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Don't Stop for an Accident!


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I've stopped to help a few times, no problem, at least, not for me. (Once I did not, there were lots of people around, and the "victim" was stupid.)

On the other hand, just came up to my room after having a conversation with a Thai friend whose "farang" friend had court today.

Seems he was scootering along on Koh Chang, sometime back. Minding his own business. A Thai on a scooter whizzed by, rear-ended a pickup. Go boom. Pickup keeps going. Kind farang stops to lend aid, but guy is toast.

Long story short, mother of DOA demands 200k. Cheap son.

Cops arrest farang. Farang says no. Today in court, mom says, okay, I'll walk away for 25,000. Farang pays.

Moral of story: well, you decide for yourself.

Do you have a link to this story ,or is it something you heard ? i have been involved in an accident where it was the Thais fault and they tried to get money ,i stood my ground and told them to deal with my insurance company . end of story ,they did nothing.

Exactly,it's a try on.Stand on your digs,only the stupid pay.One day you may help save a life,one day it may be you,karma.

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@ uptheos

Just because peoples opinions or perhaps experiences are different to yours it does not make it "rubbish"

in my experience and from that of family members, it is generally considered best not to get involved, especially as a "ferang".

Thais as stated, and in my personal experience also will not get involved in many things that do not directly concern them.

Oh and by the way, I've been here more than 5 minutes.

A guy goes off the road on a scooter, could do with a bit of help no doubt. car following with 3 people, two being Thai citizens albeit two hysterical Thai citizens and no-one helps!!

I'll give you one better, Guys comes off his motorcycle could be dead could be unconcious, people stood in a crowd at the roadside, body left in the centre of the carriageway, no one touches or moves him, the bus I am on drives right over him at 70kph (approx) THUMP ! no one batted an eyelid and the bus didnt even stop ![/quote

I don't' believe it,never been on a bus doing 70.

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They are absolutely right, you would end up paying, even if it was to make it go away.

LISTEN to you wife she knows the score better than you !

Urban myth,when you start listening to Thai woman,that's when the real problems start.

Te problem is, that a lot of men here can't function without a Thai woman holding their hand and speaking for them.

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Actually the same with giving to charities.

A few years ago gave some baht to the blind man singing while being led by his wife. Then watched as they walked down the road, got into their own tuk tuk and he drove off.

So not a baht more to anyone.

Amazing how becoming more Thai makes you a more selfish, uncaring person.

Odd that, eh.

You couldn't had much to start with if you change for the worst that quick.Don't blame Thais for your low moral fibre.

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Actually the same with giving to charities.

A few years ago gave some baht to the blind man singing while being led by his wife. Then watched as they walked down the road, got into their own tuk tuk and he drove off.

So not a baht more to anyone.

Amazing how becoming more Thai makes you a more selfish, uncaring person.

Odd that, eh.

You couldn't had much to start with if you change for the worst that quick.Don't blame Thais for your low moral fibre.

I'm half Thai, and spent the first 11 years of my life here. Becoming an adult in the West then returning without the conditioning of either, is interesting. smile.png

Having returned a good number of years ago, one really gets to see how the social fabric has been weaved. Being really able to see what the society and culture is like from within is fascinating, ugly, but fascinating.

Edited by yingyo
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I was advised 19 years ago by my Thai colleagues when I first came to Thailand never stop for an accident to help because you are a foreigner and will get the blame even if not your fault. I don't think things have changed.

Hope your colleagues don't run you over.

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I've stopped to help a few times, no problem, at least, not for me. (Once I did not, there were lots of people around, and the "victim" was stupid.)

On the other hand, just came up to my room after having a conversation with a Thai friend whose "farang" friend had court today.

Seems he was scootering along on Koh Chang, sometime back. Minding his own business. A Thai on a scooter whizzed by, rear-ended a pickup. Go boom. Pickup keeps going. Kind farang stops to lend aid, but guy is toast.

Long story short, mother of DOA demands 200k. Cheap son.

