecution should be able to call the defendant to testify as a witness before the court.

The state must have the right to call the accused in a murder trial as a witness. It should be that the defendant can decline or refuse to testify. However, in such instances, the law would no longer remain neutral toward a defendant who chooses silence in a murder trial. The presumption of neutrality would be ended in the interests of pursuing justice in the only possible way, i.e., by the prosecution examining the defendant.

As they say, if you're innocent, you'd have nothing to worry about - would you?!

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Hey, I said this thread was a black hole, it just keeps sucking you in. I just found proof that the Trayvon case is all about racism after all. Turns out the racists are the ones making a national story out of it in the first place...



You ought to read all of that article:

"“On the one hand, they were two young men who were minding their own business when it occurred. On the other hand, I think the problem in the Trayvon case is that the aftermath was different. In the case of Marley Lion, there was an immediate search for the killer, fairly rapid apprehension, rapid action. With Trayvon Martin … the police were aware of the killing, but there was no charge until there was national pressure. I think the reason the Trayvon Martin case made national news was the level of inaction in Florida,” First Vice President Rev. Joseph Darby said at a press conference, according to the Charleston City Paper."

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There isn't much noise because white people don't have rabble rousers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton with their loudhailer. Not to mention the NAACP and other loud mouth black organizations that keep it in the news.

Hey, I said this thread was a black hole, it just keeps sucking you in. I just found proof that the Trayvon case is all about racism after all. Turns out the racists are the ones making a national story out of it in the first place...



You ought to read all of that article:

"On the one hand, they were two young men who were minding their own business when it occurred. On the other hand, I think the problem in the Trayvon case is that the aftermath was different. In the case of Marley Lion, there was an immediate search for the killer, fairly rapid apprehension, rapid action. With Trayvon Martin the police were aware of the killing, but there was no charge until there was national pressure. I think the reason the Trayvon Martin case made national news was the level of inaction in Florida, First Vice President Rev. Joseph Darby said at a press conference, according to the Charleston City Paper."


Deleted post edited

Sometimes the world just ain't fair and the difference is obvious.

Some people accept it, move forward, work the tail off and overcome obstacles in life to live out and fulfill their goals.

Some sit around, complain, play the victim and use this an excuse for their own short comings, failures and inability to attain their goals.


Several flames have been removed.

If you can't discuss this in a civil manner, and cannot abide by forum rules when posting - then please move elsewhere.

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Several more posts with petty bickering, flames, and inappropriate language have been removed along with replies quoting them.

Again - if you cannot respond in a mature manner, then refrain from posting.

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This is a 4:18 YouTube clip from CNN where their top audio engineer analyzes the enhanced 911 tape and he and Gary Tuchman conclude -- due to the wind and the unseasonably cold weather and rain that night -- that GZ was saying: <deleted> COLD!


So he called 911 and complained about the weather?blink.png


I'm still hoping against hope that the post about CNN was itself intended to be a joke. But, alas............................

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