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'Obama keen to visit Thailand again'

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"You have the leader you deserve"??????? Sorry to disagree...I didn't vote for him and I don't know of anyone who will admit voting for him. REAL Americans do NOT deserve the current regime. If your reply was intended to be witty, you failed.

Edited by semperfiguy
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I seriously doubt this. Pres. Obama & his family prefer visiting Honolulu where he attended Punahou HS to meet his

old time classmates and enjoy the Hawaiian food & culture. He's always welcome here.

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'Obama keen to visit Thailand again'

Dear Barry,

Buffalo sick, lots of unsold rice. Economic not velly goose. Thailan hot too mutt now. No need to visit, just send money.




Personal opinion: please Mr Obama don't come to Bangkok, I don't have any negative feelings against you, or as a matter of fact anyone else, but I remember when Bush came here, I never saw as many, real 4 legged, rats as then on Skvit Rd, result of the closing down of all the sidewalk stalls for security purposes.

But maybe this time it might be better, as they say" Sort sticks together".

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Everybody knows -- The realest of the really REAL Americans live in Thailand and deliver their astute observations on American society from the vantage point 12-15 time zones away (standard time)

Very true, with many of us having not visited the US for 12-15 years too!

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REAL Americans do NOT deserve the current regime.


Define real.

Resident in wigwams I presume.

Perhaps not:

The oppressed and suppressed populations have an astonishing way of forgetting and forgiving:e.g. Indians, Vietnamese, Aborigenes, etc.

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IMHO The person (people) that voted Bangkok as the best city in the world must have been plied with lots of drink, hookers etc and everything was caught on film. Bangkok the best city in the world, for what, lady boys, cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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This story is preposterous in its writing and dubious as to its veracity. The lame duck US president has more on his plate than he can handle so as not to go out as a failure. Visiting Thailand would go over as a flatulence in church with the American people at this time.

If O's a 'lame duck', what the hell was Dubya???

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This story is preposterous in its writing and dubious as to its veracity. The lame duck US president has more on his plate than he can handle so as not to go out as a failure. Visiting Thailand would go over as a flatulence in church with the American people at this time.

If O's a 'lame duck', what the hell was Dubya???


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This story is preposterous in its writing and dubious as to its veracity. The lame duck US president has more on his plate than he can handle so as not to go out as a failure. Visiting Thailand would go over as a flatulence in church with the American people at this time.


If O's a 'lame duck', what the hell was Dubya???

A canard?

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If you saw Obama strolling down Walking Street, would you buy him a beer?whistling.gif


But there's a lot in the USA that would (if they could buy it with food stamps) you know - just to make sure the food stamps kept coming - another election - another pay day........ cha ching.....

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If you saw Obama strolling down Walking Street, would you buy him a beer?whistling.gif


But there's a lot in the USA that would (if they could buy it with food stamps) you know - just to make sure the food stamps kept coming - another election - another pay day........ cha ching.....

what on earth are you talking about?

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If you saw Obama strolling down Walking Street, would you buy him a beer?whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif>


But there's a lot in the USA that would (if they could buy it with food stamps) you know - just to make sure the food stamps kept coming - another election - another pay day........ cha ching.....

what on earth are you talking about?

Oh - let's see - about 45 million (out of 300) on food stamps in the US - figure 2/3 are voters (30 million) the last election was settled by about 2 million - figure 52 mil voted for this guys re-election - maybe more maybe less - are you going to vote for the one providing your free food (can't buy alcoholic beverages with food stamps - so can't buy him a beer - although a lot of people do sell their food stamps prividing cash for other habits) - or - for somebody that would like you to be responsible and provide for yourself....Now the amnesty for illegal aliens is a hot topic - and if you break down the statistics a lot receive benefits that regular citizens have to jump through multi levels of hoops to receive and are turned down but handed out like candy to non citizens - then going further the bailout of large automotive companies as a payoff for the guided union votes - nevermind the fact that jobs there are scarcer because the unions priced themselves so far out of the competitive wage scale that it was less money to have work/products provided off shore to insure reasonable profits in a competitve world market place ......

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After reading the beginning comments of this post, why do the "sex-expat residents" always have to connect everything with their association with Thailand? Yes, maybe Obama would like to return to Thailand and see its historical sites, enjoy its famous cuisine, and beaches.

You forgot all the lubberly temples.

(my spell checker did 'lubberly' go figure)

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Thailand has enough to handle - let alone a visit from the worst president in the history of the US.......

Really worse than hubert hoover whose trade tariffs made the great depression an even more catastrophe for the usa public, worse than trick dicky nixon whose criminal activities as president are still astonishing to read about, worse than ford who let him get away with it, worse than millard fillmore and james buchanan who claimed to oppose slavery yet did everything to sustain it in their miserable years in office [ok only one in fillmore's case], worse than Franklin pierce who did all he could to accommodate slave states in his relentless drive to expand the usa borders, worse than warren harding who allowed his friends to plunder the country while he did nothing, worse than bush who invaded iraq because his dad felt there was unfinished business [ok that's just my own personal view, so maybe that's not evidentially supported]? really, worse than all those?

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Thailand has enough to handle - let alone a visit from the worst president in the history of the US.......

Really worse than hubert hoover whose trade tariffs made the great depression an even more catastrophe for the usa public, worse than trick dicky nixon whose criminal activities as president are still astonishing to read about, worse than ford who let him get away with it, worse than millard fillmore and james buchanan who claimed to oppose slavery yet did everything to sustain it in their miserable years in office [ok only one in fillmore's case], worse than Franklin pierce who did all he could to accommodate slave states in his relentless drive to expand the usa borders, worse than warren harding who allowed his friends to plunder the country while he did nothing, worse than bush who invaded iraq because his dad felt there was unfinished business [ok that's just my own personal view, so maybe that's not evidentially supported]? really, worse than all those?

Makes the lot of them look like amateurs.......

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