Cops arrest farang. Farang says no. Today in court, mom says, okay, I'll walk away for 25,000. Farang pays.

Moral of story: well, you decide for yourself.

pics or it didn't happen...

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@ uptheos

Just because peoples opinions or perhaps experiences are different to yours it does not make it "rubbish"

in my experience and from that of family members, it is generally considered best not to get involved, especially as a "ferang".

Thais as stated, and in my personal experience also will not get involved in many things that do not directly concern them.

Oh and by the way, I've been here more than 5 minutes.

A guy goes off the road on a scooter, could do with a bit of help no doubt. car following with 3 people, two being Thai citizens albeit two hysterical Thai citizens and no-one helps!!

I'll give you one better, Guys comes off his motorcycle could be dead could be unconcious, people stood in a crowd at the roadside, body left in the centre of the carriageway, no one touches or moves him, the bus I am on drives right over him at 70kph (approx) THUMP ! no one batted an eyelid and the bus didnt even stop ![/quote

I don't' believe it,never been on a bus doing 70.

Don't take it personally bro.

"Rubbish" or a variant is the lead in to most arguments Uptheos instigates. It ain't just you, so relax.

Clearly he trolls through the forums and looks for posts just to find that magic moment when he can counter with a "rubbish".

A disgruntled public servant collecting your trash in a past life me thinks?

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I am amazed at the amount of farangs that have accidents and its not their fault truly amazingly.

Maybe time for you to visit Thailand, so you can see the reality. coffee1.gif

I think most posters could do with doing that. :D

Reality: Stop paying them to live with you, would be a start.....

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Unfortunately that is the way things go. I have seen it from Chiangmai to Sisaket that foreigners who stop to see what is wrong or even crash their cars in order to avoid driving over victims already laying on the road eventually get picked up home and charged with fleeing the scene of an accident or are arrested on the spot. I have seen many ending up in jail, sometimes for a few days sometimes for up to a few years if they could not make the often hundreds of thousands of baht in payment demanded by the police, the prosecution or by a combination of the court, prosecution, police and the lawyers of both the accusing family and the defendants themselves.

Lawyers are everywhere scum but especially in Thailand so they collude with anyone as long as they can get money out of you. You can only help safely if you are a pedestrian or maybe on a bicycle.

Maybe leaving the country would be a safer option,too many"accidents"around you.

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So my wife, sister-in-law (both Thai) and I were headed back home from our delicious 30 baht each dinner meal with me at the wheel of our car. As I was driving along a guy on a scooter in front of us suddenly heads off the road and onto the sandy shoulder where he crashes his bike and ends up flat on his back. As we approach he begins to sit up. I slow down and begin to pull over to make sure he is okay.

My wife and sister immediately begin yelling for me to not stop and keep going. I waiver a bit, and it seems like the guy is suffering no injuries so I pull back on the road and continue on. Their argument was that since I was the foreigner, even though I had absolutely nothing to do with the guy's accident, he could claim I caused the accident and no one would believe the foreigner.


And obviously, both your wife and her sister would have to confirm the lo-so's allegations that you caused his accident?

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A post using Thai script has been removed:

English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

Whoops, sorry about that.

At least UptheEos can breath easier now. biggrin.png

I still don't believe you and I still think you are a troll, with the sole purpose of Thai bashing as your agenda. Almost 300 posts in 11 days since you signed up, all mostly geared to Thai bashing. You probably have several aliases.

And diseases as well.

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What a worrying post. "Don't stop to help a fellow human being in a road accident because they could lie about you, say it was your fault and claim money".

Not sure I ever want to be part of a society where that happens as a rule. There was a story a few years ago of a 3 year old girl who got hit by a car in Beijing and 15 people walked around the wounded, bleeding and dying child, she was unfortunately hit a second time as her body was still in the road and she dies from her injuries. So, shame on anyone who behaves this way. Anyway, the possibility that you are helping someone that really needs help is worth the risk (which must be low) of you bumping into a filthy scam artist. People come first, not money.

