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Hey guys.

I'm an American and have to do a quick Mae Sai Visa run today.

I've only done Cambodian visa runs so far.

Any issues with an American crossing over to Lao or Myanmar and back?

Also I've only done Tourist visas up to now. But today i need something quick.

Is the rule of 15 Max day land crossing visa still in effect, or can i get a 30 day.

Are there any issues with getting an entry visa after getting Tourist visas?

Thanks guys.



I recall Americans had issues by crossing in Myanmar in the past.

Either by the US or by Myanmar.

Anyone know the truth to this or if true, is there an update?


Thanks bb!

Ok so its B500 to enter Myanmar, and B1000 to get back. Any other cost other than travel?

what are the latest time in the day to cross over and back with out getting stuck over there?


Question was about entry to Myanmar.

I gave answer based upon his nationality for entry to here.

There are some that get that get 90 days.



Mae Sai is, as I previously mentioned, is the most simplest of visa runs.

Apart from travel costs, whether flying from BKK to Chaing Rai and then bus to Mae Sai or bus from Mo Chit direct to Mae Sai, all you will pay is B500 to enter Myanmar. On return to Thailand you will receive 15 days only. At Mae Sai, from leaving Thailand and returning to Thailand, this will take you approx 30 minutes, unless you plan to do a little shopping. In that case, immigration will hold your passport (receipt given) until you return.

Now what could be more simple than that?


Yes they are still accepting $10. If they say they want ฿500 just say no! Its $10 and that is the law. That will save you enough Thai ฿ to buy a good bottle of French red wine 2007!

Returning to Thailand is free.


Thanks BB and to everyone in this thread.

At the advice of a colleague, I did a run to Mae Sot instead.

Left work at noonish,

got tickets to Tak and boarded the bus to Tak at 12:30

bus left closer to 1pm

Arrived at Tak past 3:30 after a lunch stop for the bus driver blink.png

As i was getting off the bus at Tak, someone came up to me and asked "border run"?

I said yes, and she told me to get ticket quick quick, and pointed to the ticket stall.

I paid for a minibus ride (B75) and she pointed to the minibus and said 'leave in 5 minutes, hurry"

I booked it over there, and boarded the minibus, and the bus immediately pulled outlaugh.png

Got to Mae Sot around 4:40. as i was getting off the minibus a bike taxi met me and asked "boarder run"?

I said yes, and he said, hurry, B100 quick quick

After a 10 or 15 min ride to the border, The bike taxi said he would wait for me w00t.gif

I got my exit stamp, and the Thai immigration called over a different bike....... I asked whats that for? He replied that Myanmar entry closes in 10 minutes and not enough time to walk over, so his friend would take me. blink.png This has GOT TO BE the nicest immigration office I've ever been to!!

But no such luck, the Myanmar official would not let me go in the bridge on the bike, The thai official said "I'm sorry but you must walk over. Very sorry." blink.png I was thinking "whats this guy after, an Nobel Peace Prizelaugh.png lol i Wai'd deeply and thanked him for his effort.wai.gif The dude is my friend for ever! What a nice guy!!

So i started to walk across, A car pulled up on the bridge and asked "border run?" I said yes, and he said, I'll take you across the bridge for B200, I told him SOLD! he didn't understand so I smiled and said, Yes, thank you.

When we got the the Myanmar said, i tried to pay him as he was driving, but he said "no" and pushed my hand down. Then he said, "dont let the border police see you do that. wait a minute". So we drove PAST the immigration station, and into Myanmar. he let me out amongst other cars in about 100yrds past the immigration arrival station.

I paid, got out of the car, walked towards the departure line, and when I got close, i crossed over the the arrival line. The Myanmar official smiled as he saw me approach and he asked "border run" ? <deleted> do I have a sign stamped on my forehead???blink.png I smiled and said yes. The dude spoke english really well. We chatted a bit then he stamped my passport twice. I asked what was going on? He replied that while we were chatting, the departure window closed so he stamped my entry and departure for me.blink.png Is there something in the water in this region??!! What ever coolaid they are drinking, I want some!!! Anyhow he said, $10 US or B500. I gave him the B500 and told him, next time I'm bringing dollars!! He laughed and said "next time stay a bit and enjoy Myanmar". I told him i would and we said our good byes.

Got back to the arrival Thai check point, and these guys have not been drinking the coolaid. All business. but it was quick and efficient. I was about 9 back in the line, and an official saw me with my american passport and told me I was in the wrong line. Go to window 5 which had nobody in line! Ok maybe some of these guys have been dipping into the coolaid also!

Found my scooter taxi driver and made it to the minibus station withing 5 minutes of departure again. At Tak, got the 8PM bus back to Lampang.

All in all, the tally is

10.5 hours

B350 VIP bus to Tak and back

B150 Minibus to MaeSot and back

B300 Scooter to border and back (plus 100 tip for waiting for me for a LONG time lol)

B200 Private car taxi over bridge to make time

B500 for Myanmar entry stamp.

a15 day stamp, as was mentioned by others

Just as easy and painless as can be for a visa run.

I think i even enjoyed this one!blink.png


Well, Jamhar, it looks like you had a really nice adventure for a relatively cheap price. Next time, try Mae Sai and then you can write a nice "compare and contrast" essay about the two experiences. As someone who has been to Mae Sai, I can tell you that no one would have tried to con you into buying transport on the bridge. You can easily throw a rock across that distance!

In fact, Hubby stays on the Thai side and enjoys 500 baht of beer while he waves at me shopping in Mae Sai. He says he's rather spend 500 baht in Thailand than give it to the Burmese for a visa. You see, we're on longer-term extensions and just go to Mae Sai from time-to-time for me to shop.


Thanks for the Heads up Nancy! I'll do that.

I'm always up for an adventure.

Maybe i'll hang out with your hubby afterwards, I've never refused a beer drinking friend :)

How long of a bus ride is it to Mae Sai from Lampang? Does anyone know? someone told me it was atleast a 4 hour bus ride.


Well, Jamhar, it looks like you had a really nice adventure for a relatively cheap price. Next time, try Mae Sai and then you can write a nice "compare and contrast" essay about the two experiences. As someone who has been to Mae Sai, I can tell you that no one would have tried to con you into buying transport on the bridge. You can easily throw a rock across that distance!

In fact, Hubby stays on the Thai side and enjoys 500 baht of beer while he waves at me shopping in Mae Sai. He says he's rather spend 500 baht in Thailand than give it to the Burmese for a visa. You see, we're on longer-term extensions and just go to Mae Sai from time-to-time for me to shop.

Yes I do the same tho of course the town in Burma is aptly called Tackylek !

Under thebridge you can ssometimes see kids wading across the brook which could be spanned by an athletic long jumper.

Sadly the viagara and tobacco touts at the top of the stairs and the general squlaor sordidness makes staying in pretty ordinary Mae Sai seem preferable.

  • 4 weeks later...

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