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Why did you people come here originally?, i came for the women


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I can go for days if not weeks without encountering anyone in person or on the mobile with whom I would be required to speak English and, when I read some of the stuff on here directed at me or otherwise, I am content with that state-of-affairs.

Edited by JLCrab
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the OP is utter twaddle, when will people learn that as much as they would like it to be, their experience is not universal.

and yet you call yourself 'girldrinkdrunk'... seems you might have something in common with the OP?

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Came here to work; the company I worked for in Europe was moving its software development down here. Was here "on trial" for a month to see if I liked it, took just two days for me to take the decision.

I do the bar hopping once in a while (not playing with the goods, just enjoying the views and having a good time), but I would be bored doing it more often. Besides, I have a university educated TH girlfriend, I am not sure I could handle a longer relationship without the intellectual reciprocity.

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Just want to say people have never seen jobs in Thailand for westerners.. I'm 22 and still got a lot to learn.. I'm working as a HSE coordinator and on more then enough money to live and actually have savings living here... You just need to look hard enough or know the right people

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Very first time I came was with my dad. He'd just broken up with his gf of the time and I'd just graduated from uni not long before. They were sposed to be going to SE Asia for a 2 weeks tour at Xmas time so he said he'd take me instead as a graduation / Xmas present.

Spent 3 days in BKK and a week in Phuket. Wasn't impressed with Thailand at all. Loved Cambodia and Vietnam though.

The following year I was backpacking Australia, my first big backpacker trip, and I got a bit bored with Aus after a few months and came to backpack SE Asia instead.

Was going to avoid Thailand based on first impressions but passing through was inevitable and I actually really enjoyed it.

Nothing to do with bar girls though I did hook up with a girl who used to pick me up in her BMW and drive me around town lavishing drinks on me.

Now several years on after travelling most of the world I live in BKK and still don't indulge in the bar girl scene but the fact it's just so easy to hook up with attractive and slim regular girls (students / girls with reasonable jobs) certainly helps keep me here. It's not the sole reason I'm here but if it was a difficult place to meet good looking girls I don't think I'd live here.

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"It would be stupid to say every man came here for that reason, but i suspect the majority did,

I met my wife in a bar and the majority if not all of my expat mates did, so where is the stigma?

Its a part of the felang / Thai culture here , stop pretending it isnt"

I met my wife when I was forty-two and she was seventeen and that was about twenty-five years ago. She is a Scot and I am a little of everything and we are from the USA. So why did we move here to Thailand ten years ago? I could say it was to make our money go further but we make enough of it to live anywhere in the world. The real answer would be that we just got tired of the same old bull the USA was feeding us with Bush- war – taxes – and the list goes on. Here in the LOS I only get the news if I want it. We like Thai people and the culture. We are centrally located here and go to other countries in Asia. I don't eat much Thai food but cook what ever I want shopping at Rim Ping market where I can get food that is not available in the US that comes in from parts of Europe and the land of Oz. They deliver it so I don't even have to carry the bags. I order from a delivery service here in Chiang Mai that brings restaurant food to my door. I drink a little rum that comes from Cuba and I can't get that in the USA. We are friends with couples that are the Thai/farang sort that did meet in a bar and they have the same age spread as we do , thank God for that. They seem to be happy and love each-other so whats wrong with that! There is something here in the LOS for everyone just like the used car salesman said “There is a butt for every seat.”

Edited by CIHUAHUA
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About 4 years ago, I had a heart bypass operation back in the UK. Whilst doctors said that I could go back to work once I had recovered sufficiently, I couldn't go back to my old job as I had already resigned (hated it with a passion, anyway so I was glad to be out of it). I was 58 at the time and I wondered where I could get a job at my age that would pay enough money to support a family. I tried to apply for benefits but again I wouldn't have got enough to survive. I have a Thai wife & we've been married 14 years so I just suggested to her that the only solutuon might be to move to Thailand as we both knew the country well. We've now been here nearly 3 years and have absolutely no regrets. Our 2 kids ( aged 13 & 11) have settled really well in Thai schools and have learnt the language remarkably well. Can't see myself ever moving back there. Basically, couldn't afford to live in England so moved here.

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I came here because of the currency difference.You can get bar girls anywhere in the world if you look for them.The UK is a rich,but expensive country to live in. Thailand is a poor, and inexpensive, country to live in. So if I live here my pensions are worth more.

As Michael Caine the British act said,"Ive been rich and I have been poor,and rich is best."

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I have been here for over 6 years and maybe it is my ignorance i never thought it was possible to get a job here that actually paid aswell as the Western world, so i applaud your ingenuity.

I for one need to travel to get money to live decent

Please tell , whats a frangipani?

look at my pic, plumeria or lillawadee

jimbobs1, on 13 Sept 2013 - 23:48, said:snapback.png

Please tell , whats a frangipani?

It's a tree. They are very beautiful. We have a few of them.

That's a tree?

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hahahahaha, mate, I never came for the women, I came over here originally for the frangipani as that is my business and Thailand has some of the best in the world. All my mates were telling me to enjoy the ladies but I didnt particularly want to take anything extra home so I simply ignored them until I accidentally met my future wife(not in a bar, I am not a drinker), she is also a frangipani enthusiast(and very close to my age & not out of my league) so we hit it off and I just kept coming back to spend time with her then we married and I moved over here to live with her & grow/work with my plants. There are some of us that didnt come here to play hide the sausage with all the ladies or to get on the piss, we have met our partners/wives but not in the usaul way(bar), I suppose this means we can still hang sh*t if we want too clap2.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gifbiggrin.png

And so say many of us!!

Unfortunately there are many who come here who represent the worst of their culture and they meet the worst of Thai culture and the result can be ugly.

On my first trip, I was shown around Chiang Mai and all the bars etc. etc. Interesting for a visit, never been back. I then travelled to Nong Khai and a village that shall remain nameless where I met the real Thailand and have travelled back and forth a few times enjoying the company and buying a house and renovating it and generally enjoying this beautiful almost falang free zone.

I love the place but specifically, the Thai people who are my friends who share their meals with me and whose company I enjoy.

I have taken steps to keep my assets at my disposal only and I believe they respect me for that.

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Please tell , whats a frangipani?

It's a tree. They are very beautiful. We have a few of them.

Have always liked them until someone told me the Thais and Chinese call them the 'flowers of the dead' and are associated with death.

Any truth in that one?

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I have been here for over 6 years and maybe it is my ignorance i never thought it was possible to get a job here that actually paid aswell as the Western world, so i applaud your ingenuity.

I for one need to travel to get money to live decent

Please tell , whats a frangipani?

You may know it better as Leelawadee.

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