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Suthep vows to 'eradicate Thaksin regime'

Lite Beer

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He seems to be getting the publicity. He's firing up the crowds. He's pressing a few buttons. And few give a dam_n about his history. Add the group-frenzy mentality to the fiery rhetoric and there could be the makings of something we are reluctant to predict. I don't like this at all. We may not like this character, but if he strikes a chord ... well, I hate to think. Whether we like it or not, Suthep is prepared to push things as far as he can. It's heady stuff, despite our cynicism about him personally. Suthep is clearly trying to manoeuvre this situation into a new level. and that's what worries me.

sorry anything to get rid of the Thaksin clan will be welcome to me and if others are to nice to play dirty well then it needs someone like him even with his obvious dark side to stop Thailand descending slowly into a one party state. Also if it comes to it I hope the army will again stop the megalomaniac

turning Thailand into his own north Korea. Pol pot was also elected. I doubt sheep will ever agree but its only way if people here are happy to sell their votes and so naive as to believe Thaksin will do them any good. Ive lived here through many coups and bad governments but this lot is worst of any ive seen.

Not to forget the starts of fraud on the election (only rubber stamps, ballot boxes transported to the place of counting by a single taxi driver, limit the size of the "shields" so it can be seen from behind which party is voted (proofed by ASTV as they showed Thaksins wife voting TRT from behind her).

Hitler was elected and the in North Korea Kim is elected every 4 years.

And Sutheps dark sides...he might not be Ghandi but were is any evidence....all is just rumors. And if Suthep can oust the Shinawatras, still he won't get premier.

So there is zero risk that it gets worse than now.

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Calling for the violent overthrow of an elected government is called sedition, and should be treated by the courts as a treasonous offense.

Where did he call for violence?

Without violence it is pretty normal....in Austria we had for years every Thursday demonstrations to oust the government. No one called it sedition or treason, even the government said it is a democratic right.

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Met a taxi driver who was listening to Suthep's rousing speech on his radio tonight. He got really excited when I commented on it and the amnesty bill, rice pledging, corruption etc. Said he was going to the rally at Asoke to help out after to finished his shift. Sounded like he was a guard or something.

In 2010 nearly all taxi drivers were red shirts. This is not the first Taksin hating taxi driver I have met in the last few months. Something has changed.

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They can be impartial and honest also.

Senator joins rally to 'eradicate Shinawatra govt'

Senator Paiboon Nititawan joined the Democrat-led protest at the Democracy Monument and urged the people to join the fight to topple the "Shinwatra government".

He told the rally that he was very proud to speak on the rally stage because the number of audience was much bigger than in any Senate meeting or joint House-Senate meeting.

He asked the protesters whether they would resolve to fight against the Shinawatra government and the people erupted in "Yes".

He said Yingluck Shinawatra government had committed grave mistakes in four policies - the rice-pledging scheme, the Bt350-billion water-management, the plan to borrow Bt2 trillion for transport deveopments, and Constitutional amendments.

"The people will fight together to bring Shinawatra government down," he told the rally.

-- The Nation 2013-11-15

I thought a Senator needed to be impartial.

Indeed poor Thailand. Thaksin is the wrong one to make a change as he is the one who has brought it to the point of corruption it has sank to,

Whatever popularity this antigovernment movement had gained, is slowly fading away every time this moron opens his mouth!!w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gif width=18 alt=w00t.gif>

No I am not a PTP fan, but if guys like Suthep is the alternative, then it is just going to be another ruling party, with just as stupid and corrupt politicians.

Old wine in new bottles.

And as corrupt as the Shinawatra family is, Mr Suthep is not exactly squirky clean!!

Well it is going to be pretty hard to find some one who is squeaky clean. But in the mean time he would definatly be a better choice. So would the Bathroom cleaner.

Is there any responsible reason to keep the clones around?facepalm.gif

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Here we have a very Brave man,who is speaking good common sense,let us hope Thai people will recognise words of wisdom,and back him,to the hilt!

Sorry, you've lost me there. I see an opportunist or a frightened man worried his murder charge might stick. But I back his cause.

I see a politician, wearing a black shirt adorned with nationalist emblems, with an arm raised, calling for the eradication of people!

Raises a vaguely familiar, and somehow disturbing memory!

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Whatever popularity this antigovernment movement had gained, is slowly fading away every time this moron opens his mouth!!w00t.gif

No I am not a PTP fan, but if guys like Suthep is the alternative, then it is just going to be another ruling party, with just as stupid and corrupt politicians.

Old wine in new bottles.

And as corrupt as the Shinawatra family is, Mr Suthep is not exactly squirky clean!!

This sums it up nicely and as Suthep gets carried away and runs off at the mouth he is becoming more and more of a liability and could single-handedly destroy the opposition movements credibility.

Everywhere in the world there are politicians in love with the sound of their own voice no matter the garbage they spout and here in Thailand almost all of them are at it.

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Here we have a very Brave man,who is speaking good common sense,let us hope Thai people will recognise words of wisdom,and back him,to the hilt!

