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But she was infact telling the truth, Australia ( other than the native aboriginies) was in fact colonised largely by convicts.

Or is that not the case ? Have I been misinformed ?

Australia was NOT colonised by convicts, Australia was colonised by the British Empire.

Less than 1% of all non indigenous whites were in fact convicts or people working within the prison system.

Like the OP's little Thai "friend" try and read up a little before posting your usual idiotic comments...

Now just hold up there a minute!! Are you suggesting that here on TVisa, we should let the facts get in the way of a good story?!

Good heavens Man, next you'll be calling for informed and balanced debate, the mind boggles! facepalm.gif

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For sure. Putting aside history, the actual numbers and the impact on the culture and economic development of Australia of successive waves of immigrants from Asia, and Europe, in the past 100 years, far outweighs anything achieved in the convict era.

nonsense! the original settlers laid the groundwork that programmed which immigrants would come later, when they would come and what institutions they would live with. they also determined how the original inhabitants would be treated. australia is the country it is today due to the types of original immigrants that came.

True, the original settlers did lay the groundwork, and they were mostly free settlers and farmers, not convicts. My ancestors were amongst them.They established the merino wool industry, which was the largest export earner for the next 120 years or so. Most of Australia's post WWII development in mining,infrastructure, etc was achieved through immigration of European, and some British nationals.

The original settlers had very little to do with 20th century migration. WWI and Australia's participation in it, and the after effects, has had a much larger impact both on development and the national psyche. Even more so WWII. After every war, including Vietnam,there have been massive waves of immigration, which have significantly influenced the direction of political thinking and development

'Australia is the country it is today' because it has large natural resources, a stable economy and political system, and generally a prosperous and happy population. The latter is supported time and again by OECD and other lifestyle surveys. Aboriginal Australians and their history is a whole separate topic.

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Another lesson learned,many people here fail to see when a thai woman is being rude,not ignorant but rude.

This is why so many of you have been screwed in Thailand,you honestly can't tell what a woman is on about and this post absolutely proves it.

As I pointed out also,she was moody when she got there,was that also a misunderstanding.

Thai woman like her must have a field day with some of you,but I am a proud aussie and I will always respond to woman like that with an f you.

So what I can gather also from this thread,most would have sat there and said nothin,bahahahaaaaaa us former low class convicts from the land down under are to proud for that.

Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.

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Another lesson learned,many people here fail to see when a thai woman is being rude,not ignorant but rude.

This is why so many of you have been screwed in Thailand,you honestly can't tell what a woman is on about and this post absolutely proves it.

As I pointed out also,she was moody when she got there,was that also a misunderstanding.

Thai woman like her must have a field day with some of you,but I am a proud aussie and I will always respond to woman like that with an f you.

So what I can gather also from this thread,most would have sat there and said nothin,bahahahaaaaaa us former low class convicts from the land down under are to proud for that.

Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.

How do you know, were you there, did you see the look on her face of aggression or was there a little wink and a smirk.

Perhaps she was taking the piss, perhaps a joke, perhaps she knows how to have a go and an aussie that has forgotten how to take the piss and comes back with...'well...well...yoou youu..<deleted> you then' ...would never know.

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Another lesson learned,many people here fail to see when a thai woman is being rude,not ignorant but rude.

This is why so many of you have been screwed in Thailand,you honestly can't tell what a woman is on about and this post absolutely proves it.

As I pointed out also,she was moody when she got there,was that also a misunderstanding.

Thai woman like her must have a field day with some of you,but I am a proud aussie and I will always respond to woman like that with an f you.

So what I can gather also from this thread,most would have sat there and said nothin,bahahahaaaaaa us former low class convicts from the land down under are to proud for that.

Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.

How do you know, were you there, did you see the look on her face of aggression or was there a little wink and a smirk.

Perhaps she was taking the piss, perhaps a joke, perhaps she knows how to have a go and an aussie that has forgotten how to take the piss and comes back with...'well...well...yoou youu..<deleted> you then' ...would never know.

Kind of did see as she was sitting right in front of me next to here friend,she refused to sit next to her man as they had a fight in the car on the way over.

Perhaps he misunderstood here angry and extreme moodiness to.

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Another lesson learned,many people here fail to see when a thai woman is being rude,not ignorant but rude.

