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New Colleseum More Double Pricing


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I used lived not far from Dreamworld and all the other parks and they send offers all the time to our letterboxes plus they used to have a local residents offer on their website

Here we go, no links as requested hey? I wonder why? I'll tell you it just does not happen. For Your Information I have been visiting the Gold Coast for 20 years, yes the discounts come in the mail box. But just like me, my Thai partner also got it at the brochure price. It is not discriminatory the same as Thailand. If I turn up with a discount voucher I guarantee you I, my brother and my Thai partner all get in at the discounted price (even though she is on a tourist visa), all equal. Again, unless you can provide clear evidence of Thais being charged double in Australia it would be better if you made no BS comments at all.

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My 3 Thai brothers in law came to visit us and wanted to visit a GoGo, they were forbidden the entry, I then went with them and no problem, this was a while ago : the GoGo was :The Hot & Cold ( Soi Post Office)

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My 3 Thai brothers in law came to visit us and wanted to visit a GoGo, they were forbidden the entry, I then went with them and no problem, this was a while ago : the GoGo was :The Hot & Cold ( Soi Post Office)

That is wrong too, everybody should be treated equally.

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Excuse me, why do you think it is about hiding prices? When I went to Queen Sirikit hospital to register the signs were in English for me, 250 baht, in Russian (250 baht) and Thai languages (20baht). The Thais can't read English and I can't read Thai and I could give a s**t if a Thai gets a discount.

Actually, for hospitals i accept dual pricing as it is normal they are funded by the state totally different story.

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Excuse me, why do you think it is about hiding prices? When I went to Queen Sirikit hospital to register the signs were in English for me, 250 baht, in Russian (250 baht) and Thai languages (20baht). The Thais can't read English and I can't read Thai and I could give a s**t if a Thai gets a discount.

Actually, for hospitals i accept dual pricing as it is normal they are funded by the state totally different story.

Not if you work legitimately here and pay your taxes.

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Excuse me, why do you think it is about hiding prices? When I went to Queen Sirikit hospital to register the signs were in English for me, 250 baht, in Russian (250 baht) and Thai languages (20baht). The Thais can't read English and I can't read Thai and I could give a s**t if a Thai gets a discount.

You are not aware of Thai culture and their national pastime of overcharging their guests?

It IS about hiding the price.

When Ocean World opened, the price displayed was 450Bt. for everybody.

When the Australian Manager left and a Thai took over, they decided to charge visitors more, jacked up the price and created signs in Thai script to hide the fact.

Shameless scammers.

We are going around in circles on this subject, we just see things differently. I understand why businesses in tourists towns give discounts, whether it is the student paying 5 baht on the baht bus, the senior or the handicapped getting a discount or a Thai getting a discount. It's really about economic justice based on the perception, whether right or wrong, on the ability to pay. The maid making 6000 baht, the minimum wage worker should be able to go to Colleseum just like me, enjoy the show and not be deprived by circumstances not of their making. I will be taking a group of the Thais from Issan to the Colleseum next week and I will not be complaining about my savings on the admission price.

Yes we see things different many Thais are not poor why don't they pay the higher price ? Its not about how much they make its about nationality. If it were are resident thing where everyone could get the same price who lives here it would be ok.

In other places its all based on residency and even with coupons foreigners can get a discount (where I am from anyway) That is fair as it makes no distinction between nationality if you are a resident then you pay local price. Please show me a place in the civilized world where they make an distinction between residents based on nationality.

Hospitals is a different thing as they are state funded, so I look on those differently.

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Excuse me, why do you think it is about hiding prices? When I went to Queen Sirikit hospital to register the signs were in English for me, 250 baht, in Russian (250 baht) and Thai languages (20baht). The Thais can't read English and I can't read Thai and I could give a s**t if a Thai gets a discount.

Actually, for hospitals i accept dual pricing as it is normal they are funded by the state totally different story.

Not if you work legitimately here and pay your taxes.

If you work here legitimately you pay into the social fund and can go to hospitals for minimum charges. You are treated the same as Thais then.

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State funded venues should charge more for non residents and it should be posted.

My beef is with the unscrupulous commercial business' that do this.

Especially the ones that hide the true retail price in Thai script. Shameless scammers.

Edited by DiNiro
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State funded venues should charge more for non residents and it should be posted.

My beef is with the unscrupulous commercial business' that do this.

Especially the ones that hide the true retail price in Thai script. Shameless scammers.

I went to Queen Sirikit hospital with a Thai for medical reasons for both of us. As previously mentioned the signage was in 3 different languages. If you don't read Thai then you will not understand the price structure. This is not important to me. Foreigners pay double I am told, I do not know if I would have gotten a discount with my Thai DL or not, as we left early out of frustration with the service and the system. As a side note it was probably one of my worst experiences in Thailand. We eventually went to BHP where their is no Thai discount. Again, we see things differently, I have no issues paying the general admission price at private businesses, entertainment venues,etc and for these same businesses giving discounts to children, seniors, people with disabilities, citizens of Thailand. Discounts are based on the perception of one's ability to pay, and yes, there are many rich seniors, Thais and people with disabilities. I just don't care if the Major pays the Thai price and I pay the general admission price, there are plenty of more important things to worry about.

