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The hype about coconut oil for weight loss, is it for real?

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As I'm a total sucker for the latest supplement concept, I've recently been seduced into the coconut oil camp.

Yes I know it is high calorie and high fat, and it's extremely counter-intuitive to see a food like that as beneficial to weight loss.

However, there is plenty of "literature" saying that it is.

One claim that really attracts me is that it helps specifically with reducing abdominal fat -- reducing the old waistline.

As many know, a fat waist is a definitely health risk. It's my understanding that any measurement over 40" inches for a man is really bad news, health-wise, not to mention vanity-wise.

So, I am wondering has anyone here tried out the eating coconut oil long term?

I realize sometimes people GAIN weight eating coconut oil because of the calories, so you have to be careful about that, and of course, try your best to use that fat to replace other fats you would have been eating ... etc.

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I would be wary of anything which claims to target fat reduction on a specific body part. That for me would be a big red flag.

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I would be wary of anything which claims to specificly target fat reduction on a specific body part. That for me would be a big red flag.

Yes, normally I would agree. But I've got an open mind. So many people swear by the stuff.


1. Helps with weight loss

In a study undertaken in 2009 it was shown that there is a link between consuming coconut oil and the reduction in abdominal fat.

It is easy to digest and helps to protect your body from insulin resistance.


5. Can boost your metabolism

A study by the Journal of Nutrition has shown that coconut oil can boost the metabolism.

As we all know having a fast metabolism ensures you are burning


I use coconut oil for a variety of things, including as a diet supplement. However, I don't do it for weight loss (as I'm one of the fortunate people who don't gain weight -- naturally high metabolism, I guess)

One thing about it that appeals to me is the relatively high amount of lauric acid, which is found in mother's milk as it helps develop a strong immune system.

I take 1 to 2 tablespoons every morning and haven't noticed any weight gain (but I'm not a good test subject for that). So, I would suggest starting off with 1 tablespoon in the morning and see how that goes. Then you can work up to 2 tablespoons if indications are good that it's helping (and not hurting). I wouldn't suggest exceeding 2 tablespoons a day, thought -- too much can cause diarrhea.

Also, be sure to get 100% organic cold-pressed product.


It has never been scientifically proven that dietary fat causes you to be fat. The real culprit is carbs. That is why the Atkins diet works a lot of protein and the associated fat that goes with it and cabs. limited to fresh vegetables.

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OK, I've tried this for over a week now.

It FEELS like all this fat oil should make me gain weight, but instead my losses are still happening, perhaps speeded up.

I mean seriously eating this oil give a serious "fat full" feeling similar in a way from eating a rich French butter/cream meal. In other words, not that nice but it's not as bad as a butter feeling but I am not a person used to eating lots of butter and cream so I am sensitive to it.

In my case when using BOTH garcinia AND the oil, both are full feeling makers so the effect is now rather extreme.

It has become difficult to even feel like eating more than two meals a day including boring old breakfast. I prefer to eat three meals a day for nutrition so this has caused a bit of an issue.

The other night I had this weird feeling, pretty much NO HUNGER stomach-wise but my BODY seemed to be screaming for nutrition so I had a meal anyway. Very weird. That was a new kind of feeling since experimenting with the oil.

I guess I need to start taking vitamins/minerals if this keeps up because I don't think I can get great nutrition with only two meals.

I am taking 1 tablespoon, 2x with meals, and in some cases this is NOT replacement fats but rather EXTRA fats meaning of course extra calories (go figure!). The thing is I haven't been eating that much fat anyway so I really don't usually have 2 tablespoons of oil to replace daily anyway! I have cooked only one thing with the oil. It makes things sweet, not my favorite taste for savory foods. Most of the recipes I cook would be ruined with coconut oil taste such as Italian style things that call for olive oil flavor. When eating oatmeal I add the oil to the oatmeal. It's interesting how that makes the oatmeal so FATTY.


Interesting results. There are definitely many natural supplements which work, however I it is always best if there is scientific studies behind it. Might try coconut oil, where do you buy it?


Plenty of different brand choices at Central grocery. Make sure to buy good virgin stuff not the cheap stuff only for skin applications.

I am going kind of crazy mixing supplements now:

Garcinia Cambogia, green coffee extract which I make myself, AND coconut oil!

I sometimes add a black pepper pill or two after meals though I am not so sold on that and think fresh pepper is much better.

Human guinea pig basically. No snarky comments about pigs please!

I lost 2 kilos last month, which is very good progress for me. Better than I had been doing on just garcinia.

Pretty much never suffering from hunger pangs, "bad food" cravings, or feeling of food deprivation. If anything, the lack of hunger is almost a kind of a weird problem psychologically.

