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My cat is missing


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The poster you are putting up needs to be in Thai/English - use SIMPLE phrases as it's pretty obvious that it's about a lost cat and not a cat for sale etc.

Do not use just one (most pretty) photograph, different angles, color is better.

Provide different options for contact, mobile but also email - I suggest an email address (Yahoo etc) just for this one purpose.

Place the posters outside your stone's throw distance from home - cos if the cat were there it would already be found.

Try Vet's (also for posters) and the Animal Hospitals in Pattaya, if the cat were injured and taken by car they might not have used the nearest vet/hospital to your location.

Use a printed local map to order and plan your poster campaign and mark off where you have placed posters, asked people.

Find and fund/hire some teenage kids nearby, they speak some English and will be motivated to ask Thais covering more ground and places than you ever could. 40 Baht per person for an hour or two of looking/asking would cover about 1-2 sq miles.

Make friends with the old men/women that use handcarts to collect salvage/rubbish - they will be the people that walk EVERY local soi in your area and will see the dead/dying animals that result from car/bike accidents.

Some of that 10,000 Baht for a 'cat' reward might better be spent on "encouragement" fees to the local people.

As for the old dear that took our cardboard, glass and metal bits the fact we did not accept a few Baht from her was a small revelation in comparison to many in our little soi. (I used to bring lumps of metal home from work just for her.)

You might like to consider exactly what a "10,000 Baht reward for a cat" message says about you and your wealth/lifestyle to the average Pattaya resident, in particular those that live around your area.

I know you say you are new to Pattaya and I don't know in what area you live (no need to mention it in the public forum here) but you mention other cats, it does not take a criminal mastermind to work out that if you can spend 10,000 Baht on one cat you have too much money. A visit to your house reveals more cats and kidnapping seems a very lucrative risk free enterprise for a motorbike taxi guy with a drug habit looking for a quick gig.

If I were in your situation I would not use farang-thinking that offering more money as a reward will get the result "I" want, but be more subtle and aware of Thai nature and the thinking of some of the people that live in Pattaya.

If it turns out the cat is dead then your investment in the local community might stand you in good stead for any future escaped/lost animal. But to understand that animal's worth in the environment you are now living within (Where I come from this is normal. We treat our animals with love and care.) just spend some time seeing how the disabled adults and children beg for food and money in the fresh food markets, you are not in Kansas any more, you have to think differently if you are to survive.

We no longer live in Pattaya now, a few nights ago I assisted in the capture of a stray dog and the reuniting with it's (ungrateful) owner - the dog had been missing for three days and had covered over 5 miles.

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Off topic post and reply removed.

We have eight cats, they live inside a 3 rai compound with a three meter wall round it, they never ever go outside it and nothing ever gets in.

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Your post made me very curious.

I see you are very cheap in regards to food for yourself (your other posts).

Which makes me believe 10 000 Baht reward for a cat is either:

1. Troll.


2. Crazy cat lady (NOT cat woman).

The only comments I remember posting was about a good curry!! It had nothing to do with cheap. I am not a crazy cat lady, what I did was rescue 4 street cats in Dubai and adopted them and no, I didn't force them to stay with me they have wanted to because they have always been looked after well, loved and most of all felt safe. I am very serious about the 10000 baht reward. Please don't insult me.

You "rescued" 4 cats (from whom?) in Dubai, and then you brought them to Thailand?

May I ask how long the quarantine lasted, what shots they received, and what it cost?

Surely you must understand that this sounds a bit ehhhhmm eccentric maybe?

Anyhow, with 10 000 Baht reward, I believe and hope your cat will be found, or it returns by itself.


They were rescue cats. There are a lot of charity organisations that rescue cats and dogs off the streets of not just Dubai but the UAE. People adopt a lot of these poor animals that are left to fend for themselves, because of that they are often injured or killed for no other reason than some people just don't care.

No quarantine! One of the things you have to abide by if you adopt an animal is that they have all their shots, get neutered and are fitted with a microchip. Depending on the age of the animal, all of the above may have already been done and all you need to pay for are the boosters.

Where I come from this is normal. We treat our animals with love and care.

Let me get this straight. You bought 4 rescued cats from Dubai in to Thailand?

Because you had to abide that the cats have all their shots, get neutered and are fitted with a microchip by ADOPTION,

they didn't need quarantine when IMPORTING them to Thailand?

So, how did you smuggle them in to the country?


As an other poster suggested, are you just trolling?

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I am also a Cat lover, and feel very sorry for the other people who have lost there cat, its very upsetting.