Sorry, you've lost me there. I see an opportunist or a frightened man worried his murder charge might stick. But I back his cause.

I see a politician, wearing a black shirt adorned with nationalist emblems, with an arm raised, calling for the eradication of people!

Raises a vaguely familiar, and somehow disturbing memory!

At the present he is saying what the people are wanting to hear,Thai Political allegiences are so quick to change,who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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I see a politician, wearing a black shirt adorned with nationalist emblems, with an arm raised, calling for the eradication of people!

Raises a vaguely familiar, and somehow disturbing memory!

If you wait for a while, you may get another - when the PTP MPs get asked why they voted en bloc for a bill so clearly corrupt and they answer "We were only following orders!"

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Call to evict 'corrupt regime'
The Nation


Suthep launches campaign for boycott and social sanction of "cronies and govt lackeys"

BANGKOK: -- PROTEST LEADER Suthep Thaugsuban last night called for social sanction and public boycott as part of a campaign to "get rid of the Thaksin regime from Thailand".

Speaking before thousands of protesters at Democracy Monument, Suthep said that products and services relating to businesses run by the Shinawatra family and their cronies should be boycotted. These include mobile service, real estate and satellite TV.

Suthep said that in order to ensure a full democracy under constitutional monarchy for Thailand, the regime that he described as corrupt and authoritarian needed to be eradicated.

"Within this month, the Thaksin regime must be removed from Thailand. The victory will belong to the people," said Suthep, a senior politician in the opposition Democrat Party. He also blew his whistle to signal "the start of the fight".

As part of the stepped-up measures to achieve the goal, Suthep said there would be a campaign to collect signatures for impeachment of the 310 coalition MPs who had voted in support of the bill for blanket amnesty.

The campaign would start today for impeachment of the "slave MPs", in the hope of "paralysing the Thaksin regime", Suthep said.

Another measure would be to use means of social sanctions against senior public officials described by Suthep as "lackeys" of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. He urged the public not to talk to those people and to blow whistles in their presence.

Suthep also called for a boycott of products and services relating to the Shinawatra family, in order to "cut off the funding for the regime".

He asked more people to join the protest on Rajdamnoen Avenue so that a million people would gather from the Royal Plaza to Prachan Pier.

"There must be no more fear. If we don't fight, we will be their slaves forever," Suthep said, and pointed to "people's revolutions" in such countries as Indonesia and the Philippines that successfully overthrew dictatorial regimes.

In another blow to the government, the opposition Democrat Party yesterday submitted an impeachment motion against the prime minister, Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi and Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan.

The motion, sponsored by 146 Democrat MPs, was submitted to the Senate via Deputy Senate Speaker Surachai Liangboonlertchai. It alleged that the three ministers abused their authority and failed to comply with the law.

Chief opposition whip Jurin Laksanavisit led the Democrat MPs to submit the motion. He said the impeachment move would precede the opposition's censure motion against Yingluck and her ministers.

The Democrats yesterday submitted a no-confidence motion with House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranont against the PM and the interior minister for alleged mismanagement and abuse of power.

The motion alleged the ministers "are inefficient, incompetent, immoral, irresponsible, hypocrites, lack intelligence and leadership and condone cronyism".

Government Spokesman Teerat Ratanasevi said Yingluck's schedule for an overseas trip late this month would remain unchanged. "The prime minister will certainly attend the House debate," he said.

-- The Nation 2013-11-16

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lemonjelly, on 15 Nov 2013 - 22:10, said:snapback.png

All very well, apart from the fact that a majority of the Thai population voted for the Taxin family.........coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

WRONG no where near a " Majority " and those that did were paid to. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

There is also the factor of the 17% who did not vote in the last general election.

A fair proportion of them, we are told, were the yellow followers who were told not to vote.

How many of that 17% will now be inspired to vote?

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The other paper says there was quite a turnout Friday evening, so I would say there is alot of support for the PT government removal.

Everyone knows Taksin is running the show. He must know all his attempts to return under his term's have failed and he has alienate alot of people. He has really dug himself into a hole, and the more he tries the deeper the hole gets!

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Here we have a very Brave man,who is speaking good common sense,let us hope Thai people will recognise words of wisdom,and back him,to the hilt!

Sorry, you've lost me there. I see an opportunist or a frightened man worried his murder charge might stick. But I back his cause.

I see a politician, wearing a black shirt adorned with nationalist emblems, with an arm raised, calling for the eradication of people!

Raises a vaguely familiar, and somehow disturbing memory!

Black shirts because of they mourn the dead monk....nothing to do with politics.

eradicate Thaksin regime has nothing to do with eradication of people.

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added that he now intended to overthrow the Thaksin regime.



Its great to see the worthy opposition leaders adherence to the principles of democracy   Posted Image


Go Team Yellow! - Fight Team yellow - Win Team Yellow!


But no elections because you would get creamed

They got 33% of the vote last election compared to 48% for PTP. I am guessing they would get much closer if there was an election held now.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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added that he now intended to overthrow the Thaksin regime.