But I would actually suggest people try Garcinia first before anything else. If it works for you, that might be enough for most normal people.

I admit I like to play around with all these supplements almost like a hobby and as it seems to be working, that makes it even more attractive.


I want to add I'm not totally sold on the coconut oil thing yet.

It wouldn't shock me if it backfires and causes weight gain.

Even some sources promoting it admit not everyone loses weight using and some people even gain weight.

I like some of the other effects of it.

I feel it has helped with my dry skin, from the inside.

Coconut oil is also a good external moisturizer but I find it too greasy and I don't like the smell.


May have to give it a try. I quit smoking after 35years and decided to get rid of the gut. Quit cold turkey and haven't had a fag n 5 weeks, managed to lose 6Kg in the same amount of time by cutting out the white stuff, bread, noodles, rice & potatoes, also changed from beer to Jack & water.

I expect to plateu on the weight loss soon so will need some help.

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I have a friend that used coconut oil for years (a few tablespoons daily). She's still young and in good health. Probably because of the coconut-oil her skin and hair looked very healthy.

Lately she had a few blood-tests. Her total cholesterol count was very high, but a big part of that was because high HDL levels. After stopping consuming the coconut oil her total cholesterol count dropped to completely normal levels.

I don't know what to think of this...


HDL is considered the "good" kind cholesterol. The oil is known to raise that.


Personally I think Dr. Weil is a great source of health info, but not everyone would agree!

So that said, Dr. Weil is NOT recommending it.

So I'm not so sure anymore. Keep in mind I started this thread with a skeptical POV. If I quit it, I'm going to miss the skin benefits. Now I'm thinking maybe just taking A LITTLE.


The benefits of coconut oil in the diet, if any, are likely to be minimal, and until we have more and better evidence about coconut oil's effect of metabolism and potential role in promoting weight loss, I do not recommend using it.


All told, I think the jury is still out on coconut oil, and without stronger evidence for it, I hesitate to recommend eating it in quantity.

BTW, Dr Weil did comment on Garcinia but the latest comment was back in 2002 where he didn't say it was dangerous but did say there was no evidence it helps with weight loss in humans. I think SINCE THEN there is some limited clinical evidence that it DOES.


One more thing. In my case using the Garcinia that already works for me in suppressing appetite, especially cravings for unhealthier foods. Adding the large dose of coconut oil made that feeling even more extreme and perhaps working TOO WELL. You really want SOME appetite. Anyway ...


Check this out:


A 1986 study conducted by T. B. Seaton and colleagues and published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" demonstrated that the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil were three times as effective in increasing metabolism as the long-chain fatty acids present in most foods we consume, such as vegetable oils and meat. A 1982 study from the same journal authored by N. Baba, et al, showed that these fatty acids not only increase metabolism but also help to burn stored fat. A 2002 Canadian study conducted by Marie-Pierre St-Onge and Peter J. H. Jones and published in the "Journal of Nutrition" showed that people eat less and feel more satiated when they include coconut oil in their diets. Because of this research, people have touted coconut oil as a weight loss tool. However, the fact remains that coconut oil is high in calories--over 100 calories per tablespoon--and is 92 percent saturated fat. Keri Gans, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association says, "In moderation, that's OK, but in large amounts, we know that saturated fats can lead to high cholesterol and heart disease. Moderation is key."

So how do you define moderation?

Update on this.

Well I truly think the jury is still out on coconut oil.

20 years from now it might be proven to be a miracle oil OR a serious threat, etc.

But right now we know what we know.

I'm decided to keep eating it at quite low levels.

A teaspoon 2x day.

Trying to cut down a little on other oils to trade off calories.

Before for me I think the dose was really too high.

It make me feel way too FATTY full and like I said it wasn't super pleasant.

At this level I still feel quite full (mixed with the garcinia) but not unpleasant.

Also at this level I have less of the issue of not feeling hungry at all, especially for my third meal.

It's a bit weird to be on an eating program where I am losing weight and feeling not only not hungry but sabai sabai super well fed when compared to my old portion levels, etc. I'm really not.

But I'll take it


I wouldn't ascribe any mystical qualities to it.

It's good that it reduces hunger that might lead you to consume carbs for a quick fix. Substituting coconut oil calories for carb calories can be helpful. Just make sure you're eatin' your veggies.

Not much point in counting calories as long as you're seriously low-carbing: no "white sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses, corn syrup, beer (contains bar-
ley malt), milk (contains lactose), flavored yogurts, fruit juice, and fruit, grains (even “whole” grains), rice, cereals, flour, cornstarch, breas, pastas, muffins,
bagels, crackers, and “starchy” vegetables such as slow-cooked beans (pinto, lima, black beans), carrots, parsnips, corn, peas, potatoes, French fries, potato chips."

