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Red Bull heir Vorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya pleads illness, evades prosecutor


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I think they will give death sentence to the policeman for being in front of mr Vorayuth car at the moment of the accident. If the police man would not have been there, the accident could not have happened. But because he is already past away, they will drop all charges and no one is to blame. End of story.....coffee1.gif

Your logic is impeccable. You are Thai of course. tongue.png

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How about "dropping" all the charges and stop the whole charade?

Thailand is making itself ridiculous in face of the whole world by keeping this charade going on.

The Red Bull heir will NEVER see a prison from the inside.

Nuff said

I don't think the whole world are watching........I doubt this gets a mention outside Thailand unless someone abroad is making an article on wayward S.E Asian heirs, unlikely.

He will certainly pay for it, but in the Thai way. Quite a few Thais are calling for a prison sentence, but truths if the victim was their family they would rather the money than he serve the prison time. And if it was their son who caused the accident they would rather pay for his "mistake" in cash than he do the time.

So a little moral outrage in Thai Rath, but business as usual even though the whole country is watching.

It was front page of The Guardian - a respected UK newspaper 6 hours ago. So yes the eyes of parts of the world are on the Thai idea of justice. Is it Thainess to flee: the scene of an accident or your country when caught with your hand in the honey-pot?

it was also on Yahoo news ...

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Do not buy Red Bull, world wide. Hit them in the pocket. The only thing that matters to these kind of people!

This is exactly what is being promoted on Yahoo news at this very moment ... DO not buy Red Bull Drinks and the responses are coming in strong! more of this is needed

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25 years in prison for an old cancer- patient, who could not prove that he DIDN'T know, how to write an SMS!

...'nuff said!


Click 'like this' post and you will be far more likely to face prosecution than this Red bull heir ever will...

Shi.t! I am doomed ... !!! w00t.gif .. I just cliked on Like by mistake @@ !! blink.png

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Think he should be careful mucking around in Singapore; that is one of the last places to be an arrogant a-hole in.

Not when you have a lot of these= $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Singapore is just like Switzerland. Your money outweighs all other considerations.

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What happened to the cocaine and intoxication charges? I suppose the police have finished gathering the evidence that unfortunately delayed Vorayuth’s prosecution and unintentionally led to the speeding charge being dropped. What a shameful obstruction of justice by the police in the investigation of the death of one of their own.

Those charges were dropped early on due a problem with the testing procedure which malfunctioned after being hit by a bundle of cash.


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That windscreen looks totally trashed. There is absolutely no way he did not know he hit someone or something. He was probably so wasted he thought it was just a person on a bike. Probably did not know it was a cop.

That is ok....he will get dealer prices for the repairs as he is the ferrari dealer.

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So has he recovered from his bout of the sniffles yet?

He probably has one of those ultra rare long term cases of the sniffles it will take years to recover from. Why some of them last as long as the statue of limitations for certain crimes.

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So has he recovered from his bout of the sniffles yet?

He probably has one of those ultra rare long term cases of the sniffles it will take years to recover from. Why some of them last as long as the statue of limitations for certain crimes.

oh sounds very nasty indeed. I hope the poor chap recovers.

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What happened to the cocaine and intoxication charges? I suppose the police have finished gathering the evidence that unfortunately delayed Vorayuth’s prosecution and unintentionally led to the speeding charge being dropped. What a shameful obstruction of justice by the police in the investigation of the death of one of their own.

Those charges were dropped early on due a problem with the testing procedure which malfunctioned after being hit by a bundle of cash.


You are hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh and please post more!

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sniffles is right - probably from all that cocaine usage.

What is kind of surprising is how the whole cocaine angle isn't even mentioned in the (English language) Thai news anymore. Ok fine, he got out of it but you think the media would still make some mention of it rather then gloss it over totally. As mentioned many times in this thread and others is the average Thai citizens resignation to allowing these kind of things to go on. It is pretty angering and depressing.

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Lawyer Tanit Buakhiao met with Bangkok South Criminal Court prosecutor Reucha Kraireuk, in charge of the case, at 3pm and said that Vorayuth had left Thailand last Thursday for a business trip but had suddenly fallen ill and so was unable to travel back. Tanit delivered a medical certificate from his client's doctors and said that, after resting for 2-3 days as they had recommended, Vorayuth would return to Thailand to meet with the prosecutor.

... then, in 2-3 days, the prosecutor gets another medical certificate from Tanit saying that "his client was about to board the plane when his shoe laces got entangled into the walking rollways inside the airport causing him to fall injuring his knee thus the necessity of being hospitalized". Let's Imagine Tanit in front of the judge "so sorry your highness but an evil spirit is cursing my client" ;)

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It's now roughly 10 days since the guy's most recent legal no-show. His attorney originally claimed he'd be back to Thailand by this past weekend. Apparently, that didn't happen, and hasn't happened even as of today, as I see no news with any updates.

So, which is it: a sad, pathetic mockery of justice, or, the way "justice" is done here, or both???

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