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Landlord says he will lock doors to condo this afternoon

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So according to this Thai "lawyer" she can stay forever without paying rent??cheesy.gif

Be a good boy now and take your medication! (Share it with your friend)

Obviously not. I assume it works the same way it works in many countries in Europe. She can stay until she gets evicted by a Thai court.

Tenants can play hardball as well. Just off the top of my head I can think of a few things to do such as drill holes in the walls, tear up the linoleum floor, break every furniture in the apartment and flood the place. In my opinion, as a landlord, you are not really in a position to expletive deleted with your tenants this way.

Er your friend is in breach of contract by not paying the rent of time, the land lord is not evicting anyone, the landlord is changing the locks, as his/her right, its their property, and they have not been paid, any claims the tenant may have had against a contract are now voided because they breached the said contract, you not in Europe anymore so why would it work the same ?

Go ahead smash the place up, and open yourself up to criminal charges as well, with an attitude like that one can see why why a landlord would change the locks, he or she is protecting their investment/property

Landlord is right

Landlord goes to police and gets letter

Letter is put on the door

Landlord and tenant negotiate settlement

If tenant smashes place up charges will be laid with penalties up to seven years

Tenant pay the bill and walk away free


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You should count yourself lucky mate
I know a landlord here who has 10 condos, and when people pay late he sends some very convincing people around
As far as he is concerned if you pay late - He has Shark Loaned you the money for one month and 4 days already

And you owe him interest.

Be thankful he was nice enough to give you almost 5 weeks grace, stop messing him about and go and live somewhere you can afford - or pay the consequences,

Oh and dont even think that the Deposit is for paying late - the deposit is to prevent you from smashing the place up in a strop because you didn't pay on time. Like some idiot above mentioned.

Edited by djlest
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Let's keep the language down chaps, this is a family oriented forum. I will not edit further posts with profanities, I will simply delete them.

Never assume the law here is the same as 'back home'.

Plenty of landlords in the UK would happily lock furnished tenants out after non-payment of one month.

Has your friend attempted to deal with the landlord, specifically arrange to pay back rent by a certain date, talking to creditors does work.

Criminal damage to the apartment will lead to a whole new world of hurt.

Thank you for reminding everyone on the rules of decorum and it is well timed. As for late rents, being nice and upfront with the landlord about difficulties paying can work wonders. Keeping the landlord informed and working with them is the prudent path. Above all, honesty. Just my 2-Bahts worth. Edited by Benmart
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It seems everyone does not know what they are talking about here. I was rending a condo Had 3 months deposit so the last month I did not pay. the Landlord threatened keep my deposits The landlord had his lawyer call me and ask what was the problem. So I told him he was treatening to keep my deposits and not give 2 months back.

The lawyer then told me He cannot do this he has to pay the deposits back after I vacate the premise at the end of the month. Although he has the right to inspect the premise before refunding any outstanding deposit

The lawyer told me it is MY RIGHT to do this and would talk to the landlord and instruct him that the deposit would have to be returned less any damages and outstanding rent. Since I did not pay the last months rent he deduced that amount and 500 baht for something broken on the Book shelve which was very fair since he had had real advise from HIS attorney

So if it is your last month then according to the Lawyer there should be no problem but if it is during the life the the lease and before the last month you will have problems

So everyone here please stop giving advise that you have no experience on or guessing as to what you think the law is

USE a lawyer and get the facts

The law says I must wear a helmet on my motorbike, the law says prostitution is illegal, the law "says" many things, another lawyer will probably tell you something else and then when it gets to court the judge will use "his" interpretation of the law.

Edited by kannot
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There actually is no protection for renters here and everything is in the contract.

Why do you think Thai's go through every word of them before signing?

Our Thai owners were never happy with having 'no illegal activities are to be conducted on or from the premises.' They insisted on a long list of illegal activities, What is that about? Either it is illegal or not.

Those few words in our English language contract take up half a page in the Thai contract as we list gambling, prostitution, robbery and on and on and on.

Thai's know that unless it is there is black and white it is open to interpretation.

Your best protection is to use a reputable company, they will try to avoid the dubious landlords, we have a blacklist and any landlord who tries to be unfair to a tenant is told that they will be on it and forwarded to all agents in our database. However that very rarely happens and is a very last resort, most situations can be worked out with a little diplomacy.

I advise every tenant on move in "If you have any money issues contact me immediately." Haven't had a landlord ask for the 300 baht per day late payment penalty yet if we spoke to them in advance of the payment date.

As a footnote; farang vs Thai renting condos, our customer base is 92% Thai but last 2 years farang have taken up 86% of our after sales headaches.

Late payment of rent, disappearing, trashing rooms, not paying bills, going to another country for 2 weeks and leaving the air con on then not accepting responsibility, the list is endless.

One idiot broke his contract because he broke a tooth and had to go home to mummy to have it repaired (seriously!) like there are no dentists in Bangkok!

as he was losing his deposit the little boy in him then did a moonlight flit before the date he was meant to leave, trashed the room and left all the aircons on with the windows open running up a ridiculous bill before we realised that he had left.

Now he is registered with police and if he ever tries to enter Thailand will be arrested at the airport, smart move...

He went back to the states and unlucky for him the owner (who is a very good landlord by the way) had lived there for a time and was aware of the checks that are done on tenants there, he ensured his name was mud there also.

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The Thai approach sounds eminently more sensible and realistic than in the U.K, where tenants can often play footloose and free with contracts and liabilities in many ways, and now in the case of socially funded tenants, money is being paid direct to the tenant rather than the landlord, so may never reach its proper destination!

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