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Democrats, PAD join forces to fight 'Thaksin regime'


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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Pretty good job? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

" I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people"

Oye !! .... How many more of these great thinking caps are out there saying similar stupidities ..??

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. Posted Image

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Pretty good job? Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

" I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people"

Oye !! .... How many more of these great thinking caps are out there saying similar stupidities ..??

The highlight of her success being NOT doing something!
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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

It is because the opposition is demonstrating peaceful. If you had the Yellow armed with military weapons she would order the army to shoot them. The same as Abhisit did with the armed red shirts.

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least dhe has not told the army to shoot people.

Did anybody?

I thought the nearest anybody got was to allow the army to defend themselves against self-professed armed demonstrators.

Anyway, your comment is not based on any fact. Who knows what happens behind the scenes other than the fugitive criminal, former PM hiding like a coward in a life of luxury obtained while he was in his beloved homeland.

Somebody needs to defend Thailand from Thaksin's implementation of democracy. Every little helps.

What's the saying - 'all it needs for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing'. Somebody needs to represent the good people of Thailand.

Get you along to the protests then.

Their ranks need swelling.

An elected government via a landslide election victory is being referred to as the "Thaksin regime."

You're right about the election victory but it seems almost certain that Thaksin is controlling a lot of the PTP's actions and he wasn't elected.

I think that is why his name crops up here.

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TS might be PM again one day. IVO the kinds of measures being taken vis-à-vis the internet, how much do you really want to post here, or anywhere else, concerning him?

There will be some shocked TV forum members if that happened. We have learned over the years from serious observers of Thai politics that "it has moved beyond Thaksin", and "Thaksin was just a catalyst", or even its a "grassroots movement of prai against amart".

Didn't the great man himself even say that he would not return to politics? And now there are posters talking about him returning to be PM one day?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't realise that you'll find just one poster, singular, who has suggested that, the one you quoted.

Hardly a groundswell of popular opinion is it?

Just a diversion from the shock that some TV Forum members should feel about there beloved democrat party being linked with the PAD contingent (again) despite all those denials. Still, what do you expect when you get the opposition Leader heading the march of PAD supporters on parliament (well, almost parliament,until they realised they had all left the kettle boiling at home or something like that and shuffled off. No matter what their acronym is , it's the same old PAD "warriors").

It will be interesting to see if Abhisit has anything to say about this especially seeing his old "Foreign Minister" Kasit is back with his old buddies and ready to “fight Thaksin's regime both in Parliament and on the streets”

Thats not Reconciliation Talk, that’s Fighting Talk.

I think you'll find that it had nothing to do with leaving the kettle on but abiding by the law. I'm sure you would be complaining if they had resorted to violence as has happened before.

I'm not at all sure that the Democrats joining with PAD is a good idea but we'll just have to wait and see.

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Grow up!

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Grow up!

LOL - said as if they would consider following her orders if she did... But she has given no such orders, so I guess that makes her the statesman of the century and god's gift to political enlightenment, eh? Talk about setting the bar...

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bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

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bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

You're deluded.

Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

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bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

You're deluded.

Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

Unfortunately you both are right.

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"We will therefore fight Thaksin's regime both in Parliament and on the streets."

The Democrats can only fight via the yellow shirt movement on the streets. In Parliament they will always be the looser.

As I always said, no difference in any government, they will always move to the streets if they can't win inside the parliament.

Wouldn't be surprised if the yellows this time block Bangkok or move into Airports once again.

Thaksin was sentenced to prison.

Here is a short Wikipedia quote:

In 1987, when Chuan Lekpai was Parliament Speaker, his younger brother Raluek Leekpai (ระลึก หลีกภัย) was charged with embezzling 231.8 million THB (approx. 9 million USD in 1987) from Thai Farmers Bank. Raluek had been an executive at TFB. Responding to accusations in Parliament, Chuan publicly defended the innocence of his brother. Raluek fled the country, and only returned to Thailand in 2004 after the statute of limitations expired on his crime and he couldn't be prosecuted. He had been on the run as a fugitive in Taiwan. Raluek has said he might enter politics in order to restore his reputation, although he said he wanted to live a quiet life in his Trang hometown.

He was in fact 17 years on the run. Welcome to the Democrat Party.

Go back to the founding of the Dem Party back in 46 and do the research. Its pretty clear they are only the Army political wing. Democrats have never won an outright majority at an election. If you research thoroughly you will make the jigsaw and understand how the Army has so much power and positions of power in Thai Life...its not rocket science

Edited by backtonormal
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diehard60. post # 14
I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Can you, will you recall that her brother was an open backer of the Red Shirts vocally and financially as proven on many a short and not so short video clip in the worlds social media sites at the time of the civil unrest arson hospital occupation looting and general terrorist acts? He was certainly vocal in telling people how to act violently while he and his clan were off shopping in the worlds high end shopping malls.