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State funded venues should charge more for non residents and it should be posted.

My beef is with the unscrupulous commercial business' that do this.

Especially the ones that hide the true retail price in Thai script. Shameless scammers.

if you were a Thai able to read the Thai script then you would probably be eligible for the discounted price, there is no scam, you see an advertised price you choose to pay it or not-up to you, if you did not get what you paid for then that is a scam, too many idiots cry scam without knowing what it means! !

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Many non-Thais can read Thai. Doesn't mean you get the lower price just because you can read it. Duh. 

i said probably eligible .duh

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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After I watched a Thai drive up in what must have been a 5 mil Mercedes and pay 40 baht, then a student that was here volunteering on a gap year and 20,000 in debt get charged 400 baht...have never bothered with anything that has the double pricing.....yes some countries give discounts to OAPs, various states you come from but seriously imagine charging $350 to a foreigner rather than $35 to see the Opera House...

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  • 3 months later...

I wonder what establishments that practice dual pricing actually gain by it. In the case of the Colleseum the price difference is 67% (600<>1000). But, from my own observations, sitting at the market next door, there are not that many Farang visiting. Plenty of Chinese and Japanese tour groups but not many Farang. Anytime I've taken non-Thai Asians (Cambodian, Singaporean) friends to tourist establishments here I've observed that they pay the lower of the two prices. I'm assuming it is the same with the Asian tour groups and they probably get even lower prices because they are group bookings. Take into account that many Farang will just not visit these places because of their distaste at the dual pricing system. So the actual monetary gain by charging a few Farang a higher price is insignificant compared to the overall size and income of the business.

Take now into account the bad press that these establishments get from places such as TV and the loss of income from those that would go if dual pricing was not practiced and I would think that the dual pricing system actually has a negative effect on an establishments revenue.

In the case of the OP not only did they lose his ticket price but the ticket price of the Thai person he was taking. I have to admit that I too have done the same with my own Thai son. Once when visiting Pattaya Mini-Siam with my son and his grandmother on the King's birthday, when I'm told all fathers get in free, I was told to pay Farang price. Showing my drivers license, intervention by both son and grandmother, did nothing. We all walked away in disgust and Mini-Siam got nothing from me except bad feeling. I lose, my son lost, grandma lost but so did Mini-Siam. We took ourselves and my hard earned cash somewhere else that does not have this vile dual pricing practice.

Some have said that the OP lost the chance to have a day of fun with his son. That maybe, but he taught him a valuable lesson...do not discriminate...do not practice racism...do not be greedy...

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Take now into account the bad press that these establishments get from places such as TV and the loss of income from those that would go if dual pricing was not practiced and I would think that the dual pricing system actually has a negative effect on an establishments revenue.

Hard to say . . . many idiot farang don't know, don't care, or even defend dual pricing.

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I understand the attendance at the Colleseum shows are markedly improved as high season starts to find its legs. Another show will be added shortly. Obviously tourists here on holiday are not going to whine about dual pricing..... they'll leave that to the locals.

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Ladyboys are hot...I'd pay triple pricing to see the show!

seen the big three ladyboy shows in the last 3 months

Tiffany's is still the best by far and has the added bonus of being able to shoot a load or two at the range underneath

Edited by blackman
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Ladyboys are hot...I'd pay triple pricing to see the show!

seen the big three ladyboy shows in the last 3 months

Tiffany's is still the best by far and has the added bonus of being able to shoot a load or two at the range underneath

Some people may be able to detect a double entendre in this post.

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Ladyboys are hot...I'd pay triple pricing to see the show!

seen the big three ladyboy shows in the last 3 months

Tiffany's is still the best by far and has the added bonus of being able to shoot a load or two at the range underneath

Some people may be able to detect a double entendre in this post.

Duh! ya think?...

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Huh, opening night wrinkles?

I was invited to attend the opening night. I went only to be stuffed around for hours because they had issued me seats that did not exist.

There is no acceptable reason for dual pricing. Can you imagine a company in Australia or anywhere for that matter with dual pricing?

You're not in Australia. Obvious I know but often forgotten...

mcyachty is quite correct. There is NO acceptable reason for dual pricing especially since it's based on race.

Racial Discrimination shouldn't be part of our world,


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Ladyboys are hot...I'd pay triple pricing to see the show!

seen the big three ladyboy shows in the last 3 months

Tiffany's is still the best by far and has the added bonus of being able to shoot a load or two at the range underneath

Some people may be able to detect a double entendre in this post.

Duh! ya think?...

.... and the assumption of course, is one visits the range after the show!

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