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The thought of not feeling really welcome and having to take care everything myself frightens me.

On the flip-side this thought strengthened me.

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I fear that by 2020 getting a cab from Swampy to Suk will be a 3-hour ordeal, regardless of when your plane arrives.

By 2020 you can take the skytrain, mate. Or haven't you heard...


The only things that frighten me, if that is the correct word, is the total lack of health insurance and the uncertainty of exchange rates. These are the two reasons that I maintain US residency and visit LOS about 1/2 time.

I suppose I could add that political instability and corruption, the (soon to be) trillion baht rice scheme which is a government debt, and the condo bubble cause me to feel insecure about cashing it all in for LOS.

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I fear that by 2020 getting a cab from Swampy to Suk will be a 3-hour ordeal, regardless of when your plane arrives.

I fear that by 2020 that same journey will require a riverboat.

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a Klingon usually fears nobody and nothing except... perhaps... once in a while... his wife ermm.gif

Which one??wink.png


so why don't you leave?

Just leave this thread. People have different fears. The topic just asks you to list your greatest fear in Thailand. Nobody's fear is right or wrong. Why would you argue with somebody about their personal fears?

"How little other people and other people's basic rights matter to most Thais."

"99 percent of snakes in Thailand are poisonous."

Because it is not true.

That is why I present an opposing view.

But you don't present an opposing view at all. All you do is come out with the pathetic "if you don't like it, leave" response, which I associate with people who cannot come up with something more creative. Any anyhow, how can you possibly determine what someone else fears?!

Seems to me the only type Single Pot annoys are those who would like to leave,but cant afford too. If Thailand didnt suit me.id leave. If heard Fereng slag Thailand ,and i tell em too Off Back Home,normall responce from an Alfa Male.

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a Klingon usually fears nobody and nothing except... perhaps... once in a while... his wife ermm.gif

Which one??wink.png

the one and only who does not allow me an additional one sad.png


since we have had our dog, on his early morning walk[6am] i pass a nice respectable lady who lives alone[sometimes] in all of almost three yrs.she has only nodded with a smile.well this morning she smiled,nodded then said hansum man i hope she was talking to the dog.

"How little other people and other people's basic rights matter to most Thais."

"99 percent of snakes in Thailand are poisonous."

Because it is not true.

That is why I present an opposing view.

But you don't present an opposing view at all. All you do is come out with the pathetic "if you don't like it, leave" response, which I associate with people who cannot come up with something more creative. Any anyhow, how can you possibly determine what someone else fears?!

Seems to me the only type Single Pot annoys are those who would like to leave,but cant afford too. If Thailand didnt suit me.id leave. If heard Fereng slag Thailand ,and i tell em too Off Back Home,normall responce from an Alfa Male.

Normal response from an Alfa Male? Back off to such a degree that you walk away? Not very Alfa Male ish is it.

Anyway, you are also wrong with your assumption; I don't live in Thailand, never will. I have previously, though, spent around 9 months (in total) in South East Asia and overall enjoyed it a lot; Thailand just seems to be becoming less appealing the older I get.


Alfa is an Italian sports car. Alpha is most Farang after 10 beers ;)

Vladimir Putin is an alpha male - I strongly suspect that he is also a sociopath. Be careful what you wish for.

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since we have had our dog, on his early morning walk[6am] i pass a nice respectable lady who lives alone[sometimes] in all of almost three yrs.she has only nodded with a smile.well this morning she smiled,nodded then said hansum man i hope she was talking to the dog.

Hmm...so what frightens you most is yourself.....licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-Wpu.gif


he fact that most Thais (including police) will stand around and watch someone die rather than stepping in to render first aid.


Droopy breasts scare me.Apparently there is a bar where a girl can throw her breasts over her shoulder and back-heel them.

She can also tie both breasts together and make them look as if she was wearing a bow-tie.

One thing,have you ever had a girlfriend with hairy breasts?,,,,,,very scary. Her kids complained they were fed with coconut juice.

But the things that are really scary are.........Balconies.

I wonder if there is a Building Code biggrin.png for the height of a balcony. There are always reports of farangs falling off balconies, and my new place has these all around the 2nd floor - at knee height.

As useful as the proverbial mammaries on a bull.