I live in Central Pattaya and have lost a lot of Cats over the last 13 Years, I now have confined the one I have now inside my house, and they are very happy. The cats I have now have never been outside, and do not want to go outside.

I must add, that I do have one Tom cat that does venture out, I put him out once a long long time ago, and 5 Years later ( yes 5 Years ) he walked in like he had never been away, I was Gobsmacked and of course over the Moon, so do not give up hope.

Cats are strange creatures, they are also selfish, but I still love them.

Good luck and I hope they return. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you !

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I lost a cat for 2 weeks and she came back by herself.

I can understand how you feel.

I would suggest to print flyers in Thai + English with a picture of your cat and distribute it around.

For the reward I think 5k would be more appropriate. In my opinion it would be enough to motivate the locals to contact you if they found your cat.

You might also contact http://cats4youinpattaya.webs.com/

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JoeLing and the rest of your merry conspiracy theorist buddies - I was unable to quote you as the quote thread is now too long.

I brought my two cats with me from Switzerland to Thailand (rules were that any cat/dog or indeed any domestic animal being imported into Thailand needs their vaccinations, microchip, fit to travel authorisation etc). My cats were NOT put into quarantine when I arrived at Suvurnabhumi Airport as I followed the process as it appears the poster did too. I just got lots of rubber stamps and had to pay customs duty on my cats (including receipt to claim back upon our departure). So my question to you is why would you suggest that the poster smuggled her cats? Clearly you have never imported a beloved pet into Thailand otherwise you wouldn't make such misinformed assumptions. Pet quarantine in Thailand, is quite rare these days especially if you have followed the prescribed process.

As per the earlier post finding the import of ones pets eccentric - I find it rather eccentric (or even selfish) to leave pets behind just because you are relocating. Pets are part of the family - if you don't believe that then you should never ever own a pet. Whether someone brings 1 or 4 pets with them, what's the difference? Many people take their stewardship of their pets, very seriously and cost or effort is not even a factor. You may not think a pet is worth any investment to bring across the world, but many other people would disagree - myself included. I think you are the troll in terms of this discussion thread. Either offer helpful advice or go away.

Well actually, the Animal Import desk will use different rules for quarantining pets if they arrive from:

"rabies controlled" Switzerland or for "rabies infected" UAE.

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How's your beloved fido - the one that I see in that there profile photo of yours? Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful (Ann Landers, 1918 - 2002)... nor witty. The pussy jokes are getting real old and quite frankly, they aren't very creative. Reeks of desperation and is pussy behaviour on your behalf (use of the word pussy can also denote a weakness of character... funny that).

Can you describe it more clearly.... I am not much of a pussy detective, but I am willing to search high and low for it....in Phuket.

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The poster you are putting up needs to be in Thai/English - use SIMPLE phrases as it's pretty obvious that it's about a lost cat and not a cat for sale etc.

Do not use just one (most pretty) photograph, different angles, color is better.

Provide different options for contact, mobile but also email - I suggest an email address (Yahoo etc) just for this one purpose.

Place the posters outside your stone's throw distance from home - cos if the cat were there it would already be found.

Try Vet's (also for posters) and the Animal Hospitals in Pattaya, if the cat were injured and taken by car they might not have used the nearest vet/hospital to your location.

Use a printed local map to order and plan your poster campaign and mark off where you have placed posters, asked people.

Find and fund/hire some teenage kids nearby, they speak some English and will be motivated to ask Thais covering more ground and places than you ever could. 40 Baht per person for an hour or two of looking/asking would cover about 1-2 sq miles.

Make friends with the old men/women that use handcarts to collect salvage/rubbish - they will be the people that walk EVERY local soi in your area and will see the dead/dying animals that result from car/bike accidents.

Some of that 10,000 Baht for a 'cat' reward might better be spent on "encouragement" fees to the local people.

As for the old dear that took our cardboard, glass and metal bits the fact we did not accept a few Baht from her was a small revelation in comparison to many in our little soi. (I used to bring lumps of metal home from work just for her.)

You might like to consider exactly what a "10,000 Baht reward for a cat" message says about you and your wealth/lifestyle to the average Pattaya resident, in particular those that live around your area.

I know you say you are new to Pattaya and I don't know in what area you live (no need to mention it in the public forum here) but you mention other cats, it does not take a criminal mastermind to work out that if you can spend 10,000 Baht on one cat you have too much money. A visit to your house reveals more cats and kidnapping seems a very lucrative risk free enterprise for a motorbike taxi guy with a drug habit looking for a quick gig.