If you're not low-carbing, then coconut oil can just help you get fat, as your body burns what carbs it can and stores the rest along w/ the fat.


You can also use coconut oil for 'pulling', which is supposedly great for your health.

A few of wifeys friends got taken in by that crap about 2 years ago.

Told that oil pulling was the elixir of youth and that they would all lose kilos!

Result was that they all bought several litres of expensive branded extra virgin coconut oil and are all fatter than ever.

OP, if you want to lose weight eat less calories than you burn, simple as that.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Yeah, I won't go for pulling.

Also, I agree actually counting calories is obsessive behavior.

In the case of coconut oil, however, if you add it, you need to be aware you're adding a high calorie food.

I also agree eating LOTS of veg is very helpful.


The secret to weight loss??.....don't eat dinner, or at the very most an apple, or a few almonds etc.

You gotta be joking. Ask the Auschwitz survivors.

Starvation always backfires.

Psychologically and biologically.

The body fights back. It's "smarter" than you.

Dieting doesn't work.

Eat in a way you can lose weight and also can tolerate for life.

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The secret to weight loss??.....don't eat dinner, or at the very most an apple, or a few almonds etc.

You gotta be joking. Ask the Auschwitz survivors.

Starvation always backfires.

Psychologically and biologically.

The body fights back. It's "smarter" than you.

Dieting doesn't work.

Eat in a way you can lose weight and also can tolerate for life.

Probably true. However, since losing 10kg I have far more energy and am more inclined to exercise, therefore keep the weight off.


The secret to weight loss??.....don't eat dinner, or at the very most an apple, or a few almonds etc.

That has been debunked long time ago, along with most miracle diets and supplements. It is simple really: less calories in than go out and you lose weight.

I eat 5 meals a day and can still lose weight. As I run a lot, I eat a lot of carbs (mostly from fruit, vegetables, and salads) and relatively little fat and protein; something like 50%, 25%, 25%.

And I still like my beerburp.gif

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The secret to weight loss??.....don't eat dinner, or at the very most an apple, or a few almonds etc.

That has been debunked long time ago, along with most miracle diets and supplements. It is simple really: less calories in than go out and you lose weight.

I eat 5 meals a day and can still lose weight. As I run a lot, I eat a lot of carbs (mostly from fruit, vegetables, and salads) and relatively little fat and protein; something like 50%, 25%, 25%.

And I still like my beerburp.gif

Yep, I eat 1500 calories per day, I lose weight. Comprende?


The secret to weight loss??.....don't eat dinner, or at the very most an apple, or a few almonds etc.

That has been debunked long time ago, along with most miracle diets and supplements. It is simple really: less calories in than go out and you lose weight.

I eat 5 meals a day and can still lose weight. As I run a lot, I eat a lot of carbs (mostly from fruit, vegetables, and salads) and relatively little fat and protein; something like 50%, 25%, 25%.

And I still like my beerburp.gif

Yep, I eat 1500 calories per day, I lose weight. Comprende?

Its always calories out v.s calories in. 1500 is quite low not sure if I could do that for a long time.

I counted calories for a long time now I just know what i eat because I eat set kind of meals and weigh it. No need to count anymore now as i counted it before. Its always in VS out but out is hard to increase as sports doe help but not as much as people think in way of burning. It does help you keep weight off easier.


The secret to weight loss??.....don't eat dinner, or at the very most an apple, or a few almonds etc.

That has been debunked long time ago, along with most miracle diets and supplements. It is simple really: less calories in than go out and you lose weight.

I eat 5 meals a day and can still lose weight. As I run a lot, I eat a lot of carbs (mostly from fruit, vegetables, and salads) and relatively little fat and protein; something like 50%, 25%, 25%.

And I still like my beerburp.gif

Yep, I eat 1500 calories per day, I lose weight. Comprende?

Its always calories out v.s calories in. 1500 is quite low not sure if I could do that for a long time.

I counted calories for a long time now I just know what i eat because I eat set kind of meals and weigh it. No need to count anymore now as i counted it before. Its always in VS out but out is hard to increase as sports doe help but not as much as people think in way of burning. It does help you keep weight off easier.

2,000 calories and my weight doesn't change.


Everyone's metabolism is different and many (including me) believe that certain foods increase metabolism rate for some people. Of course exercise also burns calories and hopefully boosts metabolism rate. So there is no magic calorie number for everyone.

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