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Anger over DSI chief's 'inappropriate' reference to Yingluck


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DSI or Gestapo?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Unfortunately, if some politicians are unable to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and instead behave as petulant bullies, then the grownups must step in and deal with the bullies.

I think Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan et Al acted as grown ups to Spitting Image.

I think Tarit and Yingluck are being spoiled bullies

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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DSI or Gestapo?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unfortunately, if some politicians are unable to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and instead behave as petulant bullies, then the grownups must step in and deal with the bullies.

Are we calling for a coup here? You certainly are not labelling the Dubai Sponsored Investigator a grownup, are you?

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"He further defended himself by insisting that the allegation that the DSI is disrespectful to the monarchy is nonsensical, because the DSI has been cracking down on those who insult the Royal Family."

Another fantastic example of thai logicbiggrin.png

So what he is saying is that if a policeman catches say murderers, then he cannot be a murderer himself! Or if the DSI/police cracks down on drug dealers, then noone from the DSI/police can be drug dealers themselves biggrin.png

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Good going, guys. Just when you are trying to push through reconciliation bill and the littlest, the most trivial thing can spark an outrage on both sides....simply put, grow up!

I don't see reconciliation on the horizon but I do see the repeat of suppression of freedom of speech since the Thaksin regime. I guess it's the Shinawatra's brand of politics - silence the critics by all means necessary!

It is actually both sides acting the same. The democrats wanted social media shut down to stop having the same thing done to them. It's time for all parties to grow up and concentrate on the real issues being the Thai people and the country and not ones own vanity.

Did they actually do anything or was it public wishful thinking or private wishful thinking? I don't remember seeing anything before this and I didn't find any good references via google. I think most governments, USA, England, Canada etc all want to suppress criticism of themselves, so it isn't surprising if the Democrats did something.

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Wrong."Slut" is too strong agreed, but it can mean something like eagerly flirtatious.It's usually mentioned in fun or in a self mocking way.

This is one of those Thai stories that to use a cliche is Kafkaesque.Nobody comes off well whether it Yingluck, Tarit or the Democratic spokeswoman - though the latter is particularly contemptible in my view for her sheer vulgarity and bad manners.

After the US president's visit, doesn't your description seem accurate? But how do we get from 'fun or in a self mocking way' to 'particularly contemptible in my view for her sheer vulgarity and bad manners'?

Because there is a huge difference between ribbing among friends and making a malicious posting on Facebook.It's a question of class - which some will immediately understand and some never will,

Yes, we colonials are much less class conscious. Do you still tug the forelock?

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Wrong."Slut" is too strong agreed, but it can mean something like eagerly flirtatious.It's usually mentioned in fun or in a self mocking way.

This is one of those Thai stories that to use a cliche is Kafkaesque.Nobody comes off well whether it Yingluck, Tarit or the Democratic spokeswoman - though the latter is particularly contemptible in my view for her sheer vulgarity and bad manners.

After the US president's visit, doesn't your description seem accurate? But how do we get from 'fun or in a self mocking way' to 'particularly contemptible in my view for her sheer vulgarity and bad manners'?

Because there is a huge difference between ribbing among friends and making a malicious posting on Facebook.It's a question of class - which some will immediately understand and some never will,

Yes, we colonials are much less class conscious. Do you still tug the forelock?

Even on the simplest issues you manage to miss the point.

The reference was not to social class distinction (though you are kidding yourself if you believe it doesn't exist in Australia) but the natural class that may equally be seen in a poor farmer as a peer of the realm.

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Western politicians need to have a thicj skin when it comes to insults, the Australians are probably the best at it............


Though the Brits and the Americans are not bad too.........


Stories like this are pathetic, the country needs to grow up.

Grow up to what? But then TIT and even dwarfs started off small

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They remind me of a bunch of 5-year-olds squabbling over a pile of toy bricks.

......except that.the hundreds and hundreds of billions that this government has gotten its hands on add up to trillions...

..and nothing to show for it...for Thailand and the Thai people...now to threaten...quash...(kill?)...any opposition....this is far from trivial....

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Oh these Facebook postings are so 'malicious' and we know that liking them can get you into trouble with the thought police.

Once again Tarit has to throw the full weight of the DSI into going after Democrats. Has he finished his investigation into the modern money transfer 'scandal'?

They should go after Tarit for wasting public money on frivolous 'investigations'.

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If the powers that be put as much effort into moving this country forward with positive contribution as do with libel and slander threats amazing things could happen.

At the moment Thailand 'is' amazing, but for all the wrong reasons.

I do the the reference to Yingluck was inappropriate but maybe this is just Thai humour. A public apology would be good but anything else would be an over reaction. The same could be said for Tarit although it's difficult to tell when it would have been said in Thai and the translation may confuse things.

There's definately no need to waste any more time on it that's for sure.

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Anti-government activists yesterday called on Yingluck to punish Tarit for falsely identifying her as the head of the country, which was deemed in contempt of the monarchy.

Tarit said there was no need to hold a press conference to clarify his identification of Yingluck, as listeners would know that he meant nothing offensive.

After a storm on the social network, Mr. Tharit clarified himself, saying that his reference to Ms. Yingluck was ′theoretically correct′ as the Prime Minister is also the head of the executive power.

He further defended himself by insisting that the allegation that the DSI is disrespectful to the monarchy is nonsensical, because the DSI has been cracking down on those who insult the Royal Family.

