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PM Yingluck places emphasis on eradicating child and woman abuse


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One might think YL that while your government are in power and some of your ministers are said to be involved in such actions, this latest in a never ending line of 'gestures' is merely another exercise in making the right noises but yet again will fall short of any real action.

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"According to Miss Yingluck, violence among women and children is the number one problem the government needs to address," Why are these women and children beating each other?

Miss Yingluck speaking for "Violence among against women and children". is an important issue but surely doesnt take priority to national disaters like the floods, the rice scam, inflation, rising public debt or systemic corruption.

It's "today's number 1 priority". Whatever she makes a speech about becomes "the governments number 1 priority of the day".

She really doesn't seem to have any idea about what she's talking about, or the lack continuity and contradictions in her speeches. Totally clueless. Yet, a PM and DM of a country with a 65 million population.

The other issues you mention simply won't be on her mind unless someone reminds her. The it will be number 1 priority. Attention span of a goldfish.

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Commendable, but before any serious steps can be made, the government must reduce to age of consent to 15 as other western countries are proposing, also penalties for abuse, exploitation and rape have to become not only more severe but must be enforced and closed to bribery.

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"According to Miss Yingluck, violence among women and children is the number one problem the government needs to address," Why are these women and children beating each other?

Miss Yingluck speaking for "Violence among against women and children". is an important issue but surely doesnt take priority to national disaters like the floods, the rice scam, inflation, rising public debt or systemic corruption.

It's "today's number 1 priority". Whatever she makes a speech about becomes "the governments number 1 priority of the day".

She really doesn't seem to have any idea about what she's talking about, or the lack continuity and contradictions in her speeches. Totally clueless. Yet, a PM and DM of a country with a 65 million population.

The other issues you mention simply won't be on her mind unless someone reminds her. The it will be number 1 priority. Attention span of a goldfish.

biggrin.png A little unfair to the goldfish there Mr Baerboxer

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I have been living in Thailand for several years. I have an MA and Ph.D. in the poverty and violence reduction field and worked in my country for the state and federal government in this field. A while back my day job was lucrative and I wanted to do something to help my Thai community and the people who no one cares about. I sent several e-mails to both her and several other government department offices offering free consultation when I read they were looking for ideas (offering for free what they would pay a fortune for an outsider to do). Of course not one reply. Thailand loves their dysfunction and will never change because there is always someone important benefiting from it.

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C'mon lady! You're not serious!

A lot of these posts pretty much demonstrate the futility of what the PM and DM is saying. This is about as effective as a bunch of old hens sitting around and bashing men with no intentions to really do anything about it, except that the PM/DM gets all the credit for bringing it up. As a man, I have learned a long time ago to simply drop my hands to my side and back away slowly. They'll soon run out of hot air and move on to another gossipy subject to put wind back in their sails.

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