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Group of 40 senators denies Thai govt ouster plot


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Group of 40 senators denies govt ouster plot

The Nation

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra attends the second reading of the Bt2-trillion loan bill in Parliament yesterday.

BANGKOK: -- The so-called group of 40 senators, who are critics of the Yingluck Shinawatra administration, yesterday denied the existence of any plot to overthrow the government as alleged by fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Appointed senator Somchai Swangkarn, a key member of the group of 40 senators, denied the allegation that the government would be unconstitutionally overthrown on October 8, but added that even a government with a majority number of MPs could fall if it tripped over its own legs. He said Thaksin's remarks were just noise-making as the government had control over Parliament, the armed forces and the police - including the Interior Ministry - which administers the affairs of provincial governors. Somchai added that Thaksin was merely repeating a prediction by a fortune-teller known by the name Forngsanan Jamchanma.

Somchai urged Thaksin to take a hard look at himself and return to Thailand to face his sentence.

Senator Somjet Boonthanom, another member of the group of 40 senators, said that Thaksin's comments in Thai Rath newspaper about re-setting the country at zero in order to achieve reconciliation were irrelevant as long as he failed to recognise himself as being the cause of political division.

Somchai also expressed similar views, adding that Thaksin had amassed too much power while he was prime minister, leading to resistance. Reconciliation was not possible until Thaksin apologised and left politics for good, he said.

"Thaksin said he wants to reset the country at zero. I think that's not difficult if Thaksin returns to the Kingdom to face justice. He must set an example and not just say it without acting in accordance with his words," said Somchai, adding than 64 million Thais did not want to negotiate with Thaksin.

In related developments, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said the efforts to push for national reform, now led by former prime minister Banharn Silpa-archa, may not have succeeded in bringing opponents of the government to join the effort, but Banharn's attempts to approach them was a good start.

The premier said she still hoped those approached would eventually join the national reform bid - adding that the door was always open.

Asked what she thought about the opposition setting up a parallel reform forum, the premier said that it at least showed they too were concerned about reform. Yingluck said she believed once their ideas had crystallised, both sides might one day be able to sit down together and discuss the issues.

-- The Nation 2013-09-21

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YL and the rest of the puppet muppets talk of democracy, freedom of speech, the right to a view which will be respected while the real PM sits in another country carefully stirring it all for his own, and family's, selfish ends.

He picked his time for this allegation well coming around the anniversary of the coup which, as we were told, a couple of days ago brought economic misery to the country plus being shunned by many countries.

Yes, reconcilliation is just around the corner.

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The only plot to over through the is within the PTP. They do not understand that if they continue on the path they are on, they will be the cause of the PTP. The party must think that the citizens of Thailand are stupid. 40 years ago there was a citizens rebellion against a corrupt government, it could happen again. All governments are corrupt, but some more so than others. Corruption, greedy financial institutions, and the disregard for human life and ideals cause the 2006 coup. The same is happening again.

Gob bless the King and Thailand.

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Again the paranoia strikes, Thaksin proves yet again without a doubt that all of his multi faceted minds are truly unbalanced. delusions of grandeur labouring under the delusion that he alone is the new Messiah of Thai politics.

Fortune tellers, black magic rites in the past , oh dear the sad part is that the gullible follow him, at a price of course and when the account is rendered to them they will then realize too late that they the gullible have imprisoned themselves in both debt bondage and political dictatorship.

Chilling comment ''year zero,'' Pol Pot and his malevolent mass murder theory seems to still be alive and well in those multi faceted minds of Thaksin.

In any democratic system the opposition will and do try to change the direction of a government that they oppose, thus comments made by Somchai Swangkarnts are not a plot to instigate a coup military or politically. They are remarks that are made in any democratic society, however we are all well aware of Thaksins understanding of and thus his take on democracy are we not as are many Thai's too.

Again one is led to wonder whether there is a certain amount of dissent in the current government make up concerning the size of the ''rewards'' and one political future on offer for doing the puppet master bidding.

Asked what she thought about the opposition setting up a parallel reform forum, the premier said that it at least showed they too were concerned about reform. Yingluck said she believed once their ideas had crystallized, both sides might one day be able to sit down together and discuss the issues.

