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Abhisit unapologetic for 'stupid bitch' remark


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Thailand has done precious little to protect and elevate the status or women in Thai society. Just read the want ads for 'traditional' female jobs. Most of them read 'female, college degree, age 24-29'. Is a woman over the age of 29 unsuitable for the job market in Thailland? And what about laws to protect women whose husbands have left or abandoned them? Ever hear of the notion or concept of 'child support' or 'alimony' in Thailand? Maybe that is one reason why 'sin sot' lives on. It is a form of social welfare because of irresponsible Thai males. Ironically, if one were to look at the presence of women in the workforce, I would think that the percentage in the positions below the 'executive' level is very high. But there is no 'job security' in Thailand and very few jobs that have a 'career ladder'. If you have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of female workers, you will find that they are working for 'subcontractors' on contracts that have to be renewed every six months or on an annual basis. No wonder so many women would prefer to open their own shop or noodle stand. At least they have some control over their career.

In fact thailand has one of the highest rates of women in managerial roles in the world, well above places like australia, usa and uk.


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We have seen those polls before the Bangkok governor election. Do you remember what really happened?

Dem supporters tend not to go public with their political preferences as much as PT tend to do.

I am not saying PT is not going to win but be careful with polls in Thailand because they don't always say it all!!

IMO, I prefer Yingluck to finish her 4 years term. Only then we will know how good she really is.

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I don't know who translated his remark but 'bitch' if a female dog that has borne puppies. I asked my Thai friends and they are not aware of Thai women being called 'bitches' as some rap musicians refer to women in the US. Isn't there a better English translation? When I inserted the Thai language quote from the OP into Google Translate, it came out as 'Stupid'. Still, it shows his frustration and impotence.

The actual translation is much more derogatory... involving a woman's private parts... Yes, perhaps Geordie land...

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That "stupid bitch" defeated him in an election. So what does that make him?

A person with less money in his account to pay for vote buying ????

I do wish this 'everyone was paid to vote PT' was put to bed once and for all. Yes of course people were given a little er, 'incentive' to turn out to vote. But the vast majority of rural poor (not all. I know of some who vote Democrat in the North/East), thought their lives might at last actually improve under the PT whereas the Democrats had done nothing for them, ever. And no, as I've stated before, I'm a no fan of either colour. They should try to find a third alternative. Good luck to them with that under the present system.

And on topic, he didn't say the word 'bitch', from that which I see reported here, anyway.

Mark would not pay any, not to mention little er, 'incentive' to turn out to vote. Stupid bitch I heard someone say?

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How about all you Thai language experts having a poll to see if he said bitch or not? Stupid bitch is highly derogatory, stupid woman could be construed as fair comment.

Many people would consider this Amnesty Bill as an act of stupidity, it's going through on Yinglucks' watch so therefore..............??????

Its the eee bit that matters really. 'I' if addressing a man. It's a extremely rude way of addressing someone. The polar opposite of Khun, Pee, Nong. As far as I'm aware there is no direct translation. The ooohng bit seems to mean stupid as others have posted.

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Female Pheu Thai politicians press for Abhisit's apology
The Nation


A Pheu Thai MP shows a sarong she is prepared to give Abhisit if he does not apologise for mentioning "stupid woman".

More than 10 Pheu Thai female MPs led by Sunee Luaengvijit, Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk and Kattiya Sawasdiphol pressed for an apology from Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Abhisit was criticised heavily after he mentioned the word "stupid woman", referring to the Smart Lady reality-show contest, a project under the government’s Thai Women Empowerment Fund. Addressing a school in Yan Nawa in Bangkok, he said that there would be no contests to find stupid women.

Sunee said that society will decide if Abhisit is mature.

"Khun Abhisit should show that he has the gentleman quality and he should apologise for saying so. If he does not apologise, we will send him a sarong. Even though Abhisit did not make direct reference to Prime Minister Yingluck (Shinawatra), but his rough remark affects women in general, Sunee said.

-- The Nation 2013-09-10

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Thailand has done precious little to protect and elevate the status or women in Thai society. Just read the want ads for 'traditional' female jobs. Most of them read 'female, college degree, age 24-29'. Is a woman over the age of 29 unsuitable for the job market in Thailland? And what about laws to protect women whose husbands have left or abandoned them? Ever hear of the notion or concept of 'child support' or 'alimony' in Thailand? Maybe that is one reason why 'sin sot' lives on. It is a form of social welfare because of irresponsible Thai males. Ironically, if one were to look at the presence of women in the workforce, I would think that the percentage in the positions below the 'executive' level is very high. But there is no 'job security' in Thailand and very few jobs that have a 'career ladder'. If you have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of female workers, you will find that they are working for 'subcontractors' on contracts that have to be renewed every six months or on an annual basis. No wonder so many women would prefer to open their own shop or noodle stand. At least they have some control over their career.

