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Do Thai ladies like to hug?


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A friend of mine is complaining about his long term girlfriend. He said she shows little or almost no signs of affection like hugging,kissing,cuddling,holding hands etc....... The girl is not working in the naughty district or so. And now that i think about it, i haven't seen it either (except in the bar areas). So, do they really don't like it or is there an unwritten rule that it is simply "not done"? Anyone?

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You've answered your own question. Times are a'changing, especially for the young, but essentially you've nailed the PDA side of Thai society.

She's 28, he's 30. They have a relationship for 5 years now. He said that (sorry for my "not so good English") she's also very introvert. IE not discussing general topics like politics, the news etc...

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You've answered your own question. Times are a'changing, especially for the young, but essentially you've nailed the PDA side of Thai society.

She's 28, he's 30. They have a relationship for 5 years now. He said that (sorry for my "not so good English") she's also very introvert. IE not discussing general topics like politics, the news etc...

No signs of affection in private (I assume they are living together) would seem like a indication she doesn't like him that much.

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Public shows of affection are generally frowned upon. Holding hands seems to be the main exception to this. In private, if she is not holding hands, kissing and cuddling, you'd have to ask yourself why not.

Consider the old adage of prostitutes, That they reserve kisses for their boyfriends / husbands wink.png

Where is the love if they are a cold fish?


Mine kisses, cuddles, holds hands all the time in private but shies away from everything except holding hands in public.

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Every single one I have met so far loved and needed hugs and such. If a woman doesn't show any sign that she wants it, that means only one thing: she needs it like every other human, but not interested in getting it from that person she is with.

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When I first met my wife she was shy about even holding hands in public; telling me that in Thailand it's just not done.

After living in the UK for over 13 years she is no longer shy about this, and will even kiss me, or let me kiss her, in public when me meet or part.

But any public show of affection beyond this is a no no; and she still expresses shock when she sees an English couple canoodling in public.

At home in private, though; different story.

As for not discussing the news, politics etc.; not everyone is interested in doing this. Has your friend tried talking to her about topics she is interested in?

She may be complaining to her friends that he never talks to her!

Edited by 7by7
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Every single one I have met so far loved and needed hugs and such. If a woman doesn't show any sign that she wants it, that means only one thing: she needs it like every other human, but not interested in getting it from that person she is with.

I think you're right. Sometimes I think there is a "win-win" situation. In this case: "I take care for you if you take care for me" Then "love" (and hugging etc....) has nothing to do with it. It is just a business deal. But both parties have a different idea of the "win". For my friend it is affection, love and sex and for his girlfriend (I presume) it's the "financial safety net" for her and her family. In the west, similar deals are made. But then, both parties are aware of the what this deal means and accept and are aware of the consequences of that.

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My Thai wife is not a great hugger ( she does have moments of affection though ) . The best huggers in my life have been a few Thai ladys of the night .( i.e ,hugging all night long ) .They are not all looking to get it over as quick as possible .

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Many of us are part of a hugging society. Among friends and acquaintances it is quite common to arrive at a gathering and dish out hugs all around. To exchange a hug along with a greeting is a common, everyday thing for many. Likewise, that same majority tends to hug people goodbye when exiting an event. It’s socially acceptable in western countries

In Thailand an affectionate hug can make a Thai feel uncomfortable.Don't touch, hug or kiss Thais when you meet them. Thai people are not familiar with this kind of body language. It may be, as some have observed, that Asians are shy. In general, any physical contact is considered inappropriate.

Although you may do it out of respect and with all good intentions, it will make them feel uncomfortable, especially if it is done in public.Most Thais are not used to this type of gesture and have no idea how to react to it. It may leave everyone, including you, feeling awkward.I personally "had to teach" my wife all about affection ,she had no idea about it. Now I cannot go no where without a hug and a gentle kiss from her even in public she does it .

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Definitely more when we go to the shopping mall....

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

1st post ... what a beauty ... welcomeani.gif to Thai Visa.

Most girls get excited when they go shopping ... biggrin.png

Welcome seconded.

I get a hug from my landlady when I pay the rent whistling.gif

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Hugging, kissing, cuddling is simply not part of Thai social behavior. It's an "Import-Product" of the west. A Thai-Lady, familiar with those proceedings and speaking "good english", has already disclosed her professional background. Like it or not !


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Not only do I get lots of hugs, I also get the occasional reach around.

Big hands, huh?

My ex was one of those very proper types in public. In those days she even frowned on eating while walking. Today she lives in Germany, where she says she feels very comfortable with the local mores. Wonder why?

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