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Bangkok Administration seeks to 'kill' fire engines deal after ruling


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BMA seeks to 'kill' fire engines deal after ruling
Tanatpong Kongsai
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok governor is cranking up efforts to kill a contract signed with an Austrian firm to supply fire vehicles following a landmark corruption ruling last week on the highly controversial deal.

In the hope of adding more weight to their plea, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has said that it will ask a Switzerland-based arbitrator to regard the Supreme Court's ruling, under which a former deputy interior ministry was sentenced to 12 years in jail, as evidence.

The BMA also wants the Attorney General to file a lawsuit with the Intellectual Property and International Trade Court in order to get Austria's Steyr Daimler Puch Spezialfahrzeug to revoke the contract under which it sold fire vehicles for Bt6.6 billion.

The city administration has asked the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration in Geneva to help get the contract revoked and to seek a refund for unused fire vehicles, which it says stemmed from the corrupt deal.

The BMA also wants related officials to pay damages at the Central Administrative Court, while the relevant agency will take disciplinary action against these officials.

Bangkok Governor Sukhumb-hand Paribatra said the Supreme Court ruling was clear proof the fire vehicles were bought under a questionable deal, and that it supports the BMA's push for the arbitrator to revoke the contract and get a full refund.

He said the BMA would be sending the arbitrator a translation of the ruling to further its case.

The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions found both Pracha Maleenont and former senior BMA official Athilak Tanchookiat guilty of rigging bids in the fire vehicles case. Athilak was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

The pair allegedly pushed for the purchase of 315 fire trucks and 30 fire-fighting boats without comparing prices, which allowed the Austrian company to sell the vehicles at a price that was nearly 49 per cent higher than it would have been if bought locally.

Pracha was absent when the verdict was read. He is thought to have fled abroad.

-- The Nation 2013-09-17

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After sitting all these years, the condition of these trucks and boats will be rubbish.

Maybe its time to start getting bids for more equipement whistling.gif

Better still take all possessions from those responsible and use the proceeeds to refurbish the trucks.

Add a few life sentances in for good measure.

Sorry T I T nothing will happen blink.png

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All could be refurbished without too much trouble - but then of course where wouldn't be too much in the way of back-handers, not like a new contract for new equipment. So looks like a foregone conclusion which way it will go.

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The attempt to "kill the deal" comes a little late. Perhaps the "killing" should have taken place before involving those guys who let it happen that two crooks could make such deal.

It's Check and Balance not "Cheque and Ballentines." But than again- TIT.

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After sitting all these years, the condition of these trucks and boats will be rubbish.

Maybe its time to start getting bids for more equipement whistling.gif

Better still take all possessions from those responsible and use the proceeeds to refurbish the trucks.

Add a few life sentances in for good measure.

Sorry T I T nothing will happen blink.png

I cannot comment on the units parked up in Laem Cha Bang, but the units parked up at a Fire companies Workshop in Sai Noi, are started daily. Fire pumps are engaged and all operational equipment tested monthly, the units are cleaned every week.

These could be used operationally now.

Edited by nonthaburial
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I seem to recall something from business law classes way back when, something about that you can't use the argument that you did something illegal (demanding bribes etc) as a reason for having a contract cancelled.

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I have no idea of the year in which this photo was taken, but imagine over 300 of these trucks plus a number of quality rescue boats as well, all slowly rusting, rotting, corroding etc, down at Laem Chabang Port in Chonburi for the last 8 or 9 years..


Now, due to corruption and petty bickering, they may be staying there for a few more years, while the bureaucrats argue back and forth with the Austrian supplier, Steyr, apparently wanting a full refund.

In most countries that would be pure criminal negligence.

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The company the built and sold the fire engines is in no way at fault,

the total corruption was by the Thai companies acting as middlemen in the deal.

So there is little chance that Steyr Daimler Puch Spezialfahrzeug is going to

payback for what they have already legitimately sold to 'someone'.

Just because these weasels mislead their own people about the actual costs,

has absolutely NOTHING to do with Steyr Daimler Puch Spezialfahrzeug.

They made a product, and sold it in good faith to someone in workable condition.

End of story.

Edited by animatic
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The company the built and sold the fire engines is in no way at fault,

the total corruption was by the Thai companies acting as middlemen in the deal.

So there is little chance that Steyr Daimler Puch Spezialfahrzeug is going to

payback for what they have already legitimately sold to 'someone'.

Just because these weasels mislead their own people about the actual costs,

has absolutely NOTHING to do with Steyr Daimler Puch Spezialfahrzeug.

They made a product, and sold it in good faith to someone in workable condition.

End of story.

Think they rather claim from a foreign company then to get the money back from their own corrupt officials. I mean if they would get the money back from their own corrupt people it might set a precedent. This is the last thing the current government wants because then later maybe some of them have to pay back the money they stole.

I wish they would go after anyone who is corrupt and pick him clean no matter what his political allegiance is. Ah one can dream.

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