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Thunderstorm - power is out in my condo


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Every time there is a major thunderstorm like tonight ,this area in Soi Watboon are losing power and it can take hours before we will get power back.

I don't know if I'm just unlucky living in this area. My 3G phone is the only thing working here now until my battery runs out......

And its hot like hell.

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We had the same storm in Sattahip, absolutely horrific, continuous lighting and thunder for about one hour. I don't remember one like this before.

Power was off for about one hour, just came back and even the internet is working.

I have to say the Electric company around here are very good indeed at getting the power restored quickly in this area.

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Yeah it must have been a big one, i could almost feel the lightning hit just outside the condo .

Power came back for about 5 minutes and now its gone again . I managed to check that my TOT line was dead , no big surprise.

This could take time to fix.....

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Same here on the dark side. It was a huge storm with loads of thunder & lightning The dogs are terrified.

The power tripoed off and on many times and just when I thought we might get away with it, it went off for good. That was over 90 mins ago and the rain and thunder are still rolling around.

Thank God for ups and battery fans - not that it's that hot.

All part and parcel of life in los.

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Not for me

Middle dark side and power been off for nearly two hours

Violent storm, very powerful

Dog slept through it, just moaning as there is no aircon

Occupied my time chasing and evicting Ung Ang from the ponds

Some of you will know what I mean and why they had to go.........

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Bit of a gully-washer indeed. The wife came back on the motorbike and reported flooded streets somewhere in the city. Out in Non Pla Lai we had two momentary blackouts coincident with local lightning strikes but power stayed on through it all.

Nothing to do with Typhoon Haiyan btw. I dodged past that one in Manila last Friday and it went ashore in north Vietnam a couple of days ago already. Today was hotter and calmer than usual today... I noted this as the wife and I walked to the noodle shop this morning so I reckoned we would get a pounding sooner than later.

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Still no power but 3bb Internet working using my ups to power the adsl.

Not much more I can do to prepare for these storm related power cuts short of installing a standby generator and that's a bit ott - even out here.

I have my battery fans, rechargeable torches, fully charged lap top and my trusty phablet with book laden kindle.

What more does a Darksider need?

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From my balcony I could see that all of Jomtien towards Sattahip was out for about 90 minutes or so, apart from the area around Jomtien Complex which had power all the time.

Apart from one time when a main transformer in the street exploded, causing an outage for most of the day, this is first time in several years that I have experienced a power outage of more than a few minutes.

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Yes, came back about 10 mins ago.

We do get a lot of outages out here but take comfort from the fact that the power is nearly always back in an hour ..or 2..or 3....

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Never lost power here in Na Jomtien, with Sattahip Electric Cooperative.... but the TV did go off for a few minutes and I thought the TG was going to go over the deep end since she could not watch her soaps......Thankfully cable was restored in a few minutes so she was entertained for the night

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Never lost power here in Na Jomtien, with Sattahip Electric Cooperative.... but the TV did go off for a few minutes and I thought the TG was going to go over the deep end since she could not watch her soaps......Thankfully cable was restored in a few minutes so she was entertained for the night

Having to forego the pleasures of the internet in order to 'entertain' the significant other is technically classed as a 'Near Miss'.

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