Seem to recall Tak Bai, the victims there died from weakness as a result of fasting over Ramadan. Who was the Prime Minister then?

Seem to recall a prominent lawyer who was opposing the then government going missing too, poor soul has still not be found,

Guess who was the Prime minister then?

The truth is indeed twixt two opposing factions which you need to view from both sides and then in the middle to get the clear picture

links to financial involvement please

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I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least dhe has not told the army to shoot people.

Did anybody?

I thought the nearest anybody got was to allow the army to defend themselves against self-professed armed demonstrators.

Anyway, your comment is not based on any fact. Who knows what happens behind the scenes other than the fugitive criminal, former PM hiding like a coward in a life of luxury obtained while he was in his beloved homeland.

Somebody needs to defend Thailand from Thaksin's implementation of democracy. Every little helps.

What's the saying - 'all it needs for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing'. Somebody needs to represent the good people of Thailand.

Get you along to the protests then.

Their ranks need swelling.

An elected government via a landslide election victory is being referred to as the "Thaksin regime."

An elected government failing to govern democratically.

A landslide victory to ruin Thailand?

I'm just a guest remember, a guest who is free to express an opinion about what I perceive to be happening around me. A guest who doesn't see an electoral result as a justification for destroying democracy, as well as destroying rule of law in a country which deserves better - IMHO

I wonder what the red apologists see as thailand's future if this government's actions remain unchallenged.

I would genuinely like to know.

Well said. But when the people care less about the rule of law, or constitutional limitations on government, than they do their checkbooks, the train has pretty much left the station. This will ALWAYS happen with overcentralized governments. The temptation of all that money & power is just too much to resist for long.

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone?

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone. Thats the question the Thai public want the answer too. As you can see by the death counts on both sides Army/Dems 91 kills v Red shirts O kills proven that the army grossly over reacted to the situation or the army was given license to shoot all and sundry (most likely). Somewhere there is the orders on paper and somebody is keeping that as a 'get out of jail' card

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone?

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone. Thats the question the Thai public want the answer too. As you can see by the death counts on both sides Army/Dems 91 kills v Red shirts O kills proven that the army grossly over reacted to the situation or the army was given license to shoot all and sundry (most likely). Somewhere there is the orders on paper and somebody is keeping that as a 'get out of jail' card

There will be zero proof that abhisit did that is for sure.

The army broke the rules. Those won't be paper orders given, they will have been verbal between the soldiers on the ground.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. Posted Image

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone?

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone. Thats the question the Thai public want the answer too. As you can see by the death counts on both sides Army/Dems 91 kills v Red shirts O kills proven that the army grossly over reacted to the situation or the army was given license to shoot all and sundry (most likely). Somewhere there is the orders on paper and somebody is keeping that as a 'get out of jail' card

Excellent set of biased sweeping statements.

Interesting opinions which I'm sure the red apologists stand behind

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Looks like the barstool windbags are mourning the demise of their beloved PAD and the statesmanlike rise in respectability of this democratically elected government.

If evidence were required of the gulf between PAD/Democrat Party and Yingluck's government look at the article which has the hapless PAD and it's chums threatening to take to the streets and the news that, among others, Thai Chamber of Commerce and Thai Bankers Association are joining Yingluck's talks.

To the poster who maintains that Red Shirts are untouchable: Please tell us how many Yellow Shirts are languishing in prison for their acts of terrorism in closing two international airports and the ransacking of Government House? I think you'll find many Red Shirts were rightly imprisoned for their crimes at Central World. Double standards or what.

It's nice to see Abhisit renewing friendship with the ex Foreign Minister Kasit who is being belatedly charged with offences committed during the PAD airport closures.

A good article reflecting the paucity of original thought emanating from those out to destroy democracy

I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least dhe has not told the army to shoot people.

She doesn't have to as her red army is free to do so with impunity evidently.

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The news headline is some joke. The Democrats and PAD are one and the same.

No they are not. The PAD were some of the dems fiercest critics (outside the red street thugs, that is) because they did not go along with their nationalistic, right wing lunacy. The PAD are fascists whose time has passed and cannot accept this. If, if, the dems are going to ally themselves with these zealots then they are making a huge mistake. PAD are a danger to themselves, their allies and anyone around them. The dems do not need their type of bigotry.

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Nope, she has her red stormtroopers for that.

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bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

You're deluded.

Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

The 'herds in the north", huh?!


I am so happy that the "elite in Bangkok" in opposition to that, is always on the edge, having their fingers on the pulse and are eager to reform the country and bring it forward!


