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Thailand, Hub of Disgrace, but Land of Excuses

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This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?

Life has far less value here. death is viewed differently. Face is everything.

If you really believe that about Thailand, then there's no point trying to have a rational discussion with you.

Funny that you should use the word rational. Having gone thru some of your past posts, I would say there is a flaw in some of your thinking. Now don't take personal offense, but that is just my opinion.

I have found in my long life that those with such a flaw, are the ones who go about the hardest and most vehemently trying to convince the many others that they are wrong and he is correct ..... yes read, 'many others" ...... just in this trread alone should show it. ... chill out.... take a break..... relax... accept being wrong once in a while.

Life has far less value here. death is viewed differently. Face is everything.

If you really believe that about Thailand, then there's no point trying to have a rational discussion with you.

Funny that you should use the word rational. Having gone thru some of your past posts, I would say there is a flaw in some of your thinking. Now don't take personal offense, but that is just my opinion.

I have found in my long life that those with such a flaw, are the ones who go about the hardest and most vehemently trying to convince the many others that they are wrong and he is correct ..... yes read, 'many others" ...... just in this trread alone should show it. ... chill out.... take a break..... relax... accept being wrong once in a while.

If you can tell me where I am wrong, I'd be happy to....as you say, take a break. Your OP describes a horrific case that pretty much every sane person--Thai and non-Thai--would agree is reprehensible. So how does this one incident relegate Thailand to be the "Hub of Disgrace," as you describe it? I believe that's our only disagreement.

By the way, do you agree with the sentiments of the HeijoshinCool dude?


I question any healthcare professional , that turns away an emergency case from a hospital, what they are doing in that said profession? However, often it's some jumped up little admin dolly marching around with the payment forms, who appears to be the gatekeepers of admissions for hospitals. It's a screwed up system.

I think you have outlined a very valid point there mrtoad. It appears to be a sad fact of life that businesses, no matter what they are for, are controlled by the bean counters.

When this includes health-care failing because of administration blockades and death ensuing through the outcome, then indeed, it is a screwed up system.


Maybe it's because I'm from the UK, but for any country to be classed as civilised to me, it has to have free (or heavily subsidised) health care. No one should ever be turned away from a hospital.

socialized healthcare sucks. What are you on? 3 months to see a doctor then months more to get treatment! Thats uncivilised to me.

Nothing is FREE. You ever notice your tax rates?

I'm not 'on' anything. Anything that is life threatening that can be treated is done immediately. 3 months to see a Doctor is nothing but lies. If you want to make an appointment then that might be the case, but if you need a Doctor today or immediately, one will be available.

When I said free health care, I thought a level of common sense would be applicable, but in your case, I guess not. In virtually every country you will have to pay tax. I am suggesting that one of the first things your tax should pay for is your healthcare.

I and other members of my family have at times needed to go to hospital and the treatment is very efficient and professional.


Maybe it's because I'm from the UK, but for any country to be classed as civilised to me, it has to have free (or heavily subsidised) health care. No one should ever be turned away from a hospital.

Right - never happen in the UK ...


Similar travesties have happened in Oz - one women a couple of years back was told to 'suck it up' only to give birth to her child in the car on the drive home. The Thai story is more tragic, but I could definitely see it happening in our overloaded health system.

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I'm sure stuff like this happens in every country every day due to negligence or just plain indifference or greed...yeah, even in the so called advanced countries of the West. Therefore, though a tragic incident indeed and worthy of discussion and investigation by the authorities, there is no need for the generic Thai bashing in the op's headline.

  • Like 2

Maybe it's because I'm from the UK, but for any country to be classed as civilised to me, it has to have free (or heavily subsidised) health care. No one should ever be turned away from a hospital.

Right - never happen in the UK ...


Similar travesties have happened in Oz - one women a couple of years back was told to 'suck it up' only to give birth to her child in the car on the drive home. The Thai story is more tragic, but I could definitely see it happening in our overloaded health system.

Did you read the article? The door was faulty and would not open. It's hardly the same as telling someone to go away, is it.


These incidents happen all over the world not just Thailand....there was a case of a double amputee who was sitting in a hospital waiting room. The night staff believed him to be drunk so did not attend to him. He had a bladder infection which would have been easily cured if only he had been looked to. Spent nearly 34 hours unattended. Why did they not attend to him...he was a low income aboriginal.

