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Obama says 'sorry' to Americans losing health insurance


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US President says 'sorry' to Americans losing health insurance

WASHINGTON: -- President Barack Obama said Thursday he was "sorry" for Americans who had insurance plans cancelled because of his health care law, even though he had promised they would not. "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," Obama told NBC News in an interview.

Obama's mea culpa came amid a controversy over his repeated assurances that if Americans liked their existing health insurance plans, they could keep it under his signature health care reform.

Thousands of Americans have since received notices from their health insurance companies that their policies will be cancelled.

The White House defended Obama by saying that the policies were scrapped because they did not comply with more stringent standards required by Obamacare and that those who lost policies would be able to buy better coverage under new health exchanges.

"We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this," Obama said in the interview.
Obama, who repeatedly told Americans that they could keep their health insurance if they liked it, said he is looking at "a range of options" to help people whose insurance plans are being canceled.

Senators urge US president to delay parts of health law
Concerned Senate Democrats urged President Barack Obama to extend the enrollment period for his misfiring health care law, during a meeting at the White House on Wednesday.

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_11_08/US-President-says-sorry-to-Americans-losing-health-insurance-6089/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-11-08

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And some posters seem to be telling porkies as well:

From the OP:

Thousands of Americans have since received notices from their health insurance companies that their policies will be cancelled.

From Loptr:

Millions are losing their health care coverage

Anyway, get all those toxic anti-Obama juices out of your system. You'll feel better.

But really ……………….it would be bad enough if this was the only set of lies he has told the American public………….. but is not is it?facepalm.gif


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Just wondering, how many of those complaining here are either a] covered by any U.S. private health insurance now, or b] have bothered to price what their coverage would cost under Obamacare.

I priced health insurance online in my home state under Obamacare, based on my age and retiree income, and got a quote in excess of $400 a month. However, after federal tax credits that are also part of this program, my monthly cost supposedly was going to end up in the range above $150 a month.

That's just a bit higher than what I'm paying right now for a private company Thai health insurance policy that, of course, excludes all but emergency care anywhere in the U.S.

My home state set up their own exchange and website for Obamacare plans, and it's worked fine as far as I can tell ever since it's inception. Easy to find information and get the answers you need about the different plans that are available. Never once had any need to go looking at the federal site.

And, unlike before and elsewhere including Thailand, no exclusions or denials from coverage anymore for pre-existing health conditions.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Full disclosure: I voted for Obama, twice.

What is so hard to understand is why he failed to closely manage, perhaps even micro-manage, the entire ACA implementation process instead of assuming everything would work. Some may say that the POTUS must delegate and hope for the best, but for a program that may well be his only lasting legacy he should have had the best/brightest working on this and reporting weekly on the status. Many have commented on the sophisticated systems Obama and the Dems used to raise money, target outreach and get out the vote, and the brains/software/systems behind those highly successful efforts. It just seems like it would have been fairly simple to get some of those same people to manage the ACA/Healthcare.gov efforts, and even pull in some folks from Massachusetts.

Instead of nailing a three pointer to seal his legacy he fumbled the game away calling a time-out he doesn't have, a la Chris Webber.

If Only Obama Cared As Much for ObamaCare As He Did About Reelection

After the 2012 election, a great deal of time was spent discussing the wide technical gap between the capabilities of the Romney and Obama websites as well as their respective get-out-the-vote efforts. While Romney had entrusted a deeply flawed system called Orca with his Election Day strategy, the Obama reelection team relied on a robust website that many have attributed, at least partially, to his victory. It’s too bad that the Obama administration didn’t use that technological acumen to build a website that was at least half as sound for its signature piece of legislation, ObamaCare.

The centerpiece of the whole Obama campaign was its fundraising capabilities, without which all of the other applications may have been moot. The 2012 campaign’s online donation system was a complete rebuild from the 2008 effort, VanDenPlas said, “a multi-region, geolocated, three facility processor capable of a per second transaction count sufficiently high enough that we failed to be able to reach it in load testing. It could also operate if every other dependent service had failed, including its own database and every vendor.”


I think it can best be summarize that he did not care. He is not concerned about us. He cares little for non-millionaires, even though that is in absolute contrast with his well manicured public image. His spin meisters managed to cultivate an image, which is quite apart from who the man really is. He behaves like the grandson of Mussolini, but has all this populist rhetoric. His policies, and his actions betray the opposite. And just for the record I voted for him also, but just the first time. Within 60 days of his occupation of the White House I realized this creep was not who he said he was, but rather a fascist in sheep's clothing. Over time, he has demonstrated that over, and over again. I voted once, but only once. I did not vote in 2012, as both candidates were terrible. America is on a steep decline, and I am doubtful a talented, and a well intentioned individual will ever step up to that candidacy again.

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"If you:

a) have told your country of residence that you are not a resident of that country


xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png are not required to pay income tax in your country of residence,

then you are not a bona fide resident of that country."


I am a bona-fide resident of South Korea, have been since 2003. This makes me TAX EXEMPT. Additionally, since I work for a US company on US Government projects - I am NOT liable to pay taxes in South Korea.

There is ALWAYS a loophole, you just gotta know how to find and use it.

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Sorry hardly does it Mr President. It is within your power to change the restrictions on policy types and coverage, but you won't. So platitudes will have to do.

Millions are losing their health care coverage in the US while being forced to replace them with policies at much higher rates and deductibles. Once again the insurance companies have struck gold on the backs of the middle class. Ironically, the very people Mr Obama was trying to protect.

This incapable nimrod of a leader allowed the insurance companies to insist on dozens of provisions that were predatory, and were never doing to benefit anyone except these heinous companies. He allowed the mandatory provision which stated this:

  1. U.S. citizens living outside of the United States but who are not bona fide residents of a foreign country are required to have health insurance or face fines.
    If you:
    a) have told your country of residence that you are not a resident of that country
    cool.png are not required to pay income tax in your country of residence,
    then you are not a bona fide resident of that country.
    If you don’t meet these stipulations—or any of the other listed IRS requirements—and you do not purchase health insurance, then you could face fines in 2014 of $285 per family (US$95 for individuals)—or 1% of your income, whichever is the greater amount... That amount will rise to a whopping $2,085 per family (US$695 for individuals) or 2.5% of your income by 2016.
    To avoid these fines, it’s in your best interest to purchase at least minimum essential coverage.
    Good news if you are entitled to Medicare, however: Medicare qualifies as minimum essential coverage. If you’re eligible for Medicare, you won’t be at risk of fines.
So, he essentially set up nearly all ex-pets to be fined by the IRS for NOT HAVING health care insurance by an American company. Even if you are covered over here, that DOES NOT COUNT, and will not be considered by this predatory law. He essentially allowed this heinous practice on his watch. He could have fought it. He did not. He usually does not. His administration is not about fighting for the American people. It is about representing the interests of corporate America. Obamacare is a travesty for the average American. And it seems to be an excuse for government overreach.

Any American living full-time in Thailand shouldn't have any worry about any fines or penalties under Obamacare.... and there's no requirement to be paying Thai income tax in order to qualify for that exemption.

Thai or other foreign-based insurance policies don't matter/qualify under the rules of Obamacare... But you don't need any U.S. based policy, so long as you're a full-time resident of a foreign country.

At any rate, if they're abiding by the law, Americans are liable for U.S. federal income tax on any income they earn anywhere in the world as a general rule, although there are tax offset-credit agreements with various foreign countries.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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