I was sitting at the lights not long ago when 2 motorbikes collided (one jumped the lights too early),, 1 motorbike was ridden by a man with a helmet on,, the other by a woman and infant child with no helmets on.. The mother and child both hit the pavement,, thank god the child was ok, just bruised but screaming loudly and very frightened. The mother was also just bruised but obviously more worried about her child.. Did i go and see if I could help? Yes, of course i did,, and the mother was very grateful for my effort. No scamming, no problem and thankfully no one seriously hurt.

Ignore the nonsense from other posters, don't stop being part of the human race, be compassionate and behave appropriately when someone is in trouble.

Well you are a good samaritan aren't you! I think you are missing the point there. The Op was told not to stop by two natives of this country why?

So they could gain something from this or perhaps they actually knew how it rolls here and were looking out for his well being.

Stop with the BS and know when when there is a time to stop and a time to go. If i was in BKK and I saw an accident on a main rd, of course I would stop. On a back rd, no other witnesses and a single person accident, well I would think twice.

You have it arse about face and only thinking of yourself.In Bangkok,plenty of other people can help,on a back road,it is up to you to help a fellow human being.

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A post using Thai script has been removed:

English is the only acceptable language, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

Whoops, sorry about that.

At least UptheEos can breath easier now. biggrin.png

I still don't believe you and I still think you are a troll, with the sole purpose of Thai bashing as your agenda. Almost 300 posts in 11 days since you signed up, all mostly geared to Thai bashing. You probably have several aliases.

And diseases as well.

Meow. :rolleyes:


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I am amazed at the amount of farangs that have accidents and its not their fault truly amazingly.

Maybe time for you to visit Thailand, so you can see the reality. coffee1.gif

Been here 37 years mate,and my eyes are just fine.

Perhaps that's where your obvious anger issues stem from?

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I got told by a very good Thai friend who is a lawyer that the Thais are deliberately crashing into Farangs or deliberately riding into trees ,canals or bridges whenever they see a farang driving his big <deleted> off shiney truck,someone (Thai) is always strategically placed to take pictures of the farangs big <deleted> off shiney trucks registration plate on their new Iphone5 as farang drives away scared shitless trying to stop his hysterical wife busting a blood vessel.The Thais wait for cops to arrive & give the cops registration number & next thing you know the big <deleted> off shiney truck owner is traced & ordered to pay all costs & little bit more.

That's true that!!

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A corollary to all of this: if you're ever riding in a taxi that's involved in an accident, throw some amount of money that amounts to at least the fare or a little more at the driver, and RUN. You will be very likely charged by the driver of the car the taxi had the accident with as being at fault...I've heard this warning from many Thais. The logic (of the person trying to say you, the passenger of the cab, are liable)? "If the farang never came to Thailand, the accident never would have happened." I cannot tell you how many times I've heard Thais quoting this belief...if you haven't heard it yet, you haven't been here long enough...

I've been here 20 years and still waiting to hear this.

Only heard it from witless farangs.If this unlikely scenario every happened,I would say,the king gave me a visa to stay here and Yinluck gave me a licence to drive here.While they where getting there head around that I would be ringing my lawyer,problem solved.

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I am amazed at the amount of farangs that have accidents and its not their fault truly amazingly.

Maybe time for you to visit Thailand, so you can see the reality. coffee1.gif

Been here 37 years mate,and my eyes are just fine.

Perhaps that's where your obvious anger issues stem from?

Seeing you are a shrink,I can tell you I am happy as Larry.If not I would have bolted.Good luck with future diagnosis.

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What a worrying post. "Don't stop to help a fellow human being in a road accident because they could lie about you, say it was your fault and claim money".

Not sure I ever want to be part of a society where that happens as a rule. There was a story a few years ago of a 3 year old girl who got hit by a car in Beijing and 15 people walked around the wounded, bleeding and dying child, she was unfortunately hit a second time as her body was still in the road and she dies from her injuries. So, shame on anyone who behaves this way. Anyway, the possibility that you are helping someone that really needs help is worth the risk (which must be low) of you bumping into a filthy scam artist. People come first, not money.