Looking at that particular comment one is led to wonder if Yingluck and other interested parties have seen the demonic madness in her brothers eyes, mind, comments and actions, thus she and they are trying to build a firewall twixt her puppet master brother and themselves ?

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The only plot to over through the is within the PTP. They do not understand that if they continue on the path they are on, they will be the cause of the PTP. The party must think that the citizens of Thailand are stupid. 40 years ago there was a citizens rebellion against a corrupt government, it could happen again. All governments are corrupt, but some more so than others. Corruption, greedy financial institutions, and the disregard for human life and ideals cause the 2006 coup. The same is happening again.

Gob bless the King and Thailand.

If you can find any credible evidence that the PTP is a corrupt organisation pass it to the DSI or remain an unhelpful scaremonger. Repetitive false allegations are Thai culture not ours.

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The only plot to over through the is within the PTP. They do not understand that if they continue on the path they are on, they will be the cause of the PTP. The party must think that the citizens of Thailand are stupid. 40 years ago there was a citizens rebellion against a corrupt government, it could happen again. All governments are corrupt, but some more so than others. Corruption, greedy financial institutions, and the disregard for human life and ideals cause the 2006 coup. The same is happening again.

Gob bless the King and Thailand.

If you can find any credible evidence that the PTP is a corrupt organisation pass it to the DSI or remain an unhelpful scaremonger. Repetitive false allegations are Thai culture not ours.

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The only plot to over through the is within the PTP. They do not understand that if they continue on the path they are on, they will be the cause of the PTP. The party must think that the citizens of Thailand are stupid. 40 years ago there was a citizens rebellion against a corrupt government, it could happen again. All governments are corrupt, but some more so than others. Corruption, greedy financial institutions, and the disregard for human life and ideals cause the 2006 coup. The same is happening again.

Gob bless the King and Thailand.

If you can find any credible evidence that the PTP is a corrupt organisation pass it to the DSI or remain an unhelpful scaremonger. Repetitive false allegations are Thai culture not ours.

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The only plot to over through the is within the PTP. They do not understand that if they continue on the path they are on, they will be the cause of the PTP. The party must think that the citizens of Thailand are stupid. 40 years ago there was a citizens rebellion against a corrupt government, it could happen again. All governments are corrupt, but some more so than others. Corruption, greedy financial institutions, and the disregard for human life and ideals cause the 2006 coup. The same is happening again.

Gob bless the King and Thailand.

If you can find any credible evidence that the PTP is a corrupt organisation pass it to the DSI or remain an unhelpful scaremonger. Repetitive false allegations are Thai culture not ours.

Bravo! Mind you, this should be applied to all (especially with defamation laws as they are). We have here the near proof that Thailand is wonderful.

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any credible evidence that the PTP is a corrupt organisation

> Wasting taxpayer money and government work-time on crooked schemes like getting their own criminal PT members out of jail, and trying to get a passport for a wanted international fugitive. All this while providing barely parsimonious expenditure on hard infrastructure and social amelioration.

> Paying state-funds as compensation to families of redshirts who died because they were caught up in an armed insurgency in the capital, families who would not have lost loved ones in the first place if Thaksin had not insisted on laying seige to the capital for months, and staying in situ even after being granted early elections. The blood is on Thaksins hands, but the bill is on the taxpayers hands. Mark this for the future.

> Distributing names, addresses and phone numbers of people who oppose PTP, including respectable members of the judicial system, to angry mobs of redshirts. Thus risking those families being seriously terrified, intimidated or far worse.

> Attending secret meetings with undisclosed business-interests in hotelrooms, during parliament time, unscheduled and unreported, and denied as long as possible, until a plausible enough sounding story was invented.

> PTP leader is an international fugitive, on the run following his legitimate convictions relating to state corruption and what amounts to grand larceny. He is also pending further trials for nepotistic overspending of state funds in the billions. We could also mention he killed several thousand innocent civilians during a 'war on drugs' where people were shot dead for no reason and with no trial.

> PTP House Speaker caught on tape, taking orders from the international criminal who is a fugitive from justice (see above.) Taking orders from unelected persons overseas, especially if they are wanted criminals, while you are a pivotal figure in government, is a crime of Treason.


Edited: Reason: To add the mister coffee & newspaper smiley.

Edited by Yunla
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