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US government shuts down as Congress misses deadline


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Additional citizen resistance against the spiteful actions of the Obama regime. Thousands of veterans and other citizens gathered in Washington D.C., tore down the barricades at Memorials and then carried them to the White House. Returning them to the disreputable Obama! clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

Two new terms have now entered our lexicon; "Barrycades" and "The Spite House"!



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So are they going to clean up after themselves and who is protecting the monuments from vandalism? Closed is closed. Deal with it or reopen the government, tea people.

The integrity-challenged Obama regime has funds to; install multiple sets of "Barrycades" around memorials in Washington, D.C., and pay Park Rangers/Staff to deny Veterans access to their Memorials.

They have the funds to place hundreds of traffic cones to block off empty existing parking spaces around Mount Rushmore.

They have the funds and staff to block the entrance to a privately-run Inn and Restaurant along an open roadway.

So, the Obama regime has the ability to do those things but not the ability to figure out a way get get some trash picked up! Perhaps a few of the Park Rangers that they are now paying to harrass our citizens can be used to supervise some D.C jail inmates picking up trash.

There! I'm not even in the "Spite House" and I figured out how to do it. Of course, it's difficult for Obama to think of things like that when he is concentrating on inflicting the maximum pain for the citizens for his own crass political purposes.

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So are they going to clean up after themselves and who is protecting the monuments from vandalism? Closed is closed. Deal with it or reopen the government, tea people.

The integrity-challenged Obama regime has funds to; install multiple sets of "Barrycades" around memorials in Washington, D.C., and pay Park Rangers/Staff to deny Veterans access to their Memorials.

They have the funds to place hundreds of traffic cones to block off empty existing parking spaces around Mount Rushmore.

They have the funds and staff to block the entrance to a privately-run Inn and Restaurant along an open roadway.

So, the Obama regime has the ability to do those things but not the ability to figure out a way get get some trash picked up! Perhaps a few of the Park Rangers that they are now paying to harrass our citizens can be used to supervise some D.C jail inmates picking up trash.

There! I'm not even in the "Spite House" and I figured out how to do it. Of course, it's difficult for Obama to think of things like that when he is concentrating on inflicting the maximum pain for the citizens for his own crass political purposes.

Republicans are working out the terms of their surrender.

ObamaCare remains fully intact.

Now Republicans are so much on the ropes they have to fight to try to sustain sequestration.

Republicans have to agree to pass a clean CR and a clean debt ceiling increase. It's a slow and painful realization for them but they're coming around.

Prez Obama really should give the Republicans something they can use to save face, to salvage something from their defund and close it down debacle. It would be the politic thing to do.

I'd suggest Prez Obama get clean actions by the Congress by promising the tea party whack jobs that he'll stop reading the Koran. laugh.png

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Well, it looks like the "shutdown" really didn't need to be that severe after all. Let's look at what the Obama regime is doing now.

"Rollback of cuts fuels claims that government inflated impact of partial shutdown"

"It appears they are truly just making this up as they go along, as they have put out one inconsistent policy after another," House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings, R-Wash., said in a statement, accusing the administration of playing "political games."

Charges that the Obama administration exaggerated the cutbacks from the outset were amplified Sunday when hundreds of vets marched in Washington to protest the closure of popular war memorials, including open-air sites.

The group organizing the protest charged in a statement that the closure was implemented "in a mean-spirited fit of selfish anger" -- though the Park Service says it's trying to operate within the bounds of the law.

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I talked to a government employees and I guess they will be guaranteed pay for this period of not working. Life is short and you only live once, so simply "kick the can" to another generation. repeat. In fact, they should vote on million dollar bonuses. and pay increases 1000%. by the time they are voted out....ah, whatever, they will have the money.

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Additional citizen resistance against the spiteful actions of the Obama regime. Thousands of veterans and other citizens gathered in Washington D.C., tore down the barricades at Memorials and then carried them to the White House. Returning them to the disreputable Obama! clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

Two new terms have now entered our lexicon; "Barrycades" and "The Spite House"!



No this is unnecessary chaos and disorderly conduct. People can chill the f out as there is no need to visit anything right this moment. Respect, dignity and common sense has been thrown out the window due to emotions, partisan politics and paranoia. Truth is Obamacare is really not that bad, but idiots have to be idiots for their own career plans and people raise their hands and say praise the lord regardless of the veracity.

Edited by F430murci
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This is pretty tough talk but, in my judgement, justifiable and justly deserving, at least in its sentiment.

