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Suvarnabhumi Airport sets sight to become the world's No.1 airport


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I'm sure they will find some third rate travel rag that will amazingly have a poll finding Swampy as the best, as long as they buy enough advertising that is.

In Asia alone Changi and Hong Kong are much nicer than Swampy.

Edited by Loptr
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There must be a few different Suvarnabhumi airports as i have never really experienced any of the problems people are complaining about.

I have always found check in efficient if you arrive when you are supposed to for your flight

I have never noticed any lack of signage, although i presume the people complaining about it may travel infrequently an hence notice the lack thereof

Never noticed a shortage of chairs, but like any airport when they are effected by large delays outside of their control this is always a possibility

Never had any problems with taxi's- but reading TVF it seems some people are just predisposed to have taxi issues- its not just from the airport

Immigration was a little slow for a period but the last few times i have traveled it seems to have been corrected

Decent if not amazing F&B and shopping air side.

I agree that it would be nice if all flights left or arrived without have to access/exit the plane with a bus, but again for certain flights/planes this is the same the world over.

Length of walk to immigration/baggage claim has never seen to onerous to me- after a long flight it is nice to stretch the legs. Again many airports the world over have this- it is not possible to build a large international airport with flights leaving arriving every 2 minutes and have every plane disembarking next to immigration.

Obviously it is not the worlds number 1 at the moment, but I think its a target to aim for, why aim lower? Given the amount of comments on this thread, i think this is very subjective anyway, what some people find an annoyance or cause for frustration, is simply unnoticeable to other people. My aim when travelling is to get from A to B as quickly and easily as possible, whilst possibly having a beer whilst waiting and buying something from duty free. For that I have no issue with Bangkok airport.

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Singapore is soooooooooooooooooo boring as an airport.. It's greart to have an airport that try's not to be number one and really who gives a dam_n about being no 1. The Singapore Govt because that is all they have.

How can an airport with a free cinema, games machines (PS3 + X-Box 360s with Kinect), an incredible amount of shopping options, an abundance of restaurants and eateries to suit all tastes and budgets, amazing options for kids including playparks etc, be boring?

Singapore has a lot more to offer than just the airport too, which anyone not on a budget and willing to explore will testify.

It does surprise me when people refer to Singapore as boring, when it really is anything but.

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They need to think of quality and stop the corruption that I presume explains the awful quality.

What is it - 6, or 9 months ago - that they removed the sushi-bar islands just after emigration? The (mis-matching) floor tiles that were used to fill the space are already crumbling. What kind of loads do these tiles take? Unless they move bulldozers through the departure are in the wee hours of the morning, the only loads I can think of are the weights of the passengers. How can floor tiles crumble so quickly? Because they were dirt cheap, and the budget to purchase them was probably sky-high.

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It will never be No1 not even in the next 6 years it is an airport of drudgery as you have to walk to far from the plane to the immigration then stand for ages not a seat in sight with the other thousands of tourists to get your welcome stamp on your passport with a friendly scowl from the immigration officer. All before the arguing with a taxi driver over the fare to town,

Edited by metisdead
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It was No25 in the world last year and this year it has rocketed down to number 38 obviously it has a few improvements to make before it can reach the top 20 again never mind No1possibly needs a 2.2trillion revamp now to make it a tourist customer friendly airport.

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Interesting topic.

Obviously everyone has their own opinion on what would make Suvarnabhumi number one. By the way, which group doing the rating will be believed? IATA , AOT. TAT Skytravel, or any of the other five hundred vested parties with their own agenda.( I.E read advertising revenue)

This is my take. I live in Thailand so the quicker I can arrive and depart the airport the better. If Suvarnabhumi could copy Incheon with a 12 minute arrival they would be number one in my eyes.