This is a tragic story and being a recent father of a healthy baby girl, answer are needed, but doubt anyone will provide them.


I'm sure stuff like this happens in every country every day due to negligence or just plain indifference or greed...yeah, even in the so called advanced countries of the West. Therefore, though a tragic incident indeed and worthy of discussion and investigation by the authorities, there is no need for the generic Thai bashing in the op's headline.

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This is a tragic story and one hopes the farangs who live in Thailand without proper medical insurance or having a slush fund in the bank read what happened here and take heed...it could cost you your life...

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This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?

Yes Berkshire, I do ..... I happen to care about others, and in particuliar children, who have no one to protect them except for their adults..... 'Care' Berkshire...... try it sometime, you just may find that it has an effect on you

There's a difference between caring and pretending to care. You seem to be doing more of the latter. If you can try actually caring without having to attack the entire populace of this country, I'd have more respect for you and your opinion.

I disagree completly. If this was the only case of " thoughtfulness, compassionate and caring Thai behavior" that I have witness in my short time here, I would agree. However, the magnitude of this crime, yes it is criminal, is only the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, it took the life of an innocent and the advent of social media to hi- light " thainess" in it true reality. Money counts, nothing else!

Life has far less value here. death is viewed differently. Face is everything.

If you really believe that about Thailand, then there's no point trying to have a rational discussion with you.

Actually that is exactly true about you, that are a negationist.

Your nonsense have been rebutted abundantly here , yet you prefer to keep banging your head,... ignore button time as someone as said.


Reminds me of a Roman Catholic Bishop of Chicago in the last century who used to take himself of I think it was to Florida as he couldn't stand to see the suffering of the poor in a Chicago winter..


I'm sure stuff like this happens in every country every day due to negligence or just plain indifference or greed...yeah, even in the so called advanced countries of the West. Therefore, though a tragic incident indeed and worthy of discussion and investigation by the authorities, there is no need for the generic Thai bashing in the op's headline.

You have your opinion, I have mine and its just correct as yours.

Thailand and a good percentage of it populace have a penchant for wanting to be he hub of everything. Hub of this , Hub of that.

This happening is a disgrace, admit or not . I think the majority feel that way.

I never posted of intimated all Thais, rather suggested that maybe too many cause too much disgrace within its borders.

Is it not a disgrace effecting ALL THAIS when a recent survey states that close to 70% of those surveyed find no difficulty with corruption if they may be benefited?? That is a disgrace also.

Whats also a disgrace is those expats who are so unsure of themselves that they feel they must jump over anyone or anything , mentioned or written that they can twist in their insecure minds as to be anti Thai, when that was never inplied in fact. Those who do this just try to ingratiate themselves to Thailand and Thais to . they think , feather their own insecurities.

Thailand is a beautiful place and with beautiful caring people, but not without fault. If the faults cannot be mentioned because some holy than thou Joe expat will get a boo boo feeling, then noone learns and noone gains.

Again you have your opinion, I have mine and neither is worth more or less than the other. Try and be accepted by Thais for what you are not what performance you put on.

  • Like 2

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?

Life has far less value here. death is viewed differently. Face is everything.

If you really believe that about Thailand, then there's no point trying to have a rational discussion with you.

Well, I spent 25 years of my life working with rescue on the street, as well as ER physicians.

So, when I see a "nurse" standing at an accident scene (with multiple fatalities) here in Thailand, holding up a chunk of unidentifiable flesh in one hand in front of her face, and at arm's length taking a cell phone photo of herself smiling, well, the word "rational" does not come to mind.

Of course, it's pretty hard to have a rational discussion anyway, when you severely edit my post.


I'm sure stuff like this happens in every country every day due to negligence or just plain indifference or greed...yeah, even in the so called advanced countries of the West. Therefore, though a tragic incident indeed and worthy of discussion and investigation by the authorities, there is no need for the generic Thai bashing in the op's headline.

Well, I could be proven wrong, but give it a shot; I challenge you to find me a single case in the States, or the UK, of a woman in labor who appeared at a hospital for help, and was turned away by a medical doctor.

