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It was the Thai government that allowed foreign people to get basic treatment in Thailand. They should run it like in the USA and other countries, show and swipe your credit card before they give you treatment or take a cash deposit.

If they have no card, cash or insurance cover it is the fault of the patient so kick them out of the hospital with no treatment.

Easy, at least other tourists will not have to pay for them. As I said before, the ministers of the main departments have, (I Think) been told to think of some way to get more money in for the government to pay for the Rice cockup.

Rather shortsighted indeed.

Letting sick and injured people die because they have no insurance.

What about people that can not get insurance?

What about people who can not afford insurance?

Don't be too proud about the healthcare system in the USA.

It is frightfully expensive, not really affordable, and really very disgusting.

And sending a patient away because he or she has no credit card is directly against the doctors' oath.

Anyway, it is quite simple, make a travel insurance obligatory for tourists.

And expats can get either private insurance, or for those who can get no private insurance fabricate an insurance run by and in the state hospitals.

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Great way to attract quality tourist, pay 500 for insurance and Thailand is the hub of free medical .......

It won't give you free medical care. It will just help to pay for emergency medical care,


Great way to attract quality tourist, pay 500 for insurance and Thailand is the hub of free medical .......

It won't give you free medical care. It will just help to pay for emergency medical care,

A few paracetamol and a sabai-sabai smirk, before being over politely and contemptuously escorted out.


I live in Wiset Chaichan in Angthong a rural area. The government hospital here is 4 Stars. The only thing that stops it from being 5 Stars is no Starbucks or S & P in the lobby. The quality of the doctors and nursing staff is excellent.


Come on guys. It may benefit the country.

Yes indeed. How else can they afford to pay for an ill conceived rice pledge scheme and rubber plantation farmers. And who is to repay the 2TBht loan required for a new train set that will undoubtedly fall off the tracks. Coupled with that is the well discussed pocket full of lolly for all concerned...........bah.gif . IT STINKS.


The gov't is proposing the fee with unpaid health costs as the excuse.

Many countries have fees for visas with many excuses.

Why are a lot of posters assuming the 500 baht gives visitors a free ticket for Thai health care, or

those with insurance an exemption to the fee?

So many countries charge with no reason at all. I have no idea why a Canadian pays $42 to enter Laos. What's the difference?

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Surely if the problem is tourists having motorbike accidents, the solution is mandatory insurance for places doing motorbike rentals, not a tax on every tourist entering the country.

Alternatively, there's already the 150 baht rip-off ATM charge that they could dip into if health care for uninsured tourists averages 10 baht per tourist. That's money we're already paying...

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Oh my God!

I am not worried because I have a work permit.

How about those friends who exit in Cambodia every 15th day and Laos and when they come back, they are still charge because they are still considered tourists?


This tourist tax is at the top of the list of all-time Thai-government stupidity. It insults tourists ... and in spite of it being little money, it's bound to keep some from coming to Thailand. And the even stupider assumption that it will deter bad tourists and increase the quality of tourists would never work anyway. Even the worst and poorest of tourists can easily cough up an extra 500 baht.


22 millions tourists a year

Bt200 million in health care costs

equals to

10 Bt per tourist (not 500 !!!!!)


how much do these tourists spend ?

(yes they do! and - surprise surprise- there are some spendings for making these earnings! is it fair ? No, this is Thailand! earnings should be 100 % profit! THIS IS THAILAND!

547 billion Bt/year ! earnings!

547 000 000 000


200 million not paid bills for hospitals

(200 000 000)


that´s 0.000036 % of the earnings!

it will ruin Thai economy !!!!

500 Bt x 22 000 000 (tourists) = 11 000 000 000 = 11 BILLÌON Bt !!!!!!!

200 mill. Bt = 4,76 mill. Euro (about 3 mil. US $)

for 22 mill. Tourist.

Just to discuss this issue means: a minister with an intellect level of a 4 year Kindergarten child or he is testing,weather there is someone outside with an intellect level over 4 year Kindergarten.....

just me ?

why are not shouting at least 25 millions of voters ( the half of all voters with the higher intellectual level : SHUT UP ??

someone can explain?




