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DSI called in to tackle taxis and raid foreign businesses

Lite Beer

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Nice to see the Russians getting some attention, but I don't really think there's any commitment to this sort of cleanup long term. Phuket's problems are deeply ingrained, involve locals as much as foreigners, and are going to require a persistent outside federal influence to begin to deal with it. And THAT can be a two-edged sword. Look at what's happening in AC these days...

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"DSI chief Tarit Pengdith said he would rally his officers to take up the challenge before month’s end."

So how will he do that?

Some kind of Churchillian speech along the lines of," ...we shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them on the landing grounds...we shall fight them in the streets......etc."

Somehow I can't see this being DSI's finest hour.

Try "Never in the field of human tourism has so much been owed by so many tourists to so few taxi drivers"

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"DSI chief Tarit Pengdith said he would rally his officers to take up the challenge before month’s end."

So how will he do that?

Some kind of Churchillian speech along the lines of," ...we shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them on the landing grounds...we shall fight them in the streets......etc."

Somehow I can't see this being DSI's finest hour.

Try "Never in the field of human tourism has so much been owed by so many tourists to so few taxi drivers"

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Went to Phuket once, no desire to return. These Thais are shooting themselves in the foot. I hope more awareness of the corrupt-hypocrital Thai mentality is exposed for what it is. I would NEVER recommend any friend to visit here.I hope in the years to come, most businesses will be legally owned and operated more effciently by foreigners, and cut out the dam_n greedy incompetent Thais.

The greedy Thais that make their way to the farang resorts have one thing on their mind:

How can I scam a farang too?

It's gottensdo bad they can't even pretend to be nice.

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Why would announce the dates publicly? Giving specific times and places? TMI....there goes any chance of little success this taxi sting had to begin with.

That's the idea and because it is always done that way, whether it's busting people for counterfeit goods, or, busting the wild-life touts with cameras.

One thing in common with all these miscreants is that they pay protection money to the police. The police are fulfilling their part of the bargain, whilst appearing to try and uphold the law.

It's called "having their cake and eating it".

Edited by KarenBravo
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That is very stupid to advertise that the Law is coming,This will give all the crims a few days to smarten up a bit.

What does the Law Think?it will take more then a few days to clean up this mess .This will be a full time job to keep them under control or lock them all up and trow away the key!! wai2.gif

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Bloody foreigners!whistling.gif

All jobs that includes overcharging, treats, cheating and scamming are reserved for Thai nationals!w00t.gif

What would happen to Thainess, if foreigners took over that market??

Spoke to a friend of mine on the phone today. He's in Pattaya. He said Russians and Chinese everywhere. Russians working, obviously illegally, everywhere. Everyone making money.

It appears no need for the police to extort, scam, cheat etc up in Pattaya when everyone is happy making money and the tourist receive a better service.

It would be interesting to interview two seperate Russian couples - one couple who went to Phuket, and the other couple who went to Pattaya, and hear their comments on their holiday.

Similarly, it would be even more interesting to interview the same Russian couple after they have both been to the other destination - I think Phuket would lose out - twice.

Tourists know when they are getting "ripped" here - and they don't forget, and they don't come back.

"It would be interesting to interview two seperate Russian couples - one couple who went to Phuket, and the other couple who went to Pattaya, and hear their comments on their holiday."

The major hotels actually do this continously through questionaires to their guests. However, the TAT and DSI are not interested in the results, as the tourists pretty much only complain of scams committed by Thais, not foreigners, with thai taxi/tuktuk problems always at the top of the list.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Seriously! You just gave everyone on that island two days notice to clean up or go to Bangkok for a few days and disappear. I must know your next raid so that I can plan a holiday and have a peaceful time in Phuket. Jet-skis, here I come!clap2.gif

"The names of companies in these provinces alleged to have violated the FBA have been passed on to the DSI and for punishment under Lands Department laws." - how do you put a few Rai of land, and the house that sits on it, in your suitcase, and go to Bangkok for a few days???? :) :)

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Just kick out all the Thai people. Put a large wall around the area and allow only those people who can provide a proper holiday experience, Westerners! Problem solved. Can call the place Phuteski.

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Bloody foreigners!whistling.gif

All jobs that includes overcharging, treats, cheating and scamming are reserved for Thai nationals!w00t.gif

What would happen to Thainess, if foreigners took over that market??

Spoke to a friend of mine on the phone today. He's in Pattaya. He said Russians and Chinese everywhere. Russians working, obviously illegally, everywhere. Everyone making money.

It appears no need for the police to extort, scam, cheat etc up in Pattaya when everyone is happy making money and the tourist receive a better service.

It would be interesting to interview two seperate Russian couples - one couple who went to Phuket, and the other couple who went to Pattaya, and hear their comments on their holiday.

