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Elderly gentleman


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Mr. Worldwide said it right. The answer is yes, because it is more likely you will give them money. However, even Thai women who are not specifically part of the "sex industry" are often on the game, just more on a long term plan.

What a load of rolox.................laugh.png

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when i met my wife i was 47 and she was 25 we have been married over 21 years ,does she prefere older men? God knows ,i never asked her , i was not rich ,she was not poor , people are all different what works for one does not work for another ,ask a friend of mine ,he couldnt care less how old or good looking a woman is as long as she has massive tits ,i kid you not.

I bet you didn't think of the massive age gap 21 years ago. 68 and 46!

I got married 25 years ago when 27 and my wife was 20.

When I am 68 she'll be 61. We can grow old gracefully together.

Not really ,if anything my wife is "older" than me in her ways ,and i look much younger than i am(so i keep getting told) we may not grow old together gracefully ,but we love each other more now than we ever did , and we have a 20 year old son who loves us both , so i think i am a very lucky man ,i have been married to someone a bit younger than me before and lived with someone my own age ,thankfully i will never grow old gracefully with them . but i have grown old still in love.

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A myth that Thai women prefer older men the same as the myth they prefer farang.

If you are old, do you really think your younger gf/wife will tell you the truth?

It just happens that many Thai women will be willing to sacrifice they're own happiness and put up with the snide comments in order to take care of her family financially.



Do you have an any actual social research to support your posit ? Or is it just your opinion.


No problem with anyone's opinions, providing they themselves realize the difference between their opinion and a fact. 


My experience, based on living in several countries and three continents is that Asian (not specifically Thai, but also Indian, Chinese, Pinays, and many Arabs) do seem to prefer older men. From conversations with men and women in these countries, it seems the reasons are that the ladies feel the older man will be more secure, loyal, family orientated and less chance of being unfaithful, gambling, boozing etc. They want the security they believe maturity brings, and associate age with wisdom. They also think older men will offer more financial stability and provide better opportunities for the children. I have not researched anything to support this, or carried out my own research. It's simply an opinion based on my experiences.


The age differences seem to be more pronounced in Asia than in Europe. I know several highly educated, independent, reasonably well off single ladies in Thailand, from 27 to 37 years old. All always have or look for husbands/steady relationships around the 35 to 50 age bracket. I don't know one that has or seeks younger men.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Mr. Worldwide said it right. The answer is yes, because it is more likely you will give them money. However, even Thai women who are not specifically part of the "sex industry" are often on the game, just more on a long term plan.

What a load of rolox.................laugh.png

I am glad to hear this has not been your experience. It is not my situation either but I think this happens much more in Thailand than in other countries, even in poorer and less developed ones! Here I am speaking from observations based on living in several countries.

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What they prefer, and the falangs they are likely to meet, are old, fat, boozers and prone to chasing anything with a skirt on. If the 'Boot was on the other foot' so to speak, and you were asking about Thai women visiting or living in a non Asian country, I'd lay odds that they would be tracking down the kind of men who mainly do NOT visit Thailand ... Young, slim, non boozers and womanisers!

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Why is there such a huge amount of younger, attractive Thai women without boyfriend or husband?

Because they want to marry up. They don't want a LoSo Thai man of similar age. The "sexy young" motorbike driver or construction worker is not an option.

And because there is only a limited number of Thai men of higher status, there are more women single.

This is basic biology and called "hypergamy".

And that's what many Western men don't understand, grown up in oldfashioned ideas of "equality".

Then comes the older farang into the game. A woman of middle or lower sexual market value (not attractive enough for HiSo Thais) will prefer an older farang over being alone and single. Even a farang which is not the best catch in his home country, can outperform many Thais.

Simple as that. There is always a sufficient supply of younger women, and it doesn't need to be from the bars.

You guys with equalist dreams should take nature as it is.

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A very difficult question, indeed. Turn the question around and ask if men from any culture prefer much older woman.\

Why do people think that Thai girls/women are so different to those from other countries? ( Beside their physical appearance)

When it comes to sex, all of them prefer a guy their age, or younger. When it comes to find somebody to have financial security, age doesn't matter anymore.

