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Window fell down to a car from my room


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I understand that humans have less consumer rights in Thailand but seriously how can anyone blame the tenant for the damage if there is no obvious damage to the window/frame, a dam inspection is enough to prove that.

yeah yeah this is Thailand crap again, said before i stood my ground several times during my stay to get a result, its within there nature to just except and put up.

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Personally I think you handled this the wrong way, I know you tried to do the right thing, but should have handled it the thai way, close your curtains and deny any knowledge of the window falling out, and then on the quiet get the window fixed, the fact you have brought this to people's attention, your going to be paying for both the car and a new window

Fortunately the civilised world dont all believe that the Thai way is the right way.

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Personally I think you handled this the wrong way, I know you tried to do the right thing, but should have handled it the thai way, close your curtains and deny any knowledge of the window falling out, and then on the quiet get the window fixed, the fact you have brought this to people's attention, your going to be paying for both the car and a new window

Fortunately the civilised world dont all believe that the Thai way is the right way.

Unfortunately incident happened in Thailand so what ever civilized world believes has no relevance :(

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Personally I think you handled this the wrong way, I know you tried to do the right thing, but should have handled it the thai way, close your curtains and deny any knowledge of the window falling out, and then on the quiet get the window fixed, the fact you have brought this to people's attention, your going to be paying for both the car and a new window

Fortunately the civilised world dont all believe that the Thai way is the right way.

But we ain't in the civilized world and when in Rome and all LOL

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I understand that humans have less consumer rights in Thailand but seriously how can anyone blame the tenant for the damage if there is no obvious damage to the window/frame, a dam inspection is enough to prove that.

yeah yeah this is Thailand crap again, said before i stood my ground several times during my stay to get a result, its within there nature to just except and put up.

Stop bring logic into this...standing your ground and not paying the BG ฿ 5000 for the night, she wants is not quite the same as a window falling on someone's car....rights, rules, responsibility etc are all lovely words, but in the first instance the condo owner and vehicle owner(s) are going to try and make the OP take the wrap for all of this rightly or wrongly and anyone who as spent any real time in Thailand knows the OP will be putting his hand in his pocket, directly or indirectly ie his deposit the only question is ? How much

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Personally I think you handled this the wrong way, I know you tried to do the right thing, but should have handled it the thai way, close your curtains and deny any knowledge of the window falling out, and then on the quiet get the window fixed, the fact you have brought this to people's attention, your going to be paying for both the car and a new window

Fortunately the civilised world dont all believe that the Thai way is the right way.

But we ain't in the civilized world and when in Rome and all LOL

You're right and me of all people shouldn't have questioned it. In 1994 I put my knee through a Patio Window to Balconey in Spain. We pulled over curtains and checked out after mopping up the blood on the floor......!!

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I think that the problem is the landlord does not realise that the building has insurance. As it is part of the building falling then I would be looking to the building insurance. The juristic person may not realise or may be getting a kick back for no claims. Have a talk to the landlord about building insurance, you may see a light come on when they realise the building has insurance which she has been paying for as part of the annual fees. Ideally the landlord realises about the insurance and winds up the juristic person to get it sorted.

If this looks like it is not happening then get yourself some proper legal advice real quick and do not talk to anybody or sign anything in the meantime. Ask the juristic person for the details of the building insurance so you can take this to the lawyer. That may provoke something as well. If the owners of the cars push the point, tell them to ask the juristic person about the building insurance and assure them you are working for their best interests, which you are as if the building insurance comes to the party then all problems solved, though the repairers may not get the falang price.

Please report back however this pans out for the benefit of others.


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I see there are a few landlords posting on this thread.

Tell everyone you have no money. Don't pay your rent. In November, move out. Under no circumstances talk to anyone about this. If people push you on it, say "I no speak English, I from Luxembourg"

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I understand that humans have less consumer rights in Thailand but seriously how can anyone blame the tenant for the damage if there is no obvious damage to the window/frame, a dam inspection is enough to prove that.

yeah yeah this is Thailand crap again, said before i stood my ground several times during my stay to get a result, its within there nature to just except and put up.

Stop bring logic into this...standing your ground and not paying the BG ฿ 5000 for the night, she wants is not quite the same as a window falling on someone's car....rights, rules, responsibility etc are all lovely words, but in the first instance the condo owner and vehicle owner(s) are going to try and make the OP take the wrap for all of this rightly or wrongly and anyone who as spent any real time in Thailand knows the OP will be putting his hand in his pocket, directly or indirectly ie his deposit the only question is ? How much

So you are saying that there are no honest Thai landlords in Thailand?

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Hi I'm back !

