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Civil War in Thailand? Anyone else afraid?


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The fear factor is not there for me. I would simply fly out and likely relocate to Cambodia or Vietnam.

I also don't have confidence in any groups ability to organize or think well enough to pull anything off.

A disorganized military response in Bangkok would be at the top of my worries, them are not much educated either.

Ya like the Franco Thai war. Are you French? Seems I remember a French general saying the same thing.

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Has ANYONE in the history of Thailand stood up for what's right?

Most have not a clue what is right ,

But you and Larry do? Hmm there is a god thread running in General right now perhaps you would be better posting there.

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Has ANYONE in the history of Thailand stood up for what's right?

Most have not a clue what is right ,

But you and Larry do? Hmm there is a god thread running in General right now perhaps you would be better posting there.

Larry and Claudius are not God like, just normal.

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Has ANYONE in the history of Thailand stood up for what's right?

Most have not a clue what is right ,

But you and Larry do? Hmm there is a god thread running in General right now perhaps you would be better posting there.

Larry and Claudius are not God like, just normal.

And you know normal how? Mr, (I create my own immunity by letting snakes bite me.)

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I consider blatant injustices wrong..

There are cultures in Thailand that would insist that not killing twins at birth was a terrible offense. There are cultures in the West that insist Genocide is a positive good. Both of these took place and are taking place within the life spans of many people posting on Thai Visa today. The most you can say is, "Mine's different" then add culture, morals, girlfriend or whatever.

Hate to be the one to break it to you but Dorothy we're are not in Kansas anymore.

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I consider blatant injustices wrong..

There are cultures in Thailand that would insist that not killing twins at birth was a terrible offense. There are cultures in the West that insist Genocide is a positive good. Both of these took place and are taking place within the life spans of many people posting on Thai Visa today. The most you can say is, "Mine's different" then add culture, morals, girlfriend or whatever.

Hate to be the one to break it to you but Dorothy we're are not in Kansas anymore.

Thanks, Yoda. The problem with your arrogance is that you don't give Thai people credit of knowing the difference between right and wrong.

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Most have not a clue what is right ,

But you and Larry do? Hmm there is a god thread running in General right now perhaps you would be better posting there.

Larry and Claudius are not God like, just normal.

And you know normal how? Mr, (I create my own immunity by letting snakes bite me.)

Never gave permission for the assault.

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I wouldn't worry about it, the current situation is almost over, the Shinawatra regime is losing power - they are already getting desperate by resorting to extreme measures to oppress the opposition. Eventually, if the Shinawatras don't leave politics peacefully then there will be another bloodless coup d'etat but no civil war. They might have money but their real power comes from the people who are increasingly being disillusioned by their deceit.

Contrary to popular opinion the reds aren't directly driven by support money, I'm sure it helps but their cause is valid - Isaan has been milked dry since the Phibun regime in order to fund the growth of Bangkok - money which then filtered into the BKK economy leaving Isaan in poverty. This will need to be rectified before Thailand sees any long term peace but the Shinawatra regime was never going to help them.

There will be more elites taking advantage of their plight to strengthen their cause but over time, the older, generations are being replaced by the educated youth - they won't be as easily manipulated and in time will run for politics themselves. Only then will Thailand be truly prepared for democracy.

A simple 'yes' or 'no' would probably have sufficed without your take on the polical back drop but thanks for the lesson (in subjective views)

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Funny, while the nation is truly now on the brink (11th Jan onward), this thread has been going on for months. If all is for naught in the next week, nation could simmer on like this for years.

So many vested and greedy interests.

I do though see, despite them bring used a large contingent of middle class coming out on the street in support of anti corruption and an end to shi**y governance. Given how many hours people work, the nations pre occupation with facebook, it's something.

Imo if the military does move to resolve, this will signal to me that like Indonesia, Philippines it is unable to properly govern itself. This is sort of the last straw for me with all the never ending coups and constitutional rewrites.

It could get ugly, then again who knows. What a colossal waste of time and money. Now that (!) Thailand is fantastic at.

Irony, Cambodia has been far more stable than Thailand for two and half decades.

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Civil War in Thailand?

