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Is It Possible For Western Man To Have Plebeian Relationship Here?


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I don't like getting involved any more, like I used to.

So many, many headaches,

Every night it seems, sometimes.

Years ago, I would always be seeking to find a girlfriend who I could be close to, but things get so complicated when the relationship gets beyond the friendship stage.

Now, I am just trying to keep it more simple, and just stay plebeian friends with the girls I meet.

I always these days tell the girl that I go for dinner with, or for a snack or cookies,

That I have already been hurt too many times by past relationships and I need to keep our future relationship strictly plebeian.

But sometimes what I have found is that the girls may be looking for more than this and they just loose interest after the first few meals together.

I think they are looking for more than just a friendship relationship.

I am thinking that maybe I should just join an organization which specializes in introducing people for strictly plebeian friendships.

Also, I do know of some places like church groups and choir groups in my home country where it is expected that relationships will never get beyond the friendship stage.

And anything more is strictly frowned upon.

I have friends who play golf and they have caddies, for example.

And it all stays strictly business with them, too.

So what is the consensus here?

Are plebeian relationships between men and women possible in Thailand?

And, how to find the most rewarding ones that will possibly last a lifetime.

Thank you.


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Try joining one or more civic type of organizations like the Rotary Club, volunteer charity groups, etc. There you will are more likely to meet people (women) who are truly interested and genuine in something that matters outside of getting hooked up with a wallet.

If you're meeting women in all the standard farang male spots, well, you are likely to find what you claim not to want.

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Bit cruel to say it, but .... hilarious malapropism from oldchinafartbiggrin.png . No wonder he's hiding. Good idea not to lay down the first thing that comes into your head on ThaiV, but we've probably all been guilty of that at some time or another.

Plenty of plebian relationships between Thai girls and foreign men here - not so many platonic! Why come to Thailand for a platonic relationship?

Edited by SantiSuk
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Maybe you'll get hurt less if you keep your relationships Patrician instead of Plebeian.

Plutonic relationships are of course possible - anywhere - it depends on what the parties want out of their relationship and whether the other roles are already filled or not. I have plenty of Thai female friends here, but being married and faithful, the relationships with them are plutonic - I would suggest if it was otherwise, we probably would not be in any kind of relationship.

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What's plebeian relationships precious what's plebeian relationships eh ?

nasty hobbits spoil nice relationships

Thrown into the midst of a noisy and plebeian age, with which he does not like to eat out of the same dish, he may readily perish of hunger and thirst—or, should he nevertheless finally "fall to," of sudden nausea.—We have probably all sat at tables to which we did not belong; and precisely the most spiritual of us, who are most difficult to nourish, know the dangerous DYSPEPSIA which originates from a sudden insight and disillusionment about our food and our messmates—the AFTER-DINNER NAUSEA.

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