If I were in your situation I would not use farang-thinking that offering more money as a reward will get the result "I" want, but be more subtle and aware of Thai nature and the thinking of some of the people that live in Pattaya.

If it turns out the cat is dead then your investment in the local community might stand you in good stead for any future escaped/lost animal. But to understand that animal's worth in the environment you are now living within (Where I come from this is normal. We treat our animals with love and care.) just spend some time seeing how the disabled adults and children beg for food and money in the fresh food markets, you are not in Kansas any more, you have to think differently if you are to survive.

We no longer live in Pattaya now, a few nights ago I assisted in the capture of a stray dog and the reuniting with it's (ungrateful) owner - the dog had been missing for three days and had covered over 5 miles.

You have given me so much to go on. Thank you. I didn't know we had people living by us until we went walking around looking for Tia. There was a lovely family that were so friendly and I know their daughter spoke a little English but was very shy. I will do what you suggested.

When I walked around another area, I did hand out posters to the women that were emptying the bins. I never thought about an email address so thank you also for that, I will set one up and put it on the poster.

We used two photo's of her, one full face and the other a side on so her markings could be seen.

Where we live the security is excellent. If a taxi or a delivery arrives at the gate, the security guy escorts them to our house and waits until he knows that I was expecting them. They patrol the area a lot as well.

My other cats are now not allowed out of the house. We can't risk something happening to another one, that would be too much to bear.

Thank you again.


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JoeLing - you are not incorrect but as stated, if the pets have had all required vaccinations - including rabies (and in some cases, full blood titrer tests to ensure they are not already carrying rabies - plus the animal cannot be microchipped unless proven clear of rabies...) - there is little chance they will be quarantined in Thailand no matter where they come from. The main issue when bringing pets into Thailand, is bringing them out again as Thailand has uncontrolled rabies.

My main point is to not make assumptions or cast judgement on other people without knowing the full story or circumstances. It's a bit freaking mean and uncalled for. And remember something - this is Thailand and forgive me if I am wrong, but the rules are fairly fluid depending on who you are lucky or unlucky to be dealing with on that given day.

JoeLing and the rest of your merry conspiracy theorist buddies - I was unable to quote you as the quote thread is now too long.

I brought my two cats with me from Switzerland to Thailand (rules were that any cat/dog or indeed any domestic animal being imported into Thailand needs their vaccinations, microchip, fit to travel authorisation etc). My cats were NOT put into quarantine when I arrived at Suvurnabhumi Airport as I followed the process as it appears the poster did too. I just got lots of rubber stamps and had to pay customs duty on my cats (including receipt to claim back upon our departure). So my question to you is why would you suggest that the poster smuggled her cats? Clearly you have never imported a beloved pet into Thailand otherwise you wouldn't make such misinformed assumptions. Pet quarantine in Thailand, is quite rare these days especially if you have followed the prescribed process.

As per the earlier post finding the import of ones pets eccentric - I find it rather eccentric (or even selfish) to leave pets behind just because you are relocating. Pets are part of the family - if you don't believe that then you should never ever own a pet. Whether someone brings 1 or 4 pets with them, what's the difference? Many people take their stewardship of their pets, very seriously and cost or effort is not even a factor. You may not think a pet is worth any investment to bring across the world, but many other people would disagree - myself included. I think you are the troll in terms of this discussion thread. Either offer helpful advice or go away.

Well actually, the Animal Import desk will use different rules for quarantining pets if they arrive from:
"rabies controlled" Switzerland or for "rabies infected" UAE.

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How's your beloved fido - the one that I see in that there profile photo of yours? Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful (Ann Landers, 1918 - 2002)... nor witty. The pussy jokes are getting real old and quite frankly, they aren't very creative. Reeks of desperation and is pussy behaviour on your behalf (use of the word pussy can also denote a weakness of character... funny that).

Can you describe it more clearly.... I am not much of a pussy detective, but I am willing to search high and low for it....in Phuket.

Drats! I been pussy whipped again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wish you all the best Berniea.

The amount of interest with your plight with the more intelligent members here is great and admirable.

On the other hand, the amount of insults and 'Cheap Shots', many I have missed due fast action by the Mods', is disgusting and really shows the pathetic nature of some here!..............................Hopefully very few in this category?

This is a fantastic Forum of which I've been a member for some time and find extremely rewarding.

To the members who are plain bored and just wanting to hit the keyboard for the sake of doing so, ............."Grow Up" or please move-on from here, you are not welcome!

