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CNN interview: Yingluck says she not relying on Thaksin


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she has not been relaying on her brother, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

This one is from the reporter. The entire article is just so amazingly Thai, I am wondering if I will stop chuckling in a hour or two so that I can get something done today.

Not one to pass on rumors but I heard that she is running ads in all the Thai news papers for a new caddy. the one she had is trying to figure out how to empty Thai pockets of Thai's not living in Thailand.

Some thing about restaurants in Norway.

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And the joke was on me…….

She achieved a massive debt, more violence in the South, a greater division of the country, more lawless people, more corruption, loss of face overseas, mistrust among red-shirt supporters, security warnings for tourists, millions of rice missing, the great flooding, hundreds of foreigners in poverty on the streets, 5 new wardrobes, including shoes and designer bags from overseas trips, did I miss any?????

I bet I did…...

She should receive the Nobel Prize for these achievements ……..

Nobel price for you,,,,,,,for total blindness


How could he have possibly only seen five new wardrobes.

If Yingluck hears that she will probably sue him, Now if he had said 20 he would havwe been closer to reality.

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Everytime I here this person speak, it is hilarious! I can't stop laughing. I'f I sound half this bad when I speak Thai I will will quit right now.

"We hap to gip da Thai pee-po..por who eber gip da negatib...


Is it an act?

Is she retarded?

A little respect would be in order here. P.M. Yingluck has a Master's degree in public administration from Kentucky State Uni. smile.png

I wuurkt fur a weyell in khenturky.

Her English is shocking, masters degree or not.

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I too am no admirer of the Shin clan and their methodology and lack of any ethics or common decency (to put it mildly) but whilst we are distracted by what standard her english is ,( and it is a bit above the standard of my spoken Thai) and if her wardrobe style is not what we deem as suitable , we should be looking at her achievements whilst in office. Debate whether the Rice scheme has benefited the rice farmers , how the rebate on first car owners just served to clog the roads, and whether Thailand has sunk deeper into a cesspit of corruption at all levels and how inflation is affecting the Thais and expats alike and the multitude of other issues that will determine her role in history. It is time we move away from the tabloid level of personality assassination , and like she said , judge her on her achievements or lack thereof.

Edited by xen
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Kristies face when Yingluck was talking was priceless at the 3.20 mark.

It was like "what the F&^# are you even saying?"

cheesy.gif I was thinking the same thing watching Kristies face. You know she's thinking, will someone please tell me what she's talking about so I can form another question here. blink.png

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A classic example of not following the philosophy of "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt".

I bet Kristie Lu Stout left the interview slightly dumber that day. Just imagining the agony her brain cells must have gone through makes me wince.

Edited by smileydude
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I too am no admirer of the Shin clan and their methodology and lack of any ethics or common decency (to put it mildly) but whilst we are distracted by what standard her english is ,( and it is a bit above the standard of my spoken Thai) and if her wardrobe style is not what we deem as suitable , we should be looking at her achievements whilst in office. Debate whether the Rice scheme has benefited the rice farmers , how the rebate on first car owners just served to clog the roads, and whether Thailand has sunk deeper into a cesspit of corruption at all levels and how inflation is affecting the Thais and expats alike and the multitude of other issues that will determine her role in history. It is time we move away from the tabloid level of personality assassination , and like she said , judge her on her achievements or lack thereof.

The problem is not that she speaks like a 5 year old, amusing as that is on itself, the problem is what she says is absolute rubbish, for example:

On what she sees as her signature style.

PM: "People don't expect you to play the politic. People expect you to run the country with the sincerity and also doing hard effort as much as you can to deliver what we promised to the Thai people."

She is talking about herself as being sincere and hard working for the Thai people? She who skips her duties continously, that fibs and prevaricates about the level of control her brother has in his government, the Rice Scheme, this Amnesty Impunity Bill debacle, the illegally issued passport for her brother, etc, etc...

Either she is marooned in la-la-land and doesn't know what she is saying, or she is peddling BS, AKA playing politics, to try and keep her supporters duped.

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After watching the interview, one can't help think that she has been well coached considering the replies she continues to give in questioning. As a statesman, she should practice her communication skills more rather than focusing on memorising pre-drilled scripts.

