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Thai editorial: Put an end to 'amnesty for all'


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Editorial: Put An End To 'Amnesty For All'
By Khaosod Online

BANGKOK: -- Since its departure from its original form, the government-sponsored Amnesty Bill has been attracting much criticism from members of the public of various backgrounds.

Submitted to Parliament by Pheu Thai MP Worachai Hema, the Bill was designed to grant amnesty exclusively to ordinary citizens who had been caught in the crossfires of the political unrest that has plagued Thailand in recent years.

Among those citizens are Redshirts protesters who are currently jailed for their roles in the 2010 mass protests. This intention, in our opinion, is legitimate; the prisoners should not be forced to languish in prison simply because they exercised their political rights.

However, Mr. Worachai′s draft has been drastically altered by the House Committee. The legal clemency now extends to politicians like former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, and former PM Abhisit Vejjajiva, who authorised the crackdown in 2010.

The sweeping extents of the altered draft has earned itself the nicknames ′Mao Keng′ (All in the basket) and ′Suud Soi′ (To the end of the alley).

The action of the House Committee is unacceptable, as the original and the altered version of the Amnesty Bill are markedly different.

Khaosod newspaper has been resolute in its mission to investigate, unearth, and publish the truths regarding the deadly military crackdown in April-May 2010.

We have presented photographs and other evidences which unambiguously pointed to the the involvement of the security forces in the deaths of over 90 people throughout the operation.

We have also highlighted the facts that many civilians who had been killed in the crackdown were unarmed protesters. None has been proven to be the elusive ′Black Shirts′ gunmen so far.

The excuse of the former authorities who authorised the crackdown, that the victims were armed militants intent on murdering the security forces, lack sufficient evidence, and cannot dissolve them the responsibility of their actions. The said authorities must stand trials for their actions in 2010.

Therefore, Khaosod newspaper cannot accept the so-called ′Amnesty For All′, since the bill would effectively put an end to the legal prosecution against those responsible for the deaths caused by the 2010 crackdown.

The ongoing legal case is meant to serve as a historic milestone that stops the culture of impunity in Thailand by bringing justice to the people who had stood up for their political causes only to be met with overtly violent measures of the security forces that ignore the universal respect for human rights.

Court inquests have confirmed that at least 14 victims of 2010 crackdown were evidently killed by the security forces. Such inquests have led to the indictment of former PM Abhisit last week. The full-scale criminal court trials for Mr. Abhisit and his former deputy are not far off.

These progresses would have been in vain if the blanket amnesty is ultimately approved.

Bearing all the aforementioned facts in mind, the editorial team of Khaosod newspaper hereby demands that all political parties in Parliament put an end to ′all in the basket′ amnesty.

What should be in the basket for Thailand, instead, is the quest toward justice for the sake of 2010 crackdown victims.


-- KHAOSOD English 2013-11-05

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Its been a few years since we had a good riot. Looking forward to this one! Funny to think of who the army would support, considering, both the reds, yellows and blues greens, pinks etc. are against the bill.

BUT - if the protest leaders think that 10,000 people protesting is going to get the job done they are mistake. Need about 500,000 to make any difference. (You know, the number that the Red shirts always claimed to have at their rallies...lol)

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Another reason the Pheu Thai Party can use for justifying the amnesty bill is that Thai jails are full and the bill would prevent having to stand in a long queue line or make far-future reservations to get in. But usually the convicted HiSo folks waiting to get into jail do so from outside Thailand where they are not bothered by Thai law enforcement agencies and also puts these fine folks at the very end of the line...it also allows common/poor folks in Thailand to move to the front of the line.

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Such wonderful writing about "responsibility".

Whats happened to the "Red Bull Kid" - is this the kind of Demcrat "responsiblity" and "accountability" that is wanted ?

So it seems you can get drunk, drive your car at high speed, kill someone but as long as you are very rich and friendly to the Democrats/Yellow supporters you can get away with it.

So it seems money can "buy amnesty" by avoiding the due process of the law - but its not ok to give out amnesty by the elected government who where elected on the back of promising an amnesty.