The gov't is proposing the fee with unpaid health costs as the excuse.

Many countries have fees for visas with many excuses.

Why are a lot of posters assuming the 500 baht gives visitors a free ticket for Thai health care, or

those with insurance an exemption to the fee?

So many countries charge with no reason at all. I have no idea why a Canadian pays $42 to enter Laos. What's the difference?

$20 USD in Cambodia.


Great way to attract quality tourist, pay 500 for insurance and Thailand is the hub of free medical .......

Well exactly.

They will end up with thousands of people feigning heart attacks and needing operations for 500 baht.

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It was the Thai government that allowed foreign people to get basic treatment in Thailand. They should run it like in the USA and other countries, show and swipe your credit card before they give you treatment or take a cash deposit.

If they have no card, cash or insurance cover it is the fault of the patient so kick them out of the hospital with no treatment.

Easy, at least other tourists will not have to pay for them. As I said before, the ministers of the main departments have, (I Think) been told to think of some way to get more money in for the government to pay for the Rice cockup.

Re--show and swipe your card before treatment

In this scenario --what happens -and it must on many occasions--you/me/anybody arrives at the Hospital unconscious--how do you swipe and/or enter pin number ??---and not enough cash in you pockets for a deposit--that could be quite substantial--I for one would not be carrying that sort of cash around ---Just a " point to ponder "

I always carry my personal insurance card in my wallet -with 24hr free-phone contact details back to my company in N.Z---but still wonder even if this would work in that situation--???---hopefully I will never have to find out wai2.gif


It was the Thai government that allowed foreign people to get basic treatment in Thailand. They should run it like in the USA and other countries, show and swipe your credit card before they give you treatment or take a cash deposit.

If they have no card, cash or insurance cover it is the fault of the patient so kick them out of the hospital with no treatment.

Easy, at least other tourists will not have to pay for them. As I said before, the ministers of the main departments have, (I Think) been told to think of some way to get more money in for the government to pay for the Rice cockup.

Re--show and swipe your card before treatment

In this scenario --what happens -and it must on many occasions--you/me/anybody arrives at the Hospital unconscious--how do you swipe and/or enter pin number ??---and not enough cash in you pockets for a deposit--that could be quite substantial--I for one would not be carrying that sort of cash around ---Just a " point to ponder "

If they can cover somchai for 30 baht, why can't they cover johnny foreigner?

There are literally millions of Thais entering hospitals every day and paying virtually nothing, so what is the issue? Thais should be on their knees thanking foreigners for funding their health system because most Thais definitely aren't.


If you pay your 500 baht fee and you have an accident, do you really want to be a patient in a local rural hospital, I for one would not.

No, I would like to use my local main hospital.

But I sure wouldn't mind paying only 500 baht per trip into Thailand to cover that.

Even with insurance I couldn't get treated for much there for 1000 baht.


22 millions tourists a year

Bt200 million in health care costs

equals to

10 Bt per tourist (not 500 !!!!!)


how much do these tourists spend ?

(yes they do! and - surprise surprise- there are some spendings for making these earnings! is it fair ? No, this is Thailand! earnings should be 100 % profit! THIS IS THAILAND!

547 billion Bt/year ! earnings!

547 000 000 000


200 million not paid bills for hospitals

(200 000 000)


that´s 0.000036 % of the earnings!

it will ruin Thai economy !!!!

500 Bt x 22 000 000 (tourists) = 11 000 000 000 = 11 BILLÌON Bt !!!!!!!

200 mill. Bt = 4,76 mill. Euro (about 3 mil. US $)

for 22 mill. Tourist.

Just to discuss this issue means: a minister with an intellect level of a 4 year Kindergarten child or he is testing,weather there is someone outside with an intellect level over 4 year Kindergarten.....

just me ?

why are not shouting at least 25 millions of voters ( the half of all voters with the higher intellectual level : SHUT UP ??

someone can explain?


Notting new here, its a business oriented family who run the country which so far have f......ed up the second-hand car market by helping out the business acquaintances who own the car dealers without considering the impact on a already terrible traffic and environmental impact, this time they want the funding's of the new planned mega infrastructure investment to be covered by tourists.


