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Need Insurance Advice After Accident


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Hi All

I'm staying at one of the Amari hotels in Pattaya and a few hours ago one of their employees hit my parked car - which was inside their own car park) with one of their 'buggy' type vehicles they use for ferrying guests around.

There is a dent that straddles two sections of body work (panels?), but no paint has been scratched off (apparently the big rubber tyre of the buggy is what made contact). I'm going to go to Ford Pattaya (it's a Focus) today and see what they can do about it. It's not a massive dent, but 2 panels are now noticeably out of line.

The admin person at Amari is expecting my insurance to pay for fixing it. Is this right? Shouldn't I eventually send a bill to Amari? Thanks for any advice on what the correct procedure is in this kind of matter - I've never had to deal with this kind of thing before.


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What, an expensive hotel like Amari tell you this bullshit, call the police and your insurance NOW.

That said, there will very likely be a sign on the parking lot saying: Parking on own risk!

Also tell Amari that you are very unhappy that the staff of the hotel slams into your car and you will expect a free dinner for the whole family for your inconvenience.

If that doesn't help tell them you gonna write to Amari head quarters with photos of your damaged car attached.

Good luck.

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I would have thought that as the incident happened on private property by a vehicle used on that property that they are responsible for the repair. If you claim on your policy your premium will go up on renewal. sad.png

Tell them to fix it as in no way your going to be penalised for their error.

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Well, I was just about to leave my room to take the car to Ford when two of their employees came knocking. They've just brought up plates of fruit, sandwiches, pastry and a bottle of wine as a 'sorry'. Of course its a nice gesture but now I'm in one of those positions I hate where you feel like a c$^t for doing what you think is right.

I'm still going down to Ford now. Haven't got the police involved - it was Amari staff who notified me of what happened in the first place, so they appear honest and sincere. As I say it isn't a major dent, but its pretty much a new car and still my pride and joy - first new car I ever bought myself - and I just want it to be as new.

Thanks for the advice so far.

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I would demand full payment from the hotel for the damage caused.

If it is not forthcoming unequivocally, seek legal advice after informing the Police.

Don't expect the Police to be of any assistance however, they are just criminals in uniform and will be looking to find a way to make money. Insist a report is filed and you receive a copy.

Bowls of fruit and wais won't cut it I'm afraid.

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Ford pattaya will not repair your car.

We had a minor damage on our Ranger app 3 month ago (wife hit a H. Accord in the arse, lol) and you will have to find a repair shop yourself that will repair with the repair notice from the insurance man.

Most in Pattaya have about 2-3 weeks waiting list as collisions happens all the time here because they never learned to drive a car in the first place but will learn by doing.

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Oh well, looks like I may have done the wrong thing but we'll see. Didn't have my insurance details with me and couldn't get them as I am far from home.

One of the hotel staff came with me to help out. First we went to Ford where - as guzzi850m2 said - they wouldn't even look at it, but we got them to suggest places where could go. There is an official Ford body workshop apparently in Chonburi but that's an hour away and we didn't know if they'd need to keep the car or not. We ended up going to a place in north Pattaya - a repair shop that does work for insurance companies. They said they'd have it looking as new in 2 days for 2500Bt. I just thought sod it, and agreed, as I don't need the hassle of further paperwork or police or all that stuff. I'm on holiday. Next time I'll make sure I've got my insurance details every time I go away like this.

Frankly, I'll just be happy if the repair shop doesn't screw it up worse than it is now. The hotel is paying for the taxi rides to and from the repair shop. We'll see how things pan out.

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Oh well, looks like I may have done the wrong thing but we'll see. Didn't have my insurance details with me and couldn't get them as I am far from home.

One of the hotel staff came with me to help out. First we went to Ford where - as guzzi850m2 said - they wouldn't even look at it, but we got them to suggest places where could go. There is an official Ford body workshop apparently in Chonburi but that's an hour away and we didn't know if they'd need to keep the car or not. We ended up going to a place in north Pattaya - a repair shop that does work for insurance companies. They said they'd have it looking as new in 2 days for 2500Bt. I just thought sod it, and agreed, as I don't need the hassle of further paperwork or police or all that stuff. I'm on holiday. Next time I'll make sure I've got my insurance details every time I go away like this.

Frankly, I'll just be happy if the repair shop doesn't screw it up worse than it is now. The hotel is paying for the taxi rides to and from the repair shop. We'll see how things pan out.

So do you always drive around Thailand without your insurance information? Seems pretty stupid to me but what do I know. I guess you're a better driver than me and don't ever expect to cause an accident and you have enough Buddhas on your dash to protect you from all the other careless drivers on the road. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Oh well, looks like I may have done the wrong thing but we'll see. Didn't have my insurance details with me and couldn't get them as I am far from home.

For future reference, all you need to know is the name of your insurance company. Then you can lookup their phone number on the internet and call them. All you need to tell them then is your license plate number - you don't have to have any of the paperwork with you.

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This is there way of deflecting responsibility. Its all to common in Thailand. Call you insurance, have them deal with the hotel.

p.s. But make sure the insurance knows you are not taking responbility. The insurance guy might take pity on the hotel worker and write it up as a claim on you and not them.

Edited by yourauntbob
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Oh well, looks like I may have done the wrong thing but we'll see. Didn't have my insurance details with me and couldn't get them as I am far from home.

For future reference, all you need to know is the name of your insurance company. Then you can lookup their phone number on the internet and call them. All you need to tell them then is your license plate number - you don't have to have any of the paperwork with you.

Details are on the reverse of my tax disc and in my phone(s)

Edited by evadgib
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Is your hotel stayed prepaid? If not, this is so simple, a few hours before you are due to check out, just advise reception of your check out time and that you will be knocking 3,000bht of their check bin. (500 for the inconvenience).

That gives them time to discuss it amongst themselves, get management involved, etc.

When its time to pay up, just knock the 3k off. Simples :)

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