Think of it as a Darwinian cleansing process, just like a good epidemic (small pox rid the world of at least 60 million Europeans and the Spanish flu at least that many).

Anyone else afraid?

I assume that many of the perpetual whiners and moaners amongst the TV crowd are already packing their bags so, as the sayings go,every cloud has a silver lining and it is an ill wind that blows no good.


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In my opinion the people here (I work in Bangkok some days and live in Pattaya the rest) seem to be pretty relaxed about the whole thing. I have asked my work colleagues what they think will happen and by and large they just say "no problem", "it will be ok very soon", "no need to worry".

I would not say this is blatant denial as such, I just think it is culturally very different. In my country if the government had been dissolved and the capital was under threat of closure it would be a very serious worry for all but in Thailand they have seen so much they seem to take in in their stride.

So, are we close to civil war? no I don't think so, I think it is more likely that the protests will go ahead on the 13th, there may be some violence which will be publicized and people will be blamed etc,,. I then think it will just plod on with more hot air until the next elections. It's already been months of hot air and stupidity, don't see why it would explode really despite the corruption, rice schemes and such.

However, if I am wrong and civil war does look likely then sorry to say it's time to reconsider where I live and how I earn a living.

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I find it sort of funny, the noobs that have arrived in last five years without any grounding about what the region is really like. But even the clueless who have a decade in this country. Retirees dreaming of cheap alcohol and restaurants, maids, dating teens and PGA golf courses.

It's Thailand, what were you expecting, the Bahamas?

It all has potential to blow. Thailand, Cambodia, Lao and certainly Indonesia and Philippines. Even Vietnam in years to come.

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I find it sort of funny, the noobs that have arrived in last five years without any grounding about what the region is really like. But even the clueless who have a decade in this country. Retirees dreaming of cheap alcohol and restaurants, maids, dating teens and PGA golf courses.

It's Thailand, what were you expecting, the Bahamas?

It all has potential to blow. Thailand, Cambodia, Lao and certainly Indonesia and Philippines. Even Vietnam in years to come.

I got here in 68 am I a noob too? Cause you don't have a clue. Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam have blown rather spectacularly in the recent past where Thailand survived the Franco/Thai war, WWII and Vietnam war with little or no ill effects. So you think this is worse than Thailand in 40, 46 or 68? Who's da noob?

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The people who would be most willing to go to the mat and shed their own blood are the people who believe they have nothing to lose. While I detest the notion that those who believe their own prosperity can be attained by robbing Peter to pay Paul, the Peters of society had better wise up and realize they need to find a way to genuinely include the Pauls of society in such a way that the Pauls can have a fair shot at improving their quality of life. And the Pauls need to realize that nothing is "free". Will Thailand be able to reconcile this highly delicate balancing act??? Not with Thaksin. And the elite in Bangkok have their fair share of soul-searching to do as well.

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Yes this could get nasty. Whatever your political viewpoint, this present Government was democratically elected (as was her brother's before that) and anyone who wishes that they are replaced, should wait until their current term is over and then campaign for the election.

It's a myth that this Government was democratically elected. It's the myth that the PTP and Thaksin wish you and the world to believe and you swallow it!

Civil war?

Yep! I've been predicting that for a long time because, at the end of the day, it's way to go for Thaksin as his attempts at stealing democracy and stealing elections don't really work because it doesn't create the dictatorship he yearns for.

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Mark me in the "don't give a shit" column

This post about sums it up: The poster is happier drinking Chang than being concerned about human rights.

The world has improved in general over the centuries because people fight for that improvement.

My concern about the whole Thai political game is that it is always the poor that suffer and the rich get richer.

Thaksin and his crew are not about the finesse of politics and the improvement in the condition of their people.

It's all about their own personal control and power as well as the accumulation of wealth.

As one person said in relation to the Shinawatras: "More is not enough"

More = more money; more power; more control; more deaths

Edited by ianf
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Are the elite and so called educated Thai people so stupid they desire to see their wonderful country self destruct through greed and intolerance.

Its time to stop the nonsense. "Anti Government" seems to be more like "Anti Thailand" It is so very sad.