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Achievements !!!!??

Yeah: being second in power for the most unaccountable, corrupt and inept power ever in office here- that takes some serious effort!

When she speaks, its always opposite day!

Then again, CNN doesn't present us with the truth too much either.

The interviewer was in a word: useless. She clearly had not done her research as to allow the PM to get away with what she had to say, especially on the flooding . The PM's command of the English language is so poor that she really ought to consider having a translator by her side or just not give interviews in English. Very embarrasing for Thailand's image abroad. Good to see there is so much opposition to the Amnesty Bill. I wonder who thought that one up?

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I too am no admirer of the Shin clan and their methodology and lack of any ethics or common decency (to put it mildly) but whilst we are distracted by what standard her english is ,( and it is a bit above the standard of my spoken Thai) and if her wardrobe style is not what we deem as suitable , we should be looking at her achievements whilst in office. Debate whether the Rice scheme has benefited the rice farmers , how the rebate on first car owners just served to clog the roads, and whether Thailand has sunk deeper into a cesspit of corruption at all levels and how inflation is affecting the Thais and expats alike and the multitude of other issues that will determine her role in history. It is time we move away from the tabloid level of personality assassination , and like she said , judge her on her achievements or lack thereof.

Because we've done all these topics to death.

I'm not distracted by what standard her English is...I'm amused by it.

Perhaps my standards are higher than yours, but I expect more from a person in a position of such power and responsibility with all the opportunities she has had.

I have staff that did not receive the privileged Western education that she did, nor the undoubted opportunities her family upbringing gave her, yet they communicate significantly better than she does. She really has no excuses, and trying to defend, dismiss or distract from her failings at English communication completely misses the point.

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I too am no admirer of the Shin clan and their methodology and lack of any ethics or common decency (to put it mildly) but whilst we are distracted by what standard her english is ,( and it is a bit above the standard of my spoken Thai) and if her wardrobe style is not what we deem as suitable , we should be looking at her achievements whilst in office. Debate whether the Rice scheme has benefited the rice farmers , how the rebate on first car owners just served to clog the roads, and whether Thailand has sunk deeper into a cesspit of corruption at all levels and how inflation is affecting the Thais and expats alike and the multitude of other issues that will determine her role in history. It is time we move away from the tabloid level of personality assassination , and like she said , judge her on her achievements or lack thereof.

Because we've done all these topics to death.

I'm not distracted by what standard her English is...I'm amused by it.

Perhaps my standards are higher than yours, but I expect more from a person in a position of such power and responsibility with all the opportunities she has had.

I have staff that did not receive the privileged Western education that she did, nor the undoubted opportunities her family upbringing gave her, yet they communicate significantly better than she does. She really has no excuses, and trying to defend, dismiss or distract from her failings at English communication completely misses the point.

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I too am no admirer of the Shin clan and their methodology and lack of any ethics or common decency (to put it mildly) but whilst we are distracted by what standard her english is ,( and it is a bit above the standard of my spoken Thai) and if her wardrobe style is not what we deem as suitable , we should be looking at her achievements whilst in office. Debate whether the Rice scheme has benefited the rice farmers , how the rebate on first car owners just served to clog the roads, and whether Thailand has sunk deeper into a cesspit of corruption at all levels and how inflation is affecting the Thais and expats alike and the multitude of other issues that will determine her role in history. It is time we move away from the tabloid level of personality assassination , and like she said , judge her on her achievements or lack thereof.

Because we've done all these topics to death.

I'm not distracted by what standard her English is...I'm amused by it.

Perhaps my standards are higher than yours, but I expect more from a person in a position of such power and responsibility with all the opportunities she has had.

I have staff that did not receive the privileged Western education that she did, nor the undoubted opportunities her family upbringing gave her, yet they communicate significantly better than she does. She really has no excuses, and trying to defend, dismiss or distract from her failings at English communication completely misses the point.

Most Thai people are equallly amused /aghast at her command of the Thai language.

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Achievements !!!!??

Yeah: being second in power for the most unaccountable, corrupt and inept power ever in office here- that takes some serious effort!