And should we not talk about the 2006 coup and that the generals gave themselves amnesty from their breach of the constitution for holding a coup. Why is this "amnesty" awarded by a few people to themselves for their benefit only all so agreeable to the Democrats and yet today they argue that amnesty should not happen.

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Its been a few years since we had a good riot. Looking forward to this one! Funny to think of who the army would support, considering, both the reds, yellows and blues greens, pinks etc. are against the bill.

BUT - if the protest leaders think that 10,000 people protesting is going to get the job done they are mistake. Need about 500,000 to make any difference. (You know, the number that the Red shirts always claimed to have at their rallies...lol)

I trust you are being ironic,Or do you mean a good riot where you or you family are maimed,killed,your property torched etc.

The current lack of consensus almost certainly means trouble ahead where memebers of the security forces and public will indeed suffer not to speak of the business lost,plus tourist discouraging inconvenience to local and tourists alike.Let us hope this may be avoided there are plenty of good contact sports to enjoy here on tv.As guests in the kingdom we have a right to comment but i feel we should not encourage immoderate views from any side.

I suppose a riot might be good if you are undertaker,weapons vendor or terrorist.

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I don't believe future generations of Thai polies need any more encouragement in the graft department. 'Oh look, we can do anything we like and just roll out another Amnesty Bill' It's like a kindergarten here isn't it blink.png

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Such wonderful writing about "responsibility".

Whats happened to the "Red Bull Kid" - is this the kind of Demcrat "responsiblity" and "accountability" that is wanted ?

So it seems you can get drunk, drive your car at high speed, kill someone but as long as you are very rich and friendly to the Democrats/Yellow supporters you can get away with it.

So it seems money can "buy amnesty" by avoiding the due process of the law - but its not ok to give out amnesty by the elected government who where elected on the back of promising an amnesty.

And should we not talk about the 2006 coup and that the generals gave themselves amnesty from their breach of the constitution for holding a coup. Why is this "amnesty" awarded by a few people to themselves for their benefit only all so agreeable to the Democrats and yet today they argue that amnesty should not happen.

What drivel...... where did this "novice" show up from..?

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Such wonderful writing about "responsibility".

Whats happened to the "Red Bull Kid" - is this the kind of Demcrat "responsiblity" and "accountability" that is wanted ?

So it seems you can get drunk, drive your car at high speed, kill someone but as long as you are very rich and friendly to the Democrats/Yellow supporters you can get away with it.

So it seems money can "buy amnesty" by avoiding the due process of the law - but its not ok to give out amnesty by the elected government who where elected on the back of promising an amnesty.

And should we not talk about the 2006 coup and that the generals gave themselves amnesty from their breach of the constitution for holding a coup. Why is this "amnesty" awarded by a few people to themselves for their benefit only all so agreeable to the Democrats and yet today they argue that amnesty should not happen.

What drivel...... where did this "novice" show up from..?

Don't know from where, but shortly after you had breakfast todaycoffee1.gifwink.png

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Such wonderful writing about "responsibility".

Whats happened to the "Red Bull Kid" - is this the kind of Demcrat "responsiblity" and "accountability" that is wanted ?

So it seems you can get drunk, drive your car at high speed, kill someone but as long as you are very rich and friendly to the Democrats/Yellow supporters you can get away with it.

So it seems money can "buy amnesty" by avoiding the due process of the law - but its not ok to give out amnesty by the elected government who where elected on the back of promising an amnesty.

And should we not talk about the 2006 coup and that the generals gave themselves amnesty from their breach of the constitution for holding a coup. Why is this "amnesty" awarded by a few people to themselves for their benefit only all so agreeable to the Democrats and yet today they argue that amnesty should not happen.

What drivel...... where did this "novice" show up from..?

Don't know from where, but shortly after you had breakfast todaycoffee1.gifwink.png

But at least we now know what Thaksin's doing in Scandinavia. Recruiting more trolls to the cause.

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We have also highlighted the facts that many civilians who had been killed in the crackdown were unarmed protesters. None has been proven to be the elusive ′Black Shirts′ gunmen so far.

Does anyone really believe that if one of the men in black was killed or wounded he would be left in full view to be identified as such?

