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Would a 500 Baht emergency-coverage fee scare off foreign tourists?


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"...currently the ministry has to shoulder about Bt200 million to Bt300 million as the financial burden for providing emergency medical services for foreign tourists...It expected that if the plan to collect a fee for entering the country were approved by the Cabinet, the ministry would be able to collect about Bt10 billion..."

So, that leaves Bt9.7 Billion surplus. I am sure that surplus will go to improve health care and not into the pockets of some government officials. Sounds like another money scam to. Why don't they just come out and admit that the country would go under without foreign money and ask for "charity money" from each entering tourist?

"This budget would also be used to develop healthcare units and procure medical devices." That is what the ministry wants. The 500 baht tourist entrance fee is to prop up the government hospitals for use by Thai nationals, something which all people, both visitors and nationals alike, are already doing though purchase tax etc.

The question for me is: Will private hospitals honour this "insurance on entry" charge or is it just for the government hospitals.

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How many of these emergency hospital visits by Farangs cited by the Government,

are caused by Thais,i.e. Bus crashes,Train accidents,boats sinking,low hanging awnings,

electric wires hanging everywhere,muggings,robberies,food poisoning, and a myriad of

other things that can happen to you here,Thailand is a dangerous for the average tourist

So the Government should pay as part of doing business,keep the tourists happy, and

improve some of those things so less tourists get hurt.

regards Worgeordie

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Came here on tourists visas for a year. Lived here for 4 years, been to hospitals regularly during both periods but have never received free treatment. So it's a scam to line the governments pockets as they're losing so much money from other areas. 500 bht will not deter tourists from coming here, but Thailand already netts a huge amount from tourism. Instead of inventiong more income from the tourists they should do more to invest in collecting from the Thai tax dodgers. So much business here is cash only which leaves the door open to paying no tax. Many Thai's don't pay annual road tax, even more don't pay income tax. For example look at the amount of building work everywhere over the last few years, mostly cash transactions. I live in the sticks and the local town is very prosperous for people in the farming industry. Workers are paid cash, products are sold for cash. I've been in my bank in town and seen the amounts of cash paid in after the rice, corn, soya etc. have been harvested. Yet again a tremendous amount of building work is taking place. A large proportion of the work force don't have Thai ID cards and don't pay tax.

Get Thailand in order before ripping the tourists off for more.

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the guy talking about good tourist is one of the greatest <deleted> ever.does he remind the farang guy who had his leg cut because he had no credit card and the doctors refused to operate him in time to save the leg.when a bunch of leeches get power to make laws...

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They idea is actually not that bad. 500 Baht for emergency care while in Thailand. Lots of accidents on the roads and stupid farangs that think driving a motorcycle is like driving a bicycle...(seeing that 9 year old Thai's can) my biggest question is- Ok they talk about 300 M of unpaid medical bills. what is the total per annum that foreigners spend here for Emergency healthcare? If you pay 500B you will not bother your own insurance company but just claim via this. I just don't believe this will cover all that. Then suddenly the 9Billion collected seems a bit low. The last couple of months there was how many serious Boat,train and bus accidents involving farang? If I pay for insurance I would like to have good medical service- so the cheap government hospitals would not do(I assume that is where most of the unpaid bill's from) so they would have to upgrade these services-as private hospitals I would assume will not treat you with this policy.

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But yet no talk on how they would exempt those of us from the fee that already have travel insurance or insurance IN Thailand? Why on earth would I pay THB500 to enter the country when I already pay THB20000 a year for my Thai policy??

Because they want to know if it's possible to rip you off more than they already do coffee1.gif

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I think you should be exempt on production of a valid insurance document on entry.

Interesting idea but I can't see that working, it would take ages to read and identify the document and how would they know which company covered what, in a zillion languages?

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I don't think the 500 Baht "Entrance fee", "Insurance Fee" or, whatever they want to call it, will be a determining factor for "Good" tourists coming to the LOS (Whatver "Good" means). What may change their minds are knowing:

A. They have a better than good chance of being involved in an accident, either by bus, car, motorcycle or boat.

B. That the emergency response system is archaic, fragmented and unreliable.

C. That corruption from the top down is rife.

D. That unscrupulous merchants, taxi drivers and other "Business people" see the tourist as an instant source of revenue.

E. That the justice system and police are often times not responsive and/or uninterested in assisting tourists.

F. That xenophobia is a practiced belief here beginning with the anti-honorific Farang moniker.

The list continues, but I'll spare you in the name of brevity.

I'd like to know if there is a refund if the good tourist doesn't access the Thai health care system while on holiday.

Living here full-time, I am able to navigate around the peculiarities of life. The tourist, on the other hand, is at the mercy of the society which is not all laughs and smiles.

Note to Thailand - "Greed - one of the Three Poisons that lead to Evil and Sufferingl". - Teachings of Buddhism

Just follow the practice of Farangland by calling in airport tax, and have it included into the price of tickets. Case close.

Edited by Spare
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13 years living here and this is the first govt. proposal that makes perfect sense.