So, I had been fighting with the building juristic office and my owner all weekend. Suddenly the owner refused to speak English with me and my Thai is not good enough to understand everything properly so i had to ask the help of girlfriend and a Thai friend from work.

First the building office asked me to sign a document in Thai, without telling me the meaning of it but with "12.000 baht" mentioned on it...I refused and called my friends. He talked to them for like 2 hours, they were shooting at him, they made my girlfriend cry....and finally they told me that the insurance of the condominium will pay for the window...So yesterday two guys came to install a new window in my apartment.

Regarding the cars, I don't know, they don't have any news. One guy have insurance (the white car) so I hope his insurance will either contact me or the landlord. The other one doesn't have insurance but will go to a "cheap" garage to fix it. The problem, he told my friend that he had many scratches on his car since he likes to drive when he is drunk so he will ask the garage to fix everything on his car....I told him I want a detailed quotation for the damage from the window and don't want to end up paying for the whole car. And then I will ask the owner to do something about it, at worse a 50/50 but I really don't want to pay for all.

So let see what is going to happen next. I'm not really confident about it since it was a nightmare to make the building pay for the window and my owner is a complete <deleted>, she didn't want to come to inspect the window or everything.

For those who think I made a mistake saying that the windows were fine when I moved in, actually I couldn't lie about it since I filled a document saying that everything was fine in the room, including the windows and both the owner and me have a copy of this document. So I couldn't say anything expect the truth about that.

Another friend at work from the legal department told me that I shouldn't pay everything and maybe he will try to help me but his English is so poor and my Thai too so it is not easy to understand each other.

I will update this post when I know more !

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Shouldn't the car owner without insurance pay the cost himself? Surely he doesn't have a leg to stand on legally because car insurance is compulsory. What can he do - sue you on the basis that he is illegally without insurance?

Yes that's what i was thinking. Where I'm from if i don't have insurance then it's my fault and have to pay. But also i feel that this guy didn't ask for anything and found his car broken in the morning. He should join me to ask money from the owner. I'll try to talk to him about that.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Shouldn't the car owner without insurance pay the cost himself? Surely he doesn't have a leg to stand on legally because car insurance is compulsory. What can he do - sue you on the basis that he is illegally without insurance?

Yes that's what i was thinking. Where I'm from if i don't have insurance then it's my fault and have to pay. But also i feel that this guy didn't ask for anything and found his car broken in the morning. He should join me to ask money from the owner. I'll try to talk to him about that.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I think you guys are mixing first class insurance up with third party insurance. First class insurance is not mandatory, as long as you have insurance its ok. That does not mean his car is not insured just means he has no first class insurance.

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Shouldn't the car owner without insurance pay the cost himself? Surely he doesn't have a leg to stand on legally because car insurance is compulsory. What can he do - sue you on the basis that he is illegally without insurance?

The compulsory insurance (Por Lor Bor) doesn't cover any damages to the vehicles, only bodily injury or death.

6. Compulsory insurance cover (CTPL insurance, the minimum needed to be legal on the road and renew your vehicle registration). Minimal cover required to legal on the road in Thailand. Provides up to 50,000 Baht medical cover and 200,000 Baht death/disability compensation to third parties involved in accidents. Does not keep you out of Jail or pay for damages to other vehicles.


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I have some updates regarding the car without insurance. So the owner of this car is a really nice man and I also asked him the address of his garage since the total amount to fix the damages is: 7,000 baht ! (I really don't know how he did it, but if I plan to buy a car in the future I will definitely go there).

I asked the building management to pay for it they said no, I asked their insurance they said no, I asked the landlord he said no....I asked a lawyer in my company who told me they have to pay, but he also told me that if I want to start a procedure ans sue them for that it will cost me more in lawyers fees than the 7,000 baht for that car and it will takes several months...

So I will try to force them more and more and also wait for the other car who has insurance....I'm scared that the insurance will contact me and it will be much more expensive than 7,000 baht even if the damages were almost nothing.

I will ask for a 50/50 but if nobody wants to pay and if it's not too expensive yes I will pay since I don't want to wait for lawyers and everything to sort this out. Just want it to be solved fast and then I don't need to worry about it.

However I will let everyone know about their behavior and how they are careless with their tenants, on internet, my residence and my thai friends want to post it on pantip. !

(oh I forgot to mention that they went to police saying that I agreed to pay for everything....I asked them to show me a proof of me saying that, they said "no we just said police that you agreed so they made their report"....).

Edited by anthobkk
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I have some updates regarding the car without insurance. So the owner of this car is a really nice man and I also asked him the address of his garage since the total amount to fix the damages is: 7,000 baht ! (I really don't know how he did it, but if I plan to buy a car in the future I will definitely go there).

