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Does My Head In......


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Forgot to add that I have no particular issue with Thai women wanting to eat bugs - although IME it's far from a universal craving among Thais - with the sole exception of women who dont seem to grasp that a grasshopper's leg dangling from the corner of one's mouth is an instant thrill killer. For me, it evokes those cheesy Sci-Fi epics where the guy realises his 'hot girlfriend' is an alien when he inadvertently sees her 'inhale' a rat.

Also not a fan of people who want to eat dog, whalemeat or shark's fin soup, but that's a whole other thread.

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Mercedes-girl abroad. 2 hours after recovering from dengue. And Blether is playing the field again!giggle.gif

Eh, it wasn't a romantic date

I've known this lady for a while and I hadn't seen her since April. It is possible to talk to a woman without trying to get into her knickers you know. xdry.png.pagespeed.ic.Kc5N3hfS-T.webp

Only if they're ugly. 555

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"Does my head in" too , the simple answer tho issssss,.............Spicy food gives you a good appetite and salty food makes you feel full when your not , so combined you will feel hungry every hour or so , so i try to get the Mrs to eat less spice , & more "ahan farang"

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Gallantry deserves good manners in return, over ordering & leaving 2 plates of food, then expecting you to buy more 30 mins later is very poor manners.

not to mention a display of total fiscally irresponsiblity.

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Gallantry deserves good manners in return, over ordering & leaving 2 plates of food, then expecting you to buy more 30 mins later is very poor manners.

not to mention a display of total fiscally irresponsiblity.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, at a real dinner we might have three different bottles wine to suit courses, does not mean we must guzzle the lot, empty the bottles. For me, and perhaps tb, taking a lady out for dinner is an honour. BUT, some folk think a BigMac and fries is being taken out for dinner eh. biggrin.png

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I went over to Mega Bang Na today. Blether, NB! With 7 Thai Females! Ranging from 77 YO to 3 YO. Wife, MIL, 3 x SIL & 2 Nieces. None of whom drink or smoke BTW.

if you want to indulge yourself you need to go here, more Restaurants and Eateries than you can poke a bloody stick at. The amount of food in this country is phenomenal!

In the finish I had to put my foot down and make them let me pay for something! So, with much reluctance, and my insistence, they eventually let me pay for the coffee at Coffee World

None drink or smoke but they are pretty good on the tooth, there is no waste in my family let me tell you.

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Gallantry deserves good manners in return, over ordering & leaving 2 plates of food, then expecting you to buy more 30 mins later is very poor manners.

not to mention a display of total fiscally irresponsiblity.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, at a real dinner we might have three different bottles wine to suit courses, does not mean we must guzzle the lot, empty the bottles. For me, and perhaps tb, taking a lady out for dinner is an honour. BUT, some folk think a BigMac and fries is being taken out for dinner eh. biggrin.png

Not sure where you get mcdonalds from but you seem to miss the point. it is nothing to do with how much you order at dinner or how much wine you drink but if someone over orders, doesn't eat it then buys street food half an hour later, that is bad manners imo.

Not sure where you get mcdonalds from but if your wife asked for it after leaving 2 full dishes at dinner 30 mins prior, I'm sure you would feel it an honour to buy it for her.

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Gallantry deserves good manners in return, over ordering & leaving 2 plates of food, then expecting you to buy more 30 mins later is very poor manners.

not to mention a display of total fiscally irresponsiblity.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, at a real dinner we might have three different bottles wine to suit courses, does not mean we must guzzle the lot, empty the bottles. For me, and perhaps tb, taking a lady out for dinner is an honour. BUT, some folk think a BigMac and fries is being taken out for dinner eh. biggrin.png

Not sure where you get mcdonalds from but you seem to miss the point. it is nothing to do with how much you order at dinner or how much wine you drink but if someone over orders, doesn't eat it then buys street food half an hour later, that is bad manners imo.

Not sure where you get mcdonalds from but if your wife asked for it after leaving 2 full dishes at dinner 30 mins prior, I'm sure you would feel it an honour to buy it for her.

smile.png , I admit here that I have been to a swanky dinner and stopped for a BigMac on the way home. cheesy.gif

Have you ever had a seven course dinner. ? whistling.gif

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Where does 7 courses come in? 2, 3, 5 or 7 courses i would never be so rude as to ask for someone to buy me food after leaving a substantial amount of dinner they paid for, half an hour earlier. Simple as that. And as the op was complaining that it did his head in I suggested he got his date to pay for her own food & see how wasteful she was then. A very simple solution to a very simple problem.