Still possible to eat outside

Please let your Thai wife/gf..etc.. decide with whom she'd like to have a date. Or whom she'd prefer to see when she wakes up.-wai2.gif .



Edited by sirchai
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They would prefer someone the same age and even same nationality but security for themselves and family is more important ,supply and demand and it will never change . Unfortunately it is the fat ugly piss head that they get stuck with but they will smile but inside there is no feeling at all .

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Why is there such a huge amount of younger, attractive Thai women without boyfriend or husband?

Because they want to marry up. They don't want a LoSo Thai man of similar age. The "sexy young" motorbike driver or construction worker is not an option.

And because there is only a limited number of Thai men of higher status, there are more women single.

This is basic biology and called "hypergamy".

And that's what many Western men don't understand, grown up in oldfashioned ideas of "equality".

Then comes the older farang into the game. A woman of middle or lower sexual market value (not attractive enough for HiSo Thais) will prefer an older farang over being alone and single. Even a farang which is not the best catch in his home country, can outperform many Thais.

Simple as that. There is always a sufficient supply of younger women, and it doesn't need to be from the bars.

You guys with equalist dreams should take nature as it is.

"Marrying up" with a Thai is NOT an option, and it is well understood. If some "HiSo" guy wants to marry down, his mother would object - and 99.9% of the time he will have no option to listen to his parents. Thailand is a very class oriented society.

I have met lots of Thai women "without" a boyfriend or husband... a lot of those actually do have boyfriends... you are just not privy to it.

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I recently asked a good-looking Thai girl why she did not have a boyfriend yet.

She said she could not find one good enough.

Then I asked what her type was.

She, jokingly, answered:"handsome, rich and stupid".

I asked another girl (just chatting on a dating site) why she was not looking for guys more in her (younger) age bracket.

She said:"I want man, not boy".

Oh, and one of the funniest, and most honest, introduction on a profile (again, dating site) I've read was a girl saying:

"I want a boyfriend to pay for my expenses and my tuition".

I think GreenSnapper's post (#38) comes closest.

Thai women want the same as most women, someone nice, handsome, same age, financially secure, can support family.

But the first three often seem dispensable.

If they can (meaning they have the age and looks) they will go for at least financially secure.

You will not often see a Thai guy at the bottom of the ladder with a nice good-looking Thai girl (i.e. what Thai guys would consider a

nice good-looking Thai girl).

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Mr. Worldwide said it right. The answer is yes, because it is more likely you will give them money. However, even Thai women who are not specifically part of the "sex industry" are often on the game, just more on a long term plan.

"...just more on a long term plan."

I would think that one of the attractions offered by older farangs in the eyes of at least some women (not just Thais) is that it's likely to be a relatively short term plan at least according to the actuarial tables.


Difficult subject to raise as it's bound to get insecure people on the attack ...

It's been beaten to death, so it's not as revolutionary as you seem to think.

Edited by Suradit69
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Just back from Pattaya, the observation would surlely prove the theroy! However most looked as though they were Canon/camera fodder for the boys back home; whilst the poor maiden was left counting the cash she made for the 5-10 minute interludes that were required once a day.

As has been said, it is for all different reasons and there are many types that prefer younger, same age and older, both males and females.

But the lure of the beautiful gold visa and the bright new atm machine is a big starting point in any relationship. And it depends how one uses such power in a relationship.

I know one guy that will date 4-5 women a week and the most he will buy them is an ice cream. Another recent divorced friend has a very similar attitude, pay for going out but draws the line at cash loans.

Most relationships are based on supply and demand. If they are too demanding then one needs to make a decision. If I am not supplying than the other will make a decision. But the key I think is being able to communicate and understand each others needs, leading to respect for each other. Love takes time when you get older.thumbsup.gif

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No, in my experience Thai women do not 'prefer' older men. This is a misconception created by the Farang-oriented sex industry in Thailand. If there are individual Thai women out there who claim to be looking for an 'older man', I am confident that in 99% of cases that would be based on the perception that an older man may be a better provider : at 55, I dont have a problem with that either way.