Hell, I wish I'd been there, I would have delivered her child for free.

Any doctor at that hospital who did not follow this poor woman out the door and help her elsewhere, in the back of a taxi even, is pathetic.

Poor innocent baby. Truly saddening.

"First, do no harm."

  • Like 2

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?


You are right this is a scenario that is played out regularly in the U.S. if you can not show the hospital that you have the money for treatment. You are turned away, the dollar "rules" in the US. It is common knowledge in the US that this in fact happens, The current shut down of the US is being fought over that fact "Obamacare" universal coverage for the uninsured in the United States.

Berkshire you have been on this forum for a while and know how it functions, why do you care for what the Nay-sayers say, if they make a valid point yes address that, for all the other asinine one-liners post ignore them. They are only meant to antagonize and attempt to get an emotional response, Those do not deserve any answer or any type of feed back.

Thailand has socialized medicine, any Thai can receive hospital care, you are right the complete story has not been stated, for any Thai women that is expecting to have medical check-up during her pregnancy, this baby did not materialize overnight. The story does mention if she was under a doctor's care, what hospital turned her away, if it was one of the hospitals that offers higher priced services to expats, why did she not take advantage of the free hospital care in her Ampur , or was it just an emergency that she could not make to her own hospital.

Do not respond to asinine post, period!.

Good luck Cheers:wai2.gif

  • Like 1

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?

I have heard this rumor about USA before.

As an American citizen, I have never known it to be a reality.

Shortly after losing my job and medical insurance, my wife had a very serious and expensive medical incident.

After a few months of paying medical expenses out of pocket, I was unable to pay any more.

All I needed to do was to prove to the hospital(s) that I did not have the ability to pay the bills.

I provided proof of income, savings and investments.

My submitted information was reviewed by the hospital board and was approved within a week.

We did not have to pay a single penny.

My wife's medical treatments were continued, free of charge.

I am curious what country you are from and where you heard the myth that Americans are refused medical treatment for a lack of funds.

Granted, if the Republicans in America were in charge ( thank God they are not and putting themselves in a position to never be again) the poor would be denied medical treatment and allowed to die or event o starve to death for the crime of being poor.

Most Americans are more compassionate than that.

Again...where are you from?


  • Like 1

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?


You are right this is a scenario that is played out regularly in the U.S. if you can not show the hospital that you have the money for treatment. You are turned away, the dollar "rules" in the US. It is common knowledge in the US that this in fact happens, The current shut down of the US is being fought over that fact "Obamacare" universal coverage for the uninsured in the United States.

Berkshire you have been on this forum for a while and know how it functions, why do you care for what the Nay-sayers say, if they make a valid point yes address that, for all the other asinine one-liners post ignore them. They are only meant to antagonize and attempt to get an emotional response, Those do not deserve any answer or any type of feed back.

Thailand has socialized medicine, any Thai can receive hospital care, you are right the complete story has not been stated, for any Thai women that is expecting to have medical check-up during her pregnancy, this baby did not materialize overnight. The story does mention if she was under a doctor's care, what hospital turned her away, if it was one of the hospitals that offers higher priced services to expats, why did she not take advantage of the free hospital care in her Ampur , or was it just an emergency that she could not make to her own hospital.

Do not respond to asinine post, period!.

Good luck Cheers:wai2.gif

I'll respond to an asinine post:

25 years as a cop and medic in Los Angeles, in dozens of hospitals, I never saw anyone turned away.

Not even illegals.

No one.

They don't even ask for ID prior to stabilizing.

  • Like 1

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?


You are right this is a scenario that is played out regularly in the U.S. if you can not show the hospital that you have the money for treatment. You are turned away, the dollar "rules" in the US. It is common knowledge in the US that this in fact happens, The current shut down of the US is being fought over that fact "Obamacare" universal coverage for the uninsured in the United States.

Berkshire you have been on this forum for a while and know how it functions, why do you care for what the Nay-sayers say, if they make a valid point yes address that, for all the other asinine one-liners post ignore them. They are only meant to antagonize and attempt to get an emotional response, Those do not deserve any answer or any type of feed back.

