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Luxury cars, land seized from disgraced Thai monk


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Luxury cars, land seized from disgraced Thai monk

BANGKOK, September 21, 2013 (AFP) - Thailand has seized nearly $800,000 worth of assets, including a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, from a monk who was disrobed for a controversial trip in a private jet, authorities said Friday.

Thailand's Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) said Wiraphon Sukphon was suspected of deceiving people to give him donations.

"Monks can receive donations and must use them for the benefit of the public, not for private use and their own personal comforts," Police Colonel Seehanat Prayoonrat, secretary of the AMLO, told AFP.

Wiraphon went by the name Luang Pu Nen Kham to bolster his claims to be the reincarnation of a famous miracle-performing monk.

The disgraced cleric, who is believed to be abroad, is also being sought in Thailand on suspicion of having sex with an underage girl around a decade ago while he was a monk, and of fathering a child with her
The seized assets were worth a total of 24 million baht ($770,000), according to the AMLO.

They include 12.8 million baht of real estate as well as three cars, a Harley-Davidson motorbike, a Vespa scooter and more than 200,000 baht in 14 bank accounts.

Wiraphon caused a scandal earlier this year in Buddhist-majority Thailand after footage emerged of him with two other monks travelling in a private jet, wearing sunglasses and carrying a Louis Vuitton luxury bag.

He has since been investigated on suspicion of an array of offences including tax evasion, drug possession and money-laundering.

Thai monks have been hit by a series of scandals, with local media reporting cases of drug-taking, drinking, gambling and visiting prostitutes.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2013-09-21

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This seems to have been a relatively easy job which is the way Thai officialdom likes it however $800,000 is a drop in the ocean compared to the assets he is claimed to have amassed.

Hoever remember the story goes that his bank accounts were only frozen after he had emptied most of them.

It seems that once again DSI has no idea where he is and bungled an arrest attempt in Laos which was, of course, the fault of obstruction by Lao officials and the fact the fugitive just happened to have a helicopter handy.

At least Tarit can keep organising media calls to explain what they are planning to do whereas actually carrying them out is a completely different story.

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This seems to have been a relatively easy job which is the way Thai officialdom likes it however $800,000 is a drop in the ocean compared to the assets he is claimed to have amassed.

Hoever remember the story goes that his bank accounts were only frozen after he had emptied most of them.


It seems that once again DSI has no idea where he is and bungled an arrest attempt in Laos which was, of course,  the fault of obstruction by Lao officials and the fact the fugitive just happened to have a helicopter handy.


At least Tarit can keep organising media calls to explain what they are planning to do whereas actually carrying them out is a completely different story.



That's right. He took his fortune and happily lives in another country.

Besides if the DSI wants to find someone, they will. But that's why approx 24 mill was left here..so authorities lose their willingness to find him. It was tea money nothing else.

The system has been played once again.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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wow, it never ceases to amaze me how some people will use children and their religion to expunge cash and goodies from the unsuspecting, i have seen it here and experienced it

It still happens daily.

In the school of my child, the children (even Kindergarten) are REQUIRED TO BUY every Wednesday gifts for the monks (package with food prepared at the school) and give it to the monks.

Every Wednesday, at 8 AM, monks gather in the school yard at different places and they start collecting the "gifts".

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"They include 12.8 million baht of real estate as well as three cars, a Harley-Davidson motorbike, a Vespa scooter and more than 200,000 baht in 14 bank accounts."

So, this monk had 14 bank accounts with in each bank account approximate 15,000 Baht in each of them?????????

And he was able to live in luxury and makes trips around the world with such meager bank accounts???????

3 times hoorrah for the DSI and the AMLO to have discover these bank accounts.

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This seems to have been a relatively easy job which is the way Thai officialdom likes it however $800,000 is a drop in the ocean compared to the assets he is claimed to have amassed.

Hoever remember the story goes that his bank accounts were only frozen after he had emptied most of them.

It seems that once again DSI has no idea where he is and bungled an arrest attempt in Laos which was, of course, the fault of obstruction by Lao officials and the fact the fugitive just happened to have a helicopter handy.

At least Tarit can keep organising media calls to explain what they are planning to do whereas actually carrying them out is a completely different story.