Much depends on the age difference, I would say 20 years max, and circumstances.

A Thai lady 30 - 40 might be considered "over the hill", unwanted by Thai men, and happy for security, as any Western woman.

Contrary to bar girls they are not sex fiends and prefer a sedate (occasionally wild) sex life.

In some areas a farang husband is a status symbol (plus his income of course).

It can start off with true love which grows deeper (sound of violins).

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Difficult subject to raise as it's bound to get insecure people on the attack,please understand this is purely a question born out of curiosity.

For cultural reasons do thai woman prefer older guys,same age or is it that age is not an issue with them at all.

Trying to think what to add to ensure I don't offend,all I can say is whoever is with who is no problem to me,just curious.

Theyprefer any with money
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Hang out around the universities. Girls are with Thai guys their own age (or within a few years). With the exception of mia nois who only visit with their sponsor for short periods of time.

Hang out around Pattaya, girls are with older foreign guys (younger Thai guys in their personal lives) looking for sponsors and marriage.

It's hard for a lot of older guys to swallow but as far as I know I haven't seen any pics of older guys with their shirts off in any of the media targeted at women...unless it's a joke of course.

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A very difficult question, indeed. Turn the question around and ask if men from any culture prefer much older woman.\

Why do people think that Thai girls/women are so different to those from other countries? ( Beside their physical appearance)

When it comes to sex, all of them prefer a guy their age, or younger. When it comes to find somebody to have financial security, age doesn't matter anymore.

Still possible to eat outside

Please let your Thai wife/gf..etc.. decide with whom she'd like to have a date. Or whom she'd prefer to see when she wakes up.-wai2.gif .

Just read the guy's post with the 39 year younger wife. I couldn't live with a woman being 90. Only if it's my mom, or grand mom, roughly speaking.

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So I ask a Thai woman. Maybe you can understand this.

Young England.
"Stingy, stingy even thrift".

Deep foresight pretentious I'll form a very serious, very serious about life. But English is a crazy young living at home because he is very tall. I need a race against time. I do not have much time to take care of family. Young British ideas and thoughts would be to stump up money from the pockets. So girls, do not expect to Louis Vuitton's birthday may have much Louise Batty instead. He also was the Tigers that difficult. I stressed all the time. But there's nothing like it. Form in the manner he did his thing.

Young British Open minded and open to all women out there. I stand with the good form he has

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Hang out around the universities. Girls are with Thai guys their own age (or within a few years). With the exception of mia nois who only visit with their sponsor for short periods of time.

Hang out around Pattaya, girls are with older foreign guys (younger Thai guys in their personal lives) looking for sponsors and marriage.

It's hard for a lot of older guys to swallow but as far as I know I haven't seen any pics of older guys with their shirts off in any of the media targeted at women...unless it's a joke of course.

It's hard for a lot of older guys to swallow but as far as I know I haven't seen any pics of older guys with their shirts off in any of the media targeted at women...unless it's a joke of course.

I see an older shirtless and good looking guy every day in the mirror..-laugh.png

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No, in my experience Thai women do not 'prefer' older men. This is a misconception created by the Farang-oriented sex industry in Thailand. If there are individual Thai women out there who claim to be looking for an 'older man', I am confident that in 99% of cases that would be based on the perception that an older man may be a better provider : at 55, I dont have a problem with that either way.

Sounds right...

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No Thai woman that I (and probably any of you guys) know ever had a picture of a wrinkly old codger pinned up on her wall while she was growing up.

25-35yr old Thai women no more fantasize about having intercourse with a 65 year old farang with a trick hip and a beer gut than any of us - young or old - dream of shagging Whoopi Goldberg.

Yes, as time rolls by, some of them drop their standards and pair up with the last option available - an elderly farang - in return for some financial support but any man of a certain age who genuinely believes his far younger wife or partner is with him for any reason other than money/security is a deluded fool.

Most young Thai women prefer men of their own age who can speak their language and who share their culture.

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