If I was on a six hour layover, airside, the last place I would wish to be would be BKK. Changi would be the number one in my eyes

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Albeit I doubt they will ever get to number one, as someone else said, there is no harm in aiming for it. Personally, I quite like Suvarnabhumi as I never feel like I have a need to complain and going through there doesn't feel like a chore. Then again, I fly in and out of Riyadh so maybe my bar is set very low.tongue.png

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The usual TV whingers only too happy to take a kick at Suvarnabhumi banging on about lack of toilets and illegal taxi touts. To take just these two unfair criticisms: There are enough toilets; just follow the <deleted> signs! Metered taxis are clearly indicated on level 1. Again, just follow the <deleted> signs. However, if you're a ki nok farang by all means go grab an unlicensed cab from another level in order to save your precious 50 baht. 50 baht which virtually guarantees a trouble free journey with all the driver and vehicle details on the form. Cost by metered cab, including the 50 baht surcharge, to Silom/Rama 4 never more than 300 baht. Bargain.

As for the airport itself, I consider it to be one of the best in the region, certainly on a par with HK but they all fall well behind Incheon (Soeul). Now, if you want to experience a drab disfunctional airport with bored staff and extortionate taxi fares, look no further than Heathrow.

No where near the level of facilities, choice or comfort of HK.

Yes, taxis are cheap but using the booth and paying the 50thb surcharge is not a guarantee there won't be problems. I have had a couple of issues with drivers after using the booths. More often than not they are ok though.

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Swampy needs to be bulldozed and a new modern user friendly airport built. Walking miles to get to your departure lounge then catching a bus out onto the tarmac and climb up onto the plane. Not very modern or friendly for small children, the elderly or disabled. The airport is so out dated and in modern airports the planes actually dock at the lounges. Singapore is much older but more modern and light years ahead of what Thailand came up with. ( a couple of tin sheds) Swampy is 60 years at least behind the times and a 1960's style airport will never be number 1 in the this day.

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For a start you should be able to walk straight out of the arrivals level exit and simply get a metered taxi to your destination that will not be driven at 140 km/h by a crackhead who refuses to give you change on a B500 note for a B250 fare.

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I dont know why so many posters complain about the taxi.

Because they are whinging cantankereous old ba*tards ?

Swampy is neither the best or the worst airport, taxi's and all in region, but still has a long way to go to catch up with the likes of Changi/HK etc

To me one of the key componets thats missing is sincere customer service

When arriving at the Thailand airport, a foreigner instantly gets a brief feeling that they made a mistake to be here. It's the pervasive negative attitude and karma that permeates and fairly reflects the way that Thais feel about foreigners. You always hear a little voice saying "get me outta here." During a stay in Thailand, foreigners will feel that attitude often, and hear that voice again and again.

This last comment is unbelievably negative. I am a foreigner, farang or whatever. I have never felt this way. I have spent most of the last 2 years in Thailand, not as long as some but far more than most on holiday. Swampy beats most UK airports in my opinion. I'll add, LAX, Madrid, Paris, Schipol, KL and plenty of others to this. As regards Dubai, BKK is far more friendly.

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Just came through yesterday, here's my verdict:

No gate parking - No. 2

Bussing to gate delay - No. 2

Immigration queue - No. 2

Luggage belt delay - No. 2

Taxi service - No. 2

Ambience - No. 2

Overall verdict - still No. 2

2nd that pretty high I would have the shed outside the top 50.

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No1 of course

  • Place to be harrassed
  • Meet pimps,illegal taxis
  • Locate gambling dens
  • Be fitted up for shoplifting
  • Run a car park scam
  • Have insufficient ladies bathrooms
  • Drinks more expensive than Munich or USA
  • Painting out Logos and lying about the reason
  • Have I forgotton something........

Yeah, Duty Free more expensive than in town.

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Swampy, of course, will never be universally given the #1 spot, but like a few others on here, I could name dozens of international airports that are way way worse.

Miami - I think is the worst I've ever been through, although you have to search far and wide before finding one as bad as Jakarta!

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Obviously, all of you have not been to Teheran!

But is that the point?

Thailand airport authorities constantly blubber out this nonsense.

Though Swampy may not be the worst of the lot, it is still a far cry from being anywhere near any number that it is viewing distance of being even close to No.1...if you know, what I mean!?

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Amsterdam's Schipol has been a model and most peoples' favourite for some 40 years.

If you don't get the initial design and layout right it can never be improved on.

Much as I like Suva there does not seem to be room for improvement. Maybe a victim of BKK success as a destination/transit stop?

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