The Brits are having exactly the same discussion.

If you can pay simply to enter, then you create a flood of medical tourists. Anyone want to reconsider that Chinese visa waiver.

People die in China because they can't afford treatment. Is the Thai health system about to become the first port of call for every sick Chinese citizen for 3000 baht?

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I read a significant part of the costs are due to scooter accidents. Easy to solve, make scooter insurance mandatory with each rental! Solved.

That's OK Craig, but the problem is insurance companies will not take on anything where there is a big risk of having to pay out. or if they do, the costs will be sky high. Insurance companies will do all they can not to pay out. Can you imagine motorcycle rental companies trying to insure their bikes against any damage? if they paid the insurance companies what they would want, they would soon be out of business.


If it was about health costs, which we know it's not, why not insist all visitors have travel insurance, which most have anyway? This charge has nothing to do with health costs, it's just extortion. If the UK had to charge visitors for unpaid health costs it would have to be about 500 quid a visitor!

It would not surprise me one bit if the originator of this whole idea was Big-T himself ! It is common knowledge that he hates farangs, probably because most of them are able to see right through him. Do you not remember ? It must have been in his first day in office, several years ago, that he passed a law whereby farangs should not get interest on their bank accounts, causing many to close their accounts and deposit elsewhere. Talk about racism and illegality !

That's interesting, I did not know that, I was never interested in Thai politics, but I know now I hate this Big T.


If you pay your 500 baht fee and you have an accident, do you really want to be a patient in a local rural hospital, I for one would not.

No, I would like to use my local main hospital.

But I sure wouldn't mind paying only 500 baht per trip into Thailand to cover that.

Even with insurance I couldn't get treated for much there for 1000 baht.

Unfortunately any insurance that is offered by the governement is highly unlikely to allow the patient access to private medical care, it'll be state hospitals at the very best.


If it was about health costs, which we know it's not, why not insist all visitors have travel insurance, which most have anyway? This charge has nothing to do with health costs, it's just extortion. If the UK had to charge visitors for unpaid health costs it would have to be about 500 quid a visitor!

It would not surprise me one bit if the originator of this whole idea was Big-T himself ! It is common knowledge that he hates farangs, probably because most of them are able to see right through him. Do you not remember ? It must have been in his first day in office, several years ago, that he passed a law whereby farangs should not get interest on their bank accounts, causing many to close their accounts and deposit elsewhere. Talk about racism and illegality !

That's interesting, I did not know that, I was never interested in Thai politics, but I know now I hate this Big T.

That really is interesting. Does that mean I am going to have to repay all the interest the banks have been paying me over the years?whistling.gif

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Please tell me where tourists are getting health care and the Thai government is paying for it. No money, no help. I have never seen free medical service for a foreigner. Hard enough for Thais to get any medical help without cash.

  • Like 1

The gov't is proposing the fee with unpaid health costs as the excuse.

Many countries have fees for visas with many excuses.

Why are a lot of posters assuming the 500 baht gives visitors a free ticket for Thai health care, or

those with insurance an exemption to the fee?

So many countries charge with no reason at all. I have no idea why a Canadian pays $42 to enter Laos. What's the difference?

Indeed. Qatar, arguably the richest country, charges an entry visa fee. Bahrain charges too. These fees are not dressed up - they are a charge / tax on people entering the country. But most visitors are there for business of some kind, not tourists.

Wasn't this 500 baht supposed to go to the health, police and immigration ? To help cover all this unpaid medical fees and extra work for the police and immigration all these pesky foreigners cause?

All complete bullshit. It's the "thinkers" bright idea to screw some more money out of foreigners - an extra 10 billion baht + into the coffers. PTP need to generate income to offset all the populist funding and "necessary regular outgoing payments" required to keep in office. Should their "thinker" return and progress towards complete control then expect a lot more of this. Visa, extensions, re-entry permits might suddenly becoming more expensive. The amount of income/money in bank might suddenly increase, etc etc . Remember, dictatorships don't really care about right or wrong. or international opinion. Barbie will continue spouting crap about human rights, democracy, hub of this, hub of that, whilst in reality foreigners and foreign businesses will continue to be despised and fleeced at every opportunity.