I am really happy that the PAD is such a progressive force!

I am so happy, that Abisith and the DEMS were doing so much for freedom and education!

I am so happy, that finally the elite wants to step up and ensure a better education for the "herds in the north", so next time, they know better, who to vote for!

I always find it comical, when the loom and doom in Thailand is always connected to the "herds of the north"...and never to the guys and gals from yesteryear, who had the chance for centuries, to make a change, to work for equality and to educate the masses...only...they didn't give a frog, because the status quo is exactly what they wanted.

They just started crying and complaining about the stupidity of the "herds from the north", when they started to vote for the wrong guy!

If there is no will here, to change something substantial, something that is inclusive and is not leaving one group behind, so the other group can live a life in decadent luxury (or at least in a state of not giving a sh1t!), nothing will ever change...until the whole construct in this fairy-tale kingdom, simply blows up!

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone?

No doubt we'll find out by around the end of the month when the decision on whether the decision to take Abhisit and Suthep to court is made. If they take the decision to try them you can be sure they'll have the evidence (revised ROE statement) to back it up.

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diehard60. post # 14
I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Can you, will you recall that her brother was an open backer of the Red Shirts vocally and financially as proven on many a short and not so short video clip in the worlds social media sites at the time of the civil unrest arson hospital occupation looting and general terrorist acts? He was certainly vocal in telling people how to act violently while he and his clan were off shopping in the worlds high end shopping malls.

Seem to recall Tak Bai, the victims there died from weakness as a result of fasting over Ramadan. Who was the Prime Minister then?

Seem to recall a prominent lawyer who was opposing the then government going missing too, poor soul has still not be found,

Guess who was the Prime minister then?

The truth is indeed twixt two opposing factions which you need to view from both sides and then in the middle to get the clear picture

Nurse in a temple administrating first aid to the unarmed, shot by the army. Foreign journalist shot in the back whilst running away from the army shooters. Who was the Prime Minister then?

This could go on for a long time...

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Nurse in a temple administrating first aid to the unarmed, shot by the army. Foreign journalist shot in the back whilst running away from the army shooters. Who was the Prime Minister then?

This could go on for a long time...

Allegedly needs to precede shot and shot in your post. No confirmed eye witnesses that saw the shootings. No confirmation of balistics matching the weapon to the bullet. All circumstantial evidence.

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I was out for dinner last night and on the way back my Thai companions started singing a song with much gusto. When I asked them what it was about they said it was about Yingluck being like a crab, she's got legs, got two eyes, but she ain't got a head ( brain ).

A bit harsh I thought. She has got a head, she just doesn't use it much. coffee1.gif

I think she is doing a pretty good job, at least she has not told the army to shoot people.

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone?

Who ordered the army to shoot anyone. Thats the question the Thai public want the answer too. As you can see by the death counts on both sides Army/Dems 91 kills v Red shirts O kills proven that the army grossly over reacted to the situation or the army was given license to shoot all and sundry (most likely). Somewhere there is the orders on paper and somebody is keeping that as a 'get out of jail' card

Grossly over reacted? I'm trying to recall another country that let a bunch of hired thugs hold the capitol hostage for two months without doing anything about it. That's what happens when the police (more hired Thaskin thugs) refuse to do their jobs.

Also, remember there was a deal to hold elections early, which was the whole point of the protests, but the megalomaniac in Dubai vetoed it.

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bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

You're deluded.

Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

The 'herds in the north", huh?!


I am so happy that the "elite in Bangkok" in opposition to that, is always on the edge, having their fingers on the pulse and are eager to reform the country and bring it forward!


I am really happy that the PAD is such a progressive force!

I am so happy, that Abisith and the DEMS were doing so much for freedom and education!

I am so happy, that finally the elite wants to step up and ensure a better education for the "herds in the north", so next time, they know better, who to vote for!

I always find it comical, when the loom and doom in Thailand is always connected to the "herds of the north"...and never to the guys and gals from yesteryear, who had the chance for centuries, to make a change, to work for equality and to educate the masses...only...they didn't give a frog, because the status quo is exactly what they wanted.

They just started crying and complaining about the stupidity of the "herds from the north", when they started to vote for the wrong guy!

If there is no will here, to change something substantial, something that is inclusive and is not leaving one group behind, so the other group can live a life in decadent luxury (or at least in a state of not giving a sh1t!), nothing will ever change...until the whole construct in this fairy-tale kingdom, simply blows up!

Ignoring your paranoia about the Amart, who don't seem to have screwed the country as much as this government for the people.

If the people in the north are kept in the dark about politics, it doesn't say much for democracy.

It's almost a 'vote here' for Thaksin, the milky bar kid with a gift for everyone. Anybody else is wrong because they aren't Thaksin.

