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There is a problem soi dog in Sathorn Road, Bangkok, near the pun pun bike stand off soi 12. It has a family in a vacant lot nearby where a food stall is located during the day. It is mainly a problem at night, but sometimes early evening and when the rains flood its sleeping patch. It wears a broken leash so must have been tied at some stage. It's been there for at least 1 year but has only become a daylight problem since the pun pun bikes were installed as it doesn't like to see me with or on a bike! It is very protective of the gate area and that means it is very difficult to pass except by walking on the dangerous Sathorn Road. It is also impossible to use the pun pun bikes when it is around.

Is there an organisation in Bangkok I can call to do something about it?


Just get a spray bottle with some water in it.. Couple times with that and it will start to avoid you.

Don't use pepper spray or anything toxic, there is no need.

If this is happening on ground which the dog occupies 24/7 and you come along once in a while to spray water at the dog - from the dog's point of view you are an intruder and will be dealt with in the way that the dog has learnt is an effective escalation - lip curl, bare teeth, growl - bite ! Then unwanted intruder goes away. This is a re-enforcing behaviour as it achieves the dog's desire.

You might re-train the dog by building an association with food - although some event in the past has created a connection with a bike & maybe a farang has established a very solid negative reaction.

With our village dogs there are some that will want nothing to do with me while others are totally sociable with me yet bark at other Village People (!). So far there is only one that I've converted from "bad" to "good", but it takes time.

These "problem dog" threads follow an established progression and end up with closure for the usual reasons.

The OP might use the search function for the usual solutions.



....or direct personal action.

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Thanks for all this advice but I am not asking what I can do about it, I am asking if there is any organisation that can take care of it ie. take it away as it might cause some injury to other people who don't carry a water bottle around, or food, or care to appease it.. It barks and growls at everyone and does not take any <deleted> from anyone. I assume it can't lose face in front of its family - it is the alpha male and VERY aggressive. Again, any organisation in Bangkok that can get rid of it? Is there the equivalent of the RSPCA, or are the police responsible, or some rescue service or a temple perhaps?


Thanks for all this advice but I am not asking what I can do about it, I am asking if there is any organisation that can take care of it ie. take it away as it might cause some injury to other people who don't carry a water bottle around, or food, or care to appease it.. It barks and growls at everyone and does not take any <deleted> from anyone. I assume it can't lose face in front of its family - it is the alpha male and VERY aggressive. Again, any organisation in Bangkok that can get rid of it? Is there the equivalent of the RSPCA, or are the police responsible, or some rescue service or a temple perhaps?

I believe the organisation is called Soi Dogs. It's there somewhere. Dogs get terratorial. The big problem is Thai people. They treat their dogs like shit. Dogs act accordingly. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Spaying and neutering would go a long way here. But do the Thai's even think of that.. Hell no. Here at the temple I live at the present. We have 16 dogs and about 16 puppies. It's a zoo. When I got here back in July, it would appear that the people here would throw them so food when they got around to it or thought about it. I've been supplying dog food for them for three months now. They've gone from a wild pack to fairly friendly dogs. All it took was food. They've learned that if their hungry, there's food to eat. They don't have to fight over it. It's pretty basic actually. Imagine if it was humans scrounging for food. Same thing. If you got a warm place to sleep and a full belly, you tend to get a tad bit less agressive. p.s., you seem to be the kind of person who wants someone else to fix the problems. maybe if you dug down in your pocket and spent 10 baht to throw the dog some food, the problem would go away. just saying. smile.png


I believe the organisation is called Soi Dogs. It's there somewhere....

From his posts I think it is clear that the OP has no desire to do anything than bitch and whine on-line.

The information and good suggestions have been offered and negated.


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I believe the organisation is called Soi Dogs. It's there somewhere....

From his posts I think it is clear that the OP has no desire to do anything than bitch and whine on-line.

The information and good suggestions have been offered and negated.


if u had actually read my post you would have realised I was not asking the kind of advice you offered for which I thanked you. Don't bother replying to similar posts next time dear boy as you obviously don't know the answer to my question so you tried to answer a completely different one instead.

The big problem is Thai people

Regrettably not restricted to Thailand. Just go to some of the Mediterranean countries. Or Bali, Or the most Buddhist of countries, Bhutan.


if u had actually read my post you would have realised I was not asking the kind of advice you offered for which I thanked you. Don't bother replying to similar posts next time dear boy as you obviously don't know the answer to my question...

Dear boy, you seem to think you are in Europe or America where there is a Government funded department that has a bank of telephone personnel awaiting your most precious call for aid, where upon a team of highly trained and equipped staff will rush to your side and deal with the Big Nasty Woofing Scary Dog that frightens you so.

This is Thailand and until that most basic point with all it's implications filters in through whichever vector of understand is functioning this day you will be forever banging your head against a wall and complaining that "it hurts", yet you will continue with the process because of your failure to do otherwise.

Options provided my others and myself in this thread are the reality of the situation, if you have been in Thailand for more than five and half minutes you will understand why - if you can't understand that then your experiences here will forever be a fight against the machine.

I provided a link to the only group that will be remotely interested in your case - your failure to read and respond to that tell us everything about you and your ability to cope in Thailand.

Do you have a carer we should inform of your location?

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