Indeed, the reputable scientific polling data tell us the US body politic put the blame squarely on the Republican party for the shutdown and the tempest over the debt ceiling which threatens the full faith and credit of the United States and, does indeed, threaten the US dollar's status and the global currency to include its position as the world's reserve currency.

The Republicans in Washington and in the tea party don't care. They are in their own little - really small and localized - world, set apart from reality.


China Calls For a ‘De-Americanised’ World Thanks to GOP Shutdown & Default Threat

This must be what conservatives mean by “USA! USA! USA!” Kill the exceptionalism, violate the Constitutional mandate to pay our debt, and turn America into an international joke, causing America to lose its world standing even when W isn’t in office.

This is WINNING, Tea Party style.

This country had better get a handle on these Republicans, or they are going to do what Al-Qaeda never managed to do to the US.


Oh like we really care what China thinks. How many quotes of yours (and mine) shall I paste in here about what a loser China is? China is nothing but wishful thinking, if even that.

We agree that China ain't shit, so why quote them? w00t.gif

Edited by NeverSure
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Citizen's response to one of Obama's targeted "Make them feel the Pain!" closures !! clap2.gif

This is America. This is ordinary Americans. This is why the King of England in attempting to hold Americans as colonists got his rosy red ass kicked while many other countries rolled over.

Forget what some think of America. Just don't forget what rebels Americans are, and how they have the teeth to back it up.

It takes guts to tear those fences down and march right into the faces of the police and all of the reinforcements they could call, but Americans aren't puzzies.

You're looking at the real America.

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Well, Obama and Reid (of the Senate) have repeatedly said they wouldn't negotiate - a tactic meant to leave it looking like the mess belongs to the House.

Now look here, haha. cheesy.gif

"Senate 'Making Progress' On Government Shutdown Deal, Aide Says"

Reuters | Posted: 10/14/2013 11:21 am EDT | Updated: 10/14/2013 12:06 pm EDT


"WASHINGTON, Oct 14 (Reuters) - U.S. Senate leaders are "making progress" in their bid to resolve Washington's latest fiscal crisis but still seek agreement on two key points - length of an increase in the debt limit and a funding bill to reopen the government, a Democratic aide with knowledge of the talks said on Monday.

The senior aide rejected reports that negotiations between Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell had stalled.

The aide said a deal is possible within the next 24 hours," although at this point no new talks have been scheduled between the two. The aide said that could soon change."

(Reporting By Thomas Ferraro; Editing by Bill Trott)

(emphasis mine) Link

Edited by NeverSure
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It would be in the best interest of America and its people for the Democrats to go on and nail the Republicans to the cross they hold so dear. However, they know that if they do that, a new party will spring up who are not so vacuous and malodorous and win power.

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Additional citizen resistance against the spiteful actions of the Obama regime. Thousands of veterans and other citizens gathered in Washington D.C., tore down the barricades at Memorials and then carried them to the White House. Returning them to the disreputable Obama! clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

Two new terms have now entered our lexicon; "Barrycades" and "The Spite House"!

< snipped - gratuitous images of "disorderly conduct" and disorderly "barrycades" >

No this is unnecessary chaos and disorderly conduct. People can chill the f out as there is no need to visit anything right this moment. Respect, dignity and common sense has been thrown out the window due to emotions, partisan politics and paranoia. Truth is Obamacare is really not that bad, but idiots have to be idiots for their own career plans and people raise their hands and say praise the lord regardless of the veracity.

I totally agree (sort of). They should have stacked those 'barrycades' neatly!

Truth is Obamacare is really not that bad ...

Is that the Truth about Obamacare?

A Modest Proposal:

Why don't you read (for comprehension) the entire text of the so-called PP & ACA bill (H.R. 3590 enacted) here (or whichever version you believe to have been enacted):


Then, see if you can obtain and read the 10,000+ (reported) pages of regulations to implement it (again, for comprehension).

Then, factor in Obama's tweaks to it via his Executive Orders.

Then, get a super-computer and a large, specialized software staff and model the entire US economy.

Then, determine Obamacare's impact on the USA's economic model. Be sure to account for the dynamic nature of economic reaction to changes in 'taxes' (often overlooked - the 'why can't you just raise taxes?' syndrome) and other potential impact such as on employment, etc. Be sure not to overlook anything. Maybe you'll need a bigger super-computer.

Extra Credit: Model Obamacare's impact on the entire world economy.

Aside: See if you can do the above with less funding than it took to bring up the www.healthcare.gov site (.69 Billion+, reported) and it's various subsidiary sites.