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Where does 7 courses come in? 2, 3, 5 or 7 courses i would never be so rude as to ask for someone to buy me food after leaving a substantial amount of dinner they paid for, half an hour earlier. Simple as that. And as the op was complaining that it did his head in I suggested he got his date to pay for her own food & see how wasteful she was then. A very simple solution to a very simple problem.

Obviously you haven't, but I can tell you that hardly anyone eats the lot, sort of pick at it and eat what you want. Perhaps this lady in question was going down that route as she was after all been taken out for dinner. smile.png Think the OP is funning a bit. smile.png

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Where does 7 courses come in? 2, 3, 5 or 7 courses i would never be so rude as to ask for someone to buy me food after leaving a substantial amount of dinner they paid for, half an hour earlier. Simple as that. And as the op was complaining that it did his head in I suggested he got his date to pay for her own food & see how wasteful she was then. A very simple solution to a very simple problem.

Obviously you haven't, but I can tell you that hardly anyone eats the lot, sort of pick at it and eat what you want. Perhaps this lady in question was going down that route as she was after all been taken out for dinner. smile.png Think the OP is funning a bit. smile.png

Wrong but you seem to be trying to make some point whilst missing mine, the op was posting that it did his head in, I said let her pay for your own. You are the one going on about what an honour it is blah blah, fine, up to you but imo it is rude & shows a lack of manners. Clear?

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I went over to Mega Bang Na today. Blether, NB! With 7 Thai Females! Ranging from 77 YO to 3 YO. Wife, MIL, 3 x SIL & 2 Nieces. None of whom drink or smoke BTW.

if you want to indulge yourself you need to go here, more Restaurants and Eateries than you can poke a bloody stick at. The amount of food in this country is phenomenal!

In the finish I had to put my foot down and make them let me pay for something! So, with much reluctance, and my insistence, they eventually let me pay for the coffee at Coffee World

None drink or smoke but they are pretty good on the tooth, there is no waste in my family let me tell you.

Of an evening, I'm at my happiest sitting in a Thai restaurant and listening to good music for hours. There's a restaurant close to the entrance of the new Promenada shopping centre in CM ( stay on the San Khampaeng lane, go over the bridge and drift left, 100 metres before the entrance. ).

This place has superb service, the real Thai way, and the music is of a higher standard than normal, with a bit of jazz influence to it. When I took my ex gf there I think it cost us about 2200 baht for the evening, whisky included. Cheap, cheap compared to UK prices, maybe a touch expensive for Thailand.

My favourite place in Bangkok is called the Maldives, a similar laid back atmosphere.

Anyway, my point is, the concept of taking hours over a meal is one I enjoy. Just like the European cafe culture, sit back and chill out. We Brits are terrible for walking into a place, eating a three course meal and walking out an hour later. In fact, if you try to stay any longer and have a few drinks the management start to glare at you.

You walk into the type of food area that you are describing and the array of superb food is just superb, and at unbelievable prices. Thailand is a gastronomic heaven, I just wish some people would eat what they ordered. smile.png

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

I would say that the Thais relationship with food is far better than the Brits, the little and often aspect is alien to us, but with the amount of slim Thais knocking about, it must be a factor.

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Where does 7 courses come in? 2, 3, 5 or 7 courses i would never be so rude as to ask for someone to buy me food after leaving a substantial amount of dinner they paid for, half an hour earlier. Simple as that. And as the op was complaining that it did his head in I suggested he got his date to pay for her own food & see how wasteful she was then. A very simple solution to a very simple problem.

Obviously you haven't, but I can tell you that hardly anyone eats the lot, sort of pick at it and eat what you want. Perhaps this lady in question was going down that route as she was after all been taken out for dinner. smile.png Think the OP is funning a bit. smile.png

Wrong but you seem to be trying to make some point whilst missing mine, the op was posting that it did his head in, I said let her pay for your own. You are the one going on about what an honour it is blah blah, fine, up to you but imo it is rude & shows a lack of manners. Clear?

People posting here now have good table manners.smile.png Defenitely.