Similarly, it would be even more interesting to interview the same Russian couple after they have both been to the other destination - I think Phuket would lose out - twice.

Tourists know when they are getting "ripped" here - and they don't forget, and they don't come back.

Pattaya Police and Mayor are by far more intelligent than their counterparts in Phuket.

In Pattaya they close their eyes on many things, but they get rewarded for it in more ways than 1.

In Pattaya, they do everything trying to keep the place as foreign heaven, because the money keeps rolling 365 days per year and everyone makes their bit, in Phuket they think by taking away money from foreigners, they will make money, not realizing, but by taking away money from foreigners they also scare off foreigners.

ie if there would be no Russian operators, Russians will simply stop to go there.

If there would be no English pub(English owned) English will simply stop to go and so on

Its a totally different mindset in Phuket, the indigenous population are confrontational and not so bright, and are mainly Muslim. Whereas Pattaya's local population have migrated to the area over the last 50 or so years, and have built up business, or come in to build business. There are a lot of Esarn employees as well. Generally the people of Pattaya even though they respect Buddhism generally there are not so many fanatics (exept a few weirdos who collect medallions & cover themselves with tattoos to keep the ghosts away!) but the people are generally calm and level headed with a very healthy live and let live attitude.

Edited by newermonkey
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Why would announce the dates publicly? Giving specific times and places? TMI....there goes any chance of little success this taxi sting had to begin with.

On the contrary, it satisfies everyone who matters.

The son of the mayor of Patong and all his taxis have received a tip off, so they are happy.

The DSI can show their boss that they are doing something, so they are happy.

The ambassadors can tell their bosses that they are taking tourist complaints seriously and have now ensured that the DSI are doing sonething, so they are happy.

The tourists, who initially complained have all gone home by now, so they are happy to hear that their ambassadors are taking their complaint seriously.

The new tourists have no idea yet what is going on, so they are happy too, until they get scammed and complain. And then the cycle will repeat itself.

so to summarise, this "solution" leaves everyone happy :-)

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So its really a clamp down on the Russians which they are now only realising how it feels like to be invaded, as it really hasent happened to Thais since the second world war when the Japs did a walk through, on their way to Malay.

Ah well the women director of TAT, has a lot to answer for, as she opened the flood gates, by going out to Moscow and promoting Thailand to them, offering cheap package deals etc, now the've taken over Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok a little bit big for them at the moment, but well see !

I think maybe it would have been a good idea for her , as Director, to have done a little research as to what they had been getting up to in other countries, before offering the deal of the century, a check with say the FBI, would saved a lot of time and money.

Well what ye sow, so ye shall reap.

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Bloody foreigners!whistling.gif

All jobs that includes overcharging, treats, cheating and scamming are reserved for Thai nationals!w00t.gif

What would happen to Thainess, if foreigners took over that market??

Spoke to a friend of mine on the phone today. He's in Pattaya. He said Russians and Chinese everywhere. Russians working, obviously illegally, everywhere. Everyone making money.

It appears no need for the police to extort, scam, cheat etc up in Pattaya when everyone is happy making money and the tourist receive a better service.

It would be interesting to interview two seperate Russian couples - one couple who went to Phuket, and the other couple who went to Pattaya, and hear their comments on their holiday.

Similarly, it would be even more interesting to interview the same Russian couple after they have both been to the other destination - I think Phuket would lose out - twice.

Tourists know when they are getting "ripped" here - and they don't forget, and they don't come back.

Pattaya Police and Mayor are by far more intelligent than their counterparts in Phuket.

In Pattaya they close their eyes on many things, but they get rewarded for it in more ways than 1.

In Pattaya, they do everything trying to keep the place as foreign heaven, because the money keeps rolling 365 days per year and everyone makes their bit, in Phuket they think by taking away money from foreigners, they will make money, not realizing, but by taking away money from foreigners they also scare off foreigners.

ie if there would be no Russian operators, Russians will simply stop to go there.

If there would be no English pub(English owned) English will simply stop to go and so on

Bullshit! Obviously it is nice for a Russian family to be picked up by a Russian taxi, taken to a Russian hotel, eat in a Russian restaurant etc but there are no such "Russian" conveniences in Egypt, Turkey, France or Spain and a lot more Russkies go there than to LOS. Thailand for Thais, everybody else is just a guest. and should not work here unless he has some exceptional skills which the Thais can't match. Make sensible rules and enforce them and everybody will win.

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Bullshit! Obviously it is nice for a Russian family to be picked up by a Russian taxi, taken to a Russian hotel, eat in a Russian restaurant etc but there are no such "Russian" conveniences in Egypt, Turkey, France or Spain and a lot more Russkies go there than to LOS. Thailand for Thais, everybody else is just a guest. and should not work here unless he has some exceptional skills which the Thais can't match. Make sensible rules and enforce them and everybody will win.