Thais should not have to pay for an idiot falang who drives around without a helmet, never driven a scooter in their own country and decide to be "local".

Apparently in 99% of cases they don't.


However, is it a good question if Farangs are to be paying into a scheme that lacks transparency, the proceeds of which may not go for their intended purpose?

There are a lot of details not yet made public such as:

Are expats included?

Are foreign workers included in the numbers of unreimbursed hospital treatments?

Confirmed data by an outside, non-governmental source that provides detailed cost breakdown? Demographs detailing who the "non-payers" are and country of origin?

Collection attempt data for "non-payers" .

The Thai government, much like my own, has a good record of ineptness and inefficiency dealing with such matters. OC is the most recent.

As for the poster having lived here for 13 years. What would the response be if this government were decide that "premiums" or "fees" for this emergency health coverage would be determined on a daily basis for those of us living here full-time? Not as bizarre as one would think.

I believe that this is just the first in a series of attempts to extract additional revenue from any and all sources. The bank account is running low, so they have to think Outside-the-box to fill the coffers?

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I don't think the 500 Baht "Entrance fee", "Insurance Fee" or, whatever they want to call it, will be a determining factor for "Good" tourists coming to the LOS (Whatver "Good" means). What may change their minds are knowing:

A. They have a better than good chance of being involved in an accident, either by bus, car, motorcycle or boat.

B. That the emergency response system is archaic, fragmented and unreliable.

C. That corruption from the top down is rife.

D. That unscrupulous merchants, taxi drivers and other "Business people" see the tourist as an instant source of revenue.

E. That the justice system and police are often times not responsive and/or uninterested in assisting tourists.

F. That xenophobia is a practiced belief here beginning with the anti-honorific Farang moniker.

The list continues, but I'll spare you in the name of brevity.

I'd like to know if there is a refund if the good tourist doesn't access the Thai health care system while on holiday.

Living here full-time, I am able to navigate around the peculiarities of life. The tourist, on the other hand, is at the mercy of the society which is not all laughs and smiles.

Note to Thailand - "Greed - one of the Three Poisons that lead to Evil and Sufferingl". - Teachings of Buddhism

Just follow the practice of Farangland by calling in airport tax, and have it included into the price of tickets. Case close.

No case is closed my Dear Chap until we take our last breath.

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Maybe he should check the unreasonable prices the hospitals charge the Farangs that would cut his bill by one hundred percent then maybe he would get away with 10 baht entry feecheesy.gif

A friend of mine recently cut short his holiday, he had leg pains I took him to a Big name private hospital, who diagnosed artery problems that needed immediate surgery, BUT they couldn't do it, and recommended Government hospital KK. 200,000 bht.

I got him a flight to London and they saved the leg. The surgeon said in London "it has been so many years since I have seen Xrays so antiquated.

Now if they want to charge they have to get equipment up to date. Come here for special hospital service. ??????? and it is not cheap. The thing is they boast about having the latest gear ????

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the guy talking about good tourist is one of the greatest <deleted> ever.does he remind the farang guy who had his leg cut because he had no credit card and the doctors refused to operate him in time to save the leg.when a bunch of leeches get power to make laws...

Please use a different word to describe the official. "Ass***e" is much too kind and does a disservice to those tight and tiny wonders of humankind.

My sphincter is much more efficient and I know what to expect when it dilates, much unlike various officials.

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And exactly WHO would check tourists existing policies to see if they meet the requirement?


Of course it's unworkable, so the only alternative is to make it completely compulsory.

Ironically, the tax loss equates probably to about the value of tax taken on the sale of one bottle of beer. So if every tourist had one more beer on their trip, the government would generate an extra 300mn baht in revenue.

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13 years living here and this is the first govt. proposal that makes perfect sense.

Thais should not have to pay for an idiot falang who drives around without a helmet, never driven a scooter in their own country and decide to be "local".

So, do you really think it is ok that a person such as myself who is here on a Non Imm., O visa and has to do a stupid border run every 90 days, having to pay bht 500 each time.

Knowing how illogical Thais are, I would hope that exemptions for folks with work permits, social security insurance (such as me) would have to show this at the border to avoid this tax.

But, that is a big wet dream.

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There are many people posting stating that 500 baht will not be a deterrent to the tourist. Totally agree with regard to Western tourists, also Russians, Chinese, japanese, Koreans etc.

But look at the tourism statistics and you'll find that many. many tourists come from neighbouring countries. Unless there is an ASEAN exemption, then this is where the tourist numbers will be hit.

I would hope, if it's introduced, that the 500 baht would be built into the cost of a visa and it'll only be those on visa exempt stamps that have to queue up to pay this fee, hopefully in different currencies at a fixed rate.

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And exactly WHO would check tourists existing policies to see if they meet the requirement?


Of course it's unworkable, so the only alternative is to make it completely compulsory.

Ironically, the tax loss equates probably to about the value of tax taken on the sale of one bottle of beer. So if every tourist had one more beer on their trip, the government would generate an extra 300mn baht in revenue.


