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Bribespot - will it work?


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Hahaha like the idea. But think the website would be overwhelmed here, or in short order the map wold be sold red

with markers dropped for every corruption spot, and thus become of little use. Corruption here is from the very bottom

to the very top, thus impossible to stop from an internal level. This would be like politely asking the foxes to regulate

themselves and stop eating the chickens... Only a revolution of the mass of people will bring this to a stop.

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It's great that you have caught the news of Bribespot Thailand so quickly! Good for you! Can I just clarify one thing......internationally Bribespot.com has indeed been around for a couple of years, but Bribespot Thailand was only officially launched in Bangkok less than 2 weeks ago and our first regional roadshow is indeed here in Chiang Mai...I hope your post attracts attention and I would be more than happy to interact with you on this. Please go ahead and ask any questions...and keep checking out our Facebook page (Bribespot Thailand) for updates smile.png

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I see there are claims of corruption against e.g. education providers, around the world.

How do you ensure these are legitimate?

What do you do if a named business contacts you to contest a report?

I can anonymously defame my competitors?

Edited by bangkockney
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We are not telling people not to pay a bribe...that choice rests with you as we know that all too often it is extremely difficult to avoid doing so. What we are asking is for you to post that incident in a way that is safe, anonymous and easy. Our aim is to provide channels for posting in a single place and to clearly reveal the scope of the problem and then...well..let's take this one step at a time.

BTW our booth is at the 3 Kings Monument today from around 3pm until late.....I'll be there too so if you have time please come and chat to us...would love to interact with Thai Visa Forum members :)

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Thanks, Colabamumbai......and thanks to any Thai Visa forum members for 'liking' our FB page...Please help to get the word out by sharing details of Bribespot Thailand in the ex-pat community in Thailand...

FYI our road show will be in Khon Kaen 23 - 25 August; and Surat-thani 30 August - 1 September. I'll make sure that exact details of locations are posted on FB in English as well as Thai :)

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Thanks for ignoring me.

An Australian university is named, the subject and department identified (meaning the individual could be inferred), and accused of bribes for grades. How can you allow such a claim to be made?

Do you think this is a good idea?

Are you swimming in DMCA notices?

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Interesting exercise but 'clandestine camera and Youtube upload' still seems the only real way to garner action from on high.

As already said when the maps aglow with l'ill red markers will the tooth fairy magically make things better (proliferations of spray paint markers on the tarmac doesn't seem to enhance the standards of driving)


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I thought this was a site where a person could make their bribes online, not report them! But I guess those getting the bribes aren't clever enough to do that (yet).

Soon soon....the police already have a website for transfers so they should be able to polish up their paypal gateway.

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I thought this was a site where a person could make their bribes online, not report them! But I guess those getting the bribes aren't clever enough to do that (yet).

Soon soon....the police already have a website for transfers so they should be able to polish up their paypal gateway.

So last year

EasyPay QR codes ... theiving BIB slides in on underside of notebook, scan of the QR with smartphone...job done


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Hahaha like the idea. But think the website would be overwhelmed here, or in short order the map wold be sold red

with markers dropped for every corruption spot, and thus become of little use. Corruption here is from the very bottom

to the very top, thus impossible to stop from an internal level. This would be like politely asking the foxes to regulate

themselves and stop eating the chickens... Only a revolution of the mass of people will bring this to a stop.

"Only a revolution of the mass of people will bring this to a stop."

That statement almost sounds like "Where is Pol Pot when you need him?"

However, better beware of this:


Edited by TackyToo
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I thought this was a site where a person could make their bribes online, not report them! But I guess those getting the bribes aren't clever enough to do that (yet).

hahahaha yeh, me too - i thought that was a novel way of sorting out their money....never again do i need to make sure I've got enough small bills in my pocket for appropriate monetary donations....maybe we could even pay in advance...like bribe credits hahaha whistling.gif

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It will become a threat to "national security"

Yes and tarnish the good reputation of Thailand, threatening tourism. TAT needs to step in and take action against the unpatriotic people who are threatening the countries image.

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It's great that you have caught the news of Bribespot Thailand so quickly! Good for you! Can I just clarify one thing......internationally Bribespot.com has indeed been around for a couple of years, but Bribespot Thailand was only officially launched in Bangkok less than 2 weeks ago and our first regional roadshow is indeed here in Chiang Mai...I hope your post attracts attention and I would be more than happy to interact with you on this. Please go ahead and ask any questions...and keep checking out our Facebook page (Bribespot Thailand) for updates smile.png

You're going to net a lot of dyslexic middle aged men with a URL that close to "Thai" and "Bride" :)

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