I asked the building management to pay for it they said no, I asked their insurance they said no, I asked the landlord he said no....I asked a lawyer in my company who told me they have to pay, but he also told me that if I want to start a procedure ans sue them for that it will cost me more in lawyers fees than the 7,000 baht for that car and it will takes several months...

So I will try to force them more and more and also wait for the other car who has insurance....I'm scared that the insurance will contact me and it will be much more expensive than 7,000 baht even if the damages were almost nothing.

I will ask for a 50/50 but if nobody wants to pay and if it's not too expensive yes I will pay since I don't want to wait for lawyers and everything to sort this out. Just want it to be solved fast and then I don't need to worry about it.

However I will let everyone know about their behavior and how they are careless with their tenants, on internet, my residence and my thai friends want to post it on pantip. !

(oh I forgot to mention that they went to police saying that I agreed to pay for everything....I asked them to show me a proof of me saying that, they said "no we just said police that you agreed so they made their report"....).

So is 7,000 bt the totality of it? Not too bad...although in fairness, the owner should contribute half. At least.

By the way, I do recall saying that car repairs in Thailand is quite reasonable and some on this thread argued that it would be in the tens of thousands. Not to gloat, but I believe I was correct.

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Hi I'm back !

So, I had been fighting with the building juristic office and my owner all weekend. Suddenly the owner refused to speak English with me and my Thai is not good enough to understand everything properly so i had to ask the help of girlfriend and a Thai friend from work.

First the building office asked me to sign a document in Thai, without telling me the meaning of it but with "12.000 baht" mentioned on it...I refused and called my friends. He talked to them for like 2 hours, they were shooting at him, they made my girlfriend cry....and finally they told me that the insurance of the condominium will pay for the window...So yesterday two guys came to install a new window in my apartment.

Regarding the cars, I don't know, they don't have any news. One guy have insurance (the white car) so I hope his insurance will either contact me or the landlord. The other one doesn't have insurance but will go to a "cheap" garage to fix it. The problem, he told my friend that he had many scratches on his car since he likes to drive when he is drunk so he will ask the garage to fix everything on his car....I told him I want a detailed quotation for the damage from the window and don't want to end up paying for the whole car. And then I will ask the owner to do something about it, at worse a 50/50 but I really don't want to pay for all.

So let see what is going to happen next. I'm not really confident about it since it was a nightmare to make the building pay for the window and my owner is a complete asshol_e, she didn't want to come to inspect the window or everything.

For those who think I made a mistake saying that the windows were fine when I moved in, actually I couldn't lie about it since I filled a document saying that everything was fine in the room, including the windows and both the owner and me have a copy of this document. So I couldn't say anything expect the truth about that.

Another friend at work from the legal department told me that I shouldn't pay everything and maybe he will try to help me but his English is so poor and my Thai too so it is not easy to understand each other.

I will update this post when I know more !

Sorry to say but another mistake:

I told him I want a detailed quotation for the damage from the window and don't want to end up paying for the whole car.

You don't want a quotation because it is not your fault.

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So you work in Thailand and you have a work permit , so you should let the thais know that you are not a rich farang and live on a Thai salary . That might help to reduce the costs .....

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Since it happened to you it probably happened to someone else previously and It will happen again. Do you really want to live in a place with windows that fall out perhaps on your or your guests? So does one need a building inspector to evaluate a condo's proper build in Thailand before renting it?

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I have some updates regarding the car without insurance. So the owner of this car is a really nice man and I also asked him the address of his garage since the total amount to fix the damages is: 7,000 baht ! (I really don't know how he did it, but if I plan to buy a car in the future I will definitely go there).

I asked the building management to pay for it they said no, I asked their insurance they said no, I asked the landlord he said no....I asked a lawyer in my company who told me they have to pay, but he also told me that if I want to start a procedure ans sue them for that it will cost me more in lawyers fees than the 7,000 baht for that car and it will takes several months...

So I will try to force them more and more and also wait for the other car who has insurance....I'm scared that the insurance will contact me and it will be much more expensive than 7,000 baht even if the damages were almost nothing.

I will ask for a 50/50 but if nobody wants to pay and if it's not too expensive yes I will pay since I don't want to wait for lawyers and everything to sort this out. Just want it to be solved fast and then I don't need to worry about it.

However I will let everyone know about their behavior and how they are careless with their tenants, on internet, my residence and my thai friends want to post it on pantip. !

(oh I forgot to mention that they went to police saying that I agreed to pay for everything....I asked them to show me a proof of me saying that, they said "no we just said police that you agreed so they made their report"....).

you should go to the police and make your own report.

thanks for keeping us up on the situation, i am sincerely curious how this all turns out.

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