Then get back to us with the Truth about Obamacare (it'll be sort of like the Truth about Global Warming, eh?).

Or, better yet, to paraphrase Nancy Pelosi's infamous quote:

"You'll just have to pass it to see what happens"

Edited by MaxYakov
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Additional citizen resistance against the spiteful actions of the Obama regime. Thousands of veterans and other citizens gathered in Washington D.C., tore down the barricades at Memorials and then carried them to the White House. Returning them to the disreputable Obama! clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

Two new terms have now entered our lexicon; "Barrycades" and "The Spite House"!

< snipped - gratuitous images of "disorderly conduct" and disorderly "barrycades" >

No this is unnecessary chaos and disorderly conduct. People can chill the f out as there is no need to visit anything right this moment. Respect, dignity and common sense has been thrown out the window due to emotions, partisan politics and paranoia. Truth is Obamacare is really not that bad, but idiots have to be idiots for their own career plans and people raise their hands and say praise the lord regardless of the veracity.

I totally agree (sort of). They should have stacked those 'barrycades' neatly!

Truth is Obamacare is really not that bad ...

Is that the Truth about Obamacare?

A Modest Proposal:

Why don't you read (for comprehension) the entire text of the so-called PP & ACA bill (H.R. 3590 enacted) here (or whichever version you believe to have been enacted):


Then, see if you kind find and read the 10,000+ pages (reported) pages of regulations to implement it (again, for comprehension).

Then, factor in Obama's tweaks to it via his Executive Orders.

Then, get a super-computer and a large, specialized software staff and model the entire US economy.

Then, determine Obamacare's impact on the USA's economic model. Be sure to account for the dynamic nature of economic reaction to changes in 'taxes' (often overlooked - the 'why can't you just raise taxes?' syndrome) and other potential impact such as on employment, etc. Be sure not to overlook anything. Maybe you'll need a bigger super-computer.

Extra Credit: Model Obamacare's impact on the entire world economy.

Aside: See if you can do the above with less funding than it took to bring up the www.healthcare.gov site (.69 Billion+, reported) and it's various subsidiary sites.

Then get back to us with the Truth about Obamacare (it'll be sort of like the Truth about Global Warming, eh?).

Then do the same with slavery. The cost to the American economy was much much bigger than the ACA will ever be.

Edited by notmyself
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Then do the same with slavery. The cost to the American economy was much much bigger than the ACA will ever be.

Do you want the same for past slavery or future slavery?

Maybe you missed this:


According to Dr. Ben Carson (paraphrased and summarized): Obamacare = Slavery

Maybe you have a particular off-topic axe to grind?

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Citizen's response to one of Obama's targeted "Make them feel the Pain!" closures !! clap2.gif

This is America. This is ordinary Americans. This is why the King of England in attempting to hold Americans as colonists got his rosy red ass kicked while many other countries rolled over.

Forget what some think of America. Just don't forget what rebels Americans are, and how they have the teeth to back it up.

It takes guts to tear those fences down and march right into the faces of the police and all of the reinforcements they could call, but Americans aren't puzzies.

You're looking at the real America.

Wake up. This is NOT ordinary Americans.

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So, Baloo22, did you have anything of substance to post, like maybe something about those thousands and thousands of people who are furloughed because of your party's nonsense? Perhaps some pictures of the babies not getting milk formula?

Instead, you chose to post pictures of people who can afford to visit parks and monuments. What are they doing for their country, besides destroying it? I see them moving lawfully set barricades, but I don't see one of them with a broom or a mop cleaning up anything.

The Republicans in general, and the Tea Party in particular, are America's very own equivalent version of a jihadi terrorist organization. They are doing exactly what Al Qaeda wanted to do. And they love to accuse the President of being a Muslim sympathizer.

Edited by Scott
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So, Baloo22, did you have anything of substance to post, like maybe something about those thousands and thousands of people who are furloughed because of your party's nonsense? Perhaps some pictures of the babies not getting milk formula?

Instead, you chose to post pictures of people who can afford to visit parks and monuments. What are they doing for their country, besides destroying it? I see them moving lawfully set barricades, but I don't see one of them with a broom or a mop cleaning up anything.

The Republicans in general, and the Tea Party in particular, are America's very own equivalent version of a jihadi terrorist organization. They are doing exactly what Al Qaeda wanted to do. And they love to accuse the President of being a Muslim sympathizer.

I don't think they want destroy America, they just don't want a big powerful government.

And they clean up, i read about a guy how moans the lawn at the Lincoln monument and collect trash and foliage there, voluntary and illegal.

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