I was sitting at the lights not long ago when 2 motorbikes collided (one jumped the lights too early),, 1 motorbike was ridden by a man with a helmet on,, the other by a woman and infant child with no helmets on.. The mother and child both hit the pavement,, thank god the child was ok, just bruised but screaming loudly and very frightened. The mother was also just bruised but obviously more worried about her child.. Did i go and see if I could help? Yes, of course i did,, and the mother was very grateful for my effort. No scamming, no problem and thankfully no one seriously hurt.

Ignore the nonsense from other posters, don't stop being part of the human race, be compassionate and behave appropriately when someone is in trouble.

Well you are a good samaritan aren't you! I think you are missing the point there. The Op was told not to stop by two natives of this country why?

So they could gain something from this or perhaps they actually knew how it rolls here and were looking out for his well being.

Stop with the BS and know when when there is a time to stop and a time to go. If i was in BKK and I saw an accident on a main rd, of course I would stop. On a back rd, no other witnesses and a single person accident, well I would think twice.

You have it arse about face and only thinking of yourself.In Bangkok,plenty of other people can help,on a back road,it is up to you to help a fellow human being.

I don't think English is your native language is it? Gauging by your constant posts, I presume not. Once again "white boy/dum farang" read my post and my reference to the OP's original argument.

Yes of course, you know more than a citizen of this country. Did I say this was right? Never. Can I do anything about this? Nup. Do I care about my time, wallett and anger management? Certainly!

BTW, I don't live in BKK and never would. But thanks, anyway. Would I stop for an accident in any developed country/country with a FAIR legal system, most certainly yes. But when the natives of the developing countries want to pin s@@t on foreigners for accidents in which they are not involved, then good riddance. As the saying goes, you make your own bed....

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This incessant Thai bashing is becoming tiresome. Whatever the issues here, I don't see the society of ars**** portrayed in many of these threads. A few years ago, I had an accident in the street ( fainted from a medication causing low blood pressure ...head split open on the pavement). I was surrounded by Thais rendering assistance, comfort, treatment, transport to hospital ( and they collected for me the possessions such a phones, keys). I thought it was the same compassionate concern I would have expected to get, or to render myself, in Melbourne.

What a worrying post. "Don't stop to help a fellow human being in a road accident because they could lie about you, say it was your fault and claim money".

Not sure I ever want to be part of a society where that happens as a rule. There was a story a few years ago of a 3 year old girl who got hit by a car in Beijing and 15 people walked around the wounded, bleeding and dying child, she was unfortunately hit a second time as her body was still in the road and she dies from her injuries. So, shame on anyone who behaves this way. Anyway, the possibility that you are helping someone that really needs help is worth the risk (which must be low) of you bumping into a filthy scam artist. People come first, not money.

I was sitting at the lights not long ago when 2 motorbikes collided (one jumped the lights too early),, 1 motorbike was ridden by a man with a helmet on,, the other by a woman and infant child with no helmets on.. The mother and child both hit the pavement,, thank god the child was ok, just bruised but screaming loudly and very frightened. The mother was also just bruised but obviously more worried about her child.. Did i go and see if I could help? Yes, of course i did,, and the mother was very grateful for my effort. No scamming, no problem and thankfully no one seriously hurt.

Ignore the nonsense from other posters, don't stop being part of the human race, be compassionate and behave appropriately when someone is in trouble.

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@Prbkk. You quote;

"This incessant Thai bashing is becoming tiresome. Whatever the issues here, I don't see the society of ars**** portrayed in many of these threads. A few years ago, I had an accident in the street ( fainted from a medication causing low blood pressure ...head split open on the pavement). I was surrounded by Thais rendering assistance, comfort, treatment, transport to hospital ( and they collected for me the possessions such a phones, keys). I thought it was the same compassionate concern I would have expected to get, or to render myself, in Melbourne."

