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Bangkok coffee vendor backs down to Starbucks' legal might, changes logo


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There is a common-speak legal term called "moron in a hurry"

Would a moron in a hurry be fooled in to thinking he was buying a Starbucks coffee from this chap?...... when it is on a street cart, more than likely not (unless it was a complete moron who dallied with the idea of Starbucks branching out)

However, if this chap made enough money to expand into a nice glass fronted shop, then a moron in a hurry could be fooled. If Starbucks complained at that point about his logo, then his defence would be that he has been using it for years, their case fails.

That's why they have to nip it in the bud from the start.

(I don't like Starbucks coffee either, went in one once, never been back)

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Good to see he woke up and smelled the coffee. If all the Starbucks bashers are right, that Starbucks is such crap, then perhaps they should ask our canny businessman why he would want to be confused with Starbucks? Hmmmm....

Well it's like this.... (taking Emdog gently by the elbow) People who wish to be perceived as "Cool" or whatever will sit and drink SB fare ... regardless of the overpriced mediocre swill. And in Thailand especially ... where "FACE" is all important.

I gently agree with Fullstop. However, the basic idea of business is to provide a good or service at a price the customer is willing to pay,whatever the reason, be it to look cool or identify with some poor downtrodden copyright infringer. You aren't going to change the culture, and what people spend their money on is their choice. And I think that is how it should be: freedom of choice.

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I admire small people fight against giants. If I know his location I would support him…

Looking at it from a business angle, WHY does he HAVE to go so near to infringe protocol. If his product is fantastic he will get customers running -without picking at another business. I do not frequent Starbucks, but if it was just a small coffee shop he sort of copied it's just the same.

My message is stamp your OWN original logo. Why ask for trouble, maybe just after publicity. Greedy Thai man. Think for yourself.

save your "holier than thou" message! the man is in good company. look at the patent/trademark/design infringement court cases such as Apple, Google, Samsung and a dozen others.

"greedy Thai man" and "colour of the prophet" = an excellent opportunity for the anti-Thai / anti-Islam bashing crowd to jump in.


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Boycott Starbucks

Yes, a horrible company:

Starbucks is the latest big company to announce an aggressive push to hire veterans returning to the civilian work force.

The Seattle-based coffee chain said on Wednesday that it will hire 10,000 veterans and military spouses over the next five years.

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates was appointed to Starbucks (SBUX, Fortune 500)' board of directors last year. He told CNN's Poppy Harlow, "We know that many men and women who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan have had a difficult time finding career-fulfilling kinds of positions. Over the next five years another million men and women will come out of the military and enter civilian life."


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I admire small people fight against giants. If I know his location I would support him…

Looking at it from a business angle, WHY does he HAVE to go so near to infringe protocol. If his product is fantastic he will get customers running -without picking at another business. I do not frequent Starbucks, but if it was just a small coffee shop he sort of copied it's just the same.

My message is stamp your OWN original logo. Why ask for trouble, maybe just after publicity. Greedy Thai man. Think for yourself.

You are assuming he has ingenuity, creativity, and a great product. How often do you see people copying someone else's formula here?Why is that? My guess is a shortage of original ideas. Easy to copy someone else. On Lamai Beach, in Samui there were about 52 massage shops which were doing ok. About two years ago a woman with a lot of cash decided to open about 14 shops all at one time, and single handedly sabotaged the massage trade for all of these other shops, by copying someone else's idea, and saturating the market. She could have opened any number of businesses with her capital. But, she decided on doing what all these other people are already doing. Creative juice? Not. Ingenious. Not. A great product. Not. Just someone else's idea.

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I admire small people fight against giants. If I know his location I would support him

Yes, I can see that such a mentality requires absolutely no critical thinking, no investigation of facts, no concern with law & order, and no bother about the actual right & wrong of things. Now I know where the cartoon channel gets its adult viewership.

You'll make an "interesting" victim when some subsistence-level thai teenager stabs you for your wallet.

Remember, HE was the smaller guy!

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When I am reading the majority of these posts I am wondering why all these Starbucks outlets - especially in the tourist ghetto zone of lower Sukhumvit - with their oh so terrible, tastes-like-crap, grossly over-prized product always seem to brim with westerners.

On the other hand, I could almost bet that Mr. Stylebung's street stall despite his wonderful, terrific, tasty, excellent, outstanding, extremely cheap and what not coffee has never had the pleasure of welcoming any westerner, save for a few tourists who stopped to shoot a picture of his logo EXACTLY BECAUSE it very closely resembled Starbucks'.

There is absolutely no doubt that the previous logo AND its supposedly "amended" version were and are blatant rip-offs of the Starbucks logo. Anyone who cannot see this surely must be blind.

If this story had never materialized, but I had shown you a photograph of Mr. Stylebung's logo and asked you which international brand it resembled, I am very sure that 99.99 % of you guys would not have hesitated a second and answered "Starbucks".