Thailand has socialized medicine, any Thai can receive hospital care, you are right the complete story has not been stated, for any Thai women that is expecting to have medical check-up during her pregnancy, this baby did not materialize overnight. The story does mention if she was under a doctor's care, what hospital turned her away, if it was one of the hospitals that offers higher priced services to expats, why did she not take advantage of the free hospital care in her Ampur , or was it just an emergency that she could not make to her own hospital.

Do not respond to asinine post, period!.

Good luck Cheers:wai2.gif

Thank you! There is some sanity on TV, afterall. As for me responding to asinine posts, some of these guys just need to be reminded that their post is in fact asinine. Just doing my civic duty!

  • Like 1

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?

I have heard this rumor about USA before.

As an American citizen, I have never known it to be a reality.

Shortly after losing my job and medical insurance, my wife had a very serious and expensive medical incident.

After a few months of paying medical expenses out of pocket, I was unable to pay any more.

All I needed to do was to prove to the hospital(s) that I did not have the ability to pay the bills.

I provided proof of income, savings and investments.

My submitted information was reviewed by the hospital board and was approved within a week.

We did not have to pay a single penny.

My wife's medical treatments were continued, free of charge.

I am curious what country you are from and where you heard the myth that Americans are refused medical treatment for a lack of funds.

Granted, if the Republicans in America were in charge ( thank God they are not and putting themselves in a position to never be again) the poor would be denied medical treatment and allowed to die or event o starve to death for the crime of being poor.

Most Americans are more compassionate than that.

Again...where are you from?

I am a proud American, and I posted this link earlier:


I'm actually on your side regarding the harm that the Republican party is doing to the US. My entire point is that this is an isolated incident and could have happened anywhere else in the world (US being my example). I feel no need to denigrate the whole of Thai society over this one incident.

  • Like 1

I'm sure stuff like this happens in every country every day due to negligence or just plain indifference or greed...yeah, even in the so called advanced countries of the West. Therefore, though a tragic incident indeed and worthy of discussion and investigation by the authorities, there is no need for the generic Thai bashing in the op's headline.

Your are correct in this statement, These types of incidents happen in every country, it is sad that the Thai bashers would take advantage of the lost of a baby's life just to get in some Thai-bashing and blame it on the complete country of 65 million people as the OP did.

All one needs to do is type it in their computers and get all the info on this subject of all the people that have been turned away from hospitals that happens to frequently in the US and the West..


  • Like 2

I'm sure stuff like this happens in every country every day due to negligence or just plain indifference or greed...yeah, even in the so called advanced countries of the West. Therefore, though a tragic incident indeed and worthy of discussion and investigation by the authorities, there is no need for the generic Thai bashing in the op's headline.

Your are correct in this statement, These types of incidents happen in every country, it is sad that the Thai bashers would take advantage of the lost of a baby's life just to get in some Thai-bashing and blame it on the complete country of 65 million people as the OP did.

All one needs to do is type it in their computers and get all the info on this subject of all the people that have been turned away from hospitals that happens to frequently in the US and the West..


My sentiments exactly. Wish I could rec your post +10.

In Germany, any student who leaves the university to achieve a medical grade and being issued the title "Doctor of Medics", has to perform the oath of Hipocrates before being handed his/hers diploma.

The hipocratic oath consists of swearing to help any person who is in need of medical help and support, in any case of emergency, regardless of background, race or social status.

I often wonder if Thailand's medical "elite" acts on the same ethic level than medics in the West.

Of course some nitwit in the hosptial lobby armed with paperwork for registering and proof of sufficient funds before granting any admission, as one poster mentioned, prevents the doctors noticing what is going on, or meeting the patient. So they can plea ignorance for themselves.

We must always remember that a life in Asia is not regarded of very high value, and the level of medical care depends on social status and on how much money you have. This is not what Hippocrates had in mind when he founded world's first medical schools.

  • Like 1

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?


You are right this is a scenario that is played out regularly in the U.S. if you can not show the hospital that you have the money for treatment. You are turned away, the dollar "rules" in the US. It is common knowledge in the US that this in fact happens, The current shut down of the US is being fought over that fact "Obamacare" universal coverage for the uninsured in the United States.