This is why so many of you have been screwed in Thailand,you honestly can't tell what a woman is on about and this post absolutely proves it.

As I pointed out also,she was moody when she got there,was that also a misunderstanding.

Thai woman like her must have a field day with some of you,but I am a proud aussie and I will always respond to woman like that with an f you.

So what I can gather also from this thread,most would have sat there and said nothin,bahahahaaaaaa us former low class convicts from the land down under are to proud for that.

Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.

How do you know, were you there, did you see the look on her face of aggression or was there a little wink and a smirk.

Perhaps she was taking the piss, perhaps a joke, perhaps she knows how to have a go and an aussie that has forgotten how to take the piss and comes back with...'well...well...yoou youu..<deleted> you then' ...would never know.

He was the OP, so I guess he was there ??

I should pay attention more in class....got that all the time.

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Your reaction must have confirmed her opinion... one that isn't confined to bargirls, by the way.

My reaction was the reaction of an individual,not of my nation.

Does that bar girl represent Thailand,no,but according to your way of thinking yes.

Very defensive of bar girls aren't you,odd when she was nasty to two polite people.

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Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.


And for those of you who are beginning to realise my tendency to verify information in an attempt to sort the crap from the correct info: please refer to the source. I am not saying that you are wrong, but critical review is critical review...

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Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.


And for those of you who are beginning to realise my tendency to verify information in an attempt to sort the crap from the correct info: please refer to the source. I am not saying that you are wrong, but critical review is critical review...

Believe it or not,Aussies are not in the habit of proving things,people either take it or leave.

Makes difference to us,proof is in the pudding.

Look at Australia,looks after it's people.

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Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.


And for those of you who are beginning to realise my tendency to verify information in an attempt to sort the crap from the correct info: please refer to the source. I am not saying that you are wrong, but critical review is critical review...

Believe it or not,Aussies are not in the habit of proving things,people either take it or leave.

Makes difference to us,proof is in the pudding.

Look at Australia,looks after it's people.

So no source then?

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tell someone that cares, I have traced my family back to 7 different convicts, one was the first freed convict to own land on Norfolk Island and is in the history books(he stole a sheep to feed his family according to the transcripts). On the otherside I have french(aristocracy) and german descendants and can trace some family back to the 1500's. My family has fought for Australia in both world wars and I am proud of what they accomplished. Australia is tiny in comparison to many countries yet we won the Americas cup(first country to do it in the US), have many world class sportpeople, win more olympic medals than Thailand constantly(have ranked in the top 10, even top 5), win major tennis, golf and cricket tournaments, have invented many top inventions and our soldiers are ranked as one of the worlds best. We might have had ambiguous beginnings but we have more then proved ourselves over the years, like every other country we have out good and bad points but anyone trying to denigrate the country are usually pissed off that we do so well(better then them), especially when you consider Bangkok has a bigger population than all of Australia.thumbsup.gif

Either you`re about 500 years old or you mean, ancestors?

yep, sorry Beetle, ancestors definitely sounds better, too many words floating around in the grey matter at one time, bugger, strangely enough my german ancestors arrived in Australia in the 1850's and I am only 4th generation aussie through them, they were all old farts when they had kids(could explain the brain lapsestongue.png ).....

Edited by seajae
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Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.


And for those of you who are beginning to realise my tendency to verify information in an attempt to sort the crap from the correct info: please refer to the source. I am not saying that you are wrong, but critical review is critical review...


The Economist where-be-born-2013-lottery-life

I have to say that Kangawallafox was close ... but no cigar. In 2013, Australia was rated 2nd ... but I couldn't locate something on 2012 or 2011 ... could have been those years as the differential was just 1% (8.22 vs 8.12) and the Australian Living Standard has been stable for quite some time now ... maybe a little better in the past years.

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I have to say that Kangawallafox was close ... but no cigar. In 2013, Australia was rated 2nd ... but I couldn't locate something on 2012 or 2011 ... could have been those years as the differential was just 1% (8.22 vs 8.12) and the Australian Living Standard has been stable for quite some time now ... maybe a little better in the past years.

By now you should know that I never open my mouth without knowing exactly what I'm talking about. There are a couple of similar surveys, I'll let you guess what the results are...

But as I said, there could be a survey out there somewhere with a different result, I just want to know where it is.

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However, i may kill myself if another Aussie boasts about being a "chosen one" sent to paradise.