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I really understand just how bad you feel. I am also searching for my cat who has been missing since 1 November. She is normally an indoor cat and is not used to being outside. I am assuming she fell off the window, may have injured herself and run off to hide or decided to take the opportunity to explore her neighbourhood. My biggest worry is that she has an illness which requires special care - am beside myself with worry! We have lived in Bangkok for a little over a year and her territory has always been our house due to my concerns of this very issue. I too have offered a THB10000 reward for her return in the hope that it inspires people to return her or to at least look for her. My biggest mistake was not having a collar on her as she was an indoor cat. I believe that a collar denotes ownership in Thailand so without it, she may have been assumed to be a stray (although hardly likely as she is a Birman and looks very unique compared to the local cats). She has a microchip but again especially in Bangkok, most people do not even know what that is so wouldn't think to have her scanned at a vet.

I have taken the following steps to try and retrieve her:

1) Flyers in Thai and English placed into all mail boxes in the our mooban included the next door streets and surrounding areas.

2) Posters anywhere I can affix them - including the security gate of our mooban, common areas, bus stops etc

3) Listings on Thai cat loving groups on Facebook(in Thai!) as well as with animal rescue groups such as PAWs. Kind local cat lovers have reshared my post over 300 times now - anything helps!

4) A notice on Craigslist Bangkok

5) A notice in the Pets section of Thai Visa

6) Emailed the notice to every single Vet in Bangkok in case someone happens to bring her in

7) Visited the horrible pet section at the Chatuchak markets in the off chance that some pet trafficker is trying to sell her (a long shot I know but worth trying).

8) Every day I walk through our mooban calling her just in case. Whenever we leave our mooban, we are on the look out.

9) Our lovely Maid (who is also devastated about the loss of her favourite kitty) has also been scouring the neighbourhood speaking to all the staff, drivers, gardeners etc. Plus I also spoke to our Mooban Juristic officer manager and he briefed his security staff to be on the look out for her every single day. This was the only way to overcome language issues - get someone to help and be 'my voice'. Had my husband's secretary do all the translations. If you don't have access to these types of resources, hire someone to do it - it is cheap and worth the investment.

10) I keep my fingers crossed that one of the 1.5 metre long Water monitor lizards which regularly sunbake in my garden due to our lakeside location, did not do anything to her. Generally though - they run away from my other cats so I hope they did the same with Mya.

I am deeply concerned about my Mya - it is frightening to think that she may be injured or living in circumstances that are not good for her. I just hope she will walk through the door one day soon but in the meantime, I believe you are doing the right thing - it is very important for you to continuously search for your cat and not just wait for her to reappear (I know cats tend to go walkabout but in light of the fact that your cat is new to the area, it is good to actively search in case she has gotten herself into any trouble or is frightened and hiding due to being chased by another animal etc. Frightened cats will hide even if they hear or see you - it is a self protection mechanism). I wish all the best for you in your search. Don't give up! Our cats or indeed any pet, become family members so they also deserve every effort possible to relocate them especially when they are in an environment that they are not used to. Feel free to contact me directly if I can provide you with some good social media options to help out in your search. I am happy to send you over the Thai text that I have for contacting vets, flyers, etc, if that will help you.

take care


Please...it's just a cat! If it never returns adopt a new one from a local shelter and provide it a good home.

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Wish you all the best Berniea.

The amount of interest with your plight with the more intelligent members here is great and admirable.

On the other hand, the amount of insults and 'Cheap Shots', many I have missed due fast action by the Mods', is disgusting and really shows the pathetic nature of some here!..............................Hopefully very few in this category?

This is a fantastic Forum of which I've been a member for some time and find extremely rewarding.

To the members who are plain bored and just wanting to hit the keyboard for the sake of doing so, ............."Grow Up" or please move-on from here, you are not welcome!

Thank you fishhooks for your well wishes. I haven't found her yet and to be honest I am not holding out much hope anymore, although I am still looking.

I don't take much notice of people like that. I have been a member of other forums in the last country I lived, they are not worth the time or effort to get upset about. Other people who are going through the same thing might take it to heart and be rather upset by them. I am a believer of 'what goes around comes around' these people one day will go through something upsetting to them and will get the response that they have given here and I am sure any thread that they can possibly cause upset on. They will feel it one day and remember what they have done to others.

I don't comment much on this forum, but I do have to agree, the response I had, I was overwhelmed.

Thank you again to you, admin and everyone else that gave support.


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