Keeping the electorate ignorant helps the red apologists with the argument 'the Democrats are unelectable'. Until the electorate compare policies, the electoral results are meaningless. If the northern electorate were given the ability and will to understand, their voting intentions would be more easily seen as educated. Until that time, their right to vote will be manipulated.

Any feedback on my request for the red apologists to identify what Thailand will look like if the present government use their electoral majority to force through policies unopposed?

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Nurse in a temple administrating first aid to the unarmed, shot by the army. Foreign journalist shot in the back whilst running away from the army shooters. Who was the Prime Minister then?

This could go on for a long time...

Allegedly needs to precede shot and shot in your post. No confirmed eye witnesses that saw the shootings. No confirmation of balistics matching the weapon to the bullet. All circumstantial evidence.

Are you still denying that the army were responsible for the deaths at the Wat? Un #### ing believable!

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bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

You're deluded.

Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

The 'herds in the north", huh?!


I am so happy that the "elite in Bangkok" in opposition to that, is always on the edge, having their fingers on the pulse and are eager to reform the country and bring it forward!


I am really happy that the PAD is such a progressive force!

I am so happy, that Abisith and the DEMS were doing so much for freedom and education!

I am so happy, that finally the elite wants to step up and ensure a better education for the "herds in the north", so next time, they know better, who to vote for!

I always find it comical, when the loom and doom in Thailand is always connected to the "herds of the north"...and never to the guys and gals from yesteryear, who had the chance for centuries, to make a change, to work for equality and to educate the masses...only...they didn't give a frog, because the status quo is exactly what they wanted.

They just started crying and complaining about the stupidity of the "herds from the north", when they started to vote for the wrong guy!

If there is no will here, to change something substantial, something that is inclusive and is not leaving one group behind, so the other group can live a life in decadent luxury (or at least in a state of not giving a sh1t!), nothing will ever change...until the whole construct in this fairy-tale kingdom, simply blows up!

Ignoring your paranoia about the Amart, who don't seem to have screwed the country as much as this government for the people.

If the people in the north are kept in the dark about politics, it doesn't say much for democracy.

It's almost a 'vote here' for Thaksin, the milky bar kid with a gift for everyone. Anybody else is wrong because they aren't Thaksin.

Keeping the electorate ignorant helps the red apologists with the argument 'the Democrats are unelectable'. Until the electorate compare policies, the electoral results are meaningless. If the northern electorate were given the ability and will to understand, their voting intentions would be more easily seen as educated. Until that time, their right to vote will be manipulated.

Any feedback on my request for the red apologists to identify what Thailand will look like if the present government use their electoral majority to force through policies unopposed?

If the people you are backing up so much had any interest in educating the poor...why didn't they do it long ago?

Sure Thaksin and his gang are feeding on that...but to blame him for the uneducated masses is simply bizarre.

Thailand is no democracy and (IMHO) will never be!

It is just not enough to let people vote every now and again and then stand up and shout "Look! We are a democracy!"

There is no freedom of speech f.e. but then again...there never was!

"Lest majeste" rings a bell, maybe?

And if the powers that be have enough of one government, there is always the army, to make things "right"!

Do you really believe, Thailand would be a better or even a different country, with another colored government?


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If the people you are backing up so much had any interest in educating the poor...why didn't they do it long ago?

Sure Thaksin and his gang are feeding on that...but to blame him for the uneducated masses is simply bizarre.

Thailand is no democracy and (IMHO) will never be!

It is just not enough to let people vote every now and again and then stand up and shout "Look! We are a democracy!"

There is no freedom of speech f.e. but then again...there never was!

"Lest majeste" rings a bell, maybe?

And if the powers that be have enough of one government, there is always the army, to make things "right"!

Do you really believe, Thailand would be a better or even a different country, with another colored government?


I don't 'back up' any side. The present government, despite its high turnover of education ministers, is clearly not putting education anywhere on its agenda.

It's difficult to criticise the Opposition as their input is stifled by this government's inability/unwillingness to debate policy.

If Thaksin is the de-facto leader of this government, then I can blame him for the uneducated masses, and his intention to maintain the status quo.

I agree totally with your comments about thailand's democracy, although I'd hope that at least in a few generations time things will change. Perhaps a final realisation that the world is bigger than Thailand will be the start, but who knows?

I don't think your phrase 'have enough of one government' is correct. My version would be 'have enough of the actions of one government'. That's only my opinion.

Will President Thaksin have laws to protect his empire?

I don't believe the colour of a government is relevant. It's policies and intentions I believe in. If Yingluck, ability or not, was leading a government intent on improving the lives of Thai people and their country, I'd be cheering.

Edited by Noistar
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