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Epic Fail?........Or A Bump In The Road?......

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Down side? I've got a parasitic infection, 5 days of meds to get rid of it.

The Doctor didn't use the term tape worm though, he just said parasite in the bowel. A nasty subject but maybe some more of us should be getting checked out for it? Some of these parasites can cause serious damage.

Which one (parasitic infection) did you win?

Post back if you find out.

What did they prescribe?

And to Jing's point, I don't care how much commitment I show, I'm never walking onto an NBA court as a point center. Just isn't going to happen. Wasn't going to happen. Never. My nephew, who is a full 7" taller than me was a natural high school basketball star. That's the difference genetics makes. He had the genetics that made the effort pay off for him. I could have worked out dawn to dusk every day of my life and still wouldn't have been half the player he was.

I imagine it's the same with obesity. Commitment can help the odds, but to say that my nephew just wanted it more than I did is missing the main part of the equation.

The biggest difference in perception is the fact that you can see the genetic difference between me and my nephew. (Oh, and the $$$ billions spent by the weight loss industry.)

Of course but within your limits commitment will help a lot. In the end your the one feeding yourself and nobody else. But I know how hard it is to resist cravings at times. That is when commitment comes in. Besides some people want to loose weight while they keep on drinking beer... i mean that is auto fail.

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But I do agree with others that willpower alone wont help you.. but it really does help. Does not mean its all your fault when it goes wrong. I have seen experiments about cravings and I have experienced them myself. Sometimes you just give in, as long as you don't give in too much you can still beat it.

It is all about choices and the willingness to make lifestyle changes, you cant loose weight and expect eating the same as your doing now and doing the same as now because that is what got you int he problems (assuming your overweight). Also you can't go back to your old ways after you lost the weight.

That is why it is so hard you have to give up things to stay slim. Its not fair that some people can still do those things and stay slim. But that is life.. some things are not fair.


Got my blood tests back.....being a bit paranoid the first one I looked at was HIV, negative!!

Cholesterol a tad high, Uric acid the same and a thing called LDL. Been prescribed water ( plenty ) healthy Thai food and exercise.

The Doctor said my bloods re my heart are better than his, every other function is perfect and I'm nowhere near the diabetes range.


Down side? I've got a parasitic infection, 5 days of meds to get rid of it.

TV member Forethat started a topic a few weeks ago on the subject of parasitic infections, it ended up that 6 out of 6 of his drinking buddies had a tape worm I believe. Apparently it's chronic here in Thailand.......well now you can add me to the list.

The Doctor didn't use the term tape worm though, he just said parasite in the bowel. A nasty subject but maybe some more of us should be getting checked out for it? Some of these parasites can cause serious damage.

How much did you test cost?


Got my blood tests back.....being a bit paranoid the first one I looked at was HIV, negative!!

Cholesterol a tad high, Uric acid the same and a thing called LDL. Been prescribed water ( plenty ) healthy Thai food and exercise.

The Doctor said my bloods re my heart are better than his, every other function is perfect and I'm nowhere near the diabetes range.


Down side? I've got a parasitic infection, 5 days of meds to get rid of it.

TV member Forethat started a topic a few weeks ago on the subject of parasitic infections, it ended up that 6 out of 6 of his drinking buddies had a tape worm I believe. Apparently it's chronic here in Thailand.......well now you can add me to the list.

The Doctor didn't use the term tape worm though, he just said parasite in the bowel. A nasty subject but maybe some more of us should be getting checked out for it? Some of these parasites can cause serious damage.

How much did you test cost?

3300 baht, I can see that's expensive compared to yourself.

@Impulse I don't know the type, I have the meds here but no name on them. I'll post as soon as I talk to the Doctor again.


Got my blood tests back.....being a bit paranoid the first one I looked at was HIV, negative!!

Cholesterol a tad high, Uric acid the same and a thing called LDL. Been prescribed water ( plenty ) healthy Thai food and exercise.

The Doctor said my bloods re my heart are better than his, every other function is perfect and I'm nowhere near the diabetes range.


Down side? I've got a parasitic infection, 5 days of meds to get rid of it.

TV member Forethat started a topic a few weeks ago on the subject of parasitic infections, it ended up that 6 out of 6 of his drinking buddies had a tape worm I believe. Apparently it's chronic here in Thailand.......well now you can add me to the list.

The Doctor didn't use the term tape worm though, he just said parasite in the bowel. A nasty subject but maybe some more of us should be getting checked out for it? Some of these parasites can cause serious damage.

LDL along with HDL is part of the cholesterol test, as a basic rule your LDL should be under 130 and your HDL between 35-65, combined they should not exceed 200, this is the ideal, though I'm sure many people will tell you that they greatly exceed these figures. I did read an article by one of the medical associations which suggested that it would be better if people aimed for a LDL of below


What did your doctor tell you, your sugar level is?.