They're ideal for sitting on I'm sure, but I very much doubt I'd land on my feet if I went backwards over one.

Come to think of it, they might be waist high for a Thai.whistling.gif



Let me elaborate. The other night I had to ride from my place down the bypass road to Phuket town. About half way down on the left there is that new Fantasea type attraction. I don't even know what the name of it is because I hate those bus em in and rip em off type attractions. If anyone knows the name please post...it maybe niramet or something like that.

Anyway, it was absolutely bucketing down and I was sneaking along in the bike lane taking great care commensurate with the risk of riding at night, in a down pour, on late very dangerous and busy strip of road.

Off in the distance, I saw, what at first I thought was the head light of a ghost rider coming the wrong way up the bike lane. I backed off on the throttle because the bike lane is very narrow at that point and the other two inside lanes where full of trucks, and buses all going full clip despite the rain.

As I got closer to the headlight it started to sway and so my adrenaline ticked up a notch as I realised I was dealing not only with a ghost rider but a drunk ghost rider.

A little closer and suddenly the beam of light flashed directly into my eyes and I was blinded. I had to stop my bike to avoid crashing. After a few seconds the beam then moved a bit and I continued to ride forward. When I reached the source of the light it was not a bike or rider. But rather, two Thai blokes huddled under a grey coloured beach umbrella, the pole of which was tied to the back of two blue plastic chairs. Their cubbyhouse was positioned to the right of the bike lane and about of third of the way into the main left lane. The blokes were saturated from head to toe, both wearing black shirts, pants, and shoes, and one of them was training the beam of a powerful handheld spotlight into the oncoming traffic.

I pulled up next to them and screamed: IDIOTS

I then continued on my way down the bypass.

Sure...this ain't Kansas...but is it really acceptable to stand, at night, in torrential rain, during peak hour, dressed entirely in black, IN THE LANE of one the busiest and most dangerous strips of road in the South of Thailand, and shine a spotlight into the eyes of the drivers and riders in the oncoming traffic?

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It doesn't really scare me... but I am rather concerned about the lack of coordination and regard for water mains.



ladyboys and taxi drivers ,some of which are very mentally unstable and likely to flip at the slightest moment over anything ,even though you were minding your own business ..

phuket taxi drivers very unstable and screw lose


I dislike taxi drivers too. I don't trust them anywhere in the world but the ones in BKK seem to be extra prone to violence over nothing and don't like it when you're clued up enough to work out when they are ripping you off or pulling a scam.



Let me elaborate. The other night I had to ride from my place down the bypass road to Phuket town. About half way down on the left there is that new Fantasea type attraction. I don't even know what the name of it is because I hate those bus em in and rip em off type attractions. If anyone knows the name please post...it maybe niramet or something like that.

Anyway, it was absolutely bucketing down and I was sneaking along in the bike lane taking great care commensurate with the risk of riding at night, in a down pour, on late very dangerous and busy strip of road.

Off in the distance, I saw, what at first I thought was the head light of a ghost rider coming the wrong way up the bike lane. I backed off on the throttle because the bike lane is very narrow at that point and the other two inside lanes where full of trucks, and buses all going full clip despite the rain.

As I got closer to the headlight it started to sway and so my adrenaline ticked up a notch as I realised I was dealing not only with a ghost rider but a drunk ghost rider.

A little closer and suddenly the beam of light flashed directly into my eyes and I was blinded. I had to stop my bike to avoid crashing. After a few seconds the beam then moved a bit and I continued to ride forward. When I reached the source of the light it was not a bike or rider. But rather, two Thai blokes huddled under a grey coloured beach umbrella, the pole of which was tied to the back of two blue plastic chairs. Their cubbyhouse was positioned to the right of the bike lane and about of third of the way into the main left lane. The blokes were saturated from head to toe, both wearing black shirts, pants, and shoes, and one of them was training the beam of a powerful handheld spotlight into the oncoming traffic.

I pulled up next to them and screamed: IDIOTS

I then continued on my way down the bypass.

Sure...this ain't Kansas...but is it really acceptable to stand, at night, in torrential rain, during peak hour, dressed entirely in black, IN THE LANE of one the busiest and most dangerous strips of road in the South of Thailand, and shine a spotlight into the eyes of the drivers and riders in the oncoming traffic?

Yes it is ! Otherwise.......

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