Rubbish it is not theoretically correct. Go to any of the commonwealth countries and request who is the head of state. For all of them there is only one and that is the English Queen and where her representative is defined in the world's best democracy it is not the elected parties who hold executive power as the Shinawatra mafia dynasty and their cronies have moved before this incident, but the Attorney General. Simply put the world's best democracy's do not trust the executive power holders to not have someone vetoing them. The Shinawatra mafia and their cronies slip ups are but an insight of what their future populist police state is going to look like.

Attorney general? nah...Governor General

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"Democrat MPs including their leader Abhisit Vejjajiva questioned how this situation meets the qualifications for a case to be taken up by the DSI."

Because the UDD fascists told DSI to do it.

Do you think that Abhisit would have a similar stance if he had a doctored photograph accusing him of being the Thai animal equivalent of a male prostitute (if there is one, animal equivalent, that is?).

My, how he huffed and puffed when his image was printed on flip flops - for those with selective memories, CRES, under his guidance had the Chief of the Army! ordering the arrest of anybody selling anything that "bear pictures, illustrations or anything that will instigate unrest or cause disunity among the public".

At the very least he might have a word in the ear of his chosen deputy Democrat Party spokeswomen and ask her to be a bit more subtle about who she is insulting in public. The arrogance of the man will probably stop this from happening though and he's not one to understand irony.

It seems like a cheap joke. Not very classy and childish politics at best. But hey, tit politics.

I don't think Thais get irony, otherwise they would see the funny side of the DSI claiming it's impossible for them to defame the monarchy since they are the ones apparently chasing the wrongdoers all the time.

Head of state? Off to the tower for you sonny Jim.

Actually maybe they do it, without getting it.

Freedom of democracy and expression whilst cracking down on it at the same time for the good of the country. Or allowing convicted criminals to go to the Olympics. Allow murderers out on bail.

Or is that just pure slapstick?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Ms. Mallika Boonmetrakul, the deputy spokeswoman of the Democrats, Is scraping the bottom of the barrel in this instance and many of her other endeavors of late depict her as having her mind firmly lodged in the gutter.

The most difficult thing Ms. Mallika Boonmetrakul has had to swallow in a long time is the Thai peoples clear mandate for Yingluck as Prime Minister.

Edited by metisdead
Unnecessary usage of bold font removed.
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The person who doctored the photo making it in a disgusting comment, would that not be slander? i think yes, she should loose her job and face the fullest extent of the law, how would you like it if some one did that to your wife, sister, mother???

My "wife, sister, mother" is not pretending to be the PM of this country, and doing it badly. It was a joke, and required the mental leap of the reader to make it, though that obviously wasn't difficult. Few of the interpretations of the insinuation border anywhere near disgusting, and if that is the worst that is said about a political figure, she could consider herself lucky.

Get a grip, and try to remember some of the jokes made about PMs and Premiers in your own country.

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DSI or Gestapo?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unfortunately, if some politicians are unable to conduct themselves in a responsible manner and instead behave as petulant bullies, then the grownups must step in and deal with the bullies.

So you think the DSI are grown ups - not politically controlled at all. That this is indeed so serious it warrants investigating much more quickly than all that corruption, human trafficking and pirating piffle.

Your right, lots of people need to grow up. Perhaps having freedom of speech and an impartial law enforcement hierarchy might be a start. Both concepts alien to PTP.

Edited by Baerboxer
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I thought in a democracy the people are the most .... oops whistling.gif

If you oppose the majority, you are against democracy and must be punished. smile.png

but the current government don't have the majority of the people voting for them...........................................

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If someone filed a complaint about the illegal issuing of a passport to a fugitive, and failure to answer the Ombudsman's questions and chase ups, would the DSI leader and the committee consider that a special case to get priority treatment?

Nah, guess not. That's just about the government acting illegally and refusing to respond to legitimate questions when pressed by the Ombudsman. Anyway, it won't have been an illegal act when the amnesty bill is passed and everyone one's whitewashed.

Much more important to put all the resources on defamation suits. Particularly when protecting Madame HoS, P, PM/DM.

Yingluck must have some really poor advisors. She would gain much more Kudos by rising above all this and treating the silly idiots with the contempt they deserve. But, that would be behaving like a stateswoman.

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Why would the Democrat spokewoman posted a " doctored " photo...

I suspect Malika thought she was just having a bit of fun, an ex journalist with the tongue of a street vendor, I think she thought, like most Thais, calling some raed, rhino, in Thai is not that serious, only meaning a flirt, and in the context of tiger, lion and bull on the photo.

In my view Tarit has seriously overreacted, wasting public money on a nonsense issue.

However if Yingluck intends to stay in politics she needs to develop a thicker skin, like a rhino in fact!

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Why would the Democrat spokewoman posted a " doctored " photo...

I suspect Malika thought she was just having a bit of fun, an ex journalist with the tongue of a street vendor, I think she thought, like most Thais, calling some raed, rhino, in Thai is not that serious, only meaning a flirt, and in the context of tiger, lion and bull on the photo.

In my view Tarit has seriously overreacted, wasting public money on a nonsense issue.

However if Yingluck intends to stay in politics she needs to develop a thicker skin, like a rhino in fact!

I agree it's not a serious issue and also that Tarit overreacted.Nobody should be pursued not least because in a free society mocking politicians isn't a crime.However where I differ slightly from you is to dispute whether this was simply just a bit of fun.It seems to me that there was also an element of malice and above all a total lack of class.Having said that it isn't really a big deal and too many words have already been spent on this silly season story.

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