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I am looking forward to the 500 Baht medical insurance plan from the Airport. Shit I will go to Singapore and back just to get it.

Has the government ever described this an insurance ? I don't think so.

It a charge to go into a pool, some of which will be used to offset some to the costs incurred by hospitals in treating tourists, who seemingly bugger off without paying, and some more will be given to the police and immigration to help with their extra costs in policing said tourists who behave badly, work illegally, get themselves robbed, scammed, and beaten, overstay and then expect someone to sort it out. The remaining 495 baht will be "eaten up" in government costs administering the scam scheme. whistling.gif

Farang mai roo.

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This is just a classic Thai political play.

Come up with some crazy and unpopular idea.

Then take it off the table and replace it with something more palatable. Everybody sighs with relief.

In this case, I suspect it will be an increase in the Passenger Service Charge which is included in everybody's international air ticket at present and is currently set at 700 Baht.


It was the Thai government that allowed foreign people to get basic treatment in Thailand. They should run it like in the USA and other countries, show and swipe your credit card before they give you treatment or take a cash deposit.

If they have no card, cash or insurance cover it is the fault of the patient so kick them out of the hospital with no treatment.

Easy, at least other tourists will not have to pay for them. As I said before, the ministers of the main departments have, (I Think) been told to think of some way to get more money in for the government to pay for the Rice cockup.

Rather shortsighted indeed.

Letting sick and injured people die because they have no insurance.

What about people that can not get insurance?

What about people who can not afford insurance?

Don't be too proud about the healthcare system in the USA.

It is frightfully expensive, not really affordable, and really very disgusting.

And sending a patient away because he or she has no credit card is directly against the doctors' oath.

Anyway, it is quite simple, make a travel insurance obligatory for tourists.

And expats can get either private insurance, or for those who can get no private insurance fabricate an insurance run by and in the state hospitals.

You are both wrong. No one is denied care at an American emergency room for lack of funds or insurance. I repeat "No one is denied care at an American emergency room for lack of funds or insurance". This goes for post ER care also. It's one of the reasons for the astronomical cost of US healthcare, those of us who can pay pay for those who can't, but that's not the issue here. If you are in good enough shape to pull out money or a card they will gladly take it. If you don't have one you will still be treated. The treatment will be the same if you are homeless or a millionaire.

Excuse me while I get my flack jacket on, I think I'll probably need it soon.


Tempest in the tea cup

are we all serious?500 bht =16 dollars

who cares?

if any one would be discouraged from coming to Thailand because he/she would have to pay $16 then................


Please tell me where tourists are getting health care and the Thai government is paying for it. No money, no help. I have never seen free medical service for a foreigner. Hard enough for Thais to get any medical help without cash.

I think one place is the Phuket government hospital. A few patients were brought in there and didn't have the funds for payment.

Private hospitals won't help you at all unless you have insurance or the proper funds. Pretty bad.


You are both wrong. No one is denied care at an American emergency room for lack of funds or insurance. I repeat "No one is denied care at an American emergency room for lack of funds or insurance". This goes for post ER care also. It's one of the reasons for the astronomical cost of US healthcare, those of us who can pay pay for those who can't, but that's not the issue here. If you are in good enough shape to pull out money or a card they will gladly take it. If you don't have one you will still be treated. The treatment will be the same if you are homeless or a millionaire.

Excuse me while I get my flack jacket on, I think I'll probably need it soon.

In principle, that's true. A hospital cannot deny you emergency care sufficient to stabilize you, if you present at an emergency room.

But what they can do is to wave off any ambulances so you're never presented for treatment. And the next one, and the next one, until an hour later, you end up at the pauper's hospital, if you're still alive by then.

Back to the topic at hand, the numbers have shown that this fee is 10-15 baht to reimburse unpaid medical care, and the rest for the general fund. It doesn't seem presented as any kind of insurance and anyone expecting to be treated without paying is probably in for a rude awakening. But there are always some folks that can't pay after they've received treatment (even people with travel insurance, which generally reimburses after the money is already long ago spent- and then only a percentage) and I think it's pretty reasonable to spread that cost out among all visitors.

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