I surprised no-one has done that time favoured Idiom ...

We all know that Australians are the Best in the World !

Why ?

Best the best Judges chose them in the first place ... w00t.gif

Fine Print ... for those who aren't familiar with Australian history, many of the early arrivals to Australia where convicted English Criminals who were deported and re-settled in the NewFoundLand ... Australia.

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Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.


And for those of you who are beginning to realise my tendency to verify information in an attempt to sort the crap from the correct info: please refer to the source. I am not saying that you are wrong, but critical review is critical review...


The Economist where-be-born-2013-lottery-life

I have to say that Kangawallafox was close ... but no cigar. In 2013, Australia was rated 2nd ... but I couldn't locate something on 2012 or 2011 ... could have been those years as the differential was just 1% (8.22 vs 8.12) and the Australian Living Standard has been stable for quite some time now ... maybe a little better in the past years.

and yet the whiners only come 7 th in happiness!! http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2013/10/29/the-worlds-happiest-and-saddest-countries-2013/

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If you look at the left wrist of most Ozzie men you will still see the hereditary shackle mark.

Many try to hide it with a watch strap.

And its spelt Pohm short for 'Prisoner of her (Or his) majesty'

Debatable :)

There are several versions of the origin...

I always thought the same as you. However, after a little bit of reading, I'm going with the Pomegranate scenario...

No debating the Twickenham score though, go the Pomms whistling.gif

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If you look at the left wrist of most Ozzie men you will still see the hereditary shackle mark.

Many try to hide it with a watch strap.

And its spelt Pohm short for 'Prisoner of her (Or his) majesty'

Debatable smile.png

There are several versions of the origin...

I always thought the same as you. However, after a little bit of reading, I'm going with the Pomegranate scenario...

No debating the Twickenham score though, go the Pomms whistling.gif

Must admit I grew up with both explainations ... thought the Pomegranate (sunburt red faces of the white guys) scenario was a more recent suggestion ... or it could have been my schooling ... rolleyes.gif

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Aussies don't care about the whole convict thing. The way we we treated the Aborigines is something to be ashamed though.

It's actually bloody nice down under, there's tons of land, and life's pretty good (if a bit expensive).

I hate the convict thing. To me it's an insult and I think much of the time that's how it's intended. Maybe if I was actually descended from convicts I might feel differently.

I'm sure you don't lose much sleep over it, though. It helped to launch a great nation, but in the grand scheme of things, it's only a small part of your history. I'd be more worried about beating the All Blacks in the World Cup, if I were you. Until then your history is not complete.

The rugby league world cup maybe.. The union world cup might as well be women's rugby for all I care about it.

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That's why we where thongs(flip flops).

The tan will hide the shackle marks on our feet.

Kiwis don't like thongs,hard to chase sheep without a sturdy pair of runners.

Kiwis don't wear thongs, they wear Jandals, which is the correct name for what Orstrayliuns call thongs. laugh.png

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That's why we where thongs(flip flops).

The tan will hide the shackle marks on our feet.

Kiwis don't like thongs,hard to chase sheep without a sturdy pair of runners.

Kiwis don't wear thongs, they wear Jandals, which is the correct name for what Orstrayliuns call thongs. laugh.png

If that's the correct name, it's time the NZers learnt to pronounce it properly..

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Australia was voted best country to be born this year, every nation should be proud of their culture,all of them.


And for those of you who are beginning to realise my tendency to verify information in an attempt to sort the crap from the correct info: please refer to the source. I am not saying that you are wrong, but critical review is critical review...

Believe it or not,Aussies are not in the habit of proving things,people either take it or leave.

Makes difference to us,proof is in the pudding.

Look at Australia,looks after it's people.

So no source then?

Tamata of course for the dead horse

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lol! who do you think was doing all the fighting during the seven years war with france and her native allies?? lol british regulars. and when the war was over, the new england colonies were bound and determined to advance westward and steal the native lands west of the line. and when britain proposed taxes to help pay for the defence of the colonies against the retaliation by the owners of those lands, you whiners didnt think you should have to pay for your greedy ambitions!

and lots of countries went to the aid of britain and europe even tho it wasnt their fight. they went because they were eager to help stop fascism. you cowards werent!

you didnt study history, you studied american propaganda! huge difference!

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