They're there for the homesick yanks or the local wannabes who like to be seen in over priced western businesses.

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When I am reading the majority of these posts I am wondering why all these Starbucks outlets - especially in the tourist ghetto zone of lower Sukhumvit - with their oh so terrible, tastes-like-crap, grossly over-prized product always seem to brim with westerners.

On the other hand, I could almost bet that Mr. Stylebung's street stall despite his wonderful, terrific, tasty, excellent, outstanding, extremely cheap and what not coffee has never had the pleasure of welcoming any westerner, save for a few tourists who stopped to shoot a picture of his logo EXACTLY BECAUSE it very closely resembled Starbucks'.

There is absolutely no doubt that the previous logo AND its supposedly "amended" version were and are blatant rip-offs of the Starbucks logo. Anyone who cannot see this surely must be blind.

If this story had never materialized, but I had shown you a photograph of Mr. Stylebung's logo and asked you which international brand it resembled, I am very sure that 99.99 % of you guys would not have hesitated a second and answered "Starbucks".

They're there for the homesick yanks or the local wannabes who like to be seen in over priced western businesses.

Homesick or not, wannabe or not, "western" or not, it's obviously not overpriced if there's a market for and profitability in it. And if it weren't profitable, the trademark wouldn't have been worth stealing in the first place! What was your economics rextbook in school (making certain assumptions, here...) anyway? "Marxism For Dummies?"

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they should have walked away. he was never a threat, no-one was confused about the logo or if they were really buying Starbucks or starbung. It was overkill. Crazy corporates. Just a win for lawyers .

So if Starbucks was your business, you would let him get away with it?? if so better walk away from your business. Let the silly man with a pea sized brain invent his own ID/logo . I am all for the little man do well, but legit., no matter what you personally feel about Starbucks/coffee. they are in business because they can sell.

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they should have walked away. he was never a threat, no-one was confused about the logo or if they were really buying Starbucks or starbung. It was overkill. Crazy corporates. Just a win for lawyers .

...someone who can't quite get his brain around the concept of precedent.

So if Starbucks was your business, you would let him get away with it?? if so better walk away from your business. Let the silly man with a pea sized brain invent his own ID/logo . I am all for the little man do well, but legit., no matter what you personally feel about Starbucks/coffee. they are in business because they can sell.

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they should have walked away. he was never a threat, no-one was confused about the logo or if they were really buying Starbucks or starbung. It was overkill. Crazy corporates. Just a win for lawyers .

So if Starbucks was your business, you would let him get away with it?? if so better walk away from your business. Let the silly man with a pea sized brain invent his own ID/logo . I am all for the little man do well, but legit., no matter what you personally feel about Starbucks/coffee. they are in business because they can sell.

I asked you why didn't he mind his own business ??? and get on with his 25bht coffee, good for him without trying to get a bit of free publicity, and upsetting the apple cart. you design a computer and call it Apfel. look what if it was not Starbucks and was another Thai coffee seller, NOT on for sure.

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this should amuse Damrong Maslae giggle.gif karma .............

Starbucks to pay $3bn in row over packaged coffee


OK, so Starbucks apparently renegged on some agreement it had with Kraft Foods, and an arbitrator decided S should pay the $2.74B in damages & legal costs. What in the WORLD does that have to do with this topic, which is about trademark infringement by a freeloading street vendor? Just flailing at Starbucks because you can? Oh, I get it! The streetvendor was doing it just because he thought he could, too...

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Unfortunately, we live in a world where evil corporations are considered fair game by all those who simply envy their success and feel some weird sense of populist egalitarian entitlement to a piece of their hard-earned pie. Starbuck's problem is that they are successful. Long live mediocrity!

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Mediocre? Starbucks? You got it in one....

Unfortunately, we live in a world where evil corporations are considered fair game by all those who simply envy their success and feel some weird sense of populist egalitarian entitlement to a piece of their hard-earned pie. Starbuck's problem is that they are successful. Long live mediocrity!

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  • 1 month later...

apparently Starbucks is still on war footing!!!

a beer bar owner, who brews only local beer, has some customers calling his beer "Frappicino" beer and Starbucks claims it confuses the customers who want a Frappucino coffee drink. ???

How can Starbucks be that stupid, beer drinker do now the difference between a good beer and a coffee tasting like dish-washing water.

At least Starbucks won $6 with this claim.


Like our friend the bangkok coffee maker, that was threathened by Starbucks, I hope this bar owner will see his earnings grow :)

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  • 1 month later...

this should also amuse Damrong Maslae giggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif karma ............again

'Dumb Starbucks' shop tests coffee giant's nerve in LA - but creators insist it's LEGAL

A new cafe in Los Angeles is calling itself Dumb Starbucks Coffee and using the same logo as the global coffee giant, but staff insist they're not breaking any laws.

Edited by Asiantravel
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