Do you see a disimilarity here between what you have written and what the topic is about? This has nothing do to with heart and human compassion. Alas this has everything to do with the LAW, JUDICIAL system and RACISM. Thais are generally great people and I am not one of those Thai bashers as you claim (read my posts),. anyway back to the point, do you think you could pin your falling over in a court of law on the first Thai person you see next to you?

Again, the bad eggs have spoilt this for the good hearted people or those who fear the retributions of doing the right thing. A greater example albeit slightly relevant to Thailand is the view the west has on Muslim people. 99% beautiful, 1% puts a 90% dour image in 100% of the outside population.

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Yes, agree

@Prbkk. You quote;

"This incessant Thai bashing is becoming tiresome. Whatever the issues here, I don't see the society of ars**** portrayed in many of these threads. A few years ago, I had an accident in the street ( fainted from a medication causing low blood pressure ...head split open on the pavement). I was surrounded by Thais rendering assistance, comfort, treatment, transport to hospital ( and they collected for me the possessions such a phones, keys). I thought it was the same compassionate concern I would have expected to get, or to render myself, in Melbourne."

Do you see a disimilarity here between what you have written and what the topic is about? This has nothing do to with heart and human compassion. Alas this has everything to do with the LAW, JUDICIAL system and RACISM. Thais are generally great people and I am not one of those Thai bashers as you claim (read my posts),. anyway back to the point, do you think you could pin your falling over in a court of law on the first Thai person you see next to you?

Again, the bad eggs have spoilt this for the good hearted people or those who fear the retributions of doing the right thing. A greater example albeit slightly relevant to Thailand is the view the west has on Muslim people. 99% beautiful, 1% puts a 90% dour image in 100% of the outside population.

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Why is it bashing if it was true?

You do not know, does happen, many beggar scams about, would not surprise me if this actually did happen.

It was posted by a lying, Thai bashing troll so it is probably 100% BS.

Wake up mate, and don't talk to strangers, you will probably get scammed. whistling.gif

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Absolute rubbish!

I've stopped to assist at two accidents since I've been here and the people were very grateful.

If I have an accident I hope someone will assist me, but I'd rather not find out.

Why does this BS scare mongering keep popping up?

i was riding past a scooter/car accident and the thai rider was on the floor bleeding badly. i stopped to try and stop the bleeding as everyone else was just stood waiting for him to bleed out. after a few minutes my girl pulled me away as more showed up to have a look. she told me they were saying id caused the accident and some were trying to get them to attack me. i laughed at her but she was getting a bit hysterical which was my cue to saddle up and get the hell out of there.........they can all lie there as far as im concerned.

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I've stopped to help a few times, no problem, at least, not for me. (Once I did not, there were lots of people around, and the "victim" was stupid.)

On the other hand, just came up to my room after having a conversation with a Thai friend whose "farang" friend had court today.

Seems he was scootering along on Koh Chang, sometime back. Minding his own business. A Thai on a scooter whizzed by, rear-ended a pickup. Go boom. Pickup keeps going. Kind farang stops to lend aid, but guy is toast.

Long story short, mother of DOA demands 200k. Cheap son.

Cops arrest farang. Farang says no. Today in court, mom says, okay, I'll walk away for 25,000. Farang pays.

Moral of story: well, you decide for yourself.

Do you have a link to this story ,or is it something you heard ? i have been involved in an accident where it was the Thais fault and they tried to get money ,i stood my ground and told them to deal with my insurance company . end of story ,they did nothing.

Yes, that is what I did when some dopey local parked his bike in the middle of the road, on the corner, while he used the public phone and I clipped it. Suddenly this 25 yr old wreck needed all sorts of repairs.

These people sure don't pass up an opportunity.

Fortunately my insurance guy turned up reasonably quickly and I just said you sort it, I didn't want to talk to the guy.

Yes of course I was at fault, but this old wreck was just clipped and fell down!

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