Thes seziures are only a drop in the ocean in an attempt to maintain public confidence. The do not want him caught as there are too many powerful people at risk of exposure. He is not going to be seen again one way or another.

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A Vespa scooter!

Let's hope we see a very public trial, conviction and long sentence to deter other so called "holy men" from feathering their nest.


I'm desperately trying to visualise a monk riding a Harley. Best left to bald or balding guys with pony tails reliving their misspent youth.

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A Vespa scooter!

Let's hope we see a very public trial, conviction and long sentence to deter other so called "holy men" from feathering their nest.


He should be prosecuted for having bad taste!!! biggrin.png

Yeah. real dyed in the wool crims ride Lambrettas. BTW I understand that bombing around on a Vespa is now a cult thing somewhere or other. Probably the US and practiced by those tired of all that chrome on a Harley. Such a waste of time polishing that shiny metal when they could be polishing their 'bobbies' helmets'. biggrin.png

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A Vespa scooter!

Let's hope we see a very public trial, conviction and long sentence to deter other so called "holy men" from feathering their nest.


He should be prosecuted for having bad taste!!! biggrin.png

Hey, it could be a classic. Some of those are worth money.

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Vespa. Have you seen the prices of those things lately?? They ain't cheap!

And yes, it's definitely a "status" thing. Couple of month back I was Honda Niyom Panich looking at the new CBR250 (no, not buying, just looking. I'm getting the new CB500f) and I see a Mercedes pull up in front. Out gets a woman who had "Elite Snob Bitch" stamped all over her. Her son is well over 6', around 200 pounds. He goes to look at CBR250's. She literally jerked him by the arm and took him to the Vespa section and had him sit on a 300cc Vespa. The poor kid's knees were even with the handlebars! He said something to her and pointed to the CBR's, which would have been a much better fit for him and she actually slapped his face, shouting something in Thai and pointing at the Vespa. Even some of the staff there had to turn away to hide their laughter.

I'm just waiting for the news: "Angry Thai teen kills mother by running over her with Vespa!"

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Vespa. Have you seen the prices of those things lately?? They ain't cheap!

And yes, it's definitely a "status" thing. Couple of month back I was Honda Niyom Panich looking at the new CBR250 (no, not buying, just looking. I'm getting the new CB500f) and I see a Mercedes pull up in front. Out gets a woman who had "Elite Snob Bitch" stamped all over her. Her son is well over 6', around 200 pounds. He goes to look at CBR250's. She literally jerked him by the arm and took him to the Vespa section and had him sit on a 300cc Vespa. The poor kid's knees were even with the handlebars! He said something to her and pointed to the CBR's, which would have been a much better fit for him and she actually slapped his face, shouting something in Thai and pointing at the Vespa. Even some of the staff there had to turn away to hide their laughter.

I'm just waiting for the news: "Angry Thai teen kills mother by running over her with Vespa!"

Nothing wrong with that, mom just wanted to be able the ride the thing sometime too. Being hi-so doesn't negate being practical. Beside, everybody know that slapping kids in public benefits them first.

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A Vespa scooter!

Let's hope we see a very public trial, conviction and long sentence to deter other so called "holy men" from feathering their nest.


He should be prosecuted for having bad taste!!! biggrin.png

Yeah. real dyed in the wool crims ride Lambrettas. BTW I understand that bombing around on a Vespa is now a cult thing somewhere or other. Probably the US and practiced by those tired of all that chrome on a Harley. Such a waste of time polishing that shiny metal when they could be polishing their 'bobbies' helmets'. biggrin.png

Check out this thread- some of them scooters have more chrome than a Harley ever will ....http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/648565-mods-vs-rockers-thread/


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wow, it never ceases to amaze me how some people will use children and their religion to expunge cash and goodies from the unsuspecting, i have seen it here and experienced it

It still happens daily.

In the school of my child, the children (even Kindergarten) are REQUIRED TO BUY every Wednesday gifts for the monks (package with food prepared at the school) and give it to the monks.

Every Wednesday, at 8 AM, monks gather in the school yard at different places and they start collecting the "gifts".

Call me cynical but sounds like a scam for the school to make money to me. Personally I would refuse to participate and if anyone questions it then just say 'My family isn't Buddhist so it's not my business'.

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