Got my blood tests back.....being a bit paranoid the first one I looked at was HIV, negative!!

Cholesterol a tad high, Uric acid the same and a thing called LDL. Been prescribed water ( plenty ) healthy Thai food and exercise.

The Doctor said my bloods re my heart are better than his, every other function is perfect and I'm nowhere near the diabetes range.


Down side? I've got a parasitic infection, 5 days of meds to get rid of it.

TV member Forethat started a topic a few weeks ago on the subject of parasitic infections, it ended up that 6 out of 6 of his drinking buddies had a tape worm I believe. Apparently it's chronic here in Thailand.......well now you can add me to the list.

The Doctor didn't use the term tape worm though, he just said parasite in the bowel. A nasty subject but maybe some more of us should be getting checked out for it? Some of these parasites can cause serious damage.

LDL along with HDL is part of the cholesterol test, as a basic rule your LDL should be under 130 and your HDL between 35-65, combined they should not exceed 200, this is the ideal, though I'm sure many people will tell you that they greatly exceed these figures. I did read an article by one of the medical associations which suggested that it would be better if people aimed for a LDL of below


What did your doctor tell you, your sugar level is?.

Glucose at 92, HDL was 45 so the combined HDL and LDL was 216. A change of diet is on the way.

I'll be talking to the Doctor today about testosterone and estrogen testing, as well as getting the name of the medication I'm taking for the parasite ( as Impulse asked ).


Nice glucose levels.. so at least your in the safe nr there. I got around those numbers too. Still not 100% good but not bad either.

Testostorone testing is just something you ask for and its good if you get it. Just insist on it and on estrogen testing. You are the one paying and it should not be that expensive I think under 2000 (at least at the labs i use)

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Got my blood tests back.....being a bit paranoid the first one I looked at was HIV, negative!!

Cholesterol a tad high, Uric acid the same and a thing called LDL. Been prescribed water ( plenty ) healthy Thai food and exercise.

The Doctor said my bloods re my heart are better than his, every other function is perfect and I'm nowhere near the diabetes range.


Down side? I've got a parasitic infection, 5 days of meds to get rid of it.

TV member Forethat started a topic a few weeks ago on the subject of parasitic infections, it ended up that 6 out of 6 of his drinking buddies had a tape worm I believe. Apparently it's chronic here in Thailand.......well now you can add me to the list.

The Doctor didn't use the term tape worm though, he just said parasite in the bowel. A nasty subject but maybe some more of us should be getting checked out for it? Some of these parasites can cause serious damage.

LDL along with HDL is part of the cholesterol test, as a basic rule your LDL should be under 130 and your HDL between 35-65, combined they should not exceed 200, this is the ideal, though I'm sure many people will tell you that they greatly exceed these figures. I did read an article by one of the medical associations which suggested that it would be better if people aimed for a LDL of below


What did your doctor tell you, your sugar level is?.

Glucose at 92, HDL was 45 so the combined HDL and LDL was 216. A change of diet is on the way.

I'll be talking to the Doctor today about testosterone and estrogen testing, as well as getting the name of the medication I'm taking for the parasite ( as Impulse asked ).

Your glucose level of 92 is fine, so is your HDL, now you have to reduce the LDL, as you correctly say, a change of diet will help. A few years ago I had a elevated LDL, two of the foods I found out that can cause this are Prawns, so I reduced the numbers and frequency of eating them,also many Thais fry in palm oil, seemingly this is as healthy as eating lard, unfortunately many Thai restaurants

Use palm oil due to it's cheapness, if you must fry try to use an alternative or better still do not fry.

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Well, as far as the "diet" industry obviously they make more money on the majority that fail and keep coming back for more throughout their life, but that doesn't mean there isn't a need that people are trying to fill by going there. It's very real. Obesity rates are massive and growing now even in poor countries. We're wired to pack on fat in times of plenty but now so many of us always have plenty. So this can be seen as kind of an adaptation phase, of course that doesn't mean for sure the plenty will last. As far as surgery for the morbidly obese (roughly 100 pounds plus over normal weight) that's a legitimate and effective medical tool that offers hope to the mostly hopeless. Once a child is obese, once an adult is obese, their lifetime odds of ever not being obese long term aren't very good and for the morbidly obese, the chances are miniscule. I don't approve of dissing one of the few things that can offer a real life saving intervention for the morbidly obese.

Interestingly in a developed country like the U.S. obesity is linked to poverty, and lean and fit is linked to status and wealth. That makes sense too. It's not as if poor people can afford to shop at Whole Foods (better known as Whole Paycheck); instead many of them are in a place where the only affordable option is to eat fast food as that is so cheap in the U.S. (and also of course poison that basically will make most everyone obese who eats it too much).

