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Bangkok taxi drives away with tourist’s belongings


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I usually carry between £2,000-£5,000 cash when I come here, ( depending how long I'm here for ), and I have plenty of cards. Why would you pay all those stupid transaction fees you get hit with?

To avoid stuff like this. Actually its up to you but for me i rather pay those fees or send money in my Thai account and take it out (also a good thing to do). I rarely have more then 20k baht in my wallet.

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I usually carry between £2,000-£5,000 cash when I come here, ( depending how long I'm here for ), and I have plenty of cards. Why would you pay all those stupid transaction fees you get hit with?

To avoid stuff like this. Actually its up to you but for me i rather pay those fees or send money in my Thai account and take it out (also a good thing to do). I rarely have more then 20k baht in my wallet.

To be fair you would need to be deranged to leave it in a bag, it's always on my person. When I arrive I pay all of my rental bills etc in advance, the thinking being that even if I lost the cash I would have somewhere to sleep.

This was a topic of conversation earlier this year when the exchange rate dropped, it was really showing up how much people were getting stung for . There was one case it was a 3 baht differential from the bank rate to the street rate all told. On £5000 that's a lot of money. Obviously I still have cards as back up.

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should not be that difficult since all these taxis have gps nowadays. just summon every registered taxi with 8484 plate to the station and download there whereabouts? the question is more wether they really want to arrest him or not..

It's not at all true that "all these taxis have gps nowadays." I'm ever amazed at the pseudo experts on TV.com.

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Why would you carry $4000 cash with you ? So stupid .


Each time I return to Thailand I always bring $10,000 in cash. Never know when you might need it. whistling.gif

My wife usually finds a need for it facepalm.gif

Mind you it is not left sitting in a taxi.

I carry it in a money belt.

I agree leaving it in a bag along with pass port is not a smart move

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Thanks for the warning contained in this story. I will use this information to protect myself from becoming a victim of a scam like these poor fellows. Isnt that the point of the story?

I always pay that extra 50 baht for a taxi. I have lived in a country (Myanmar) where you have to carry cash because of US sanctions.

I used to carry everything on me, but I must admit I have become a little complacent.

So if my taxi breaks down. I will pay the fare, get out and hail another. Although I like to fix things.

Sometimes you are getting the taxi to the airport so you are open to this scam then as well. And i do just hail them for the side of the road as I stay in a private house.

We carry large amounts of Myanmar currency between the bank and offices here. Sackloads. You have to put them in the boot. This same scenario has played out about 6 months ago here with some workers bringing back the monthly pay on behalf of a company by taxi. The driver got caught.

Luckily robberies are rare here. Myanmar people are very honest and have a lot of compassion. It is not unusual to see people walking around with bags of money or cars filled to the brim with sacks of neatly bundled cash. There is a whole industry in the bank just for counting it. Maybe 20 people in each bank with machines.

Luckily most people everywhere are honest and do the right thing. Thankyou and respect to all the honest people in the world.

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Why would you carry $4000 cash with you ? So stupid .


Because in Thailand you need cash to pay the police. Would you be interested to know that living in Isaan I am stopped on average 3x a week, for no traffic infractions, everything in order, yet they demand money.....

More than the 100 Baht note that is behind my license which I hand them. The last time it was 300 Baht they wanted...for nothing. I tell them no money 100 Baht only.

I live in Issan also,have never paid police,ride and drive through with a smile and a nod of the head.You are a sucker if you pay,dispute it if you think your right.

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Because in Thailand you need cash to pay the police. Would you be interested to know that living in Isaan I am stopped on average 3x a week, for no traffic infractions, everything in order, yet they demand money.....

I too live in Isaan, but never once had to pay money when I was stopped, unless I did something wrong. If this really is happening then please do not pay money. This makes all of us look foolish. In 2 years, I was only pulled over for inspection of papers 3 times. You obviously have made yourself a target.

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All my valuables are in my pockets at all times when travelling. Never in a bag that can be lost or stolen. I travel just with carry on luggage so can always put my bag into the back of the car with me.

If someone asked me to get out and push I'd pay the current fair, get out with my bag, and hail another taxi. No way would I get out leaving my stuff in there.

Didn't similar happen not too long ago?

Who writes / proof reads these articles btw...they need fired.

"they need fire" ... I guess they use the same proof reader you use smile.png

"current fair"

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Why would you carry $4000 cash with you ? So stupid .


Seriously? You are arriving at the airport for the start of a long holiday. There are at least 2 of you travelling together and you are travelling around asia where banking provision is weak at best, and you come from an asian country where banking provision is even weaker..

I suppose you, oh wise one, pay everthing with your platinum Amex card, including the taxi fare and the tollway???

I suppose you also buy US Dollar travellers cheques at your airport of home origin just to beat the system??? I am so overawed at you great knowledge and experience.....

Maybe they are wrong to carry their passports through the airport too?

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should not be that difficult since all these taxis have gps nowadays. just summon every registered taxi with 8484 plate to the station and download there whereabouts? the question is more wether they really want to arrest him or not..

in your dreams! do you reaally think that the thai gps is any good? the money and baggage is long gone! and the police summon the taxi drivers? what planet are you from?

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Why would you carry $4000 cash with you ? So stupid .


And you believe that? I mean if it was not in their pocket/s.....Possible but probably not.

If they have insurance and they don't get their stuff back, they are going to claim all this and more, I bet even things that never existed, but yes it is a disgusting act by this low life thai taxi driver and hopefully justice is served [yeah right!!!]

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Why would you carry $4000 cash with you ? So stupid .


Heck some people wear watches that cost more than thatwai2.gif . I assume he has no credit cards or ATM, better to have travelers checks in this case.

Cause maybe they exchange their cash at "Superrich" and get a much better rate than the banks are giving... much better!!!!

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