Berkshire you have been on this forum for a while and know how it functions, why do you care for what the Nay-sayers say, if they make a valid point yes address that, for all the other asinine one-liners post ignore them. They are only meant to antagonize and attempt to get an emotional response, Those do not deserve any answer or any type of feed back.

Thailand has socialized medicine, any Thai can receive hospital care, you are right the complete story has not been stated, for any Thai women that is expecting to have medical check-up during her pregnancy, this baby did not materialize overnight. The story does mention if she was under a doctor's care, what hospital turned her away, if it was one of the hospitals that offers higher priced services to expats, why did she not take advantage of the free hospital care in her Ampur , or was it just an emergency that she could not make to her own hospital.

Do not respond to asinine post, period!.

Good luck Cheers:wai2.gif

Thank you! There is some sanity on TV, afterall. As for me responding to asinine posts, some of these guys just need to be reminded that their post is in fact asinine. Just doing my civic duty!

I see your point.

I also read someone's post "show me a case of some-one having a baby that was turned away", I can not do that but I went to my computer and type in how many people where turn away from ER's in 2011,

Results are as follows in 2011 only in Hospitals owned by HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) 80,000 emergency room patients were turned away in the U.S. because they were unable to pay $150.00 upfront required hospital charge, in an article by the Washington Post and www.Kaiserhealthnews.org/.../2012/hospitals

I believe in there should be a case that poster wanted to see!

As I stated that turning away people from ER,s is a common occurrence in the U.S.!



This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?

Yes Berkshire, I do ..... I happen to care about others, and in particuliar children, who have no one to protect them except for their adults..... 'Care' Berkshire...... try it sometime, you just may find that it has an effect on you

There's a difference between caring and pretending to care. You seem to be doing more of the latter. If you can try actually caring without having to attack the entire populace of this country, I'd have more respect for you and your opinion.

Whatever he's doing it's better than what you're doing. You don't care and don't even pretend to care. You state that it's the same in America as if that makes it okay here for a baby to die alone with it's mother here in Thailand. Shame on you

  • Like 2

This sort of thing happens in America as well....which is why the US government has been trying to create a system whereby everyone would have access to medical care/health insurance. But now the "other side" is trying to dismantle the new law. It's complicated, but in this Thai case, the OP deliberately fails to mention that Thai people on social media are pretty disgusted by what happened. But yet, he's still attacking Thai people. An axe to grind, OP?


You are right this is a scenario that is played out regularly in the U.S. if you can not show the hospital that you have the money for treatment. You are turned away, the dollar "rules" in the US. It is common knowledge in the US that this in fact happens, The current shut down of the US is being fought over that fact "Obamacare" universal coverage for the uninsured in the United States.

Berkshire you have been on this forum for a while and know how it functions, why do you care for what the Nay-sayers say, if they make a valid point yes address that, for all the other asinine one-liners post ignore them. They are only meant to antagonize and attempt to get an emotional response, Those do not deserve any answer or any type of feed back.

Thailand has socialized medicine, any Thai can receive hospital care, you are right the complete story has not been stated, for any Thai women that is expecting to have medical check-up during her pregnancy, this baby did not materialize overnight. The story does mention if she was under a doctor's care, what hospital turned her away, if it was one of the hospitals that offers higher priced services to expats, why did she not take advantage of the free hospital care in her Ampur , or was it just an emergency that she could not make to her own hospital.

Do not respond to asinine post, period!.

Good luck Cheers:wai2.gif

Thank you! There is some sanity on TV, afterall. As for me responding to asinine posts, some of these guys just need to be reminded that their post is in fact asinine. Just doing my civic duty!

I see your point.

I also read someone's post "show me a case of some-one having a baby that was turned away", I can not do that but I went to my computer and type in how many people where turn away from ER's in 2011,

Results are as follows in 2011 only in Hospitals owned by HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) 80,000 emergency room patients were turned away in the U.S. because they were unable to pay $150.00 upfront required hospital charge, in an article by the Washington Post and www.Kaiserhealthnews.org/.../2012/hospitals

I believe in there should be a case that poster wanted to see!

As I stated that turning away people from ER,s is a common occurrence in the U.S.!


So because it's a common occurrence in the USA it's okay for it to happen here is it? Who gives a rats what happens in America?

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