Its great to see the worthy opposition leaders adherence to the principles of democracy biggrin.png

Go Team Yellow! - Fight Team yellow - Win Team Yellow!

But no elections because you would get creamed

They got 33% of the vote last election compared to 48% for PTP. I am guessing they would get much closer if there was an election held now.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We keep getting told over and over TS is losing support, taxi drivers are changing allegiance, the Dems are getting much closer etc etc, so why the hell don't they just wait for an election instead of trying to 'overthrow the regime'? If they do it in an election there can be no ifs or buts.

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We keep getting told over and over TS is losing support, taxi drivers are changing allegiance, the Dems are getting much closer etc etc, so why the hell don't they just wait for an election instead of trying to 'overthrow the regime'? If they do it in an election there can be no ifs or buts.

I generally agree. I said the same thing about the red shirts. Why didn't they just wait for an election?

In this case, I think the protesters are worried about what the government are trying to do NOW. The Amnesty bill - that's not dead yet and the only way to kill it without the threat of it being passed is by calling an election. The 2.2 Trillion baht and 350 billion baht projects - why don't they do these through the normal Budget process where there is more oversight? If the government get these passed, that is a lot of money that is open to corruption abuse.

I do believe that the PTP are losing support and the Democrats are getting closer. I don't think that will get the Democrats into power, but it will make a PTP (not majority) coalition government more accountable.

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added that he now intended to overthrow the Thaksin regime.

Its great to see the worthy opposition leaders adherence to the principles of democracy biggrin.png

Go Team Yellow! - Fight Team yellow - Win Team Yellow!

But no elections because you would get creamed

They got 33% of the vote last election compared to 48% for PTP. I am guessing they would get much closer if there was an election held now.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

We keep getting told over and over TS is losing support, taxi drivers are changing allegiance, the Dems are getting much closer etc etc, so why the hell don't they just wait for an election instead of trying to 'overthrow the regime'? If they do it in an election there can be no ifs or buts.

There is nothing in the democratic ideal that says a government is guaranteed its full term of office if it becomes corrupt or abuses it powers of office. If a large enough number of people loose trust/faith in a government, as they do after this obviously self-serving and corrupt bill, why should they not be allowed to call for an early election?

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There is nothing in the democratic ideal that says a government is guaranteed its full term of office if it becomes corrupt or abuses it powers of office. If a large enough number of people loose trust/faith in a government, as they do after this obviously self-serving and corrupt bill, why should they not be allowed to call for an early election?

I don't really have anything against them protesting, but i don't think they are even calling for early elections, they are simply trying to 'overthrow the regime'. I am not sure they mean having early elections, that does not quite constitute an overthrow. I don't suppose they are that keen on elections, as i presume it may be closer but I doubt they would have sufficient vote to try and form a Government. Other than waiting for their election, their choices seem limited. I expect the military would be very reticent to act unless it really was the last resort, as would many other of the bodies that could potentially cause them issues again. Any throwing out of the PTP from means other than an election i believe would probably just further increase their support, and add more credence to the stuff they talk about, Bangkok elites blah blah blah.

To get out this vicious circle, the Democrats or another party really need to win an election.

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There is nothing in the democratic ideal that says a government is guaranteed its full term of office if it becomes corrupt or abuses it powers of office. If a large enough number of people loose trust/faith in a government, as they do after this obviously self-serving and corrupt bill, why should they not be allowed to call for an early election?

I don't really have anything against them protesting, but i don't think they are even calling for early elections, they are simply trying to 'overthrow the regime'. I am not sure they mean having early elections, that does not quite constitute an overthrow. I don't suppose they are that keen on elections, as i presume it may be closer but I doubt they would have sufficient vote to try and form a Government. Other than waiting for their election, their choices seem limited. I expect the military would be very reticent to act unless it really was the last resort, as would many other of the bodies that could potentially cause them issues again. Any throwing out of the PTP from means other than an election i believe would probably just further increase their support, and add more credence to the stuff they talk about, Bangkok elites blah blah blah.

To get out this vicious circle, the Democrats or another party really need to win an election.

To win an election, one needs to be held. There are more ways to overthrow a regime than sending in armed thugs with their heads filled with lies.

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If Suthep and his yellow friends ever got into power the white trash would be removed from Thailand in a blink. These ultra-nationalists are racist so be careful what you wish for. Turkeys shouldn't vote for Christmas.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I know several of the PADs, and I have been alone and with my wife at government house when they took it over. There were a few farangs there are some not really they hi-so version and the yellows were really sympathetic towards them.

Never heard any word of racism from the yellows. The only negative views are when foreign countries try to mess in Thai politics.

On the other hand some racism came from Thaksin and his cronies

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Old news: Thaksins kids run out of the country with at least 8 suitcases with 150 kg (other reports speak about 17 suitcases each). This is meanwhile confirmed from The Nation.

New: Former Premier Somchai (brother in law of Thaksin) and his beautiful wife Yaowapha (Thaksins sister) run as well (reported yesterday at the Democrats).

So it seems the Shinawatra clan consider that they might loose.

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