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In no time flat she,s going to be a fat hog, so unload it while you can get out without too much hassle. EVERY thai girl, on realising she has now got the support of a farang, is going to eat until she becomes spherical, it,s not a tasty sight sad.png In the last 30 years the average weight of a thai girl has gone up at least 50%, thanks to McDonalds, Pizze Hut, Colonel Sanders et al. They think that if they are fat it raises their stature in thai society, but as far as I am concerned they have lost it !

Edited by phantomfiddler
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In no time flat she,s going to be a fat hog, so unload it while you can get out without too much hassle. EVERY thai girl, on realising she has now got the support of a farang, is going to eat until she becomes spherical, it,s not a tasty sight sad.png In the last 30 years the average weight of a thai girl has gone up at least 50%, thanks to McDonalds, Pizze Hut, Colonel Sanders et al. They think that if they are fat it raises their stature in thai society, but as far as I am concerned they have lost it !

Absolute excrement.

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It is a well known fact that Thai ladies have a hollow leg that seems inversely proportional to there size.

It is absolutely shocking how much they can put away. You tell people back home but they don't truly

understand until they see it for themselves. Truly impressive.

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I have seen the same things happen. I am not cheap but I have seen babes order some very expensive dishes or 3 or 4 items and only eat a little. I now do all the ordering. Ask what she would like and figure it out from there. If the waitress is standing by I tell them to go away for 5 minutes or order drinks and come back for food order.

Thais can eat all day long. Unlike farang who inhale their food and lots of it quickly Thais like to eat slow and chat and drink and eat and chat and drink...... Maybe more healthy ???

Food is a social thing to Thai whereas alcohol is a social thing to farang. My wife is the same way. Grazes all day, left overs taken home, microwaved next morning for breakfast. She does not waste anything.
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I have seen the same things happen. I am not cheap but I have seen babes order some very expensive dishes or 3 or 4 items and only eat a little. I now do all the ordering. Ask what she would like and figure it out from there. If the waitress is standing by I tell them to go away for 5 minutes or order drinks and come back for food order.

Thais can eat all day long. Unlike farang who inhale their food and lots of it quickly Thais like to eat slow and chat and drink and eat and chat and drink...... Maybe more healthy ???

Food is a social thing to Thai whereas alcohol is a social thing to farang. My wife is the same way. Grazes all day, left overs taken home, microwaved next morning for breakfast. She does not waste anything.
Yes, i agree it is something Thais do. It is ok if you take home left overs but when on a date and they order loads of food and eat little and you leave it there then that's another story. No major problem but just makes you think " what were they thinking !" . What's even worse is that I then try to eat the dishes I ordered and the ones they ordered... Why too much food. Hahaha...
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I went over to Mega Bang Na today. Blether, NB! With 7 Thai Females! Ranging from 77 YO to 3 YO. Wife, MIL, 3 x SIL & 2 Nieces. None of whom drink or smoke BTW.

if you want to indulge yourself you need to go here, more Restaurants and Eateries than you can poke a bloody stick at. The amount of food in this country is phenomenal!

In the finish I had to put my foot down and make them let me pay for something! So, with much reluctance, and my insistence, they eventually let me pay for the coffee at Coffee World

None drink or smoke but they are pretty good on the tooth, there is no waste in my family let me tell you.

Of an evening, I'm at my happiest sitting in a Thai restaurant and listening to good music for hours. There's a restaurant close to the entrance of the new Promenada shopping centre in CM ( stay on the San Khampaeng lane, go over the bridge and drift left, 100 metres before the entrance. ).

This place has superb service, the real Thai way, and the music is of a higher standard than normal, with a bit of jazz influence to it. When I took my ex gf there I think it cost us about 2200 baht for the evening, whisky included. Cheap, cheap compared to UK prices, maybe a touch expensive for Thailand.

My favourite place in Bangkok is called the Maldives, a similar laid back atmosphere.

Anyway, my point is, the concept of taking hours over a meal is one I enjoy. Just like the European cafe culture, sit back and chill out. We Brits are terrible for walking into a place, eating a three course meal and walking out an hour later. In fact, if you try to stay any longer and have a few drinks the management start to glare at you.

You walk into the type of food area that you are describing and the array of superb food is just superb, and at unbelievable prices. Thailand is a gastronomic heaven, I just wish some people would eat what they ordered. xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

Just sayin' coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

I would say that the Thais relationship with food is far better than the Brits, the little and often aspect is alien to us, but with the amount of slim Thais knocking about, it must be a factor.

You should stop talking about food....seriously.

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