When she speaks, its always opposite day!

Then again, CNN doesn't present us with the truth too much either.

The interviewer was in a word: useless. She clearly had not done her research as to allow the PM to get away with what she had to say, especially on the flooding . The PM's command of the English language is so poor that she really ought to consider having a translator by her side or just not give interviews in English. Very embarrasing for Thailand's image abroad. Good to see there is so much opposition to the Amnesty Bill. I wonder who thought that one up?

Interviews by the Thai P.M. If it is general knowledge that the P.M. has a degree in English people will naturally make fun of her if her English is not good.

If I got the same degree in Thai and made it public that I had, appeared on Thai TV for an interview and my Thai was lousy, Thai people would laugh at me.

If you do not have any qualifications and attempt you are highly praised for the effort. Here lies the problem, people laugh and are shy because the P.M. has forgotten what she learnt, OR the paper somehow appeared in her hand.

Trying when you don't know is brilliant.

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Achievements !!!!??

Yeah: being second in power for the most unaccountable, corrupt and inept power ever in office here- that takes some serious effort!

When she speaks, its always opposite day!

Then again, CNN doesn't present us with the truth too much either.

The interviewer was in a word: useless. She clearly had not done her research as to allow the PM to get away with what she had to say, especially on the flooding . The PM's command of the English language is so poor that she really ought to consider having a translator by her side or just not give interviews in English. Very embarrasing for Thailand's image abroad. Good to see there is so much opposition to the Amnesty Bill. I wonder who thought that one up?

Interviews by the Thai P.M. If it is general knowledge that the P.M. has a degree in English people will naturally make fun of her if her English is not good.

If I got the same degree in Thai and made it public that I had, appeared on Thai TV for an interview and my Thai was lousy, Thai people would laugh at me.

If you do not have any qualifications and attempt you are highly praised for the effort. Here lies the problem, people laugh and are shy because the P.M. has forgotten what she learnt, OR the paper somehow appeared in her hand.

Trying when you don't know is brilliant.

Forgotten what she learnt. Her degree in English obvious didn't requre any proficiency in grammar or syntax. It would be difficult to forget those basic skills and without them how could she have studied any advanced English texts. I can still remember nearly all of the grammar and syntax I learnt for French O level taken at 14, after which I didn't study the language any more.

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The Shinawats clearly have a hidden talent when it comes to languages, especially Khun Thaksin himself.

I've seen a copy of the thesis submitted by the ex PM for his masters degree in America and I have to admit the English is so good you'd think it was written by a native speaking professional and not a Thai speaker at all.

Edited by bigbamboo
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The Shinawats clearly have a hidden talent when it comes to languages, especially Khun Thaksin himself.

I've seen a copy of the thesis submitted by the ex PM for his masters degree in America and I have to admit the English is so good you'd think it was written by a native speaking professional and not a Thai speaker at all.

It was, probably written by a native speaker. Most Thai's get a native speaker to 'correct' the poor grammer before presenting their thesis.

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The Shinawats clearly have a hidden talent when it comes to languages, especially Khun Thaksin himself.

I've seen a copy of the thesis submitted by the ex PM for his masters degree in America and I have to admit the English is so good you'd think it was written by a native speaking professional and not a Thai speaker at all.

It was, probably written by a native speaker. Most Thai's get a native speaker to 'correct' the poor grammer before presenting their thesis.

And if the local happens to have a doctorate in the subject, so much the better, eh?

Edited by JRSoul
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The Shinawats clearly have a hidden talent when it comes to languages, especially Khun Thaksin himself.

I've seen a copy of the thesis submitted by the ex PM for his masters degree in America and I have to admit the English is so good you'd think it was written by a native speaking professional and not a Thai speaker at all.

It was, probably written by a native speaker. Most Thai's get a native speaker to 'correct' the poor grammer before presenting their thesis.

And if the local happens to have a doctorate in the subject, so much the better, eh?

I'd seriously question the validity of any work that was submitted by any Shin. Oak got caught cheating, and wouldn't surprise me that someone else wrote said Thesis. It's not exactly unknown for someone high up to be found to cheat on academic worse. Just ask Dr Wynn Ellis.

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