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Things you do now you didnt before ?


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love cooking but hated cooking sweets. maybe I should get some advise on this .

I hate eating sweet things, but I would love to make perfect cakes, if I would have the time.

Did a double choc cake today, its only 20 mins prep 40 minutes cooking job done ! No time at all really.


Did a couple of cakes in my rice cooker following recipes on line. They turned out great and were gone in days.

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Trying a little gardening, probably won't each much of it since I've used far too many chemicals.

-Took a silver jewellery one day course making thingys out of silver in clay (new technology)

-Signed up for a 6 day leather course which I'll attend after a wee holiday

-Purchased some lab equipment as I want to learn how to calorie count food (I'll be back asking for suggestions)

-Got to level 154 on Candy Crush with a little help from a 9 year old

And........I've spent far too much time on the Internet.

Hmmm. Takes that long, does it?

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Trying a little gardening, probably won't each much of it since I've used far too many chemicals.

-Took a silver jewellery one day course making thingys out of silver in clay (new technology)

-Signed up for a 6 day leather course which I'll attend after a wee holiday

-Purchased some lab equipment as I want to learn how to calorie count food (I'll be back asking for suggestions)

-Got to level 154 on Candy Crush with a little help from a 9 year old

And........I've spent far too much time on the Internet.

Hmmm. Takes that long, does it?

SShhh thats what he told the wife, and he needs to get the full benefit...lolwhistling.gif

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Did a double choc cake today, its only 20 mins prep 40 minutes cooking job done ! No time at all really.


Did a couple of cakes in my rice cooker following recipes on line. They turned out great and were gone in days.

Nothing so fancy as an oven at the FarmHouse and nothing goes in the rice cooker except ... ummm ... rice ... and we have two going constantly.

However ... the crew did make a good fist of it in the microwave ...



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I have two degrees, under and post grad, teaching experience in the UK and here up to university level.

I hope you've reminded your kids on the merits of good paragraph construction.

I teach them that, yes. I also teach them that they should not use contractions in written text unless it forms part of speech. One good thing about being a teacher is that you do not have to do as you teach - I have passed my exams and do not need to impress anyone anymore.

I shall also remind them about the need to ignore pedantic fools and self appointed grammar police when on informal forums. Oh, I seem to have done something else differently that I teach.

By the way, there are paragraphs, just no extra line feed between them - but I am sure you noticed that.

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I have two degrees, under and post grad, teaching experience in the UK and here up to university level.

I hope you've reminded your kids on the merits of good paragraph construction.

I teach them that, yes. I also teach them that they should not use contractions in written text unless it forms part of speech. One good thing about being a teacher is that you do not have to do as you teach - I have passed my exams and do not need to impress anyone anymore.

I shall also remind them about the need to ignore pedantic fools and self appointed grammar police when on informal forums. Oh, I seem to have done something else differently that I teach.

By the way, there are paragraphs, just no extra line feed between them - but I am sure you noticed that.

I may be an illiterate Plebeian but to me I see one sentence (badly constructed at that).

To construde there may be an essay out of five words makes me feel a lot better learning Thai where I thought their language and placement was totally f@@ked up!

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I have learned that grown up men after a life of hard work in the west who retire to Thailand have finally found out how to wipe/spray their bum without mommys help after a dump,already 3 topics running about this.

Life in Thailand must really be boring for some people,and apparently for some posters civilizations have been built and destroyed because of toiletpaper <deleted>..

Well if one is going to live here, one needs to have empathy with the local ways.

And not being able to clean your own ass until you have lived here 28 years is the Thai male way. :D

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I have two degrees, under and post grad, teaching experience in the UK and here up to university level.

I hope you've reminded your kids on the merits of good paragraph construction.

I teach them that, yes. I also teach them that they should not use contractions in written text unless it forms part of speech. One good thing about being a teacher is that you do not have to do as you teach - I have passed my exams and do not need to impress anyone anymore.

I shall also remind them about the need to ignore pedantic fools and self appointed grammar police when on informal forums. Oh, I seem to have done something else differently that I teach.

By the way, there are paragraphs, just no extra line feed between them - but I am sure you noticed that.

I may be an illiterate Plebeian but to me I see one sentence (badly constructed at that).

To construde there may be an essay out of five words makes me feel a lot better learning Thai where I thought their language and placement was totally f@@ked up!

You see one sentence because that was all he decided to pull from a longer post (i.e. out of context edited post - which, incidentally, is against forum rules). The original post was an answer to a direct question posed to me as to why I home school here rather than send my kids to the UK. The grammar was far from great, but then I was not trying to pass an English test; I was trying to accurately answer the question. The implication was that because my grammar was less than perfect, that I am a poor teacher. The post was not unreadable, there were no spelling mistakes, and the grammar was passable (though I agree not perfect) - it was merely a weak response from a self appointed grammar policeman - their ilk frequent this and other forums across the net, and are almost as annoying and pointless as trolls.

Edited by wolf5370
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Trying a little gardening, probably won't each much of it since I've used far too many chemicals.

-Took a silver jewellery one day course making thingys out of silver in clay (new technology)

-Signed up for a 6 day leather course which I'll attend after a wee holiday

-Purchased some lab equipment as I want to learn how to calorie count food (I'll be back asking for suggestions)

-Got to level 154 on Candy Crush with a little help from a 9 year old

And........I've spent far too much time on the Internet.

I'm kicking ass on battle pirates. :D

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Yup, the dreaded 'grammar police'. Why the hell should we have to be degree educated to contribute to a forum? Think I'd rather be an ill educated pleb if that's the way the intelligentsia get their kicks.

And that's not even starting on touchscreen typos.

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taking care of these every day im at home,

my life has chaged so so much,

all for the better i might add,

Very cool picture bro

Disclaimer: Sorry if the sentence structure, syntax or use of American slang offends, is objectionable, or in any other way hard on the reading eyes!

Edited by GinBoy2
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