It would also mean that people who would have paid their bills will no longer have to

Edited by notmyself
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As others have stated, simply a bald faced money grabbing scheme.... Claiming the money is for

farangs who do not pay their hospital bills simply moves this into the theatre of the absurd.

Any medical treatment I have received here of a substantial nature has always been pay in

advance. If you cut your finger, they will in fact fix it first and then you have to pay. Show up

at a hospital with two broken legs and no money, you will be astounded as you are shown

the door.

The math on this is really pretty funny. Claimed losses of 300 million baht as a reason to start

this tax, yet it raises 10 billion baht. That should be pretty easy to figure what where that money

is going. Hopefully this government will be thrown out on its ear shortly, and we can cease

being punished by these endless moronic plans involved stripping money from people.......

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Only good tourists wanted not greedy ones who grudge 500 Bt we dont want these greedy foreigners coming here and setting a bad example to the upstanding young children of Thailand with greedy views. We all remember having to pay 500BTwhen leaving before so I am sure it wont deter the regular travellers to Thailand from helping donate 11 Billionn Bt to cover our medical expenses I hope they extend the 500Bt medical tourist cover to the BNH hospital as I use it frequently.

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Thais pay 5,000 Baht for a visa to go Farangland is OK.

Farangs pay 500 Baht to come to Thailand is not OK.

I get it now,

Yes, Thais pay 5000 Baht to goto Farangland where they are generally safe, we'll protected from scams targeting them and have equal rights under the law. And for countries that mostly don't need their tiny tourism revenue.

Farangs pay 500 Baht to come to Thailand where they are generally not safe, targeted for racist scams and have no legal protections. And to prop up a corrupt society that seems to desperately need tourism money.

Yes, you got it now.

actually I pay $200 usd or 6000 baht for my non imm O visa to come to Thailand......

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"Each year Thailand gets a lot of revenue from the tourism industry - but the government has never used money from this industry to develop and support tourism," she said.

Well, I've got to admit that it's good on her, Tourism Council of Thailand president Piyaman Tejapaibul, to admit this. That's a rather reveal.

As if we had any doubts regarding who truly benefits from foreign money. Surely not the tourists. Funny how TV can be so accurate sometimes.

I do notice over the last months that the Thai apologist brigade have gone almost completely dark silent. Interesting.

How can we (tourists) with a travel insurance be a burden to the thai health program, we pay for all treatment with our insurance?

I see this as an copy off there ten double pricing for admit to their parks and other attractions.

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I think you should be exempt on production of a valid insurance document on entry.

I can see it having a small impact especially on budget travelers, but mostly on regional travelers from the ASEAN countries. 500 baht may well piss them off enough to make alternative arrangements.

They could possibly end up losing well over 10 billion a year.

The Thai Revenue Dept target for 2013 is around 2 trillion baht, so even if 1% of tourists were to fall away, then that could see a drop of 20 billion.

I don't think the title should say 'scare off tourists' but it would certainly 'piss off tourists'.

Thailand needs to get it's head out of its arse on tourism. I have traveled far and wide all my life, and I have seen enough major tourist destinations going from boom town to ghost town in a relatively short time.

10 years from now, I expect Thailand to be declining. Most have been there and done it, plenty of new places opening up all the time, fashions change. Thailand needs to start thinking about improving the tourist industry here instead of letting it slide into a seedy cesspit of scams and corruption.

You don't know what you have got until it has gone. Thailand would be cast back into the dark ages without its tourist revenue.

Don't take the piss Thailand.

I've got no problem paying it, if I get something in return. 500 baht for insurance sounds great, but I know that's not the way it works.

Besides, they make back WAY WAY more by charging foreigners extra at hospitals compared to what they lose to deadbeats. This is nothing more than a scam to suck more dough out of tourists. Smile while you get fuc_ked.

I think you should be exempt on production of a valid insurance document on entry

Once again I ask WHO will determine what is a "valid insurance document on entry"??? Tourists arriving from dozens of countries with insurance policies written in dozens of language in FINE PRINT that may well have all kinds of exclusions of coverage....do you expect the immigration guys be able to sort through all this, read and understand dozens of languages, and then determine who has "valid" coverage and who does not? Hope you enjoy standing in some very very very long lines at immigration if you want to add that duty.

Anyone who has an insurance policy or a travel insurance policy surely knows that they can be very complicated and some will have exclusions if their country embassy has issued a travel warning...others will exclude coverage for certain accidents like motorbikes....others will cover you for xx number of days outside your home country....others will not pay a hospital directly but only reimburse you...others may pay medical up to some fixed dollar or time limit...some may include emergency expatriation while some do not. There are THOUSANDS of different kinds of insurance policies out there and I suspect an insurance expert might take several readings of a policy fine print to determine what is and is not covered etc. To expect an immigration person to do this is absurd.

The 500 baht to me is the least of the problems...it is the administration of it that could become a TOTAL nightmare at all borders and airports. If they are determined to do it then the only realistic way is to add it to visa fees or increase the existing departure taxes from 700 baht to 1200 baht...

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