His weapons would be removed and handed on, his black outer garments removed then he would be just another innocent protester mowed down by a ruthless bloodthirsty army.

Strange that Abhisit and Suthep are saying that they don't want or need an amnesty, rather they want their day in court to prove their innocence.

Strange that the army is saying they don't want or need the amnesty.

Surely if they believed themselves to be guilty they would want the amnesty.

Yet we have PT, the red leaders (other than 4 for show) and the instigator and funder of the riots saying they need and want amnesty.

The big boss has more at stake than just that but the red leaders don't..

So in regards to the riots those who are claimed to be guilty don't want amnesty and those who say they are innocent do want it.

Something wrong here, don't you think ?

But it suits the powers that be that Abhisit an Suthep never get to court, as they were never meant to, for the evidence they would bring out in their defense would spell the end of the red leaders and show who arranged the whole thing.

Amazing that one of the protest leaders got a defacto "amnesty" from Phuket Land Scandals.................

Amazing that the 2006 coup generals awarded themselves amnesty against their act of treason for holding a coup - and yet nobody protested against the "amnesty".

Ultimately it appears the only acceptable way to get amnesty is to pay off the military to hold a coup and then after the coup give everyone amnesty - perhaps Tako should go down this route - its worked very well in the past and nobody has protested about it when its done this way.

Amazing Thailand - the land of hypocrites and some smiles.

Red protesters get free food and drink and entertainment - the Yellows/Dems all complain they are "paid for protestors".

Dems/Yellow protestors get free food and drink and enterataiment and some free travel to get to BKK - its all very quiet about these new "paid for" protestors.......... LOL

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Its been a few years since we had a good riot. Looking forward to this one! Funny to think of who the army would support, considering, both the reds, yellows and blues greens, pinks etc. are against the bill.

I trust you are being ironic,Or do you mean a good riot where you or you family are maimed,killed,your property torched etc.


I suppose a riot might be good if you are undertaker,weapons vendor or terrorist.

Yes I thought the candor of the post was slightly inflammatory to utterly insensitive, but I am not an overly sensitive person but I agree a little care needs to be taken. It is not advisable let alone acceptable to appear to incite, support or derive entertainment from such events.

I understand RubbaJohnnys view on this matter, but just chill people and check what you spit out.

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Amazing that one of the protest leaders got a defacto "amnesty" from Phuket Land Scandals.................

Amazing that the 2006 coup generals awarded themselves amnesty against their act of treason for holding a coup - and yet nobody protested against the "amnesty".

Ultimately it appears the only acceptable way to get amnesty is to pay off the military to hold a coup and then after the coup give everyone amnesty - perhaps Tako should go down this route - its worked very well in the past and nobody has protested about it when its done this way.

Amazing Thailand - the land of hypocrites and some smiles.

Red protesters get free food and drink and entertainment - the Yellows/Dems all complain they are "paid for protestors".

Dems/Yellow protestors get free food and drink and enterataiment and some free travel to get to BKK - its all very quiet about these new "paid for" protestors.......... LOL

Presume you are talking about Sutheps son who was involved with building a resort on the island.

Did you see when he came out and said "if you want to investigate me investigate all those around me as well"

That was when the whole thing was forgotten, wonder who could have been around his place?

I note that the general in charge of the coup is now in the PT fold, they must therefore approve of his amnesty.

Red protesters rioters were paid in cash, well documented, were you here at the time?

And of course Jatuporn went from dirt poor to being a millionaire out of the same riots.

Then there was the recent red rally where very few turned up, reason given by those who didn't go, they said there was no money paid up front.

A little different from food and drink.

You mat note that PT are still at paying for attendance with 400b being handed out to those who attended a recent dam hearing.

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Its been a few years since we had a good riot. Looking forward to this one! Funny to think of who the army would support, considering, both the reds, yellows and blues greens, pinks etc. are against the bill.

BUT - if the protest leaders think that 10,000 people protesting is going to get the job done they are mistake. Need about 500,000 to make any difference. (You know, the number that the Red shirts always claimed to have at their rallies...lol)

I was thinking the same thing. 10,000 protestors ain't going to get the job done.. I'm thinking a "million man" march might get some attention.

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