I think Thailand is a somewhat better food environment for the poor. Fast food isn't that cheap and fresh fruit and veg is affordable; too bad about all the chemicals but that's another story ...

I agree that every little bit helps. Everytime you eat brocolli instead of a pizza, everytime you walk somewhere instead of ride, etc.


Well, as far as the "diet" industry obviously they make more money on the majority that fail and keep coming back for more throughout their life, but that doesn't mean there isn't a need that people are trying to fill by going there. It's very real. Obesity rates are massive and growing now even in poor countries. We're wired to pack on fat in times of plenty but now so many of us always have plenty. So this can be seen as kind of an adaptation phase, of course that doesn't mean for sure the plenty will last. As far as surgery for the morbidly obese (roughly 100 pounds plus over normal weight) that's a legitimate and effective medical tool that offers hope to the mostly hopeless. Once a child is obese, once an adult is obese, their lifetime odds of ever not being obese long term aren't very good and for the morbidly obese, the chances are miniscule. I don't approve of dissing one of the few things that can offer a real life saving intervention for the morbidly obese.

Interestingly in a developed country like the U.S. obesity is linked to poverty, and lean and fit is linked to status and wealth. That makes sense too. It's not as if poor people can afford to shop at Whole Foods (better known as Whole Paycheck); instead many of them are in a place where the only affordable option is to eat fast food as that is so cheap in the U.S. (and also of course poison that basically will make most everyone obese who eats it too much).

I think Thailand is a somewhat better food environment for the poor. Fast food isn't that cheap and fresh fruit and veg is affordable; too bad about all the chemicals but that's another story ...

I agree that every little bit helps. Everytime you eat brocolli instead of a pizza, everytime you walk somewhere instead of ride, etc.

You are right JT, however even those of us on a diet sometimes (and especially if diets last long.. not call it diet call it food program of healthy lifestyle) will eat some bad stuff. I think that is ok IF your not doing it too much and if you are still loosing weight.

Guys that go do some exercise and after that take a big mac are of course doing it wrong (if its a regular thing). But I do believe you can't always go without some bad foods. Trick is to go without as long as possible and do it as good as possible the other times.


I think that depends on the individual. Many obese people, whether obese currently or not, have got serious issues with being triggered. For example, a portion of ice cream can turn into a pint can turn into falling back into unhealthy patterns. There is the bioligical factor for many of us, the body oftens wants and needs to be bigger for some weird reasons, and is constantly fighting people's best will power efforts. That said, of course I think the real goal should be to find a satisfying eating style for LIFE that is both satisfying and health promoting. I might be lucky in that I am so satisfied by spices which basically have no calories.


Next time you are in the supermarket check out till look at whats in peoples shopping trolly and then look at the person pushing the trolly there is often a big clue there.

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Next time you are in the supermarket check out till look at whats in peoples shopping trolly and then look at the person pushing the trolly there is often a big clue there.

Agreed (sometimes) ... though interesting in the shopping Centers, you often see the larger folk always sucking on something ... weather it be a Coke, Slurpee or something.

There seems to be a disassociation between food and hunger.

The longer term larger folk ... always 'Diet Coke' or 'Coke Light/Zero' ... never the good stuff ... can't afford the calories. Yet the skinny guy almost always drinks 'normal 'Coke' ... w00t.gif

Pass me that chocolate bar / plate of chips / insert unsuitable food choice though please ... laugh.png



Next time you are in the supermarket check out till look at whats in peoples shopping trolly and then look at the person pushing the trolly there is often a big clue there.

Agreed (sometimes) ... though interesting in the shopping Centers, you often see the larger folk always sucking on something ... weather it be a Coke, Slurpee or something.

There seems to be a disassociation between food and hunger.

The longer term larger folk ... always 'Diet Coke' or 'Coke Light/Zero' ... never the good stuff ... can't afford the calories. Yet the skinny guy almost always drinks 'normal 'Coke' ... w00t.gif

Pass me that chocolate bar / plate of chips / insert unsuitable food choice though please ... laugh.png


Maybe your right.. not saying you aint.. but for instance i thought black fortuners were idiots on the road now when i see one acting crazy it just confirms what i think. But i probably fail to see the well-behaved other black fortuners.

Now I am not saying that people driving black fortuners are idiots on the road.. but it might just be i pay extra notice when i see them.


Next time you are in the supermarket check out till look at whats in peoples shopping trolly and then look at the person pushing the trolly there is often a big clue there.

Agreed (sometimes) ... though interesting in the shopping Centers, you often see the larger folk always sucking on something ... weather it be a Coke, Slurpee or something.

There seems to be a disassociation between food and hunger.