In fact thailand has one of the highest rates of women in managerial roles in the world, well above places like australia, usa and uk.


Try googling thai women in management. Loads of stuff

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Wow, make up your minds for God's sake. Most of the posters on this forum who spend all their spare time running Thailand down love to harp on about people not speaking their minds and telling it like it is.

Finally, someone in the spotlight does so and he gets shot down in flames !

If you think this comment by Abhisit was offensive I shudder to think what you thought of some of the stunts Thaksin got up to !

It might be true but I'm sorry to see him resort to that level of name calling, it's a sure sign the battle is lost.

Exactly why I love living here, it has not yet become as politically correct as some countries. Grow a pair,will ya ?

Edited by mikemac
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It does seem a bit unlike him but if it was in the heat of the moment and he had apologised then no real harm. It does depend on the translation though so I'll have to ask the wife. She's not very complimentary about Yingluck's Thai language skills so she'll probably say she wouldn't understand it anyway.

I'm am talking about the 'bitch' part not the 'stupid' part by the way.

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A number of posts and replies have been deleted. Please do not use Thai script or Thai language in this forum, Thai language is permitted only in the Thai language forum.

Some nasty and very off-topic posts and replies have also been deleted.

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There is no single translation of the word 'ee'. (No doubt about 'ngo'; means 'silly, stupid, foolish'. I assume there's no argument here with that characterization of Yingluck).

The meaning of 'ee' varies with how familiar you are with the person you say it to, and the tone of the conversation. It could be said affectionately, in the same way that Australian males call each other 'stupid bastard' and worse in a pub conversation.

But in the public sphere of politics it was obviously a calculated insult -- something like 'silly cow', 'airhead', which again is fair enough, but it is the shock of hearing a grandee like Abhisit using such a vulgar expression that has caused the reaction.

What he said was obviously quite accurate, but should he have said it, and in that way?

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I think he was rather constrained considering. A woman that is willing to send a country to ruin and civil war for the sake of her cowardly fugitive brother's face and power. He nailed it!

Seems to me it is Abhisit and his so-called "democratic party" that likes to STEAL the government which almost lead to civil war, and protesters, army generals, reporters will be SHOT, men woman children, SEND IN THE TANKS, yep that's your so-called democratic party.

now the so-called Democrats like to throw chairs around in parliament, get into fist fights with police in parliament, insulting woman, and profiling northern poor farmers as uneducated rabble,

Well i think I know just WHO is the educated but very STUPID man is,

as for the PM well she is a successful business woman before being the PM, and far more successful than YOU I'll wager.

as for the PM well she is a successful business woman before being the PM, and far more successful than YOU I'll wager.

Really? I didn't know that. I know she had money but being a successful business woman I didn't know.

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And then the question is Mr. Abhisit "What has been done during your PM period " Absolutely nothing !! Only hunting Khun Thaksin around the world and damaged the reputation of Thailand ! You waste millions and millions of baht for nothing !!!!

And what is this government wasting not millions but billions of baht on? Exactly, whitewashing Thaksin.

All the billions they are spending on this rice scam, and the fact that they don't want to pay directly to the farmers but to the traders, is only done to keep Thaksin alive. If only you knew.

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Female Pheu Thai politicians press for Abhisit's apology

The Nation


A Pheu Thai MP shows a sarong she is prepared to give Abhisit if he does not apologise for mentioning "stupid woman".

More than 10 Pheu Thai female MPs led by Sunee Luaengvijit, Plengmanee Rengsomboonsuk and Kattiya Sawasdiphol pressed for an apology from Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Abhisit was criticised heavily after he mentioned the word "stupid woman", referring to the Smart Lady reality-show contest, a project under the government’s Thai Women Empowerment Fund. Addressing a school in Yan Nawa in Bangkok, he said that there would be no contests to find stupid women.

Sunee said that society will decide if Abhisit is mature.

"Khun Abhisit should show that he has the gentleman quality and he should apologise for saying so. If he does not apologise, we will send him a sarong. Even though Abhisit did not make direct reference to Prime Minister Yingluck (Shinawatra), but his rough remark affects women in general, Sunee said.


-- The Nation 2013-09-10

Ladies, don't feel so insecure please. Abhisit was not talking about ALL ladies, supposedly only 1.

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