"unless he has some exceptional skills which the Thais can't match" - so, you have met a Thai who is fluent in the Russian language, have you???? smile.png:)smile.pngsmile.png

Edited by LivinginKata
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Bloody foreigners!whistling.gif

All jobs that includes overcharging, treats, cheating and scamming are reserved for Thai nationals!w00t.gif

What would happen to Thainess, if foreigners took over that market??

Spoke to a friend of mine on the phone today. He's in Pattaya. He said Russians and Chinese everywhere. Russians working, obviously illegally, everywhere. Everyone making money.

It appears no need for the police to extort, scam, cheat etc up in Pattaya when everyone is happy making money and the tourist receive a better service.

It would be interesting to interview two seperate Russian couples - one couple who went to Phuket, and the other couple who went to Pattaya, and hear their comments on their holiday.

Similarly, it would be even more interesting to interview the same Russian couple after they have both been to the other destination - I think Phuket would lose out - twice.

Tourists know when they are getting "ripped" here - and they don't forget, and they don't come back.

Pattaya Police and Mayor are by far more intelligent than their counterparts in Phuket.

In Pattaya they close their eyes on many things, but they get rewarded for it in more ways than 1.

In Pattaya, they do everything trying to keep the place as foreign heaven, because the money keeps rolling 365 days per year and everyone makes their bit, in Phuket they think by taking away money from foreigners, they will make money, not realizing, but by taking away money from foreigners they also scare off foreigners.

ie if there would be no Russian operators, Russians will simply stop to go there.

If there would be no English pub(English owned) English will simply stop to go and so on

Exactly. I was there late last year - saw it for myself.

The place, simply, "worked."

Not like what I see happening here, which is not getting any better.

And the way these imbeciles do business it's gonna get a hellava site worse.

Today will always be the best it is ever going to be coffee1.gif

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Bullshit! Obviously it is nice for a Russian family to be picked up by a Russian taxi, taken to a Russian hotel, eat in a Russian restaurant etc but there are no such "Russian" conveniences in Egypt, Turkey, France or Spain and a lot more Russkies go there than to LOS. Thailand for Thais, everybody else is just a guest. and should not work here unless he has some exceptional skills which the Thais can't match. Make sensible rules and enforce them and everybody will win.

What on earth are you talking about and how is it related to my post?

There are thousands if not millions of Arabs and Turks who speak fluent Russian because they studied in Russia

IT sure helps to have some clue before posting

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Bloody foreigners!xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p

All jobs that includes overcharging, treats, cheating and scamming are reserved for Thai nationals!w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif

What would happen to Thainess, if foreigners took over that market??

Spoke to a friend of mine on the phone today. He's in Pattaya. He said Russians and Chinese everywhere. Russians working, obviously illegally, everywhere. Everyone making money.

It appears no need for the police to extort, scam, cheat etc up in Pattaya when everyone is happy making money and the tourist receive a better service.

It would be interesting to interview two seperate Russian couples - one couple who went to Phuket, and the other couple who went to Pattaya, and hear their comments on their holiday.

Similarly, it would be even more interesting to interview the same Russian couple after they have both been to the other destination - I think Phuket would lose out - twice.

Tourists know when they are getting "ripped" here - and they don't forget, and they don't come back.

Pattaya Police and Mayor are by far more intelligent than their counterparts in Phuket.

In Pattaya they close their eyes on many things, but they get rewarded for it in more ways than 1.

In Pattaya, they do everything trying to keep the place as foreign heaven, because the money keeps rolling 365 days per year and everyone makes their bit, in Phuket they think by taking away money from foreigners, they will make money, not realizing, but by taking away money from foreigners they also scare off foreigners.

ie if there would be no Russian operators, Russians will simply stop to go there.

If there would be no English pub(English owned) English will simply stop to go and so on

Bullshit! Obviously it is nice for a Russian family to be picked up by a Russian taxi, taken to a Russian hotel, eat in a Russian restaurant etc but there are no such "Russian" conveniences in Egypt, Turkey, France or Spain and a lot more Russkies go there than to LOS. Thailand for Thais, everybody else is just a guest. and should not work here unless he has some exceptional skills which the Thais can't match. Make sensible rules and enforce them and everybody will win.

Gee, would that be something like, ohhhh. Logical Thinking? Politeness, manners and respect? Not thinking it is your "birth right" to rip off everyone who is NOT Thai? Can I stop just with those, or should I list a hundred or so more?

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I wonder if the people in Phuket are reading about the new changes in ownership that are coming thanks to ASEAN. In 2 more years most of Phuket could be owned by Vietnam or Singapore.

Ah a far better class of Mafia?


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