The longer term larger folk ... always 'Diet Coke' or 'Coke Light/Zero' ... never the good stuff ... can't afford the calories. Yet the skinny guy almost always drinks 'normal 'Coke' ... w00t.gif

Pass me that chocolate bar / plate of chips / insert unsuitable food choice though please ... laugh.png


Yes of course -- artiificial sweeteners are linked to obesity.


Next time you are in the supermarket check out till look at whats in peoples shopping trolly and then look at the person pushing the trolly there is often a big clue there.

Agreed (sometimes) ... though interesting in the shopping Centers, you often see the larger folk always sucking on something ... weather it be a Coke, Slurpee or something.

There seems to be a disassociation between food and hunger.

The longer term larger folk ... always 'Diet Coke' or 'Coke Light/Zero' ... never the good stuff ... can't afford the calories. Yet the skinny guy almost always drinks 'normal 'Coke' ... w00t.gif

Pass me that chocolate bar / plate of chips / insert unsuitable food choice though please ... laugh.png


I actually prefer Diet Coke to the real thing; if I was going for a wholemeal cola, I'd drink Pepsi.


I never really bother to read other peoples losts etc so had no idea you were a fatty. Some of your replies make a lot more sense now!

Your only hope is to see a properly trained psychologist who can help you work out the mental reasoning behind your gluttony. It really is not your fault.


Interesting theory. First time I've heard of seeing a headshrink for obesity. I don't think it would be very effective except possibly hypnosis. Of course many obese people are also depressed and could use treatment for multiple conditions.

Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Interesting theory. First time I've heard of seeing a headshrink for obesity. I don't think it would be very effective except possibly hypnosis. Of course many obese people are also depressed and could use treatment for multiple conditions.

Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My understanding is that one of the reasons for obesity is over-eating, If we actually understand why we overeat, we may be able to control it. A fanciful conceit, I know, but until you;ve tried everything else, you'll not be ready to try the final solution, according to the chaps in AA.


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Just on the general topic of obesity in Thailand, those following this thread might be interested to read this paper which highlights the broad range of factors involved in both causing the problem and fixing it

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I overeat in Thailand restraunts alot. All because it's cheaper I order more thinking 1 of these dishes will be nice. We regularly have a table full of food. Then because the beers cheap..


Interesting theory. First time I've heard of seeing a headshrink for obesity. I don't think it would be very effective except possibly hypnosis. Of course many obese people are also depressed and could use treatment for multiple conditions.

Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It is not about the act of overeating it is the cause of the condition. This could be suppressed childhood memories, a feeling of being unloved, a traumatic visual experience, and so on. over eating is an addiction not unlike drugs....there is a root cause. Very few people enjoy being fat.

It works in areas such as pain management and sexual abuse. Over eating (direct cause of obesity, other than physical/medical issues) is the mind requiring a "comfort" (the comfort of feeling full) to compensate it from the "pain or stress" it is under from the affliction. Find the cause, seek treatment (therapy), and the weight should come off.


Interesting theory. First time I've heard of seeing a headshrink for obesity. I don't think it would be very effective except possibly hypnosis. Of course many obese people are also depressed and could use treatment for multiple conditions.

Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It is not about the act of overeating it is the cause of the condition. This could be suppressed childhood memories, a feeling of being unloved, a traumatic visual experience, and so on. over eating is an addiction not unlike drugs....there is a root cause. Very few people enjoy being fat.

It works in areas such as pain management and sexual abuse. Over eating (direct cause of obesity, other than physical/medical issues) is the mind requiring a "comfort" (the comfort of feeling full) to compensate it from the "pain or stress" it is under from the affliction. Find the cause, seek treatment (therapy), and the weight should come off.

Sounds way too pat. Nice try though.


Like theBlether, I could do with losing a few pounds, so after eighteen months' procrastination I walked down to my local cycle shop to buy a cheap bike. "Can I help you, sir?"
"Yes. I'd like to buy a bike."
I looked at the price, and realised I'd come to the wrong shop. "Do you have anything like that, but with less zeros?"

Anyway, faced with the stark choice of walking home empty-handed and a long weekend with nothing to do but vegetate in front of the TV and go to the pub, I bit the bullet and handed over my credit card.

I got on outside the shop, and that was when I discovered just how unfit I was... Anyway, what I was getting round to was that eating too much is only half the story - the other half is burning off whatever you eat, and to do that, I need to improve my fitness. And to do that, I need to find some exercise that I actually enjoy. Once I can last more than a few minutes on the bike, I should be able to burn off a few pints of guinness every weekend...

Unfortunately, I have discovered just how closely bounded my suburb is by major uncycleable highways, so I'm now researching the safest ways to the neighbouring suburbs... I found a shortcut to the office that bypasses a major hill and only involves a short distance against the authorised traffic. Coming back that way would be almost entirely legal, I think.


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