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I was afraid enough last time when the Government decided to end the protest and sent in tanks and troops to clear the protest sites. Mayhem ensued, chaos was spreading. As protests moved towards our condo my wife and I drove out of Bangkok.

Should this mayhem spread nationwide then simply packing a bag and getting out of Bangkok is not an option. Getting on the next flight out is.

This may be an over reaction, but the 'next' one could be when 'something happens' (which we are not really allowed to discuss), then a power struggle could take place without a well respected leader to calm the masses.

I'd like to think that Thai's in general are simply too peaceful and non-confontational for there to be civil war and total mayhem, however a few days of danger and a few followup months of uncertainty are a realistic projection.

Keeping a close eye on reliable News Sources is certainly a good idea.

So to answer the Op: Am I afraid? no, not until I find myself stuck in the middle of a dangerous situation. However, I'd be daft if I didn't keep an eye open as protests develop and news breaks. For the moment, I have no concerns, for the future we'll just have to wait and see.

"This may be an over reaction, but the 'next' one could be when 'something happens' (which we are not really allowed to discuss), then a power struggle could take place without a well respected leader to calm the masses"

Exactly. After living and working in Thailand for over 8 years, I have come to believe the primary source of conflict centers on which faction will rule after the tragic day when "something happens".

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A civil war? I sure pray not. But it's possible. Yes I am concerned about war as my children's passports were lost or stolen last month which makes things a little difficult should we need to pack and go in a hurry.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yes this could get nasty. Whatever your political viewpoint, this present Government was democratically elected (as was her brother's before that) and anyone who wishes that they are replaced, should wait until their current term is over and then campaign for the election.

It's a myth that this Government was democratically elected. It's the myth that the PTP and Thaksin wish you and the world to believe and you swallow it!

Civil war?

Yep! I've been predicting that for a long time because, at the end of the day, it's way to go for Thaksin as his attempts at stealing democracy and stealing elections don't really work because it doesn't create the dictatorship he yearns for.

It is a myth that the election was stolen. It's a myth invented by the people who lost the election.

Thaksin-based parties have won every election since 2001. Did they steal them all?

And no one noticed?cheesy.gif

I won't go into chapter and verse. Obviously someone who thinks that using a stupid little "laughing" image is a way of reinforcing a point, just doesn't get it.

The strange thing is that Thaksin has only ever stood personally in one election: That for the district of San Khampeng. And he lost that.

But as I've said before Democracy is not simply about elections, it's about how you manage a country and how you allow opponents to participate and so on.

The electoral process must also be open and fair. I think many people who understand politics and do not resort to stupid cartoons, would not agree that the electoral process in this country has been open and fair.

Let's start off with the reds and their accolytes, defacing every democrat poster in the country at the last election ..... (continued on page 94)

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Is Thailand corrupt to the core? No. Not any more than a lot of countries and less than other countries.

The civil war is going to be between the haves and the have nots. It always is. Are the have nots any more corrupt than the haves? No. If the haves are corrupt we can't discuss it anyway.

Chicago was a corrupt city when I lived there but it ran well. That's all the folk care about. Daily made Chicago run.

Would I rather have a corrupt mayor like Daily or a mayor like Detroit or Washington DC? Chicago any day.

Thailand's problem is not corruption it is feudalism. Thailand is changing from a feudal society to a modern society that changes rulers by election and not by guns and bayonets. The rulers are elected. A large percent of Thailand and indeed ThaiVisa can't accept that.

I was born and lived in Chicago for 36. The corruption was different. It was money coming from the business and and private sectors going to the politicians for special favors. The politicians were not stealing (skimming) the governments money.

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Look around us....... Cambodia is run by a thug, Hue Sen,Burma is controlled by the military and Laos is a communist state .I reckon we are doing pretty well smile.png

I don't expect any problems until the "reds" are let of the leash !

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Not worried in the slightest,the reds will outnumber the elite and the war will not last long

From my reading of thi is that there are elites on both sides. Many people in the current protest movement are ordinary 'workers', farmers. unemployed from the provinces and so on.

I wouldn't call Yingluck, Thaksin, Arisman etc lumpenproletariat. Elite would be a better description.

Calling the protestors 'elite' is just swallowing the Thaksin lie.

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